Politics is a contact sport… and Kamala Harris is a pro.

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Trump’s worst nightmare has just come true. He now has three respected, accomplished, and highly educated black women prosecutors after his corrupt ass. He should be terrified.

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Plus, Donald is happy to spend red hatter donor money to pay his legal fees and Melania’s glam squad.

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Every freedom loving American needs to get involved in driving a stake into the heart of the MAGA movement and send the weirdos Trump to his waiting trials and prison and JD to the back bench of the U.S. Senate!!!

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Fascism is the enemy. Here. Everywhere. Fascists are seductive to the ignorant and fearful. All hands on deck. This fight is the ballgame. In the USA. The Harris choice of VP will be her first decision. President Biden chose well. May Kamala Harris do well. Justice and the Constitution are her guides. SCOTUS is trouble. Her work is cut out for her. And for every citizen. Worldwide. This one matters. Vote D. Not R, this time. R = fascism this time. Sick with worry? Get well! Vote.

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THE true enemy is...the millions of Americans who are either too stupid to realize or simply don't care that they're locked into cult of personality and have handed their minds--and in some cases their literal souls--over to a dangerous clinical sociopathic narcissist who calls everything he doesn't like "FAKE" and at the same time is 78-YEARS-OLD with trowled-on facial makeup and YELLOW HAIR.

The PEOPLE of MAGA are the true enemy. Not some movement with a generic name. Without them there is no Fascism. No orange fake messiah. And most of them likely ain't going away after the election no martter who wins.

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Yeah...Let's call this whole thing out for what it really is!

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Am I missing something: with all of Trump's and J. D. Vance's attacks on Kamala, women, women without children, immigrants, and ad infinitum, all it seems they're doing is "solidifying their base", which was going to VOTE FOR THEM ANYWAY! So, what's the point of all that despicable, unhinged behavior?

I mean, can you imagine an "independent"/uncommitted/"swing" voter, with a functioning brain, looking at the vitriol and regressive crap that's coming out of each Republican candidate's mouth and saying, "That's it! Those are my guys! Can't wait to vote for them in November!"? I sure as Hell can't!

And would someone please tell me how the Trump/Vance ticket is going to win WITHOUT those swing voters?

Again, I don't care HOW rabid each Trump supporter is: there are simply not enough of them (thank God) to get him "over the top"—unless, of course, we're subjected to "Jan. 6" all over again.

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Yeah I don’t get it either. I was confident that trumpf would lose to Biden for these same reasons. But NOOOOOO, ppl were saying he would definitely win. Ppl like George Clooney and Steve. But me and some others couldn’t believe that sane normal ppl-independent or republican -would certainly see that trumpf is unhinged and must be stopped at all costs so Biden was the ONLY choice! So, I guess there are just too many clueless voters amongst our population. Geez 🙄

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We must not get complacent; that is how Hilary lost in 2016! We were complacent, and didn't get out the vote! We have to remember factors that can help Trump win, if the election is close-the Electoral College, and the Supreme Court-never forget the Gore/Bush election! In both elections, the people's vote were tossed in the trash, and the other guy won! We must play as if we are always behind; so that the fight continues, so that the people keep excited, and so that the money keeps coming in! VP Harris is the next one to beat Trump; however, she will only be as powerful as her supporters! We must stand with her, and with the other Democratic candidates! We must not become complacent, we must fight hard until Election Day, November 5th, is over!

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Until inauguration! Because there’s gonna be “something” his minions pull even if we win bigly

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The problem was: with an enfeebled, diminished Biden, there was no "guarantee" that he could beat Trumpf, no matter how many "sane, normal people" saw that Trumpf was "unhinged". With Kamala, that all gets turned on its head: now, there's no "guarantee" that Trumpf can beat Harris, and higher-up Republicans with a brain know that.

So I, for one, am tickled pink that Biden dropped out of the race; I just wish he had done it soomer, since, as I've mentioned before, his "run to the Presidency" ended three minutes into the June 27 debate. And, if not there, then with the Stephanopoulos interview. And, if not there, then with the NATO press conference. And, if not there…….

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I felt the same way until I talked to my 25 year old daughter. She knows Trump is dangerous. She knows he’s a malignant narcissist. She knows he sprang from the Tree of Most un-knowledgeable and then went on to spawn Uday and Qusay. And she could get past that age thing, although to be fair, she thought they both were too old. I agree with her. It’s time for our leaders to direct us to a brighter future. Most people over 60 can’t even talk tech let alone use it. Our current group of politicians have been around long enough to see how corporate greed has ruined this country right along side the systemic racism, economic disparity and now the me-first mentality of the MAGA cult leader and the far-right Christian nationalism. And they still don’t get it. I won’t let anyone tell me that their vote doesn’t matter.

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Uh...you're just realizing that now?

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What does that mean: "…you're just realizing that now?"

No: I realized it months ago. I just happened to be POSTING it now.

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Yeah, you gotta wonder what part of "preaching to the choir" don't they understand?

Well, Fascism relies in large part on stupidity. Leaders and followers alike.

So let's hope they keep on preachin' !

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"Lets hope this is the end of Americans fascist flirtation for the rest of all of our lifetimes." What a gift it will be to finally have this weight lifted. We will have to work hard, fight hard in the months ahead to make this a reality. There's an American freedom movement picking up steam in our midst, laying out a promising future before us. It is an exciting honor for everyday American citizens like me to be a small part of it. I do it in memory of my dad and the millions of Americans who fought around the world for freedom. I'm doing it for my kids. Thank you Steve for your encouragement and continued clear-eyed analysis.

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Bravo, Steve. Bravo!! Worship President Joe Biden! Steve! Thanks to Joe: in Veep Kamala Harris is our future. May she choose as well as Joe did. In God do we trust! To our 2024 election! Vote! Vote!! America! A republic if you can keep it, answered Ben Franklin. All, all men are created equal… all men and women, it’s time we lived that one! To Kamala Harris for President. For our children and theirs.

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Worship President Joe Biden ???

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Jul 29Liked by Steve Schmidt

Another way to help, volunteer at tne elections. Election officials are needed.

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And election monitors. All available lawyers should contacted, recruited, and be hands-on at the voting sites. They should identify themselves as lawyers. This will stop the redneck thugs and cops in their bully tracks.

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This is a high priority and should be organized and funded by the DNC.

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I’ve done it for years, even when I served as an election official.

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It's interesting-- she is making it "all about Trump", but in a way that portrays him and his MAGA tribe as a weak joke rather than a powerful threat. The 'they are just weird' approach is (in my view) brilliant. Instead of comparing him to Putin, comparing him to a would-be comedian whose jokes just don't land.

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When you have MAGA Leaders calling women skanks, and stating that they must always take a backseat to men, we know what this election means for our country.

Never let up and defeat them.

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Right On, John!

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How can we not vote for “Honest Don” and his hillbilly sidekick J D Vance ( the J D is short for “just dumb”)? Such stand up guys. Two absolutely morally bankrupt characters masquerading as caring people.

I wonder how much Peter Thiel paid Trump to make JD his VP candidate because Honest Don doesn’t do anything for anybody unless there is something in it for him.

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I’m sure Trump and his family “enterprises” were richly awarded.

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I just saw that Chuck Schumer has asked Trump to get rid of JD Vance because he is the best person for the Democrats. Just when I thought there might be a bottom to Chuck Schumer’s stupidity and lack of leadership, he finds a new low. How is it possible that he is the Senate Major leader or even a Senator? Democrats need to replace him or find a way to get him to just shut up.

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I always thought that Amy Klobuchar presented more like a Senate Majority Leader than a President. She's my vote, although I don't get one.

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What is your source? Why would Schumer want to get rid of a VP choice that would help Democrats?

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Schumer did not ASK Trump to get rid of JD Vance. He was pointing out what a poor candidate for VP Vance is. He was attacking Trump and Vance as such bad candidates that a Harris victory is more likely.

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Thank you for backing me up and proving has inept Schumer really is.

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Good question.

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I sure hope this is not true. If it is then Schumer must be stripped of his leadership position ASAP! Jesus Christ what’s next!

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He's been a complete idiot on the retail politics level since....well, ever. Complete. Effing. Idiot. I'm sure he's some kind of backroom horse trader and player, which is easy enough when you're the Sr Senator from freaking NEW YORK. Look at how he handled the Menendez thing all these years. Why? Because New Jersey would elect a felon over a Republican, I guess. I can't stand Schumer and never could.

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Are there no more competent Democrat senator to replace him or at least challenge his failure as both minority and majority leader?

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Joe picked Kamala for this very reason.

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Jul 29Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve, great call for citizen participation to push back Fascism deep underground with the hope it will not rear its ugly head again in our lifetimes. I’ve donated to VP Harris, I’ll vote on Day 1 of early voting, and I’ll commit to doing some volunteer work for our team. After we get through all of this I hope we can help out the future generations of Americans who will inevitably have to deal with Fascism and MAGA on their watch. It will eventually rear its ugly head again sometime in the future. It never goes away it just hides under a rock waiting for an opportunity. Perhaps we can strengthen the guardrails that protect our Democracy, increase funding for education with a focus on democracy, history and citizenship, and do more to protect citizens from domestic and foreign disinformation campaigns. The most important lesson I’ve gained from all of this over these past 8 years is that Freedom is not free.

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Vivek takes offense at Kamala's "They are weird!" observation.


Vivek is a Leader of the Weird Pack.


The MAGAs are stranger than fiction.

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The MAGA weirdos are so weird they are self-defining their weirdness. Vivek says weird shit and expects people to call it normal?

Donald promises he's going to "get worse"? Like, "I was Bad before but just watch me now!"

JD proposes that citizens with kids should get more votes. Insults women voters. And cat lovers. This is reasonable?

Trump World is falling apart. The back stabbing and failure blaming is next. When Donald's masters determine he's a Loser, the party's over.

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It is truly a happy Monday and the dawn of brighter day in America. Hope is rising.

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Jul 29Liked by Steve Schmidt

What a great piece, Steve. Let’s get to work!

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Good news Monday.

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Brilliant, inspiring, much-needed commentary as usual, Steve. Biden did another great thing picking Kamala. And won't it be the sweetest justice in the world? The male chauvinist, white supremist Donald loses not only to a woman, but a Black woman. I pray she is safe throughout.

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