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People seem mostly happy these days in North Carolina. I listen to them. The only regret was not seeing Mark Robinson as our next Governor. I think I was dropped in from another galaxy.

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I'm in NC as well, but no one I know is happy with the election of Trump. I think we feel slightly safer that we managed to elect Dems to AG, Governor, School Superintendent, etc. Of course I am in the big blue bubble that is Raleigh/Durham/Chapel Hill, where I'd have to drive a ways to "feel" the red. I for one have stopped watching MSNBC except for Nicole Wallace and Mondays with Rachel. As for Mika and Joe, they are, without any shame, showing their complete cowardice. Disgusting.

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Lawrence O'Donnell and Ari Melber are also worth tuning in.

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Joy Reid will also never drink the Koolaid or capitulate.

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No doubt which one will hold firm!

I’m pretty sure Fox has two chairs waiting

on the Scarborough’s! Disappointed but not surprised 😮

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Where I am is redder than Santa’s overcoat.

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sorry John. :-(

Let's hope Justice Allison Riggs stays the winner after all the shenanigans going on now!

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All sympathies, but I will see you and raise you: I'm in Oklahoma. I'm not from here and have always felt like a foreigner.

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But, you are receiving the great gift - the Trump Golden Bibles in your schools.

All printed in China! Trump’s accomplished mission? Amen?

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I know! You cannot make this up ...😬

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My nephew & NIL live in Enid, OK. They moved there about 11 yrs ago because her mother had Alzheimer’s & needed help. Her Dad is in his 80s. She is a teacher who specializes in SpEd.

My nephew hates it there, they rarely socialize with anyone there because their politics & ethics are so different from the majority. They despise Ryan Walters.

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Walters is a true chaos agent -- and I mean all over chaos. The DOE is a mess, information is withheld, and superintendents blamed. I think the guy is in way over his head; good thing he seems to want to be governor. Then we can have 24/7 chaos. are the children going to benefit? I don't think that's the point.

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John D. You have consistently posted about North Carolina’s political landscape in accurate, yet disturbing, fashion. Hang in there. It has only just begun. I look forward to the day when the 15,000,000+ democrats who failed to vote on November 5, will return.

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Strange days. I find it beyond bizarre that the CNN piece was a bridge too far for people here, but saying things were better when women could not vote was perfectly acceptable.

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Actually, John D's continuing reporting from South Carolina may be a nugget of future promise for our future of dependable political awareness, especially when sources of news information via MSM can now be barely trusted. Simple like information from all states might just create an awareness that could be in itself conducive to common public assembling, a welding together of now scattered reactions, simply creating and binding a community. Reading his posts about his states' political happenings, I feel informed, quite thoroughly. Thanks to John D. What if we had a John D. informing us from all states?

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It all depends upon where in NC you live. Here in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Triangle, we are mostly among like-minded people who respect education, diversity and religious freedom. I keep my politics to myself - no bumper stickers - whenever I leave this safe area. It is not safe to be an obvious "liberal" in the Bible belt beyond our region.

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I am a blue dot, in a purple state, living in a red district in NC. About half the state agrees with me. After losing the election, given the monetary donations I gave nationwide, and the multiple volunteer hours I exoended, I was totally disillusioned for a couple days. Now I'm concentrating on forming the resistence.

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A Short Definition of Fascism: "I Alone Can Fix It."

A Short Definition of Democracy: "We Together Will Fix It."

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Spot on, it’s the same here in GA, my county, Dekalb voted 85% for Kamala, she still lost the state.

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How about the 60,000 votes in the North Carolina Supreme Court seat. The Republican wants them voided, to steal that election, and he just might get it.

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Allison Riggs won by only 722 votes. There is a very real possibility she could lose this thing if the Maggots are successful.

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I know. Scary stuff if they get away with it and we’re hearing nothing from the MSN; just crickets…:)

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In New Jersey, the State Supreme Court judges are appointed by the Governor. Electing them, as is done here, is not something I think is actually helpful.

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Nit the people I choose to associate with. We are talking about firming the resistence.

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Yes. In a real world or on Earth One, the way maga disparaged our country and it's citizenry and institutions in the past 4 years (which started Feb 2021)...maga, repeating trump's insults no matter how common and low rent his use of the English Language may be! Trump: Our Military is Weak, VP Harris is Dumb, Post Office workers, Stupid, Blue cities A Mess...anyway - you get the picture. And his insults towards America as a whole, third world country, garbage can, etc...one would think that this level of supposed Dem disaster would take a decade or more to actually fix. But, nope. Not with this bunch. It's immediate. Trump and his cult base believe that on Nov 5, 2024 - everything was happy and fixed, simply by his win, a very narrow win. They don't care that 74.3M Americans said NO to these vile men and their disjointed and abhorrent agenda. They are happy and believe that today, Today, America is Great again! No actual work needs to be done. His majesty is simply there. They believe that such a huge mandate - will justify canceling of future POTUS elections. Yes, happy Red States be they poor, middle class or uber wealthy! Happy Happy! The Emperor, who isn't wearing any clothes, can be ruler for life.

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