Steve, thanks for your competent and honorific reporting of truth, facts. It's refreshing, and deserves to be spread on as large a platform as possible.

I cancelled my Times subscription awhile ago. I found it beginning to take on a right wing bent. When a small cadre of persons have all the money and connections, it's far too easy to report what one wants to pass on and ignore what should be justly reported. Money leads to power, and power corrupts. Absolutely.

During the entire run-up to Trump's "election" in 2016, my husband and I would repeatedly ask each other, "Why are they reporting on that scumbag? They should just ignore him!" During the night of that election, we both woke up spontaneously at 3:00 or so. We decided to turn on the TV to see if results were in. As they announced Trump as winner, my husband turned to me and said, "I think something really bad is going to happen. Really really bad." That memory comes back to us nearly daily as these years have passed.

And still today, Trump is reported on every damned day. To a malignant narcissist, this is manna from heaven. It matters not if the reports are good or bad. We have yet to see the end of this tale of terror.

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Correct. We have yet to see the end; but we may have the beginning of the end. The long arm is the law will encircle us bastards, each and all.

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MSM of every stripe are addicted to propaganda based ratings. No exception.

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Clicks, Clicks, Clicks, that's all that matters. It's all about money, everything. Humanity, Morals, Ethics, Selflessness, Compassion, Empathy, bygone, progress you say. Sure you right.

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I subscribed to The NY Times for years…even when I moved from New York to Florida . 5 years ago I ended my subscription because of Haberman. She is a compromised, duplicitous person and that was obvious years ago. This last “episode “ just confirms what she has always been. Whatever has happened to The NY Times…it’s not good.

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We have been betrayed by so many, on so many levels. There is no shame, only profit, which is the reason that profit should be denied. We can be conscious of how we spend our dollars, which can be a statement of where we place our trust.

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I stand as one of the repulsed. She new about the documents taken to MAL in 2021? Betrayal is too kind a label for this hack.

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Steve, congratulations. Maggie and Clyde are cynically paired. He’s the angry man. She’s the seductress. Both entertain. Aristotle saw it coming. Entertainment softens the soul - he taught us as he taught his son. She isn’t Trump’s shrink. Shrinks no longer shrink. She’s his muse. He’s her meal ticket. Judy Miller? Well, she was the forerunner at the SEC of Rod Hills. Leg did it there, too. The legged reporters read their targets. Maggie read The Donald’s affinity for her and played him and cashed out. Played in. She’s the same sort of MSM NYT whore as was Judy. The spin ladies. Did Judy sleep around? With Rod Hills. Did Judy fuck Senator Les Aspen? Did I find them together in the same apartment as I delivered the goods on request. Was Les a heart patient?

Sexual appeal works.

Judith and Maggie know. It’s a mind fuck. Is that all? Judy was a master. Maggie is twice Judy.

And The NYT? The paper of record is run by another legacy brat - with no talent. His dad sent Mo Dowd to my office.

That’s another story.

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Steve, let’s roll.

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Another great piece, Steve. I appreciate your willingness to call out arrogance and self-serving dishonesty wherever it exists.

In the meantime, last I looked, Trump remains free despite being caught red-handed with stolen top secret documents. The press is an issue, but a larger, more urgent concern is the fact that no one is willing to step up and indict the guy for doing something that would have landed anyone else in jail. Wake me from this nightmare when The NY Times runs the headline 'TRUMP INDICTED.'

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I'm at a loss to understand why he's still walking around but that's the American Justice system. Moves slow, if at all, color dependent. (Hate to say that however) Until we come to terms with our past, we can never move forward to our future.

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Color and wealth dependent, to be sure.

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RIGHT ON!! Thanks.

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The 2016 election signaled the end of political journalism as a truth-seeking enterprise. The singular obsession with Secretary Clinton's emails (along with other crucial issues like criticizing her voice, her laugh, her pantsuits, her "likeability," etc.), and the near total failure to report just how utterly corrupt and unqualified Trump was to be President (while giving him all the free publicity he wanted by pointing a camera at him everywhere he went) virtually ensured that Trump would win. The NYT was a leader in making it happen (see below).

Clicks and money are more important than truth. This is one of the main reasons why I am not hopeful that democracy can survive. When we can't agree on an objective set of facts, how can we get our true message across and warn others of the looming disaster?


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Excellent Vox link here -Thank you! Excerpt from article: Watts also suggests that as the mainstream media frets over the influence of such sources, it has somewhat underplayed its own still-vital role in shaping the public narrative. “That’s very true of the narrative around the election: all about personalities and scandals,” he said. “It was not about policy and substance — and it could have been.”

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Clicks and money are more important than truth. This is one of the main reasons why I am not hopeful that democracy can survive. When we can't agree on an objective set of facts, how can we get our true message across and warn others of the looming disaster?

We Can't. Not only more important than truth, they make it what they want truth to be.

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Sorting through Twitter, NYTimes, Wash Post, Politico, Huff Post, etc. Each day is a full-time job trying to find “truth”. I try to read between the lines, sift through who might have an “angle” to promote on point of view over another. It’s good to criticize those who held back crucial information in order to sensationalize their work. But the problem is so much larger than Haberman— between Fox and CNN and the NYTimes, every news consumer is faced with huge challenges.

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This is so true, I used to have five or six news apps on my phone just to get the truth. Sad.

Now I just wait for History to hopefully tell it. Know how we like to Wash things.

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It's reprehensible behavior. And you're right, Steve, we see it everywhere. Seems there is no bottom to all if this and it's damned depressing.

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She’s in good company. Bob Woodward, described as an investigative journalist at the time his book “Rage” was published withheld Trumps comments, made to him in February 2020, that the coronavirus was much worse than his administration was reporting until his book came out. John Bolton, an associate editor at the Washington Post when he published “The Room Where it Happened” again withheld critical information during Trumps first impeachment until his book could sell.

I’m sure others can add to this list of mercenaries parading as journalists.

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I had no idea about the connection with the Kushners and am shocked, though I have wondered for a long time how MH got such consistent access to DT. BUT, I would love to see where you got this information or to know how I can verify it. I have admired MH and would like some authority before I change my opinion and judge her harshly (appropriately so if this information is accurate).

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You don’t have to look far to find confirmation of the close Haberman connection to the Kushner’s. It has been widely reported for several years.

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Thanks. I found info on her mother’s connection. Nothing on NYTimes agreeing to let her withhold info on classified docs. Will keep looking.

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The agreement Steve is writing about is not written. It however is 💯 assumed since MH has continuously written normalizing tfg throughout the pat 6 years. She had a close relationship with the family long before the escalator ride in 2016.

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Almost certain you will not find much, if any info of them agreeing to let her do that.

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Sometimes we see and hear what we want, or don't want. But knowing is half the battle, truth is another matter these days.

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Her access journalism is why she’s well known as Maga Maggie.

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Thank you for your insight into this issue, Steve. And thank you for standing up for decency, honesty and patriotism. It has been feeling like those virtues are being thrown on the trash heap of unicorns, elves and Santa.

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Thank you for this link, May Ng. It was an eye-opening read for sure!

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I am disgusted by this. How can we let the NYT know we are agitated. Plus MSNBC had her on during Nicolle Wallace's time Tuesday. Not okay

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Sells books! Maggie’s single goal! A Trump favorite!

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I can't stand to watch Maggie when she is on MSNBC. I completely tune out. Guess it's time for me, as well, to cancel my NYT subscription.

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Yes. I haven't missed it. Read Atlantic, Guardian and Andy Borowitz instead!

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Already subscribe to "The Guardian". Time to renew my subscription to "The Atlantic". I see Borowitz from time to time, when people post things on FB.

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