I come from survivors of the camps and my Nazi radar has been working overtime since 2015.

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This sentence from a Tump post on 9/6 demonstrates two qualities of Nazi Supreme leaders, narcissism to the point of belief in their own divine power and delusional thinking:

"I am the Peace President and only I will prevent WWIII."

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So true. He will give his friends (America's enemies) whatever they want and by doing so will convince them they'll do whatever trump asks.That will convince them too not attack us. They will just RULE us instead.

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And they will take everything we have to do this. Money, freedom, future, hope, possibility, joy, you name it.

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If you vote with Nazis, you ARE a Nazi. I have been ending so many of my FB posts with that statement for a few years now. I have friends (mostly ex at this point), and relatives (who I see as little as possible of) who heartbreakingly fall into that category.

I've been so frustrated that there were only a handful of political journalists willing to call fascism "fascism," and Nazis "Nazis" until now. But even now, the great majority of journalists are still too timid to REALLY sound the alarm.

How much more should it take beyond the top MAGA talking head, Tucker Carlson, interviewing and fawning over a proud, fascist, holocaust denier?

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and there in lies the conundrum.

I live in MAGA country and the -overwhelming- majority of people I encounter run the gamut from stranger in the grocery line, to service personnel & professionals, elected officials, neighbors, long time friends, etc. -to- even family members. To cut ties with all, leaves me standing on a very tiny island 🏝️.

(Which tempts me to migrate to a bigger island, like Australia). For survival, I simply don’t tip my hand; no social media commentary or open discussion whatsoever, and hope beyond hope that we’ll awaken from this nightmare in November. If the nightmare turns out to be reality, I hear Brisbane’s kinda nice.

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I’m lucky in that regard. I live in Los Angeles. Of course we do have MAGAs out here - a lot of them, but in general, I can assume someone is anti-Trump unless they say, or I discover otherwise.

I have friends in the south though - a dear friend in Tennessee- who faces the same issues you do.

I’m distraught enough living in a liberal area, I’m not sure how I’d cope (not well, is the answer) living in a MAGA-monopolized area. I feel for you.

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I feel your pain. I live in South Carolina & it’s been really hard knowing I am surrounded by the enemy. I am suspicious of everyone & will not, by any means, declare myself. Until recently Eric Bolling lived nearby. The fawning of those around him was nauseating & cringe inducing.

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You are welcome to come to Canada which is, as I know, still a nation of freedom, democracy and diversity .

We Canadians are by no means perfect “eh” , but we have no MAGA fools here and only a handful of fascists. 🇨🇦


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Sounds like an unhealthy way to live, but it makes me appreciate the internet as a survival tool.

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I started feeling that way a few months ago in a blue county in a blue state. I could feel the ground shifting and so many middle class women are clueless as to just what men are capable of. The French story is indicative of what is on the minds of these American Nazis.

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Yes but making oneself into a pariah feels even more unhealthy; downright self destructive.

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People were badgered when using Nazi or fascist to accurately describe the behavior. It was tantamount to using the N word, just another media manipulation.

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I have been using the word fascist as synonymous with maga since 2015.

To paraphrase Maya Angelou, ‘ when someone tells you who they are, believe them”.

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I live in nj where fascism has its place, but the Nazis have been unleashed by trump.

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Lol NJ

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Certain ones in your family also? I am completely confused that anyone, anyone would vote for a felon and a rapist with multiple court cases for crimes yet to come! I have nothing to do with them. Seriously, my two relatives never go anywhere, never do anything but cling to the BS, lies, and propaganda of FOX fake news. Their irrational views is what makes me stay away from them.

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Thank You LC

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Under Trump and the rot that has taken over the Republican party and others (not just them) all the people who used to be in the shadows and the slime have now come out in the open. They think they see an opening to come forth and spew their very dangerous garbage onto the rest of us. Now is the time for all Americans who care about what America really stands for and should be to stand up to these people and poisonous ideologies in whatever form they are, wherever they are...............

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If we wake the morning of Wed., Nov. 6th to learn we’re now citizens of a fascist nation, can any of us fathom just how emboldened our MAGA neighbors will become.

Hollywood doomsday, comes to life.

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Right you are, Steve. Key among the tells of mainstream media complicity in American fascism and Nazism is the standard censuring of any effort by the public to post comparisons of MAGA and Trump to Nazis on comment sections. On what grounds, pray tell? That the comment might ‘offend’ other members. Seriously! As you underscore, the preponderance of media have abjectly failed to pursue and report the truth about Trump as America’s Hitler.

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On Meta’s platforms, even Jay Kuo has had MAGA criticism censored. It may be the algorithms that also took down my post: in response to a friend’s post of “there is no reason for war” I write I’d always thought that until my dad (z”l), a Jewish WWII vet said “Hitler was a reason to go to war”. Meta took it down bec using Hitler’s name was against policy/community standards. How can we warn without the words and names?

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Apparently, the Nazi-Christo-fascist standard must prevail on pain of cyber-extermination.

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But it is happening in the real world with $$ assists from creepy billionaires to groups like Moms for Liberty who pay shills to push their Nazi ideology.

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The media is invested in the status quo and to them it means defending the duopoly regardless of where that might lead.

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MAGA is Nazism by another name. A collection of lunatics, criminals, malcontents, miscreants, malevolent, and the just plain stupid. For stupid, see what we have here in North Carolina:

North Carolina state superintendent candidate Michele Morrow has made protecting students central to her campaign. The MAGA home-school mother running to oversee the state’s public school system has assembled a 10-person school safety advisory board to rid schools of pedophiles.

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Good luck getting rid of pedos. I have one two blocks from my house...a female to be exact and 9 others in my town, with two being female sex offenders. Pedophilia has always existed. They will never go away but plague humankind forever.

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I certainly agree. I raised this because she despises public schools and, among other negative things, calls them indoctrination centers. In keeping with her QAnon beliefs, she thinks public schools are overflowing with pedophiles.

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I have nothing against home schooling, My friend is a teacher and she home schooled both her boys who graduated from uni. Both her boys attended public school starting in 10th grade. both graduated with honors. But Morrow the bimbo? she is another supporter of the rapist Drumpf. How can anyone listen to her propaganda? What is wrong with Americans and why have we become so dumb?

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I have nothing against homeschooling, either. Morrow is a cultist and ideologue with a malevolent disposition. She wants to force a set of views on others and is using the school system as a means to an end. It is not about education. It is about control.

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Here's another name for Nazism: Neo-Nazism. We can refer to these Trump cultists as neonazis (or Neo Nazis).

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We should not forget Carlson's promotion of “the great replacement theory." Meanwhile, Vance is still set to appear alongside Carlson during a live speaking tour. They’ll be joined by the likes of Alex Jones, Donald Trump Jr., and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.

How can any decent American continue to support Trump and Vance when they regularly meet with openly fascist individuals whose careers are devoted to spinning far right conspiracy theories?

" Vance is still set to appear alongside Carlson during a live speaking tour. They’ll be joined by the likes of Alex Jones, Donald Trump Jr., and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene."


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If there are not enough people in this country to reject this, then it’s over. There are no gray areas. Either you embrace the Nazi’s or reject them.

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My parents generation fought the Nazis and defeated them, there is no way in hell that I will ever side with our modern version of the Nazis, from the insipid orange turd to his maggot follower “base”.

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We have to have a very strong showing and resounding win in November. A clear message must be sent.

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The "great replacement theory" encapsulates the very essence of Nazi ideology. That is why MAGA hates diversity; they have a deep fear of being overwhelmed by, in their minds, people of color, inferior in all respects, culturally, physically, and mentally to white people. That is why Magazis, notably one crank on this very site, reularly promulgate the theory that "coastal elites" who call themselves progressives but are really satanic communists, want to increase the minority population. The "coastal elites" can easily manipulate these undesirables and thus maintain control over the country and its wealth.

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Carlson is abhorrent and is testament to evil. Is he exercising his First Amendment Right or inciting violence? Biden should consider charging him with treason, send him to Gitmo and let the magas rave, which they will do anyway when Trump loses. The SC has given the president power to do exactly that. It is beyond time to stop the spread of hatred.

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The continuing passivity only exacerbates.

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"A man is known by the company he keeps."


JD Vance-Peter Thiel-Alex Jones-Tucker Carlson-Sean Hannity-Corey Lewandowski

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President Eisenhower predicted MAGA:

“If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is moral and right, then it is not a political party. It is just a conspiracy to seize power.”

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“The great corruption in America’s media right now is the decision to profit from access at the expense of reporting the truth. The truth can be difficult. It is staring us in the face, and it is very ugly.”

Never more prophetic words! As though we should expect a different result from such esteemed periodicals like the NYT’s. Oh wait, they were Hitler apologists in the run up to WW2. And it’s not like the times’s hasn’t sold its soul before during the manufactured war in Iraq for ratings, or burying an illegal wiretapping program against all Americans for over a year.

The fourth estate, my ass! The Time’s and the free press is operating as expected. Gutless wonders seeking ratings and revenue; democracy be damned!…:)

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I read a book years ago about the Lincoln/Douglass debates. There were no moderators asking questions of the debaters. Today, we have to watch these moderators ask insipid softball questions. It may be frustrating to Kamala to have to listen to these questions without the permission to ask her questions directly to Trump. As Attorney General of California that is what she excelled at doing. Furthermore, these moderators are meek in not calling out untrue statements.

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Let’s see if Carlson sues you, Steve. I’d love the amplification of your argument and will contribute for ur legal fees.

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I'll second that.

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You always ask difficult questions and seek uneasy truth. That makes your daily analysis worth watching. Really appreciate your unrelenting focus and commitment to help save this fragile and exceptional democracy.

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Indeed, May. As I read some of Steve's posts, I often find myself of shallow breath with tears in my eyes. Neither is an exaggeration.

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An amazing editorial today . As someone who studies The Holocaust and has visited Auschwitz , I can feel the eerie silence you describe ….. and the frustration of knowing there were deniers then, and they live among us still

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We must call it by its name. Euphemisms will not do. Nazism. Nazism. That is what it is.

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I’ve used fascist since 2015.

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Even I cannot tell the exact difference between Nazism and Fascism. However, both seem to have come down to us from 1930s Europe. We need to make a connection of today's ills with those of the past. That's where the prefix "Neo" comes in: NeoNazi & NeoFascist.

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Carlson is a platinum spooner from the Swanson food empire. It is our very system of governance that affords him the right and opportunity to spew forth his oral sewerage. He is high up on the ladder of celebrity sewer rats.

"The great corruption in America’s media" has been forged by greed-bent liars and the purveyors of fiction and falsehoods. The MEDIA, such as it is, lost huge amounts of trust and credibility when it chose to make Trump a hero instead of the monster he is. Many of those "news" outlets have joined the celebrity rats in the celebrity sewer. I keep returning to the quote from Dorothy Thompson. Yet, at this moment in history "guessing the Nazi" requires no guessing at all. They are staring us square in the face and daring us to challenge them. Trump's "Rush(er) if you are listening" comes to mind., (He never pronounces "Russia" correctly.)

We are at war for the soul of America, our United States. The evil Republican hydra wants to sting and poison with its venomous tongues. This has been at work since the days or Reagan the Phony and Newt Gingrich the devil in a two-piece suit. The Republican Party has been a nest of toxic vipers far too long. It is time to sever the heads of the hydra.

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