Trump also said if he loses it will be the Jews' fault. As a Jewish American, I am frightened by this rhetoric and hate filled speech.

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We are @2% of the population. We are concentrated in blue states. The irony of trump’s Jewish son in law and converted Jewish daughter and Jewish grandchildren,hearing such veiled threatening rhetoric cannot go unnoticed. They need to tell him to stop pushing the Jews front and center, to provoke MAGATS to take action against us.I live in Charlottesville and I hold Trump responsible for his lack of leadership after the Unite the Right Rally.

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It will also be the "fault" of women who don't want to lose control over their own health care, men and women who won't vote for Trump because he agreed with Musk that striking workers should be fired, Americans who want to help Ukraine in its fight to stop Russian expansion, those of us who believe that government should be a force to help those in need, people who think the idea of an individual being a trillionaire is obscene, and those of us who believe in human rights and democracy and believe that lying and condemning immigrants for personal power is repugnant.

Finally, those of us who do not want a conman in the White House with his "weirdbilly" sidekick, a dictator wannabe, a megalomniacal narcissist will do all we can to make his home a prison cell, not the Oval Office.

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It’s always the Jews. Sooner or later it comes down to that.

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As a cultural phenomenon it has no equal in world history. 80 years on from the holocaust many people have already forgotten and seem poised for another go-around of that horror.

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Sadly, you are correct.

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Always,always Carol! Everyone says Israel has a right to defend itself and when they do the world condemns them- same old trope- blame it on the Jews

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I’ll gladly take the blame!

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You are an anti semite Jeanney Kutner? You will take the blame?

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No, I mean, that I’ll gladly take the blame for his loss, as one of the Jews who are voting for Kamala.

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maybe turn it around on him in Kamala Harris fashion. You stand righteous against that bullshit and I stand with you. Those people piss me off to no end.

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We are hopeful!

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Hitler must be smiling wistfully from Hell.

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I wonder if he is seated next to Stalin and Pol Pot close to the flames in the front row. Maybe there will be an extra hot section roped off for the MAGA crowd when they start showing up.

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It's his way of signally to his Nazi base that Jews should be targeted if he loses.

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Me too. Another excuse for people to blame us and go after us for perceived wrongs that are just not true

Everyone else is responsible for whatever bad things happen to Trump. Woe is me. He never takes responsibility for anything. Always someone else’s fault. What a sad human being

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Robinson was a malevolent, hate-filled misogynist and homophobe in 2020 when 2,856,000 North Carolinians decided he was the best person for Lieutenant Governor.

George Carlin was right: never under estimate stupid people in large groups.

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He was also right when he said you’re born in this world to a freak show but in America you get a front row seat.

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It is why I am very down on North Carolina these days. We have Robinson running for Governor and a lunatic QAnon Conspiracist running to take control of the State’s public school system. The fact that they have gotten this far is an abject disgrace for a state of 12 million people.

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Maybe you’ll find hope that Robinson will be hoist by his own petard. I am certainly more hopeful than I’ve been about the ‘24 election for NC. I don’t know what’s happening with Ms Morrow - she’s taken a back seat to my reading habits given all the other stuff that we’re being bombarded with. Things are looking better and better all around.

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Yes. This freakish Son of MAGA thinks women need to keep their skirts pulled down, which is of course the cause of abortion. Do these men understand how pregnancy occurs?

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He is an absolute disgrace to this state, but he was elected in 2020 with those views known. His voters are strange people and unfortunately there was nearly three million of them.

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At Chump’s rally yesterday in Wilmington, NC, there were women wearing pink t-shirts that said Women For Mark Robinson. Given everything he has said about women, including that he thinks this was a better country when women could not vote, those t-shirts were the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen in politics. It is one reason I remain worried about this election.

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Trump needs a scapegoat when he loses. He's picked the Jews -- at a speech about antisemitism, no less. He needs a villain, and we're it. If they come for us, let the fuckers start with me.

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I'll stand with you.

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And I with you.

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That is because Trump and Elon Musk's love affair are perfect. Trump a racist ...Oh, and Muskrat an apartheid POS. Trump only wants Elon's money but Elon is too stupid to see that. Elon also thinks, well Trump is old, I'm mid-range and the wealthiest racist in the world, gee, when Trumps kicks the bucket during his reign as dictator of the USA, I can just step in.

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Laura Loomer, who lives at Maralago with Trump, while claiming to not be racist, proved she was:

“Jimmy Kimmel is lying. He’s attacking me as a racist saying that I’m beyond the pale and that I’m a racist and that I’m a terrible person, but they do. The Haitians are eating people. They’re cannibals. Not all of them, but a lot of them are. They’re eating people, and they’re eating people’s pets, and they’re eating the cats, and they’re eating the dogs. So how is this racist?

“We don’t do that here in America. We don’t eat people. We don’t practice cannibalism. It’s disgusting. It’s third-world. It’s beyond third-world. I mean, it’s like, it’s like for, it’s like for people and I don’t know, living in the jungle, you know, it’s like, I don’t even know if people like living in the jungle do this. Right? It’s animalistic behavior. It’s like Stone Age behavior.” – Laura Loomer.

As Steve noted before, the goal of these horrible people is to make Haitians seem subhuman, more like animals than people. We all know how cruelly animals are treated in America (if you don't, read about factory farms), so why should we treat Haitians and other animalistic immigrants any better. Note that in the last line she refers to their behavior as "animalistic."

We're in a very bad place if we can't end this vile movement this November by returning a solidly Democrat Congress and Harris/Walz to the head of government.

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Loomer is mentally ill. Apparently, so is Mark Robinson. Trump, who is mentally ill and dangerous, attracts and is attracted to mentally ill people. The Nazi movement was and is filled with mentally perverse and ill people. They are dangerous, unfit to lead, and if we keep working and keep positive and strong, they’re on the verge of loosing. We’re watching implosions. Stay the course and never give up or back down.

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You forgot their most heinous offense:

They are Traitors!

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Wow … the MAGA cretins are crawling out of their deep dark holes. It is unbelievable to me that they have the chutzpah to run for office! Are they so clueless that think they won’t be found out. This guy, in particular, is unreal!

As for Trump’s statement about the Jews … I hope it turns those few Jews committed to Trump to RETHINK how they will vote. Thanks, Steve, got this post.

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"Are they so clueless that think they won’t be found out." I think they just don't care and have the arrogance to believe they are smarter than everyone else and can convince them of anything. Based on the votes garnered, sadly, they kind of have a point.

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Shocked and dismayed Republican voters should be asking themselves how Mark Robinson actually differs from their presidential candidate. Other than skin color, I’d say very little.

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Lots of outrageous disgrace these days. Now Trump is scapegoating the Jews.

No sir.

May the American people speak wisely on election day. But if we fail and elect Trump, I will no longer know what to call myself the day after.

The loyal opposition? Loyal to what, principles that have left the country?

Dude, where's my country?

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I don't know about anyone else but if this election goes sideways and we elect Trump, I will start calling myself a "Freedom Fighter". Not that I will be able to do much at 70 years old, but I will certainly try.

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Same here Michael!! I'm a disabled 64 and I have a little sign at the top of my mirror that says RISE, RESIST, REPEAT and I've had it up there ever since Trump came down that escalator. I'll go out fighting too!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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"RISE, RESIST, REPEAT" -Right On, Lisa! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Whoever said Kimberly looks like a survivor of a cosmetic factory explosion wasn’t far off.

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She looks like an advert for : "Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong."

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I have a campaign idea for Mr. Robinson. There's this company in Hungary which sells some really nifty pagers. All he needs to do is paint them all gold, sprinkle some glitter on them and maybe add a big letter "T." Then, Mr. Robinson can hand them out to all of his supporters in the great state of North Carolina. For the rest of you, don't stand too close.

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Decent, reasonable people must never conclude that the Repugnicult has finally reached bottom. Their relentless excavation demonstrates that to them there is no satisfactory depth. Anyone whose silence gives aid and comfort to these subversives is no better than they. Going forward, we dare not forget that. Even with Tr*mp gone, Project 2025 will remain their North Star, and we can be sure that the likes of Josh Hawley, Tom Cotton, etc., are salivating to pick up the torch.

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A wicked, lacerating political satire of self-cannibalizing MAGAism , Steve!

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I haven't read this article but wanted to ask while I was thinking about it, if the R's in Nebraska try to change the rules to favor Trump at the last minute for electoral college, can't the Dems pull a page out of Trump's playbook and sue the shit out of them? Would appreciate your thoughts on this latest Republican grift.

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You think the Trump-appointed courts would stop them? This is why fascists always take over the courts first.

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No, but the idea is to delay until it gets to court. I agree that ultimately,say the supremes get to it then it will lose but it will take til well after the election for that to happen.

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In politics, as in other spheres of life, one defines oneself -- especially in terms of moral character -- by what one identifies with, supports and hence owns. Despite the willful inability of a large swath of Americans, most ignobly the mainstream media, to perceive the forest for the trees, this apocalyptic election is not primarily about politics of any sort but rather signally about the Trump’s severe mental illness and his success at spreading that psychopathological contagion broadly and deeply across the American, and world, landscape. In fact, the epidemic of psychotic contagion is far more pernicious and potentially life and world survival threatening than the viral Covid pandemic.

American voters need to reframe the prime reason for deciding whether and for whom to cast their vote -- for or against the exigent, existential public health threat of metastasizing psychotic contagion that has already, in some fashion, affected all of us.

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MAGA is going supernova

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This “Black Nazi” is an embarrassment to the American political system. How in the hell did the people of North Carolina possibly elect this fool as their Lieutenant Governor? He’s not fit to be an American, let alone an elected official!

Another cultist of Donald J. Trump. The insurrectionist, adjudicated rapist, convicted felon (34 times over),and treasonous traitor.

Sound familiar? This ‘Black Nazi’ is a chip off Trump’s block!

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Robinson had no campaign platform except that gays were bad people and schools should not teach science. He beat Yvonne Holley, a state legislator whose focus was public and private partnerships to help foster affordable housing. Anyone with a brain knew this guy was no good. When you vote stupid you get stupid.

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