Thank you for your inspiring message. This quote from Thomas Paine really resonated with me: "If there must be trouble, let it be in my time, so that my children will know peace." The time to resist is now.

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The time to resist has long been. I feel Steve’s absolute terror because I am an armchair, fervent student of history and politics since my teenage years I used to sit in the den with my father and watch the news with him. I monitored how serious the issues were by his expressions and body language,we are in a deep Valley because of ignorance, stupidity

and apathy!! We are truly on the verge of losing our freedom and having the Gustapo kick our doors down and that’s not hyperbole. Our lose is happening in real time. The tech Bros don’t need money. They’re not even interested in money they’re playing a game here, they are just having fun.This is all a game with them. They are playing a game with the country and the working citizens who built the country they care nothing at all about any of us they never have they never will. They’re pretty much men without conscience their de based individuals while they may be intellectually strong, they are morally perverse, devoid, impoverished individuals. They could care less they’re dangerous and they will. They are endangering our life in our children and our grandchildren. I have worn myself out since the orange one came down the escalator with my family to my family has just been angry with me for constantly keeping them informed and just saying these are facts this happened today. You can extra away from any circumstance pretty much what he’s gonna happen we all can extrapolate was gonna happen to us now we’re gonna have to turn out in the street in millions and we’re gonna have to put on white shirts, white shoes, white pants. We’re gonna have to be silent march in total silence where our sunglasses bring our phones put a hat on and we’re just going to march for days in in profound silence so that the world gets to see what is happening in America so that when they kill us shoot us run us over and they will that it’ll be easy to see the blood juxtapose to white clothing. We have to paint a picture for history the picture we want history to see because otherwise it’s 1984 big brother will just expunge the behavior the historical facts exactly as Trump is doing with the January 6 riders, these are dangerous horribly dangerous times I’ve been afraid literally since 2016 I mean Daly terrified I feel Steve’s pain and for people who don’t understand it’s because they’re they’re politically in historically ignorant they can’t understand because they know nothing but yet they want the rest of us to save them from themselves. Those of us who didn’t vote for Trump now have to save those who did from themselves and I truly do fear. It will cost actual lives. I believe our country will be bankrupt. That can’t be any doubt they will tap into our personal checking account savings account retirement account. They will start taking so they will bankrupt the Social Security for anyone who says oh they won’t do that. How stupid can you be? There is nothing they haven’t done. There is nothing they will not do. Can we just grow up and understand this? I feel nauseated to think what people and other countries think about the once torture freedom hell high to the world that we have come to this because we put the most incompetent people the most incompetent citizens in charge. We just said everybody gets voted. You don’t have to know anything you can stay in and vote right beside the person who is a studious worthy citizen hey folks, I don’t have all the answers but I got some good question and I think of Steve, I pray for him often. My fellow Americans that are reasonable people with governors on their temperament on their conduct that we really been unleashed into the Colosseum with the lions we have been fed. Some of some of us have walked with Leigh Ann and those are others of us who have all the way but we can’t stop now we may we God help survive and we may not I mean 80 years 80 years since the release of people from Auschwitz dying starved, emaciated people what is wrong with our country with no country has ever had so much light and chosen darkness and for me I don’t believe that if you set your house on fire will set your metaphor metaphoric house on fire that God is obligated to come put out the fire. I don’t know that he will I mean, we’re in a very weak state now we are in the ICU and we are are easy. Pray for our enemies. I love you all and I hope many of us are able to meet in person. I’m asking fellow readers please share this site with your friends. We can’t give up. I’m trying to save people, but at the same time we cannot singing to despair. We can’t despair. We have to strive on strive on.

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Thank you for your essay. I too am scarred. I'm on Social Security and 76 years old. I will march even if I'm in a wheelchair. I believe AARP will sponsor a Senior Citizen March if they try to take our Social Security.

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Folks please for give me for prematurely posting!

I husband is suddenly not well and I was trying to speak with him!!

Please fight on!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Steve you are in my prayers!!!

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I see and hear your pain and call to action. I'm calmer than before trump 2.0 because now WE know who and what to fight against. I'm ready and willing to go anytime.

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Trump is violating court orders and everything he’s doing is illegal. Every single person has to start calling this out, everyday. We also need to contact our representatives.

And DEI is Don Jr., Eric and Ivanka. Get it?

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Why name them and give them more attention/recognition? I saw this in the YouTube comments on one of Steve's videos yesterday: DEI is Donald's Extreme Ignorance.

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I like that better.

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AND their spouses / "girlfriends".

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Donald Trump not obeying the law? Ludacris, lol

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The Supreme Court said the Prez is allowed to do anything.

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He may do something , but he must answer to the illegal actions he’s taking !

If it leads to his demise so be it, he brings it upon himself !

If Congress goes dark we must find a way to light the way !

It’s looking like that 49% he had called followers is shrinking !

Where is it. ? How do we take a count ?

The group that enjoys going to the circus looks stagnant and paid off !

So many times I hear the same recorded cheer !

Notice there’s no video of cheering crowds other than the few they can gather . Take a look !

You’ll see the Clown in

all his glory!

He’s intoxicated!

Don’t fear he’ll soon melt into a puddle of insanity.

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Evil flourishes when good men and women do nothing. Time to call, e-mail the Senate and Representatives flood the voice mail and the in boxes with protest.

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Their voice mail boxes are continually full. What else should we be doing? Emails often get read too late. Worth doing, of course, but not enough. (Have never gotten a response tho I have asked for one.)

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I emailed my senator Chuck Grassley about his devil's bargain with James Comer to demand FBI records on the Bidens a few years ago. It took 3 tries but I did get a reply in the end. Of course it was pure nonsense and obfuscation.

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I feel the same way. Looking for a more effective way to protest! If it's true, as Steve said, the House members aren't showing up, I'll start bugging Hakeem Jeffries for a start. Onward and upward.

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and again and again and AGAIN.

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Doing. What are you focusing on? I’m focusing on Musk. Then impeachment.

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Impeachment? Of whom? And what exactly does it mean to focus on Musk?

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To me, focusing on Musk means asking our elected representatives how Musk is getting away with all these actions that he has no authority to take. That's what I did this morning, writing to my Congressman and Senators (all Democrats).

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Certainly reasonable, but I'd ask with what expected outcome? And what specific actions is he taking? trump can have basically anyone he wants as an advisor, as despicable and disgusting as musk is, and doge isn't a real thing.

Still curious what @kay meant by this and who is she thinking regarding impeachment.

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What can I do in Indiana? All my Representatives are Republican. I feel so powerless. I have called Senator Young's office a couple of times but my heart wasn't in it. I'm open to suggestions.

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Make a sign: "IMPEACH TRUMP NOW!" and walk around your local courthouse...others will join you.

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Other than looking like a 2025 version of the STOP THE STEAL folks, what exactly does this do? I mean, I don't support him, but what has he done to warrant impeachment? Remember, the Constitution defines it as "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors". Policies I dislike don't count. Tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and China don't either. Lying in his TS posts? Nope. His EOs are ridiculous and are again, something I may not like, but can be challenged in court.

We had him on insurrection (impeachment #2), but McConnell provided permission structure to vote not guilty. We had him on stealing documents which Cannon tossed and which likely would have been successfully appealed had he not won, as well as the others that he successfully manipulated the courts with his delay games. Especially since Congress has to raise impeachment if warranted, wearing a sign has the appearance of whining or sour grapes. You want to be that person, obviously feel free.

But, again, I ask, what has he done to warrant impeachment? Serious question as I'm disgusted but just don't see this as an appropriate step at this point.

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Pointless, has no effect, I wish it were not so

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Steve-please stop using the 49.9% out of context-it is 49.9% of the Americans who voted, voted for Trump. We need to keep reminding the non-voters they are responsible for this outcome too. They bear the guilt of what we are going through and what we have to raise up against.

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Not only is it wrong to state "49.9% of Americans" since it was less than a 1/3 of the eligible voters (roughly 90 million did not vote), it marginalizes the validity of his otherwise sound and profound writing. Steve, please get it right! Facts matter!

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Will some clear thinking non consultant driven middle of the road Democratic leader stand the fuck up and give a new narrative explanation speech to a national audience and ask for a meaningful show of support for one significant action.

All the Democrats seems to be able to do is ask for $. To do what? I ask

Please…. fewer rants

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I like Sheldon Whitehouse.

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Whitehouse is great but he seems to hesitate at the threshold of becoming a significant national leader.

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Yes! We need leaders to inspire actions now that do not involve donating money etc.

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As Steve's oft-quoted speeches from history, and his own mastery of prose, makes clear--part of the "long game" of the MAGA movement has been the destruction of the English language. From the eloquence of long ago (Washington, Paine) and not so long ago (Kennedy, King, Obama), we now have a so-called leader who "loves the uneducated", of which club he himself is one. He literally has no words.

Again, Orwell's prophecy has come starkly true. The linguist Syme tells Winson Smith: “It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words," and “Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”

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Per The National Literacy Institute 21% of adults in America are illiterate and 54% have a literacy below 6th grade. These gruesome statistics explain how Trump limped to victory.

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Samual Adams told Mary Woolstonecraft that democracies can only survive with an educated citizenry.

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How tragic!

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We ignore this fact at our peril. And!! The Dept of Education is being closed now

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You must be older because few younger people read Orwell's "1984." I read it in school and it never left my mind. In 2017, I immediately saw the Nazi/Orwellian tactics go into effect with the lying, propaganda, Big Lies, threatening behavior, violent rhetoric etc. that work so well in brainwashing, lulling people to obey, follow.

Orwell spun a fictional world based on Nazi tactics and it was a powerful sci-fi horror of things that could happen.

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WHO is going to stop him, and how? I listened to Jamie Raskin YouTube video last night with the five people he has convened to give pro bono help to DOJ employees. I hope it extends to the rest of the feds like my son who works at Interior… 🤞 Strength and Honor.

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Can we please start a Go Fund Me site for Milley?

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I agree. What is he going to do????

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What a complete shit show Trump has unleashed, and the GOP is going along. Sickening but how do we the common folk fight it?

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Steve, your essays will become part of the history of the New Rebellion. You are a guiding light in the wilderness. Fitting to go into the clarity of the desert, the simplicity of nature. I hope you feel renewed.

We clearly haven’t hit bottom yet. People still want to be entertained, like horror movies and TV shows about evil that spellbind and mesmerize. Reality TV has become some whacko inversion of consensual reality. Even Darth Vader found redemption; Donald Vader will find no such grace. He is evil incarnate, and we need a whole new language for him.

You help us sort through these times. Thank you for quoting the great founders with their uncanny vision. I feel one of the missteps that led to today’s Empire is the lack of civics education and in-depth history of the foundations of this experiment in democracy.

We do not generally as a People know what freedom truly is. Sadly, we will find out as more of it is stripped from us. You are correct that they are coming to take everything from us. It is so clear. And I agree with Thomas Paine that there are people who do not see, who will not see, who cannot imagine, what real evil is. I have tried to sound my own warnings for over a decade when I became personally involved in California’s carceral system. I reference it continually because it forced me long ago to understand what freedom really is.

It is not a flag. It is not an anthem. It is not a song or a policy. It is us: It is our innate goodness and inclusiveness that says everyone is a human being, and everyone has a right to enjoy the fruits of what collectively we can build for the benefit of everyone.

Freedom is not free; it never has been. It is a balance between compassion and fierce fighting. It is an understanding about the right to food, shelter, work, relationships, and health.

There is no freedom under the law unless people understand and support the law. Ignorant, angry people can never be free, and they will only take it from everyone else. People are shocked; it’s time to wake up. We have been incarcerating people for decades, and now the prison is on the outside of the walls.

The new Emperor and his sycophants want to make America a prison where they are the wardens and they hold the keys. They want to put everyone in cuffs and irons, strip rights to education, health and work and family bonds. Make no mistake: They are creating a new carceral system where the inmates, the PEOPLE, don’t even realize they are being locked up. It is not only “immigrants”: It is all who are being blindly led off the cliff, like lemmings in their own cult of fascination and willful ignorance.

We haven’t hit bottom yet. Those rounded up in Nazi Germany and shipped out on boxcars thought they would be fed upon arrival at labor camps. Instead, they were gassed and incinerated.

Evil is real. If only we could stop paying attention, even for one day. I propose that Feb. 17 become anti-president’s day, and we all boycott in a general protest of everything that contributes to the false riches of this kingdom that we did not vote for.

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Fabulous comment.

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Thank you so kindly. Steve inspires!

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Incredible comment. Wish all the Maga people still in my life could read it. I just have to keep believing GOOD always wins in the end. Just sucks when you're going through it. 💔🙏💔

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Thank you Lisa. We have to go through it together. I so appreciate this community.

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Nationwide strike? Nobody works. Nobody buys. Repeat as often as necessary.

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Nancy, what a great idea. We now need someone powerful, well-known, and on our side to organize nationwide protests such as strikes. It is not difficult to take a day off work and stop shopping. Even if we have to do it often. Tens of millions of Americans would do it and it would send a powerful message to Trump and his oligarchs, WE ARE ON TO YOU. YOU WILL NOT GET AWAY WITH YOUR "REIGN OF TERROR."

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YES name a date and let's get it out on all the socials.

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Great idea. How about a designated week when we stop buying from Amazon or is that too focused? Trying to think of something “enormous” we could do that would not ask people to take a day off….

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Excellent - Down with dicktator.

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The stock & bond markets will be sending a message to trump tonight when futures open at 6pm EST

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Excellent. Just excellent.

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Keep up the good fight. We need a strong voice in this time of darkness.

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I hear they look to rename the Department of Defense to DUI Defense Under Intoxication.

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An ugly crew and I am talking about what lies inside.

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All these newsletters I subscribe too seem to be saying the same thing ..Don't give up and so on.. I'm not giving up but somebody lead us so we can fight this.

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