Trump‘s sneering idiocy aside, this column is an absolutely wonderful history lesson. Much appreciated.

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Feel the same, Paul.

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That orange traitor would not have won the election without the extreme effort his idiot followers made in suppressing the voice of the American people...THE VOTE.

It will be a national day of liberation when he is dead and the law can deal with those who promoted his agenda. On that day, the whole world will celebrate.

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GOVERNOR? OMFG! Once an idiot, always an idiot. This is shameful and embarrassing at so many levels. Brain worm?

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Donnie showed his ass. But he’s too stupid to be ashamed.

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If he is a "master" of anything, it is the insult. As a Military Veteran whose family has served our country since the American Revolutionary War, I feel such great shame and disgust. Took about "stink"? He has shat on our nation.

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That's why he's looked upon as a Brown Stain on this country. I'm a veteran as well. I've never been into insulting and bullying others; it's not my schtick. But this Thing invites it, so the more insults I hurl his way, the better I feel. Why? Ever since Arlington, which, once again, got swept under the rug, was the lowest of the low. I can't wrap my head around someone who is so narcissistic as to not see past the end of his schnoz. He has two loves: himself and money. That's it. Everything else is fodder.

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I agree. I have relatives buried in Arlington. TFG may as well have spit n their graves.

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I do as well. I can hear them rolling in their graves now….

Our nation should be ashamed of itself.

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Oh, thanks for that bit of visual. Especially in light of many saying he stinks. Methinks he keeps forgetting to change his XXXL Depends. Sorry, I need my dose of levity here. He will remain at the top of my list indefinitely. He is a stain on society.

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You know he did that on purpose after his quip about making Canada the 51st state. So he's being his usual asshole self. Once an asshole, always an asshole. And to think he is one of 10 candidates for Time's Person of the Year. God help us.

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"...he is one of 10 candidates for Time's Person of the Year." Seriously? Time magazine can claim that they choose a person who has had a huge impact on the nation and world, as when they chose Adolf Hitler in 1938 as Man of the Year. But, they know it is perceived by the public as an honor. Trump is not a man anyone should honor.

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As a Canadian I am offended by Trump’s calling our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau a Governor. 🇨🇦

Trump is a fool to insult the Prime Minister of Canada, as Canada has long been America’s strongest ally.

He will also insult and damage all Canadians by imposing a 25% tariff on our exports to America, which may well drive our economy into a recession, as well as result in drastically rising prices and inflation in America.

Indeed, his foolish and damaging behaviour is and will be damaging and offensive to all Americans, so that eventually even his MAGA sycophants might well turn against him.

My great hope is that Donald Trump will be kicked out as POTUS down into the filthy gutter where he belongs, to live with the vermin and rats that will turn his orange body into mush and slime —- a fitting end for a worm like Trump.

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As an American I am offended by Trump referring to PM Trudeau as “governor.” It is embarrassing that Trump was re-elected.

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Also embarrassing that he referred to Canada as a state. Canada is a great country. I have been to several cities as well as beautiful BC. Love it there!

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Me too.

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Well said, Sister. I refuse to be embarrassed for my country. What I am is simply disgusted that he is once again OCCUPYING the WH - on the 20th of January. I have yet to address him as president. And I never will. He did not win either election. I don't count the one in 2020, for the simple fact that he legitimately lost. But for the other two he CHEATED. He had help. He can't win at anything, so he has to cheat. Maladroit through and through.

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I share your wish Doc. Half of America is offended too. I love Canada and its citizens. Fine people.

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I’m so sorry. It’s so embarrassing that this total asshole was elected again. He shows his tremendous ignorance and his disdain for any kind of integrity or appreciation or decorum. He totally soils the office to which he has been stupidly re-elected. He lives to be crass and coarse and disrespectful. I’m so embarrassed.

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We spend our summers in Ontario. Cannot wait for June!

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He will NEVER do anything that will break the bond between Canadians and Americans. Ever!

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I wish him a slow, painful death. Soon. There. I said it.

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Trump est un imbecile glorieux ! Vive le Canada libre!

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Mais oui! He's an imbecile alright. Lived in Canada (Montreal) as a kid. Love your country. Canada is like a sister to the United States, and I am proud to have you as my neighbor. We are united!

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Je dirais plutôt un imbécile heureux. Je suis ravie de noter votre nom. Ma grand-mère maternelle était une Giroux, et son ancêtre célèbre était Toussaint Giroux né à Réveillon, Montagne en 1633 et arrivé à Québec en 1653. En effet c’est grâce à lui et sa progéniture que nous nous comptons parmi ceux qui partage son nom, autant au 🇨🇦qu’aux 🇺🇸.

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My first name is French, as in France itself. Glad I still have the ability to read and understand what you wrote. NEVER been to a French school. I'm a naturalized American, born in French Morocco. But the United States is and has been MY country for decades. I am proud of it, but disgusted with that Maladroit.

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I have a life-long friend who was born in Morocco - friends since 1968. Her husband did his French military service as an invited PostDoc at our National Research Council. Weve kept in touch all these years.

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Joelle- if you hold your finger on the French a bar will pop up allowing you to translate it. I could read a few words but decided to get the full translation

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Salut cousin/ cousine, je portage le même ancetre. J’ai eu l’occasion de visiter la maison ancestrale à Réveillon et suis fier de mes racines. Heureux de vous rencontrer.

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Quelle chance vous avez eue de visiter sa maison natale. J’ai visité la France à plusieurs reprises sans connaître l’impact de son nom ou de son lieu de naissance, ayant découvert son existence seulement à la suite de recherches ancestrales. Très heureuse, de faire votre connaissance, cousin. Carole Ann

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Moi, je suis tres esperont de visiter la belle Quebec. Mais c’est impossibe parce que je suis tres malade avec le cancer.

Merci bien pour votre l’invtitation. 🇨🇦

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Dear Dr. Morton, I am saddened to read your post ce soir and sorry that you never visited my beautiful country. In your honor, I send you songs by my 2 favourite Québec troubadours: Gilles Vigneault - ‘Mon pays c’est l’hiver’ and Jean-Pierre Ferland ‘Fais du feu dans la cheminée’. May you find some comfort when listening to both these songs, as they do me.

Warm regards from Canada’s capital.

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When my father was in the United States Air Force, he was sent to Canada for a period of time to work with the Royal Canadian Air Force. It was for training, best practices, mutual defense, and cooperation. He always looked back fondly on working with his fellow Canadian officers.

I would like to apologize to Canada, our best friend.

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During WWII my father served in the Army Air Corps and was stationed in Labrador. His unit forecast the weather for D-Day, which was supposed to occur on June 5th but moved to the next day because of foul weather in the Atlantic. I have visited Canada several times and am always struck by the beauty of the country and the gracious hospitality of the Canadians.

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As an American, I genuinely feel embarrassed today. The relationship between the United States and Canada is literally sacrosanct. This made me think of a completely random and meaningless thought - my all time favorite singer and musician, Paul Rodgers, who is from the U.K., a few years back became a Canadian citizen and is married to a former Ms. Canada. And oh yeah, he sang the Canadian national anthem at the naturalization ceremony. The thought of this MAGA buffoon as our leader is nauseating. We all must stay strong and committed no matter the crap that billows out his hole.

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Thank you! The history of Canada and US relations is fascinating, and I’m ashamed to say I’ve never studied it. You have made me very interested!

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I was appalled when I read that. I have the fondest memories of my many visits to our Northern neighbor. When I was a little girl, more than 7 decades ago, we visited British Columbia and Vancouver. Such joy. The disgusting man that Americans just put into our reverend White House is going to pass off all our most loyal allies. He shows such disrespect! I imagine most Canadians must feel exactly as you have expressed, Steve. Thank you for a wonderful, insightful, piece.

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I meant piss off. Still do!😊

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Don’t worry, I/we got it😉👍

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He's an effing Git!

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My sister and I were just discussing how he will alienate all our allies. Who will come help us then? He is a danger to U.S., Canada, and the entire globe. (Except Rvssia). We are in a pickle.

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This is truly unbelievable even for him. Unless he is truly in the throes of dementia, there is no cause for anything like this. He's a dumb f* *.

I can already feel the exhaustion from his constant barrage of stupidity. And he hasn't even been inaugurated yet. As general John Kelly said, God help us.

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He meant it. It was a follow up castigation to his comment about Canada becoming he 51st state. There's hidden meaning there.

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Trump knows that Trudeau is not a "governor". His intentional disrespect is a typical Trump style warning..."I am in charge, now, and you WILL bend the knee..or else". We now face four more years of that type of juvenile, idiotic bullying. Way to go America.

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Wonderful and heartfelt history - the 1st Special Service Force, with insignia shown, is a fascinating story itself and is indeed part of our shared military lineage in SOF between Rangers and the Special Forces Groups. And as someone who lived in the PNW, spent a lot of time in the San Juans (especially at Friday Harbor Labs, as part of the University of Washington's top-3 Oceanography school), I became aware of some of this history quite by accident. This account fills in a lot of blanks and resonates with my own emotional reactions to it.

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The Rangers in the 75th, Bats 1, 2, and 3 are where a lot of the candidates for selection to Special Forces come from. Special Forces aka Green Berets in 5th Group is where candidates for 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta are selected. I'm doing this more for myself as a refresher. Keep things in order. Of course, as far as selection goes, the above is not always the rule. Many candidates are selected throughout SpecOps (Rangers) and SF by recommendation of another up the chain of command. I'm very familiar with the history off WW2 in the European theatre. But not in the Pacific. I've a Kindle book on the POWs who marched on the road to Bataan. British, Australian, Canadians and Americans filled the Japanese camps. The Japanese had no use for following the Geneva Convention.

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I was in 2/75 and later 5th SFG. The other selection process you mention is a bit different, but there's no need to go into it here. SF actually selects NCOs Army-wide and even takes civilians off the street under the 18X program.

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Steve, your insightful commentary, deep knowledge of US history and politics, and pointed criticism of today's destruction and degradation of respect for our fragile but beautiful institutions moves me. This pitiful excuse for a "leader" comes at a cycle in US history I have never seen so disreputable before. Yes, we have had Robber Barons and weak POTUSes before, but never one so stupid, corrupt, and with malign intent for the nation. I taught US history and government to decades of US high school students so I am quite familiar with what you remind your readers about today. But it appears that it is now "cool" to be a stupid "jock" bad boy, not just as head of the student council, but of the entire country. If we can navigate this crisis cycle wisely, thanks to your leadership and others, we might come through this reign of cupidity wiser, more knowledgeable, and with moral compasses realigned with healthy values for us all.

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Premature to talk cessation? The West Coast, Hawaii, the northern eastern seaboard and, somehow, Colorado and New Mėxico, become part of Canada. South Canada. We could master the metric system easily, though we’d have to be nice, which may be a challenge.

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Good one!

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"Premature to talk cessation?"

Do you mean secession? If so, I answer with a resounding NO! it is not premature. I am getting tired of living in a country dominated by ignorant religious fanatics and a wealthy elite using them to exploit us all. This is because of undemocratic features of the Constitution which give smaller, more rural and conservative states, more power than bigger more urban states. That + gerrymandering, widespread stupidity, racism, bigotry and ignorance.

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Oy, yes, secession. I hate typos, especially when they are mine. But glad you agree that it's at least a topic for discussion. Eliminate the Electoral College and some of the governance issues might evaporate. But we would still be faced with a Supreme Court that is moving us toward monarchy, nearly half the country seeing value in Trump -- despite his open hostility, criminality and hucksterism (bought his cologne yet?) -- and a media that has normalized lying, bullying and fascism. I, for one, am ready to consider alternatives.

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It seems reasonable to feel that when our nation seems to have lost touch with the values and principles that make us proud to be American, and, in fact, the majority of citizens, the government, economy, and society are beginning to stand in opposition to everything we believe in, we would look to radical solutions.

BTW, I hate it when I make typos, which occurs all too frequently!

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If you want alternatives, there's nothing preventing you from moving. I for one am not willing to give up on America or give it away to these fuckers. Fight for what you believe in. Giving up is exactly what they want.

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All true. I am not ready to give up the fight. Even so, what we’re watching is not an anomaly. Nearly 50% of the voters in this country believe fundamentally different about human rights, freedom and the role of the individual in our country. Nearly half want a white Christian male-dominated society run by the ultra wealthy. The only solace I can find in this is that the other 50% disagrees.

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I appreciate and understand that, Alan. It's unsettling and disappointing beyond words. But secession isn't the answer, and definitely not based on some arbitrary geographical map. What happens to the estimated 8.5 million Trump voters in CA, OR, and WA? Or the nearly 13 million Kamala voters in TX, PA, and FL? It's just an impractical and silly thought process that gets us nowhere. Again, I get the frustration with the onslaught of bullshit coming our way and already happening.

I had an exchange here the other day about assumptions about all of Trump's voters. I would suggest and encourage that we don't assume all 77 million voters are a block of people who all "believe fundamentally different about human rights, freedom and the role of the individual in our country. Nearly half want a white Christian male-dominated society run by the ultra wealthy" and thus have bad intentions, are lazy, or are stupid, and ill-informed - and thus we owe them hate or disdain. Sure, some of them are those things, just like some of the people who voted for Kamala are ill-informed, lazy or stupid. It's not reasonable to assume that everyone who voted for Kamala thinks exactly like you do or that every Trump voter thinks as one big block of ignorance or malice. What that says is we are right and smart and they are wrong and stupid. That is exactly what is meant by "coastal elitism".

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All fair and true. Secession is not an answer, nor is civil war. The 77 million are of course a varied group. Some are driven by hate, others by fear, others by ignorance, still others by a hope that their lot will improve. Same with those who voted for Kamala. That, in itself, is not the issue. What is the issue is that 77 million were able to overlook his open hostility toward others, his criminality, his blatant lies ("They're eating the dogs.") without regard to those who might be harmed by them, and his vilifying anyone who can help him win an election ("a caravan of rapists and murderers"), including immigrants, women and Jews, to name a few. 77 million see him as a possible answer, which is terrifying. That said, I hate no one, aside from him.

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Again, fair and appreciated. This is wandering down the path of the exchange I referenced above. You cannot categorically state that "77 million were able to overlook his open hostility toward others, his criminality, his blatant lies" because this is based on a false and clearly incorrect assumption that those 77 million people see, read, and hear the same news and information that you do yet come to a completely different conclusion. Based on SM algorithms and depending on their news sources, at least some portion of that 77 million do NOT see. read, or hear this about Trump. That's a huge problem.

And many of them did see him as an answer. He told them they were victims and he would fix their problems. All BS, but when you hear Kamala say (and this was a big part of the MAGA and Trump campaign rhetoric) she "can't see doing anything different from President Biden". Say that to Muslims who have watched 42,000 of the residents (and family members, friends) die in Gaza. Say that to the 40% of the US households who don't have $400 in savings. Say that to the folks who have marginal jobs, and sometimes several of them, with little job security, ability to pay bills or put food on their table, and then have Trump scare the shit out of them by saying immigrants are coming for your jobs and that creates massive fear. It's basic authoritarian manipulation.

So, combine their fear, whether rational or not, but still their fear, not mine or yours, with someone who is saying they won't change a thing (Kamala), and with a different set of news that shows Trump in a completely different light (not a criminal, but a victim of a witch hunt, not a liar but a speaker of truth who cares about them, not hostile but a protector and defender of them), sprinkle in some sexism and racism, and you have a recipe that the end product is Trump can look appealing. We know it's all bullshit, but a portion of that 77 million don't see it that way.

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Agreed. It's far more complex than I make it. There is no simple answer, nor is there a simple solution. Kamala made mistakes, the mainstream media in its attempts to be 'fair and balanced' did its best to find good in bad, truth in lies, FoxNews and their ilk promoted outright untruths that were presented as facts all while MSNBC, CNN and even PBS acted similarly -- all pushing the country into its reality silos. And then there is Israel, a VERY complicated story -- especially for any non-Jew in an elected office. (Even the Jewish community, of which I am a part, has a difficult time articulating a support for the existence of Israel while seeking the release of the remaining hostages and condemning the Netanyahu administration for its annihilation of the people of Gaza.) Truth be told, Trump ran an effective if vile campaign, playing on fears and insecurities, fanning the flames of White nationalism and outright anti-Semitism. All of this leaves me struggling with no tangible answer to 'What do we do now?' I hope to figure that out soon.

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I am Canadian-American and was deeply offended by trump's post. All of my relatives still live there so I know Canadians are every bit as proud of their heritage as Americans are. They are not a people who will just roll over. And yet, they would always come to help out the U.S., whenever asked.

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As an American, I have always considered Canadians "cousins" and grateful for our relationship, and am also deeply offended and embarrassed by his post.

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