Now he has committed a federal crime, “after the fact “. USC 8, subsection 3. Lawrence O’Donnell read it last night. He has violated his oath of office, to protect and defend the Constitution. He claims to be a constitutional lawyer but his actions say otherwise.

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He’s a constitutional lawyer who has only represented other religious zealots like himself, to use their first amendment rights to discriminate and change the laws, or reinterpret them for their own nefarious purposes.

He’s about as much a constitutional lawyer, in the appropriate sense, as Santos is a graduate of an elite university, worked for Goldman Sachs, and is law abiding citizen in good standing in society...:)

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Taliban, American style.

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Then again, he never said the US constitution.

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Fair enough...:)

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So true

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“There is no virtue in mocking sincerely held beliefs by sincere people who have faith in things beyond proof or even comprehension. Tolerance demands faith be respected as it demands that faithful people not seek to impose any faith on another against their will.”

Agreed, and this is why Johnson and his cabal of messianic Christian’s are a clear and present danger to our republic!and the western world.

These people are as ruthless and they are relentless. TurDville is a perfect example of how these fanatics operate; willing to put our National Security at risk in the name of Jesus--without Jesus’s actual teachings as a blue print; just their own demonic interpretations.

Johnson believes the biblical laws are the laws of the US and given the opportunity they won’t ever be mutually exclusive again.

Johnson believes that for the rapture to occur, Israel must control all of Judea and Samaria; the reason evangelicals devoutly support Israel with impunity. They need the Jews to drive the Palestinians out so Armageddon can take place and Jews, like all non-believers, will go to hell. They are the true Christian version of the Taliban.

Personally, if heaven is filled with people like Johnson and TurDville; hell sounds more like heaven, and vice versa.

That said, the point being that these people do not take an oath to our constitution or to this republic; their oath is to the most horrendous and dangerous form of Christianity, which will no doubt lead to death and destruction for America and the world.

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He is the worst kind to fight against. You cannot speak logic to them, you can’t even really speak Bible to him and forget about the teachings of Jesus. He will give his smile, while he plots to destroy you. He is a snake.

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Exactly. Their faith cannot be compromised. It’s like talking to a MAGA voter. Evidence, reason and logic, be damned!...:)

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Dec 6, 2023Edited
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100% in agreement..:)

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Faith as an intellectual crime....SPOT ON!

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Robert Jaffe- “Ruthless” and “Demonic”- two apt descriptions of Mike Johnson.

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Nailed it.. thanks..

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Mike Johnson’s decision to blur the faces of select individuals in the Jan 6th videos is to protect their identities from being potentially arrested and prosecuted; this is nothing short of “obstruction of justice”. Like MTG, he wants to protect (and probably release) the existing prisoners found guilty in the 1/6 insurrection. Johnson is like Ginni Thomas, so hellbent on making our country a theocracy. I HIGHLY recommend that readers here watch last Friday’s “New Rules” on Bill Maher, called: “The Truth about Christmas”. He discusses this issue head-on. There’s so much to be concerned about here, - between Trump and now Johnson: second-in-line to the Presidency, both are “far-gone” nut-cases. WE MUST VOTE THEM OUT AND AWAY!

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Everyone helps Trump. All Dems should rally around Biden and speak of his many accomplishments, instead focus of his age. All that does is help Trump.

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This flavor of Christian sickens me. I guess their oath of office means nothing.

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It doesn’t. They don’t care.

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It’s amazing how these religious fanatics think they are the most loyal patriotic Americans, when they only support this country if it adheres to their own parochial viewpoints. Otherwise, we are a godless, sinful nation in need of a reckoning...:)

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I recognize there are good people out there. Who do live a Christian example. But it is Johnson and his kind, that led to my decision many years ago to dismiss church and religious beliefs.

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I know many religious people who are great people, and as long as they don’t impose their religious beliefs on the rest of us, it’s fine. But don’t try force feed you religious views and laws on the rest of us. That’s where I draw the line.

You don’t like abortion, don’t get one. You don’t like gay marriage, don’t attend a gay persons wedding. It’s their disdain and hubris that infuriates me. And if they are going to adhere to the Bible, then stop being hypocrites and accept that this country wasn’t founded on white Christian values, but a secular constitution which guarantees freedom of religion, but a separation of church and state....:)

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This is a huge issue for me, Robert. I always say I am pro-mind your own business.

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Well said, and I agree wholeheartedly. Stay out of my business and feel free to believe whatever you like. Idolize a head of lettuce for all I care...:)

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Need that last smile. t/y

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Their oath is to their god, not to the constitution. That alone should bar them from office. I guess putting your hand on you holy book and swearing an oath means nothing to them.

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Agreed, it doesn’t mean squat. Yet, these people wouldn’t be the first to abuse or misuse their power and ignore the oath they took. Politicians are a different breed, and the religious ones are clinically insane.

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Agreed. The further they dive into religion, especially the wackier ones, clinically insane does characterize them.

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It sickens me ”Beyond Measure!”

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This might seem extreme but I think Johnson is basically an Ayatollah. He would like to impose Christianity on our diverse and complex country, without a second thought. Dangerous. Insidious.

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Excellent point! So glad more people are worried about his rise.

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I typically don't mock people's sincerely held beliefs because I don't want my beliefs mocked. And I do believe in tolerance.

But I'm struggling today. I see the survival of our Republic hanging in the balance.

I'm getting no traction with my fact-based arguments in the face of faith-based claims, and I experience little tolerance from others for my need for information from reputable unbiased sources. For evidence.

Believers in the literal interpretation of old stories are pushing the world towards armeggedon. These folks are not minding their manners, yet they expect me to mind mine while they light the world on fire.

They know better because they just do.

I deserve a better argument than this.

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How does one "tolerate" the Spanish Inquisition? As for fact based arguments, a lost cause, my friend. One cannot be reasoned out of a position one was not reasoned into.

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Hi Barbara, I agree about the "Spanish Inquisition" statement (which is darkly amusing, ha!) however, I disagree about the reasoning statement.

I have seen people walk out of cults through a combination of time and reasoning.

Even some MAGA stormers of the Capitol have sincerely (it appears) renounced their actions. They were finally facing the objective reasoning - and sentencing - of the law.

Unfortunately, there's not enough time, or reason, or medication, prior to the election to deprogram the deluded.

So, this is a street fight.

How I dread the next 12 months, not to mention thereafter, but how I still hope our legal system holds and handles this for us.

Or perhaps I should just file for citizenship on planet Vulcan. Vulcans know how to handle their violent and psychotic tendencies.

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Max and JWO. Thank you. It has been my observation that individuals can walk out of cults/religions/belief systems on their own only when the cost of remaining becomes too painful to endure and they retain somewhat of an independent mind.. ex: biographies of those who left Scientology or Mormonism. (A dear friend who grew up in a Catholic family and entered a convent as a young woman had a crises of faith, left the nunnery, was an emotional basket case for a year, became a gifted high school teacher and a devout atheist. She is also an avid reader) Others may undergo interventions. I am always intrigued by the "why's" of behavior and belief.

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Me too. Intrigued.

Interesting, when the cost becomes too painful that one basically decides to go.

I've been to third world countries. I've seen people in conditions that have brought me to tears.

America is a miracle. I do not exaggerate. We've got to preserve our way of life.

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I knew a woman who was sucked into a cult. Not even sure what one it was. Her parents (my close friends) had an intervention and successfully removed her from the cult. Years of therapy followed, she had occasional setbacks. Eventually, she met an married a very nice man, he shared many of her "alternative" ideations but was more stable, well-anchored. They had 2 beautiful little girls. Then, the woman went to a sweat lodge in Canada where she seemed to get derailed. On the eve of the Day of Ascension, she walked naked into a freezing creek, drowned her two naked daughters and herself.

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Some can never safely walk away.

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Dec 6, 2023
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JWO. Alas, I are an English maj.and my warped sense of humor often runs away with my mouth and pen. When curious minds ask what my "faith" is, I have been known to respond, Militant Tao or Born Again Pagan.....and Devout Atheist.

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Dec 6, 2023
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interesting point

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Dec 6, 2023Edited
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JWO, I was raised in a religious cult from age 3 to 13 (Wide World Church of God /Garner Ted Armstrong). It is child abuse and your word 'poisonous' is true. It is insane. I'll fight for the rest of my life to free others from this madness and I appreciate your knowledge, dedication, and your voice here.

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Dec 7, 2023
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JWO, I so much appreciate your sharing Jim Curtis with me! What a valuable resource. I appreciate the accurate terms regarding religious indoctrination of "abuse" and "victimization", as well as how this is carried forward from one generation to the next. Curtis says: "Some of the most abusive government officials in the country are Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. It’s quite possible that they were victims of religious child abuse. And, now, they are abusing defenseless citizens of their states."

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I appreciate your responses here, JWO. The terms 'terrorized' and 'child abuse' for the indoctrination of children into religious dogma and the way it plays out in their lives are on point. The term 'violent' could also apply, as myself and siblings experienced a great deal of that in the name of 'Christianity'. It is violent to destroy warp the minds of innocent children.

What is happening with public school funds being directed towards faith-based schools just sickens me. Yet, church membership has fallen below 50%. We're half-way there in solving this mess. Thanks for the excellent Jim Curtis quote. I've copied it to save for future use and reference.

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You touched briefly on one of my pet peeves:

Financial blessing bestowed on religious entities. Tax dollars redirected from public schools to private, and religious entities not paying taxes. You don't get to take that which you've never participated in!

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Dec 7, 2023
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JWO, RfR is inspiring. We may need RfM (recovering from MAGA) too. We need more resources and more outreach to assist people in taking back their minds and their lives. I'm taking a close look at this. Thank you so much.

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Dec 8, 2023Edited
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Thank you for writing about the 7 Mountains Dominionists cult. Next up the New Apostolic Reformation, QAnon, the Iron Crown. These dangerous fanatics are gaining political power and we should all be alarmed. Other than being willing to destroy democracy, they are putting your children in danger. I have no doubt of Speaker Johnson’s self-hatred. Zealots like him have deep levels of shame, much of which revolves around their sexual proclivities. They want to destroy public schools in favor of religious indoctrination institutes. These “schools” with their lack of regulation & oversight are a magnet for pedophiles. There are a couple of accounts on Xitter that keep a running thread of arrested, indicted & convicted pedophiles and sexual predators. A large portion of these men are youth pastors, work in religious schools, are GOP party leaders or are in the police force. People like Mike Johnson who are using the defense mechanism of reaction formation will give these miscreants more victims.

Ultimately, this extremism will be the undoing of the Republican Party. Though Trump acted as an accelerant, the seeds of their destruction were planted in the project of gerrymandering that went into overdrive with the election of Pres Obama. Extremists are rewarded while more sober legislators are primaried out. Candidate quality has diminished to the point where people like Lauren Boebert, Mike Johnson, Jim Jordan & MTG who have no business in the halls of Congress have outsized power over the American people. The supernova Steve speaks of is coming. I just hope the black hole sucks these people in.

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There is nothing more dangerous than a religious fanatic. They believe they have God on their side and will behave ungodly to prove their devotion. He may be in the minority because of his extremist beliefs but with his position in the seat of power makes him very dangerous. I would not choose to live in a country that predetermines what you should believe and who you should worship. This is not Iran, yet.

Action is needed to protect the Constitution and the separation of church and state. Republicans need to uphold their oath of office and not cherry pick the amendments they wish to uphold. Republicans only seem to care about their 2nd amendment rights and are willing to disregard the rest as if they do not apply to them. Religious freedom is just that, freedom to choose.

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Steve, you said the word describing Mike Johnson (and some other MAGAs) I’ve been waiting to hear. That word is “fanatic “. That’s what Mike Johnson is- a theocratic “Christian” nationalist fanatic. It so important for us to start using the word “fanatic “ to describe Johnson, Kash Patel, Bannon, Steve Miller, Trump and others. They all vary in their slant on fanaticism but they have one common trait. That is, all they care about is gaining and holding power at any cost. This reinforces what I learned from a family member (now passed) who grew up in Nazi Germany watching Hitler and the Nazis ascend to and take power. He told me this- beware of the fanatics. He told me that the Nazis were not that many in number compared to Germany’s overall population. But, he told me they were fanatics and would do anything- ANYTHING, to seize and hold power. Beware, our version of the Nazis are “knocking on our door” with some Americans more than willing to let them in and seize power. We CANNOT let that happen. It’s time to unify across the political spectrum and oppose this looming Fourth Reich. One thing we all can do NOW is contact all the major news networks and demand they give this issue of democracy and freedom and stemming this looming dictatorship the kind of in depth news coverage a democracy deserves. We must all do this over and over again. We must demand that they reestablish themselves once again as a true independent arbiter of truth. Email all of them. Everyday. All of us need to do this starting now.


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Not only sickening but terrifying.....

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What a description, and so true! “His ignorance and intellectual incompetency is spectacular enough in its luminescence to shine as brightly as Kevin McCarthy’s cynicism and seedy ambitions. Each is unfit.”

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Who said, "Those who can be made to believe in absurdities can be made to commit atrocities"? No better illustration of that than Jan 6.

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Mike Johnson is Elmer Gantry. Prove me wrong.

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Elmer Gantry was a con-man yes, out only for his own benefit to make money and run away with “Shara” (the Jean Simmons character). Mike Johnson is 100X worse than Elmer Gantry, - he’s second in line to the presidency and he’s backed by a powerful mob. They want to turn our entire country into a theocracy: “to hell with the separation of church and state”. And as “an aside”, it’s hard to compare this nerdy creepazoid, Mike Johnson to the dashing, debonair, charismatic orator and extremely handsome Burt Lancaster. By all accounts, “Elmer Gantry” was benign, and Johnson is a malignancy....

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Gantry has nothing on Johnson. Gantry was a con man out for himself. Johnson is a religious zealot who wants to impose a Christian version of Sharia Law on every citizen.

Not to mention, he has is 2nd inline for the presidency and has a cabal of fellow travelers; billionaires and religious organizations willing to help him achieve his aims....:)

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Further, these Dominionists believe it is perfectly acceptable to lie to the public, betray their oath of office, commit any offense in the name of their god.

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Great points. Apparently the ends justify the means. Jesus would truly be proud his disciples are a bunch of lying, power hungry, false idolizing fools...:)

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I sort of remember reading, in horror, Jeff Sharlet's expose books on The Family and the C Street gang. The filthy bastards have come a long way since then.

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Agreed. They’ve infiltrated every aspect of our lives, and we don’t know who’s who...:)

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Mike Johnson is a snow flake, punch him in the nose once or twice and he’ll fold. The Democrats (me included) need to start punching hard - just use the GOPs own deep contradictions and failures against them, no original thinking required. OccupyDemocrats and Lincoln Project are doing a good job on this count

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Yes, Mike Johnson is dangerous. But the real threat are the millions of Americans who support him and those views. And why do they do that? Because in times when somebody can't make sense of the world, they want simple answers that are easy to buy-into. That's called "stupidity." And why is there so much stupidity? Because for decades (DECADES) the American public has refused to provide our public schools with the resources necessary to graduate students who would be as smart as possible. So OK, point a finger of blame at Johnson. But you really need to blame the people who chose not to pay a few dollars extra taxes to fund the schools that would do the job necessary. Idiots!!

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I 100% Agree! Without critical thinking and creative problem solving skills, we're doomed.

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