This video and post is a blessing. Steve, you speak so much truth about who and what the so-called MAGA movement is. A neo fascist/nazi-like movement.

I believe Vance is merely using Trump. Trump has only 2 goals. use the presidency to steal every penny he can from the US treasury and to stay out of prison. But I believe Vance is the face of the American Taliban — with the goal being to create a sinister Christian Caliphate modeled on the Taliban and centered around the treatment of women. The signs and message seems terribly clear. I wonder if you or others see it as well.

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I see exactly what you see. There is something sinister about Vance.

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They should count their blessings for “weird” and not what the majority of us call them in the privacy of our own home. They couldn't even guess how much they’re despised.

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So true, Nancy!

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Steve, A long-time admirer and recent subscriber. You are absolutely correct that America has an almost 10-year dalliance with the weird and corrupt Orange Idiot! It must end! I will be a grandfather for the first time this coming October and I want my granddaughter to grow up in a democracy with freedom for all!

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Welcome to our community! Could not agree more with you — I worry for my kids.

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My wife thinks the core issue centers around Racism. Obama, a Black/Irish president, so articulate, drove them crazy - they can't get over it. The Mitch McConnell effect drove us crazy with the obstructionism, including messing up the Supreme Court. Donald Trump was never a guy that should have been elected president in the first place (I knew that since the 1980s). I hope a sane Conservative Party can form after the MAGA madness subsides. Big issues concerning climate and monopolies need to be addressed before they kill us.

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Trumpler, empty vessel of a man, singularly vile, deeply unprincipled, genetically divisive, permanently aggrieved, professional victim, government for sale grifter, oily orange, pathologically lying, infantile, sociopathic criminal; he made a stupid choice.


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Amen Steve! Talk about the forest of weirdness, Jesse Watters just said the scientists said that if a man votes for a woman then they become one. Talk about the party of weirdos if they believe that stupid crap.

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Steve Schmidt

"MAGA and the Cult of Weird"! Fantastic graphics, photos, drums and take-down of MAGA!

Kudos to Steve and the "The Warning" team. These videos pack a punch. Need popcorn!

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The core of MAGA world is misogyny. All things flow from it. This is why you end up with people like Vance or Mark Robinson. They are attracted to it like moths to light and find freedom in it to speak their views.

No rational, decent person or practical politician has any reason to refer to women as skanks or miserable cat ladies. Yet here we are with these two and their words. A vote for either of them debases us all.

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The " weird" narrative is fun...and it is working...but to win this thing the Dems must find a way to associate that weirdness with the danger and toxicity that is attached to all things MAGA.

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I think it’s likely that MAGA will do that job for us as we move forward.

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Well said Steve maga is so weird!! Thank you

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Characterizing Trump team as ‘weird’ delegitimizes Trump/Vance'srhetoric, making it appear outlandish and unrelatable. This framing fosters a narrative that their views are extreme and disconnected from mainstream values. It does capture attention and appeals to those tired of typical name-calling.

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Lewis Black had his brand of commentary on MAGA. He was worried about comedians losing work: “How can you make something funny that is already funny?!?!?”

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Good one! The poor comedians could be out of work now!

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Very good commentary today, Steve. I think the weird moniker the Democrat’s have chosen is an important way to call out the nut jobs in the Republican Party run by the supreme nut job, Donald. You are identifying the choice we have in November and our duty to use our agency so we don’t lose the freedoms we Americans have enjoyed. I’m so happy we are consolidating around such a fine candidate, Kamala Harris.

Just a side comment - In recent interviews Donald didn’t know what DEI stood for or what a pronoun is.

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TFG is ONLY an arrogant grifter and entertainer. Beyond that he is a total idiot: Idiocracy.

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This is a fantastic piece. Thank you.

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Well said Steve. I couldn’t agree more.

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One additional note: George Will wrote in the Washington Post that only progressive fear mongers believe that the 1873 Comstock Act will be used to stop medication by mail.

Writers like Will and Kathleen Parker constantly write of their disdain for Trump, but they also telegraph to readers that there is nothing to fear from Trump. Parker previously wrote that only fear mongers say Roe will be overturned. How did that go?

These are writers who every week try to fool readers into believing they dislike Trump. But the reality is they want you to vote for him.

Reject This, rational people.

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