I’m so embarrassed for the decent people at MJ who are being dragged down by the hosts. They are beyond pathetic. Please stop reporting on their failures and capitulations to power. They are dead - wannabe journalists no longer credible and not worth attention. It is only a matter of time until the show ends. Good riddance.
It’s critical to witness how bad things are, it’s important to reman conscious. I appreciate Steve sharing yesterday’s Morning Joe debacle because I have stopped watching it.
Wish I could say it better. The day they “bragged” that they went down to Palm beach to kiss his ass was the last time I watched the show and stopped recording as well.
If you read the two volumes of the pope muscillini and Hitler in which it described how XI kissed Duce ass in exchange for Vatican statehood and the second volume which describes how XII conspired with hitler to kill the remaining Jews when the war was almost over in exchange for allowing schools to remain open in Italy is not a small similarity.
As Besos, Park and others in media have already capitulated America needs profiles in courage not pusillanimous sycophants who are scared shit of the orange menace.
Only superseded by comcast which is selling the network, our only hope is that Mrs Steve Jobs as she has with the Atlantic or Bill Gates buys it and runs a center left news network.
Good bye and good riddance to Joe and Mika whose daddy she loves so much is spinning in his grave
I will not ever watch them again. They are phonies. Entertainers not journalists. The shame of it is I’m not watching MSNBC because of what Joe and Mika did. I really don’t want to take it out on good journalists like Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell. But I guess I have.
You may be correct but where does MSNBC tie into this? They must have known about Joe and Mika’s plan to go to FL. And why did the Morning Joe producer warn David Frum about talking about Fox and then Mika apologize for Frum’s remarks. I think that MSNBC is complicit with the capitulation.
I never did watch them because I've always despised them and now I despise them even more. I agree with you that they are phonies! Because I'm a night person and am still up early morning, I make darned sure I don't have my TV on to their show. But to give up watching Rachel and Lawrence, not a chance! Do you really want to be a participant in lowering the ratings for the truly good programs on MSNBC? You say you don't want to take it out on good journalists, but if you've stopped watching altogether, that is exactly what you are doing. Please don't!
Possibly, although I can listen to Rachel on her podcast which as far as I know is not affiliated with MSNBC. I guess I’ll search to see if Lawrence O’Donnell has any other venues out there. Besides Steve Schmidt there is Rick Wilson, Molly Jong-Fast and The Meidas Touch if I want accurate information. Unfortunately, Maddow and O’Donnell could be collateral damage. I also receive The Atlantic and The New Yorker so there is good journalism out there.
I am doing exactly what you are doing and I feel better for it: emotionally and mentally. Staying with great You Tube channels for news and avoiding MSNBC almost 100 percent.
Steve, please keep up your response to what is happening at MJ. I usually don’t watch as he has always seemed like a blowhard. Otherwise, I watch MSNBC consistently. The threat against this Network is appalling. I wonder when we will begin to see pushback/ defections from the rest of the anchors.
Until that time for the show to end, I believe there will be an increase of their capitulations to MAGA forces because that is usually how forced compliance occurs once the foot is in the door. My guess is that the biggest whigs are already discussing red envelope check amounts, while planning the time line most opportune to the corporation. Good riddance. Time now to flush out all cowards in journalism. No effort in this cause is too great.
It's sad to see Mika follow Joe down the rabbit hole. Her father will roll over if he knew how far she has gone to support the right wing who he fought during his career saving democracy. I have watched MSNBC since 2014...NO MORE Joe. Willie and Jonathan are better than both of them. I'll keep Ari, Rachel, Nicole and Lawrence.
Gates is best bet to buy it, if he wants to be outspoken which has never been his thing. after all let’s remember he started msnbc Microsoft partnering with nbc some 20+ years ago
We have stopped watching ever since Mika and Joe went to bow down to the drumpster fire that somehow has fooled half the country into believing he’s somehow competent and ‘worthy of following. If you think that , we’re done with you, too
The day after the election I turned on Morning Joe to watch it live even though my DVR is set to record the show every day. After about a minute or two I changed the channel and canceled my daily DVR of the show. I have not watched since.
The day after the election all sane individuals were upset that trump won. Joe was just too upbeat and too gleeful. I could not watch.
Joe is a first-class phony and dyed in the wool Republican. He is a recovering MAGA!
Now he wants to remain in good standing of the MAGA Master, dragging Mika along.
Pathetic and so obvious! Joe wants to be on the fence! Acceptable by everyone and supporter of both sides? Mika is zero without Joe planning the show and all the moves! Stand on your own feet, Lady! But, the show will collapse without Joe. It is wobbly as we speak and dependent on the all mighty grand contract! Joe will paint it the color he wants us to see? CLICK the remote! It is not going to get any better! Promise.
100% correct. I have no sympathy Mika. Mika does not know HER VALUE. Hypocrisy is her uniform. She and Joe campaigned for orange dick-bean. THEY ARE PARTLY RESPONSIBLE for his first term. I am not watching or recording MJ. They are invisible to me.
I quit cable ages ago, and even when I had it, I couldn't stand their phoniness. So I know nothing about their political history. You say they were previously pro-maga? For real? I thought they previously hated the a-hole, calling him Hitler. I'm confused.
Same here. I removed them from my daily recording along with the afternoon of Nicole Wallace, Ari Melberg, Chris Hayes, Lawrence O’Donell, and Stephanie Ruhle.
Yeah, I went cold turkey and will
refrain from watching any further programming on MSNBC. Turns out it was easier than I thought.
Mika’s father, who history has been kind to, has a traitorous daughter who should apologize then quit. To continue only exposes more of her Lilly livered, Janus faced, existence.
Me as well. I love Nicole, Chris,Rachel, Joy and Laurence. However, it is just too painful to listen while the enemies have broken through and will be in charge.
Also, hearing that uncouth man’s name makes me want to puke. Now, we have
a veritable sewer full of “uncouths” leading government agency.
Hello Forth Reich. I look forward to your total annihilation.
Scarborough looks like he’s having a nervous breakdown on national tv. They should have cut his mic and gone to commercial. He’s embarrassing himself and the network.
I stopped watching immediately when these two turncoats began to explain why they went to Motel-a-Lago to kiss the ring. Nothing will make me watch again or care what happens to them professionally. Thank you for your reporting. I know it is keeping me sane.
Thank you for calling out this capitulation. Happy to be part of the army that defends you and others like you who stand strong and call out the truth. Keep up the good work.
Yes same here. I stopped watching Morning Joe and MSNBC when I cut the cord on my cable to save some money. I'm trying all ways I can to cut expenses going forward as God knows what Trump has in store for us.
My question to you Steve: In an idéal world: How do you see the opposition forming and what can we all do to help better pull it together. I've sent you my thoughts on this. I've also been calling my Senator to voice my complaints about the nominations. Other than that I feel very helpless. You'd make a great Leader. You already are.
My current go-to's are Heather Cox Richardson, The Bulwark (esp Tim Miller), Joyce Vance, Dan Rather, and (for poignant laughs - necessary for sanity) Andy Borowitz.
Let's see-Rachel Maddow had Jane Mayer on her Monday night show to talk about Hedspeth (Whatever, his name is.) and that same night Lawrence O. told the John Tower story on The Last Word. Nicolle Wallace certainly had a few things to say about H. on her show, with some of her regular panelists. I didn't hear the Joe Mika exchange because I've stopped watching their show, unless they aren't on that particular day. (Probably a day where they are kissing the ring or groveling before the Orange Abomination. )
“Kissing the ring” ended whatever trust this faithful viewer had in the 4-hour morning show. I will continue to watch Nichole Wallace, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence O’Donnell. Would not be surprised if the morning duo ends up at Fox News.
I stopped listening to morning joe weeks ago. Their conduct is revolting and they are just obsequious money grabbing people who do not deserve any more of our energy. Journalism has always been subject to money more than truth. Maybe I should not be surprised that the show has not yet been cancelled with an apology to the viewers by management.
The morning that it was announced the trip to Mara Lago I turned off the television in disgust. Was it the fact that they went or was it the pathetic manner in which it was explained. I'm sure it was both. I did comment on social media of my concern that despite the guests on the show were the real reason I tuned in...I could no longer stomach the privileged attitude and being "splained" to that it was part of their job to do so. There is truly nothing hidden about Trump. There was nothing to be gained except capitulation to the person least likely to deserve it.
Then there was Joe's rant about the cranks, etc on social media who were out of touch with reality. Wow! Of course, I had something to say about that also. I'm a person who started watching during the Obama years to hear views I might not hold but thought were worth listening to. So, I'm a crank and out of touch. Well, Joe, you don't seem to think anyone is worth a reality that you don't feel. You have lots of money. I probably have enough at my age but it's tight.
Today, I became aware of Mr. Fromm's comments which seemed pretty accurate to me, how he was told not to repeat, and then off the show. Because of this, thinking my stomach was strong enough, I watched the Joe and Mika response.... My stomach wasn't that strong.
I am angry that these people who seem afraid of a reality of not being in front of a camera, dare tell me anything further. The crowning comment is to not be afraid. Afraid? You betcha, I am and a lot of others too. The people nominated to be in important positions are frightening. I'm 73 and I've seen change, some good, some not. I depend on social security and Medicare. But, the threat of what is being proposed rocks the stability of this country. My son-in-law fought for this country and my daughter is a teacher wondering what she will be allowed to do to educate her students. We are not raging liberals. We are watching the future wondering what will happen and do not have the voice of those with 4 hours in the morning resting on millions of dollars to weather whatever comes.
Mika and Joe are cowards drunk, in ther own way, on the shared Trump psychotic delusion whose malignant fascist evil has squirreled its way, largely by feckless lack of resistance, into what superficially appeared to be a sanctuary of objective reality-rooted reason, evidence and moral conscience. Morning Joe needs a morning after pill.
“Why did Mika Brzezinski feel the need to apologize to Fox News?….Was there an agreement between Fox News and “Morning Joe” that was made since the Mar-a-Lago agreement that Fox would ease off of the ridicule over the “Morning Joe” capitulant act towards Hitler, er, Trump, if “Morning Joe” eased off criticism of Fox?”
Isn’t it obvious? Trump will be sitting down with NBC News for his first televised Interview appearance with…wait for it…..wait for it….NBC News; next week! Does any one actually believe NBC would be getting the interview if they weren’t VERY NICE to Trump?
As for Mika and Joe? Once you feel the need to explain; you’ve already lost the argument: Enough said!
On the bright side, everyone, we can all take solace in the fact that Bezos claims Trump is a changed man! Yup, no doubt! Exactly the reason we’re getting such qualified candidates for his cabinet. Perhaps the real reason is the fact that the billionaires are his biggest investors in his “Game Stop” meme stock, and they can turn off the spigot at any time; making him, no longer a billionaire in good standing!
That said, I’m not sure which is worse: getting all his unqualified, and despicable sycophantic candidates confirmed; who will no doubt, burn down the house. Or a bunch of qualified, religious sycophantic fascists; hell bent on burning down the house; strategically!
Pick your poison America, because from my perspective; it’s a lose, lose proposition!…:)
I am becoming despondent. At 81 years of age it looks like I will spend my remaining years in Gilead. I can't believe this is happening. We had so much hope for the future in the 60's and 70's as we fought for candidates like Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern, protested against the war in Vietnam, sought civil rights for all Americans, a more fair economy and called for the impeachment of Richard Nixon. Now, things are much worse, and the light at the end of the long frighteningly dark tunnel is dim indeed.
Dear Anthony, I was here through all of that as well. But remember that the pendulum has been swinging wildly since Obama was elected. All I can hope for is that those of us feel better stay together, and then in two years we will have picked up enough steam to vote some good people in. Do not give up. Hope my friend. America has been through worse.
At least you had a good run, while it lasted. I’m coming up on 60 next year, and I’m not looking forward to the next 20; if my expiration date doesn’t overstay it’s welcome…:)
You still have a few good years left as well. Let’s hope it doesn’t get as bad as we think, but this is bigger than Trump; it’s a wholesale takeover of the country by the oligarchs. MAGA wanted to take us back to the 1950’s. It looks like we’re heading back to the 1900’s: the new Robber Barons!…:)
The next thing you know will happen is Joe and Mika will have a primetime show on Fox because they kissed up. They are truly awful. And to think I used to like the show. I am so disgusted, I can hardly think. 🤬
MSNBC should fire them; I'm sure FOX Noise would give them a perch from which they could continue to fawn over Trump and pollute the airway with their bullshit.
I’m so embarrassed for the decent people at MJ who are being dragged down by the hosts. They are beyond pathetic. Please stop reporting on their failures and capitulations to power. They are dead - wannabe journalists no longer credible and not worth attention. It is only a matter of time until the show ends. Good riddance.
It’s critical to witness how bad things are, it’s important to reman conscious. I appreciate Steve sharing yesterday’s Morning Joe debacle because I have stopped watching it.
Wish I could say it better. The day they “bragged” that they went down to Palm beach to kiss his ass was the last time I watched the show and stopped recording as well.
If you read the two volumes of the pope muscillini and Hitler in which it described how XI kissed Duce ass in exchange for Vatican statehood and the second volume which describes how XII conspired with hitler to kill the remaining Jews when the war was almost over in exchange for allowing schools to remain open in Italy is not a small similarity.
As Besos, Park and others in media have already capitulated America needs profiles in courage not pusillanimous sycophants who are scared shit of the orange menace.
Only superseded by comcast which is selling the network, our only hope is that Mrs Steve Jobs as she has with the Atlantic or Bill Gates buys it and runs a center left news network.
Good bye and good riddance to Joe and Mika whose daddy she loves so much is spinning in his grave
I will not ever watch them again. They are phonies. Entertainers not journalists. The shame of it is I’m not watching MSNBC because of what Joe and Mika did. I really don’t want to take it out on good journalists like Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O’Donnell. But I guess I have.
Watch some of the other shows, like Lawrence, Rachel, Joy Reid, Chris Hayes. They’re not capitulating to Trump
You may be correct but where does MSNBC tie into this? They must have known about Joe and Mika’s plan to go to FL. And why did the Morning Joe producer warn David Frum about talking about Fox and then Mika apologize for Frum’s remarks. I think that MSNBC is complicit with the capitulation.
I never did watch them because I've always despised them and now I despise them even more. I agree with you that they are phonies! Because I'm a night person and am still up early morning, I make darned sure I don't have my TV on to their show. But to give up watching Rachel and Lawrence, not a chance! Do you really want to be a participant in lowering the ratings for the truly good programs on MSNBC? You say you don't want to take it out on good journalists, but if you've stopped watching altogether, that is exactly what you are doing. Please don't!
Sounds like you’ve bitten off your nose to spite your face.
Possibly, although I can listen to Rachel on her podcast which as far as I know is not affiliated with MSNBC. I guess I’ll search to see if Lawrence O’Donnell has any other venues out there. Besides Steve Schmidt there is Rick Wilson, Molly Jong-Fast and The Meidas Touch if I want accurate information. Unfortunately, Maddow and O’Donnell could be collateral damage. I also receive The Atlantic and The New Yorker so there is good journalism out there.
I am doing exactly what you are doing and I feel better for it: emotionally and mentally. Staying with great You Tube channels for news and avoiding MSNBC almost 100 percent.
Dont punish the good guys... and keep yourself informed with the excellent MSNBC talking heads. Onward!
Or Could Bloomberg buy msnbc?
Steve, please keep up your response to what is happening at MJ. I usually don’t watch as he has always seemed like a blowhard. Otherwise, I watch MSNBC consistently. The threat against this Network is appalling. I wonder when we will begin to see pushback/ defections from the rest of the anchors.
Yes! What you said, Diane, and thank you for saying it!
Until that time for the show to end, I believe there will be an increase of their capitulations to MAGA forces because that is usually how forced compliance occurs once the foot is in the door. My guess is that the biggest whigs are already discussing red envelope check amounts, while planning the time line most opportune to the corporation. Good riddance. Time now to flush out all cowards in journalism. No effort in this cause is too great.
It's sad to see Mika follow Joe down the rabbit hole. Her father will roll over if he knew how far she has gone to support the right wing who he fought during his career saving democracy. I have watched MSNBC since 2014...NO MORE Joe. Willie and Jonathan are better than both of them. I'll keep Ari, Rachel, Nicole and Lawrence.
And Joy Reid.
Gates is best bet to buy it, if he wants to be outspoken which has never been his thing. after all let’s remember he started msnbc Microsoft partnering with nbc some 20+ years ago
Yep, yep
We have stopped watching ever since Mika and Joe went to bow down to the drumpster fire that somehow has fooled half the country into believing he’s somehow competent and ‘worthy of following. If you think that , we’re done with you, too
Amen, sister. FUCK THEM and the horse they rode in on.
Meek-a and Jonesing for respect. Not an act I will follow.
The day after the election I turned on Morning Joe to watch it live even though my DVR is set to record the show every day. After about a minute or two I changed the channel and canceled my daily DVR of the show. I have not watched since.
The day after the election all sane individuals were upset that trump won. Joe was just too upbeat and too gleeful. I could not watch.
Joe is a first-class phony and dyed in the wool Republican. He is a recovering MAGA!
Now he wants to remain in good standing of the MAGA Master, dragging Mika along.
Pathetic and so obvious! Joe wants to be on the fence! Acceptable by everyone and supporter of both sides? Mika is zero without Joe planning the show and all the moves! Stand on your own feet, Lady! But, the show will collapse without Joe. It is wobbly as we speak and dependent on the all mighty grand contract! Joe will paint it the color he wants us to see? CLICK the remote! It is not going to get any better! Promise.
100% correct. I have no sympathy Mika. Mika does not know HER VALUE. Hypocrisy is her uniform. She and Joe campaigned for orange dick-bean. THEY ARE PARTLY RESPONSIBLE for his first term. I am not watching or recording MJ. They are invisible to me.
I quit cable ages ago, and even when I had it, I couldn't stand their phoniness. So I know nothing about their political history. You say they were previously pro-maga? For real? I thought they previously hated the a-hole, calling him Hitler. I'm confused.
Same here. I removed them from my daily recording along with the afternoon of Nicole Wallace, Ari Melberg, Chris Hayes, Lawrence O’Donell, and Stephanie Ruhle.
Yeah, I went cold turkey and will
refrain from watching any further programming on MSNBC. Turns out it was easier than I thought.
Mika’s father, who history has been kind to, has a traitorous daughter who should apologize then quit. To continue only exposes more of her Lilly livered, Janus faced, existence.
Gads, WHAT A DISGRACE to journalism.
Me as well. I love Nicole, Chris,Rachel, Joy and Laurence. However, it is just too painful to listen while the enemies have broken through and will be in charge.
Also, hearing that uncouth man’s name makes me want to puke. Now, we have
a veritable sewer full of “uncouths” leading government agency.
Hello Forth Reich. I look forward to your total annihilation.
Meek-a and Jonesing for respect.
Scarborough looks like he’s having a nervous breakdown on national tv. They should have cut his mic and gone to commercial. He’s embarrassing himself and the network.
M and J need to apologize to their viewers, all journalist, take their millions and retire.
The song, “Time After Time” is playing in my head.
I stopped watching immediately when these two turncoats began to explain why they went to Motel-a-Lago to kiss the ring. Nothing will make me watch again or care what happens to them professionally. Thank you for your reporting. I know it is keeping me sane.
I agree with you, except I do care what happens to them professionally....I hope they sink to the bottom, and if they then drown, I'm good with that!
Thank you for calling out this capitulation. Happy to be part of the army that defends you and others like you who stand strong and call out the truth. Keep up the good work.
Yes same here. I stopped watching Morning Joe and MSNBC when I cut the cord on my cable to save some money. I'm trying all ways I can to cut expenses going forward as God knows what Trump has in store for us.
My question to you Steve: In an idéal world: How do you see the opposition forming and what can we all do to help better pull it together. I've sent you my thoughts on this. I've also been calling my Senator to voice my complaints about the nominations. Other than that I feel very helpless. You'd make a great Leader. You already are.
Right On, Lisa! ❤️🇺🇸💙
You are one of two voices of reason that I listen to and subscribe to. I do not have any questions. Just thanks for telling the truth.
Who is your other voice of reason?
My current go-to's are Heather Cox Richardson, The Bulwark (esp Tim Miller), Joyce Vance, Dan Rather, and (for poignant laughs - necessary for sanity) Andy Borowitz.
Jay Kuo, Scott Dworkin, and several others whose names escape me right now (brain fart).
I forgot to mention: Rick Wilson and the Lincoln Project podcast.
Let's see-Rachel Maddow had Jane Mayer on her Monday night show to talk about Hedspeth (Whatever, his name is.) and that same night Lawrence O. told the John Tower story on The Last Word. Nicolle Wallace certainly had a few things to say about H. on her show, with some of her regular panelists. I didn't hear the Joe Mika exchange because I've stopped watching their show, unless they aren't on that particular day. (Probably a day where they are kissing the ring or groveling before the Orange Abomination. )
“Kissing the ring” ended whatever trust this faithful viewer had in the 4-hour morning show. I will continue to watch Nichole Wallace, Rachel Maddow, and Lawrence O’Donnell. Would not be surprised if the morning duo ends up at Fox News.
Same for me: I still trust Nicolle, Rachel and Lawrence, but I’m finished with Mika and Joe.
I haven't watched any MSM since the election. They cant be trusted. No CNN, no MSNBC, and I never watch faux news anyways.
Me too. I love Nicole and Rachel but I just cannot hear anything about the
base President elect. It’s difficult even typing those words.
I stopped listening to morning joe weeks ago. Their conduct is revolting and they are just obsequious money grabbing people who do not deserve any more of our energy. Journalism has always been subject to money more than truth. Maybe I should not be surprised that the show has not yet been cancelled with an apology to the viewers by management.
The morning that it was announced the trip to Mara Lago I turned off the television in disgust. Was it the fact that they went or was it the pathetic manner in which it was explained. I'm sure it was both. I did comment on social media of my concern that despite the guests on the show were the real reason I tuned in...I could no longer stomach the privileged attitude and being "splained" to that it was part of their job to do so. There is truly nothing hidden about Trump. There was nothing to be gained except capitulation to the person least likely to deserve it.
Then there was Joe's rant about the cranks, etc on social media who were out of touch with reality. Wow! Of course, I had something to say about that also. I'm a person who started watching during the Obama years to hear views I might not hold but thought were worth listening to. So, I'm a crank and out of touch. Well, Joe, you don't seem to think anyone is worth a reality that you don't feel. You have lots of money. I probably have enough at my age but it's tight.
Today, I became aware of Mr. Fromm's comments which seemed pretty accurate to me, how he was told not to repeat, and then off the show. Because of this, thinking my stomach was strong enough, I watched the Joe and Mika response.... My stomach wasn't that strong.
I am angry that these people who seem afraid of a reality of not being in front of a camera, dare tell me anything further. The crowning comment is to not be afraid. Afraid? You betcha, I am and a lot of others too. The people nominated to be in important positions are frightening. I'm 73 and I've seen change, some good, some not. I depend on social security and Medicare. But, the threat of what is being proposed rocks the stability of this country. My son-in-law fought for this country and my daughter is a teacher wondering what she will be allowed to do to educate her students. We are not raging liberals. We are watching the future wondering what will happen and do not have the voice of those with 4 hours in the morning resting on millions of dollars to weather whatever comes.
What, people are still watching listening to Morning Joe? That is a sinking ship and I hope the captains have the decency to go down with it. Ugh.
Mika and Joe are cowards drunk, in ther own way, on the shared Trump psychotic delusion whose malignant fascist evil has squirreled its way, largely by feckless lack of resistance, into what superficially appeared to be a sanctuary of objective reality-rooted reason, evidence and moral conscience. Morning Joe needs a morning after pill.
More like Mika for the morning after pill. Joe needs Advil for his sore jaw and Preparation H….
Wickedly spot-on.
I may need a modicum of civility but, damn, I hate hypocrisy.
Being civil toward a barbarian ironically demonstrates a dearth of self-respect and is itself a barbaric dishonoring of genuine, deserved civility.
“Why did Mika Brzezinski feel the need to apologize to Fox News?….Was there an agreement between Fox News and “Morning Joe” that was made since the Mar-a-Lago agreement that Fox would ease off of the ridicule over the “Morning Joe” capitulant act towards Hitler, er, Trump, if “Morning Joe” eased off criticism of Fox?”
Isn’t it obvious? Trump will be sitting down with NBC News for his first televised Interview appearance with…wait for it…..wait for it….NBC News; next week! Does any one actually believe NBC would be getting the interview if they weren’t VERY NICE to Trump?
As for Mika and Joe? Once you feel the need to explain; you’ve already lost the argument: Enough said!
On the bright side, everyone, we can all take solace in the fact that Bezos claims Trump is a changed man! Yup, no doubt! Exactly the reason we’re getting such qualified candidates for his cabinet. Perhaps the real reason is the fact that the billionaires are his biggest investors in his “Game Stop” meme stock, and they can turn off the spigot at any time; making him, no longer a billionaire in good standing!
That said, I’m not sure which is worse: getting all his unqualified, and despicable sycophantic candidates confirmed; who will no doubt, burn down the house. Or a bunch of qualified, religious sycophantic fascists; hell bent on burning down the house; strategically!
Pick your poison America, because from my perspective; it’s a lose, lose proposition!…:)
I am becoming despondent. At 81 years of age it looks like I will spend my remaining years in Gilead. I can't believe this is happening. We had so much hope for the future in the 60's and 70's as we fought for candidates like Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern, protested against the war in Vietnam, sought civil rights for all Americans, a more fair economy and called for the impeachment of Richard Nixon. Now, things are much worse, and the light at the end of the long frighteningly dark tunnel is dim indeed.
Dear Anthony, I was here through all of that as well. But remember that the pendulum has been swinging wildly since Obama was elected. All I can hope for is that those of us feel better stay together, and then in two years we will have picked up enough steam to vote some good people in. Do not give up. Hope my friend. America has been through worse.
Thank you. I love this forum. It is my source of any remaining hope I have to witness an American return to sanity.
Sad to say I don’t think you or I will live to see the “ righting” of our Ship of State.
I suppose I personally will remain safe UNLESS they fuck with Social Security and Medicare.
78, anti-war Viet vet, white attendee of ‘ 63 March on Washington; my hopes and dreams for our great though flawed land are up in smoke.
“We have met the enemy and they are us”.
At least you had a good run, while it lasted. I’m coming up on 60 next year, and I’m not looking forward to the next 20; if my expiration date doesn’t overstay it’s welcome…:)
We really need to keep you around for a long time -Anthony, too....:-)
Thank you.
For me, it's been a great life. At your age, it is likely you will live to see better times. I hope so, for you, and all future generations.
You still have a few good years left as well. Let’s hope it doesn’t get as bad as we think, but this is bigger than Trump; it’s a wholesale takeover of the country by the oligarchs. MAGA wanted to take us back to the 1950’s. It looks like we’re heading back to the 1900’s: the new Robber Barons!…:)
It is too true that we are "heading back" to the days of the "Robber Barons."
For what you are about to receive
May the lord make you truly thankful.
[spoken] Please, Sir, I want some more.
[spoken] What?!
[spoken] Please, Sir, I want some more.
[spoken] More!?
Catch him!
Snatch him!
Hold him!
Scold him!
Pounce him!
Trounce him!
Pick him up and bounce him!
Before we put the lad to task
May I be so curious as to ask
His name?
[BOYS (whispering)]
Oliver! Oliver!
Never beofre has a boy wanted more!
Oliver! Oliver!
Won't ask for more when he knows what's in store. from the musical, "Oliver Twtst."
Before us lies at least 20 years of “ bad road”; it will now be China and India’s century ahead.
Iran & Russia are in that alliance too
The next thing you know will happen is Joe and Mika will have a primetime show on Fox because they kissed up. They are truly awful. And to think I used to like the show. I am so disgusted, I can hardly think. 🤬
MSNBC should fire them; I'm sure FOX Noise would give them a perch from which they could continue to fawn over Trump and pollute the airway with their bullshit.