“Trump is different. He is very much a figure of the future — at age 79. Imagine, it is entirely possible the epic damage he has already done will be nothing but a footnote or a short preface towards the main story not yet written, but coming down the tracks like a freight train.”

Never more prescient words, Steve. I agree, Trump is the prologue of a far more sinister narrative being fomented by hundreds of nefarious right-wing organizations and billionaires, who want to instill their version of America, and it doesn’t include anyone not like them: The American Caliphate!

They’ve successfully taken over the federal judiciary and over 25 state legislatures and governorships. Clearly, Roe was just the beginning of their parochial process. and if Trump wins, the remaking of American democracy and our government institutions will be inevitable. The damage done; incalculable!

I agree, Americans have no idea what is in store for our future, and it’s nothing good. This nation is truly on the precipice, and I feel like a small number of us willing to speak out, are being treated like the boy who cried wolf.

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Absolutely on target 🎯 Saving democracy doesn’t even register in polling being done on this election.

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I moved to Mexico 3 years ago. I had thoughts of moving back in 3 years when I’m really old but if he wins, I’ll NEVER come back and will move my money down here. 🥲

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We were thinking of moving to France if he wins - but then there is the whole Putin-invades-Europe-and-tRump-doesn’t-care thing that’s realistically in the back of my mind. I hate to waste all my Duolingo French I’ve been practicing but If he wins I really will want to go somewhere else.

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Mexico is great as long as we have decent enough rainy seasons, Canada is too expensive and cold. I agree with you about Europe, but I'd go to Spain I think, still relatively affordable. I bet visa requirements change everywhere because so many Americans will be scrambling to leave.

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I’m thinking Costa Rica…:)

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know people here who lived there. it's of course changed a lot, very expensive and the Chinese are building everywhere

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Australia mate.

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Warning Wolf, Wolf, Wolf…………..🙏

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Yes, Trump is evil but he is a common malignant product of his upbringing. A worse evil are his enablers--all of whom know better but will sacrifice America for greed, money, and power--the gutless Republican congressmen and women and the billionaire dark-money.

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Anyone who believes Trump does not plan on being a dictator needs to consider this:

NBC News reports: "Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday said that business executives and shareholder representatives should “be 100% behind” him or face termination. “Business Executives and Shareholder Representatives should be 100% behind Donald Trump! Anybody that’s not should be FIRED for incompetence!,” the former president wrote in a post on his social media website, Truth Social."

This is "Trump being Trump." If he is re-elected his administration will be made up of only those unquestionably loyal to him and willing to do whatever he asks, from FBI director to AG, all laws, norms, and the Constitution wil be disregarded. Political enemies will face mock trials, be sent to "camps," or executed. A true horror awaits the world and America if people are ignorant, selfish, and bigoted enough to re-elect this misanthrope.

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I don't think it's really a matter of doing what Trump wants. Except for some petty revenge, Trump cares about nothing but enriching himself and staying out of prison. He's a bully and a thug, not a leader. The real threat is from those in his inner circle - think Stephen Miller, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn, even Sam Alito - who have a very extensive agenda to destroy America and remake it according to their world view. These are the kind of people we all should fear. At this point, an ignorant and disinformed citizenry are rolling out the red carpet.

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The scoundrels you mention and a host of other despicable, power-hungry sycophants, willing to kiss Trump's enormous butt forever, will fill every high office in the federal goverment. There will be a literal reign of terror, executions and all. They have openly and enthusiastically proclaimed just that. We will be allied with Putin and Trump's beloved Kim Jung Un. Terrifying.

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This is not a subject for education or debate. My suggestion to anyone who confronts someone who doesn't believe the wrinkled orange fake messiah plans on being a dictator is to say thanks for crawling out of your dark little hole. Now crawl back in.

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I believe thoughtful people — I say thoughtful as in reasoned, discerning, and clear-minded — can easily say no to Fascism in this country as a means of governance. I wish it was that easy.

I point to The South, once again, which geographically has important swing states. The people here, unfortunately, vote against their best interests, time and again. This is why we have entrenched and long-serving legislators here who continually try to take away the government assistance of their most ardent supporters.

The old saying: if you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. I am not optimistic that sufficient numbers of voters here will finally wake up, thus consigning thoughtful people to a nightmare.

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At least the citizens of Nazi Germany had the excuse that the country was reduced to rubble after WWI and truly screwed in the Treaty of Versailles.

What did the Dow hit yesterday?

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Incisive words about the stark realities facing this country. I will be able to retire late in Joe Biden’s second term, or never retire at all if T💩p pulls off a well-planned theft and gain the White House again. There are millions of folk like me in this situation. Those that will willingly vote for T💩p despite the threat to enjoying their golden years in peace have zero brains and less foresight. As a devout atheist, I hesitate to say this, but God help us if we have 4 more years of chaos, as this country Will. Not. Survive.

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Fascism is an atypical scenario in homelandia America, largely currently because of our past efforts to quell its advances led by Hitler. We heroically ended fascism so how can we even think fascism can really exist here? So much so that often the current response is shock, and the shock is met with hope and wishful thinking to dispell the fear. Trump promised a true, revengeful game plan, and then added "only for a day", a ploy illustrating awareness of this needed tactic of faux mollification. Fascism is fascism, the many references to fascist tactics and open celebrations of Putin and others reveal the reality, amid the pacifiers playing to the emotionally beset. Should Trump win, there will be a truculence of controlling measures of the general population to set their dominance securely. Once in, fascism always instills and continues to instill terror. People will die, serving as warning. All opposition with be sought out and met with revengeful response, as is currently being stressed by Trump and MAGA's bloodthirsty cadre. Fascism is hell brought to life, and it will be here. There are no American versions of fascism, there is only the standard, unleashed on America, the very minute they win the election.

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Oh, they are frothing at the mouth alright. Huge time!

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As much as the problem rests with Trump, the candidate, I see a bigger issue with the greed and money funding and backing the MAGA movement in general. The recipients of the tax cuts about to expire, are looking for more. The biggest corporations that receive these cuts have been operating record, profits, buying back their own stocks, and funneling those record profits into their own pockets, while the those in the middle have largely paid for their prosperity.

I recently read a statistic that I felt brought a couple things into focus and is relevant to the current economic divide, dilemma, and overwhelming misunderstanding by those who think, for example, that we should not spend more money to help Ukraine. The salary for one year, for Elon Musk, just one company, was equivalent to the last funding package for Ukraine, in its defense of Russian aggression and war. Imagine.

Government must be he a balancing element and representative of the people at large, not the force funneling the economic divisions and divides in this country. We, as citizens, don’t have the means to regulate big business profits, unethical practices by the mega wealthy, and the resulting disadvantaged populations paying the price. We must support Biden and the Democrats and continue mend this disparity.

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I will vote for Biden, though I now believe that the country has a better chance if Biden drops out and we scramble to pick a replacement fast. Let’s make it an unprecedented big deal! This will get the word out and draw attention away from MAGA and Trump. It would need to be a centrist. Someone who supports Foreign policy as it has been traditionally supported. Someone who can pick up with Biden’s unfinished domestic business and add or revise it. Someone who has a reasonable immigration plan. Someone who we can rally around. This I’m afraid to say is our only hope. I do not see the public’s perception of Biden changing. They see him as fragile and failing due to his age. What do we have to lose? I know my vote will be erased by 2 others for MAGA. I hope I’m wrong.

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I believe the country needs and is ready for a progressive nominee capable of clearly articulating the goals of the Congressional Progressive Caucus and describing how they would benefit the vast majority of Americans. My pick would Be Katie Porter or EricSwalwell. I also like Adam Schiff or any other of the 101 member of the Caucus, for example, Jamie Raskin.

I believe Biden has been an excellent president but age, infirmity and the mud slung at him by lying MAGA politicians is hurting him badly. I still think he will win, especially if the incoherent Trump shows up for the debate next week. I am beginning to doubt that he will. He and his handlers know he would look like the meandering, bitter, clueless fool that he is.

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I like thise people but terrible choices, most people except people like us have ever heard of them. Id go for Gavin Newsom my self. He’s kind if feisty and could sling it right back to the turd

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Might be an advantage to be unknown.

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You need an actual person to replace him. Who might that be?

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I have suggested four possible candidates in the post you replied to!

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

I was intending to reply to the original post where no specific person is mentioned.

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I like them all. But what's the point if they have no chance to win? Love Raskin but he absolutely cannot win. And certainly not some random member of the progressive caucus. I talking about an actual person who could actually win the electoral college.

You don't just put up somebody you like or who sounds good and hope for the best. You need a readymade. There isn't one. There is no one other than Biden. That's the reality.

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I believe Rep. Raskin could convincingly and clearly outline the need for and advantages of the progressive agenda. I believe he or any other of the progressive candidates I mentioned would win in a landslide.If you think I am gullible, ask yourself if someone like him or Bernie Sanders would have won in 2016.

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Interesting you mention Bernie Sanders. I'll leave that one alone. Landslides? Uh, never mind.

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I'm am curious. Why are you "leaving alone" my mention of Bernie Sanders?

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You say someone over and over, WHO pray tell would be the one to pull off such a feat!

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Nobody! In part because probably three-quarters of the electorate couldn't name a single Democrat politician other than Biden. And 50% of those are likely only "pretty sure" he's a Democrat. You get the idea.

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Looking at the current landscape, anyone but Biden may be our best hope. If VA is truly as close as polls indicate, this could be a Reagan-level rout.

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Problem is demonstrated by your failure to name the candidate. Who to replace Biden?

In a particular memory of college, around 1980, I recall a state house member telling our class how the mention of running for president instantly changes a person. We were told you could actually see the change on their facial expressions.

Biden suffers from EVERY first term president’s love of their power and a self possessed belief they deserve, earned, or entitlement to a second term.

Just like a vast majority of Senators who claim, “I am only running one time” (think Collin’s of Maine now on her 6th term) I have NEVER experienced a first term president who left after 4 years without being voted out of their second term attempt. And this goes back 60+ years.

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While I personally couldn’t agree more with every word you write, unfortunately I have to ask the question: What country are you presently living in?

This is America today. A nation of uneducated, ignorant, self-absorbed zombies whose epic selfishness and stupidity has finally brought us to the abyss.

Along with the failure of the Neoliberal consensus that has controlled our political system for decades. And failed to even come close to solving our myriad economic, political, and social challenges. For decades, critics have wondered when the bill for systemic failure would come due. And we have arrived at that inflection point.

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And it needs to be said. This election is more about Biden than Trump. It is the weaknesses of the incumbent that are making the election of Trump a reality.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Exactly! I invite you to read my reply to Jim Buie regarding American awareness, or lack thereof.

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As much as I like and support Joe Biden, I'm very concerned that his ego might be compromising his judgement.

He needs an aggressive reelection team around him. Clean house and get some fire breathers in there. There should be a daily denouncement of the daily lies hurled at him, followed by a visionary statement about the next Biden term. (Where is the Democratic version of Plan 2025?!)

Why hasn't he reached out to Chris Christie, Liz Cheney and other staunch Americans on the other side of the aisle to stump for Democracy?

It's God Bless America time. The more voices singing the virtues of democracy, the better.

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Ignorance is as much a side as indifference. The “Reagan Revolution” included de-emphasis of civics in favor of math and science; we’re a nation of citizens who haven’t a notion of how democracy works, or doesn’t. Democracy isn’t like gravity - it isn’t just there.

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Steve, as usual, you are absolutely on point with this accurate description of our dilemma as a country. Those of us who know democracy can be tough to maintain, fear the rabid dedication of MAGA to electing this flawed narcissist who has only HIS own interests at heart. But he has attracted enough smarter, money and power-motivated people to assist in his plan to be a dictator. This truly is the most important election of our lives. The GOP as it operates today is lost, and not likely to be rebuilt unless Trump loses. The Democrats need to stop their in-fighting and agree on platforms that work for all, especially those who struggle with the evolution of technologies, and the disrespect for the hard work done by honest people who never had the benefits of a costly higher education. Anger motivates the folks who struggle, and despite his promises to those people whose outreached hands he won’t shake, we know Trump doesn’t give a damn about them and will leave them in the dust of autocracy.

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And sadly, hate is a very powerful force. Look to Germany in the 1930s as a glaring example. Unfortunately we seem to be following the same playbook with the culture wars and hatred of transgender folks, in particular, at the forefront. We don't have the anti-Semitism but we do have the stigmatization of "the other."

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You're right, Steve. Trump is tedious, yet we can't give up on reaching the still undecided. A new Politico/Ipsos poll reveals that a third of voters (31 percent) and independents (33 percent) still do not understand the details of Trump’s felony conviction. Let's try to engage in dialogue and/or forward this piece to anyone who still lacks understanding of electing a convicted felon to the presidency. https://jimbuie.substack.com/p/18-rebuttals

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Wait...you are saying 69% of the electorate UNDERSTANDS the details? That's impossible to believe. I'll bet 69% of the electorate doesn't understand that Washington and Washington, D.C. are two different places. That's why we are where we are right now. The American education system has been bankrupt for decades, and now we're beginning to fully reap the reprocussions. UNDECIDEDS? Are you kidding me? To anyone who claims that status I have one thing to say...Washington is a state on the west coast, and Washington, D.C. is a city on the east coast. Of the United States of America. Gotta keep that part straight too.

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I think you are playing into the hands of MAGA and Trump by underestimating the intelligence and awareness of the average American. By doing so, you make yourself sound like the the effete intellectuals they claim all Democrats, liberals, and especially progressives are.

I agree, many people are woefully misinformed as a result of disinformation and misinformation put out there by MAGA propaganda outlets like Fox, America One, War Rooms, Infowars etc.

Anyone who cares about this country, this world, must do everything possible to inform the unaware that this is not politics as usual, that Trump/MAGA are real threats to life as we know it in this country. Write letters to the editors of your local newspapers, talk with sincerity to friends and acquaintances who are apolitical, donate to progressive candidates, even those not running in your state.

Never give up. Our future hangs in the balance.

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There is no way one can underestmate the intelligence and awareness of the American elecgtorate. That Trump is even a viable candidate for president let alone neck-and-neck with the Democrat frontrunner is all the proof you need. By the way, the electorate includes MAGAt Trumplicans (i.e. Republicans.)

I admire anyone who actually takes action since admittedly I'm most an armchair cynic. On the other hand I again present the undecideds. Banging one's head against the wall trying to convice people who figuatively don't kniow the difference between the Washingtons is, well, I'll leave that up to people with less effete and more

naivete--which actually can be a useful tool in times like these.

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We should all try as hard as we can to convince just one person that Trump is as dangerous as we say he is. We could try to get an uninformed and uncaring person to watch a couple of shows on MSNBC, Ari Melber and Lawrence O'Donnell are my favorites, offer to help them register, drive them to the polling place. Get them to vote.

I am depressed about the current political scene in our country and can't sit back and watch while Trump and Company manipulate MAGA bigots, religious zealots, and white supremacists into turnimg our country over to him, and Mike Flynn, Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, Mike Lindell, Jeffrey Clark, John Eastman et. al.

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Regrettably, I have to disagree. I think that you are badly overestimating the intelligence and political awareness of the average American.

Millions have voted in two presidential elections for Trump. Millions more are going to again in November.

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I agree that far too many Americans are misled by the Trump/MAGA movement and do not realize the magnitude of the threat it represents.. I believe the vast majority of Americans are capable of understanding how dangerous this man and movement are. I don't know how to get the message across other than the three suggestions in my above comment.

I hope I am right. If I am wrong our future lives will be miserable and likely the very young of today will be the last homo sapiens, as the "wise man" will die slowly from the effects of climate change and general environmental degradation or quickly in a catastrophic nuclear war.

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Thank you for keeping at it, even when its hard and ugly and tedious. It's important to continue for all of us who want to share our freedom and prosperity rather than limit and impose upon our civil and personal rights. I am not looking forward to the knocks on the doors at night.....

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And you can bet those knocks will come, even on the doors of “little people” such as we who dare read and comment on the writings of Steve Schmidt and other courageous people like him. Even posting a comment here could be a fatal move if things go as badly as it seems they might. But we must stand firm, for if we don’t all is surely lost.

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A dictator on Day One won’t give it up on Day Two. Somehow, Trump as Dictator looks good to many voters. Prominent members from his administration have changed their perspective. This American Life reports on what retribution looks like. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/833/come-retribution. How can previous Trump allies help turn the MAGA true believers around? Or create enough reservations that they don’t vote?

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