Pack the Supreme Court with people with integrity. Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch and Barrett claim to be originalists or textuallists but there rulings on presidential immunity is treason to their claimed philosophy

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You’re speaking the truth . How can they repeat lies over and over again..they say it with conviction !

Have they lost the ability to understand what they say ?

Seems so!

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In most of the free and independent world, this would be considered great satire.

But I know it to be the real ideas of people that claim to be American patriots that respect the laws of the land and the Constitution while keeping most of their attention on their Wall Street accounts and real estate values.

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Another shameless performance of seditious treason by our prima facie Russian propaganda-suppurating apparatchik bot here.

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"Happy Treason Day!"

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So who will charge them! AOC is tough maybe she can.

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I was just inspired to write this poem.

Will the 4th of July become the 4th of the Lie

If the new Reich has its way

Is project 2025 here to stay?

Will this experiment fail

To a new Sieg Heil?

" A Republic, if you can keep it", Franklin was quoted as saying

Now liberty and justice appear to be fraying.

The Red Haters will never relent

Unless we get out and vote - I Dissent!

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From this important holiday to the election in November, the overriding issue is women and their freedom.

Here in North Carolina, the MAGA candidate for Governor believes life begins at conception and has said to women here that once you get pregnant it is no longer your body. With the help of Republicans in the State Legislature, he will push to enact a law to arrest and jail women who seek an abortion across state lines.

If this is the kind of America you want, then you know who to vote for. Happy 4th.

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Mark Robinson has also called for taking away the right of women to vote and said to end abortion women should keep their skirts down.

MAGA is no longer hiding the truth about itself. Just like their leader revealed in the Hollywood tapes they believe women are by nature subservient to men and to treat them as equals is wrong. They are willing to elect a man who disdains women so much that a jury held him liable for carrying out the specific abuse he described on the tapes against E. Jean Carroll.

Everything about MAGA is anti-American and spits in the face of our long journey toward a more egalitarian, just, and tolerant society.

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I have listened to Robinson opine on various historical matters. You cannot find a better example of the sorry state of education. Whatever the people in this state were thinking to make him the second highest ranking public official is beyond me. It does not bode well for our future.

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Robinson says for women to keep their skirts down . Ok then , let's deny sex to any man including husbands. That includes him !

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This is from the same belief that wasteful semen is sinful and in a weird way supports it as part of a diet ! How far does this go until the eye for an eye comes into play !

We have god given rights which you by pointing to a woman and you claim to know what’s better for her then she does, by doing so you are trying to remove god given rights.

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Steve, thank you for the inspiring words about America! I agree we are lucky to be American. I never thought we could lose our Republic, but here we are. And I never imagined that the Supreme Court, especially Roberts, would give legal cover to Trump to turn America into a Fascist Putin State. Praying and hoping that our Democratic team wins in November!

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So many millions agree with you ..I have no idea how this crud crawled into America but have clear imagination of what it’s going to tske to get it out !

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Please watch the documentary, Bad Faith, (on Prime Video) to understand Christian Nationalism. Steve is interviewed and comments. Regan aligned the Republican Party with these folks. Scary.

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I wish you the best as you celebrate the historical significance of this Independence Day. Tomorrow, please address the statement by the architect of Project 2025 that a process is underway for a second American revolution that "will remain bloodless, if the left allows it to be". It's no longer about Biden or Trump. It's a christo-fascist call to arms. Where do you go from here?

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Very worthy subject for Steve

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Jul 4Liked by Steve Schmidt

Glad you're feeling better.

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This is an interesting reflective message from the Tories of our modern time.

Meanwhile the real Tories in Great Britain are having their political hat taken away. France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Argentina... anti globalist establishment governments are being elected.

The ruling Regime seems to be crumbling... long live the people!

Government by the people, of the people and for the people. Not government by the ruling class, of the ruling class and for the ruling class.

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Ironic that you continue to use MAGA talking points while trying to sound reasonable as if these are some right wing platitudes and aspirations (government by and of the people") sounds so noble but is pure hypocrisy when vomited out of your and other MAGA mouths.

TFG has just been granted immunity to continue committing crimes that will be far worse than anything he did in his first term were he to win in November. This in part kills democracy and grants him more authority than the framers ever intended; they left the monarch behind and this reinstates some of that. He's a criminal and you and everyone else knows it. And the only reason someone would seek immunity and none of our other 45 presidents ever seemed to struggle with or need this and they fared just fine. So, in reality, TFG is the one who wants to be the ruling class, none of the other word salad bullshit you've spewed for months. Bye Felecia.

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Nice work Steve. Pretty much sums it up.. i know Trump voters that used to say those various things, and i have forwarded them this piece to remind them of that.. hopefully it will not fall on deaf ears.. i do fear it will

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This is not a difficult decision... for ANYONE who isn't the DNC. We can not afford for them to blow this. For Gawds sake...push stubborn old Joe out! Bring in a new nominee! We have a Republic to save !!

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On this 248th commemoration of America’s declaration of independence from the English monarchy, what do we Americans have to show for it? How about the nation’s Supreme Court theocratic majority committing treason in broad daylight by aborting the bedrock foundation of the republic that no person is above the law to serve their fascist master named Donald Trump? The same justices who had no qualms about treating American women with pietistic, sociopathic indifference to their bodily autonomy have now brazenly demonstrated a total lack of compunction about eviscerating America’s body politic by trashing its democracy, system of justice and respect for equality in order to pave the trajectory for a wannabe Hitler to become its first tyrant.

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I humbly suggest the president make an immediate swap for the good of the Democratic party and the country: HARRIS For President; BIDEN for Vice President. This is the best way Joe can uplift his stellar reputation, defeat Trump and save us all.

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If Biden resigns i have now come to believe c harris is the best chance for the top of the ticket.

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Likely our last Fourth as a democracy.

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I’d rather think possibly not probably. There’s plenty of those who oppose such consideration.

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I originally said possibly, but likely is what I believe at the moment. Hopefully, that will change.

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Abigail Disney, granddaughter of Walt Disney and longtime Democratic Party donor, said yesterday that she will withhold donations to the party "unless and until they replace Biden at the top of the ticket."

Disney made clear she respects Biden, whom she called a "good man" who's served his country admirably, but added: "If Biden does not step down the Democrats will lose. Of that I am absolutely certain. The consequences for the loss will be genuinely dire."

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I can't figure out why they would want to end our democracy. Deep down, they might want to murder some witches. Zealots yet not good people. At least some of their names are starting to become known, the brains of the outfit. Quite bizarre actually.

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The Christian Zealots are the most frightening and despicable people I have ever witnessed, and I am not a young person. I was raised a Christian and never took it to mean that we must have absolute political power and must impose our beliefs upon others. But that is what they want.

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They would have to be quite a minority in the US. But they're loud - I don't care how many pages (900) are in their Kampf. This is a power play using the American consumer.

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Check out Trumps July 4 greeting. Geez. And if TFG wins, next year's celebration may be a fascist military parade.

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Unfortunately, Biden is struggling and I don’t think this is going to go away:

President Biden sought to steady his re-election campaign by talking with two Black radio hosts for interviews broadcast on Thursday, but he spoke haltingly at points during one interview and struggled to find the right phrase in the other, saying that he was proud to have been “the first Black woman to serve with a Black president.”

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TFG wanted a military parade in DC in 2017 but was talked out of it. If he wins in November, all bets are off as he will not surround himself with people trying to keep the guardrails in place. There will be no "adults in the room". SMH.

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We can not let him win..we are un.power and positioned to keep it regardless of the vote. He should be in jail, our judges are just not giving consequences out. What is wrong with them. See my post just now.

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Happy 4th of July, let's hope it is never the 4th of The Lie!

“To enjoy privilege without abuse, to have liberty without license, to possess power and steadfastly refuse to use it for self-aggrandizement—these are the marks of high civilization.”

48:7.8 (556.8)

A Thought to Ponder from The Urantia Book

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