I do not think George W. Bush is going to push back against Trump. I could be wrong, but I don’t think he will. Dick Cheney plans to vote for Trump. Despite everything that happened with his daughter, he has said he will vote for who ever the Republicans nominate.

Pass the Kool-Aid.

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I just read an article, WSJ, where the President of MSNBC stated that there are no plans to have McDaniel on. Along with the big online push back, apparently the “stars” of MSNBC have also been pushing back. Using the phrase “no plans”, versus absolutely not, leaves a bit of an opening. My opinion.

Bush needs to speak up. He probably won’t, but I think he has an obligation to do so.

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Rotton. I read yesterday that networks competed for her. At least we now all know the truth about the news business. No integrity. Just greed. Those in control of it should be vilified and pitied. They've lost their way, if they had any sense or integrity to begin with. Well guess what. We can have a say too by putting mainstream news into the dustbin of US business history. This is a clear sign that the mainstream news business is in its end stages of life. There are plenty of folks in this country who are still thinking straight and who have decency and common sense. Thanks for speaking up for us Steve, and for helping to lead the way out of this nightmare. There's a light at the end of the tunnel, and we'll get there. Like Navalny said, we must never give up, and we never will.

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Mar 24Liked by Steve Schmidt

The concession speeches by McCain and Gore reveal the character of true American patriots, who put aside the bitterness of their losses for the good of our nation. Compare this with the sniveling cowardliness of the grifter in chief who has not publicly conceded his clear loss to President Biden. A man with no character or principles, or true love of country. How can anyone with a brain and a love of our country vote for this defective man?

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And Maya Angelou also said when someone shows you who they are believe them the first time. NBC and MSNBC have gone dark for me and will remain so forever. I will miss some of the voices I found so wise and helpful but I am grateful to have found so many who speak truth and wisdom on substack and urge me to think and evaluate and are supportive of a better future. I have dumped all my corporate main stream media sources. My money is better spent here.

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When Ronna dropped 'Romney' from her name to appease trump, that said it all. She wanted to be the ROC Chair badly enough to insult her uncle and family lineage. What a sellout.

And how did that work out for you Ronna? You're only in the trump orbit for as long as he thinks you're his little minion doing his dirty work. And then you're not.

How that was parlayed into a gig at NBC? WTF? She's tainted and damaged and has nothing of value to anyone other than FAUX News. Major mistake NBC. Be prepared to watch your viewership drop.

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“NBC: MAGA doesn’t need an interpreter!”

Are you sure about that Steve? Trump and his minions often speak in tongues, so there’s that!

That said, I agree. All you need to disseminate Trump’s unhinged mixed words salads, is one child psychology course in college to truly understand the MAGA pathology. It’s not rocket science. Petulant fives years olds are pretty predictable.

As far as Ronna McDaniel is concerned, she’s par for the course, considering the only qualification one needs to join a cable news outlet these days, is a reality based “spectacle” like quality that attracts clickbait and controversy.

Was Candice Owen or Omarosa not available? There used to be a time when provocative news content was reduced to a few shows like Morton Downey Jr. and Jerry Springer. In today’s world, these shows aren’t the exception, they’re the rule!…:)

Welcome to the new “news” world order!…:)

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I sent an email to MSNBC yesterday, telling them that they lost me with that decision. Even the ones I used to listen to. I've got NPR and Substack. I must say, it surprised me.

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Mar 24·edited Mar 24

"The wretchedness of the decision simply beggars belief."

Yes sir!. I've read a lot of online comments suggesting that loyal MSNBC viewers contact NBC corporate ("the deciders" as GW Bush might say) and voice their displeasure. That's fine, but perhaps it would be more effective to contact their advertisers directly.

I say that realizing I can't think of anything advertised on MSNBC that I actually use, since their advertising revenue depends on client ads that are either: A) Cloying (adowable blankets) B) Depressing ("Sell us your life insurance. You'll be dead soon"). C) Disgusting (Any pharmaceutical that could cause death, or worse, oily stool) or D) Offensive (Jardiance, a cheerleader for obesity. I'll take five commercials for cereal, soap suds, or toothpaste to one Jardiance commercial).

Still, I can't imagine what Ronna McDaniel could possibly bring to the table for MSNBC unless it signals a sharp turn in the MAGA direction. Bean counters count beans, not ethics. Perhaps there is more advertising currency selling gold bars and sneakers to MAGA morons than all of the above to the current MSNBC demographic. To hell with journalism and integrity!

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“Fair and balanced” the 3rd Reich was at least true their belief, there was no balance that needs fairness. The Aryan Way or the railway to death.

Does a traitor deserve a seat at the table, without confession and penance? Or does the seat convey a tacit nod to their position.

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Those presidential concession speeches were stunning. THAT'S what this country is about. Those words demonstrate how anomalous and traitorous Trump is.

Ronna McDaniel is not running for president. She is insignificant. There are 225 days until the election. If the courts won't do it, we must do everything we can to make sure an insurrectionist is not re-elected.

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Steve, you have an excellent way with words, and your insight is impeccable. You should be running President Biden’s campaign, or at the very least formally on the team, in my book.

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John McCain was a remarkable man from a long line of American patriots. He is the son and grandson of admirals who fought for our great country. John McCain's service to his country should be celebrated, not denigraded. His integrity, love of country and many years of honorable service in the military and Congress stand in stark contrast to Trump. Donald came from a privileged birth into an upper class family of wealth. Trump squandered the money given to him by his father and had to be bailed out several times before he made a dime. He proffered off the sweat of the workers and refused to pay them for their labor. His properties were restricted for many years but his denigration didn't stop there. He is remembered for taking out a full page add against 5 young black men accused of rape in Central Park. It didn't matter that they were falsely accused and convicted. He can still not admit his false accusations were wrong and still goes on to blame these youths. Let this and January 6th be Trump's epithet not his denigration of John McCain's good name.

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Steve, you have written so many powerful pieces, and today's is one of your best: clear, concise, and controlled rage at the lies and games played for money; despicable move by NBC. And McDaniel's name can be replaced by 99.9% of the elected Republican officials. I hope they hear the fury and it createa fear in their hearts that this stench will remain on them and will follow them...their plan for a political career leading to great fortune might have just hit a wall. Truth and integrity matter. Thank you.

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Thanks to Steve and to all of you. If anyone didn’t see how fall our MSM had fallen, there are no excuses now.

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Mar 26Liked by Steve Schmidt

I had forgotten how good the speeches that Senator McCain and Vice President Gore made in concession were until I read your post. Thanks, Steve.

They stand in stark contrast to the treasonous lies and whining from Trumpery and his obsequious acolytes like Ronna Romney McDaniel.

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