Feb 19, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Interesting that the bot had no qualms about calling Kellyanne a liar but wouldn’t render an opinion on the corruption of the Trumps. That feels like a deliberate programming issue. 🤔

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Having read this I’m convinced that Kellyanne is an AI bot. Alternative intelligence!

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LOL, Steve at least two things are clear.

Even AI knows Kellyanne is a liar.

Secondly, the AI answers to something it didn’t know anything about sounded awfully familiar to the way the GOP addressed their stance on Social Security last week.

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I'm not sure about AI bots. Machines are only as good as the humans who program them, and a lot of humans are kind of evil.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

This is the third AI chat I've read...agree this is a WIP, evasive and definitely sounds like Dave! I prefer your writings Steve.

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Steve: you were having a "conversation" with a machine that puts out words in what it has figured statistically are the proper order to respond to your prompt. While you were adjusting what you wrote on the basis of what you read from it, and thinking about what was said, it was busy statistically putting out words that you would consider "correct." But unlike you, who knows and understands what you said, it does not know or understand what it generated. It didn't say anything; it generated words it thought would be correct from your prompts.

While I am sure you have met many people in politics whose conversation is carried on in a similar way, I'm sure you know that - with both ChatGPT and the average politician - there is no "intelligence" there, artificial or biological.

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Feb 19, 2023·edited Feb 19, 2023

(love the puppy)

Steve, welcome to the 4th industrial revolution! The move toward robotics is already happening, and the question is how far, and what controls we put into place. Yesterday my husband and I discussed if, in a distributed technology (cloud), could you shut down a rogue chatbot or AI system.

Before we and any other chatbot, sentient or otherwise (since some do think they are sentient), let's look to two ideas on robotics:

First is Isaac Asimov's laws, originally postulated as three, later amended to four: The laws are as follows: “(1) a robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm; (2) a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law; (3) a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.” Asimov later added another rule, known as the fourth or zeroth law, that superseded the others. It stated that “a robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.” (source, Encyclopedia Britannica ).

Second is a cautionary tale from the original Star Trek: The Ultimate Computer (2nd season for those who track such things). This is the M-5 test where the computer is highly effective in disabling two other starships, but fails Asimov's test.

So, before we have a HAL-type incident that goes beyond locking the bay doors, we need to build AI with ethics and controls.

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These AI chatbots are truly scaring me. The Terminator movie series was obviously just that, a series of movies, but how long is it before something like that really exists? I’d say, “not long at all”.

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Kellyanne sounds upset that other women are getting more attention than she is.....for half a second there I almost had a shred of compassion for her. I mean with her high level of ego and low level of maturity, I don't think she knows how to process these feelings.... It's okay Kellyanne, you don't need to tear other women down to feel your own worth....there are more constructive ways... Good luck on your journey!

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Stream of consciousness with your AI chatbox = easy like Sunday Morning.

Thank you for your real-time ChatBox exhibition

Norman is awesome, and Winnie (my rescue horse) would prefer the horse treat recipe over any recipe cataloguing horse as an ingredient.

At least we are in collective human and humanoid agreement that Kellyanne Conway is a liar.

To one of your initial points, I have been of-late contemplating a good amount on how our technological advances have placed us in a very dissonant position with respect to capabilities on the one hand and psychosocial preparedness/maturity/evolution on the other...

Happy Sunday to you and the community from chilly Maine....

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That was a fascinating encounter with the chat bot. Interesting that it would call Kellyanne a liar but claim it’s not programmed to give opinions on political figures. I wonder whether if, you made a fact and logic-based argument that Trumps are crooks, it would agree. It seems as though it’s all in how you ask the question🤔

As for the concern about student essays, to me it really didn’t have the nuance of a human voice. Rigid and stilted and could be easily identified as fake.

Fascinating and scary in equal measure.

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While I can see the benefits of AI in helping people with disabilities (like any insurance co is going to pay for that), I am struggling to determine why it is being thrust upon us now. More & more, I am seeing these “test conversations” to probe the max and min of AI. We are more isolated than ever from human interaction & use social media in place of FTF. How many are going to substitute AI relationships for real ones?

Further, given the high rate of teen mental health struggles, how would Chatbox respond to a teen who expresses a desire for self-harm? How would it respond to someone looking to build an incendiary device? Naturally, I don’t want the FBI coming to my house to test it out myself...

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Feb 19, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Pal, as much as I love you; you may want to think about changing careers. Maybe a cook, dog trainer or mountain guide? Thinking ahead, and now that you have pissed it off, the CHATGPT is coming for your job. Think defensive and get in front of it. I’m gonna miss you.

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The chat above is comedy. You made me laugh. On the dark side, the thing just could not bring itself to say the truth. It is as narcissist as Kellyanne Conway. Scary indeed.

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Hilarious…also terrifying…..also one more thing to be anxious about…

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Laughed quite a few times, thx.

Definitely creates concerns about partisan Big Brother bot programming!

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