There is a grove of redwoods in Northern California under which the leaders of 46 United Nations stood in reverent silence to remember the life of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States of America.
Well said, Steve. But more than that, he is the modern rebirth of Nazism, and, clearly, he is a Nazi, through and through. The Nazi salute says it all.
And beat his chest so hard you can hear him grunt before he lifted his arm. Twice. And then gave a Thank You" speech like he was the one that won the election...which he did. Buying it for himself for $288 million in all of his James-Bond-villain glory. The danger to us is incalculable. For people who tried to normalize this and call it a "Roman" salute which I never heard before in 68 years or that he was just over excited, please.. And his fake trip to Auschwitz like Vance's fake to Dachau as he left the sign of the cross hiding behind his cloak of religion like the other hypocrites. Sickening. I could vomit.
What is terribly disturbing is what these elite law schools like Yale and Harvard have turned out. JD Vance being just one horrific example. Look at those that are in our gov't and SCOTUS.
and Trump went to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, a very prestigious school. I live in Philadelphia, and you NEVER hear Penn advertising that fact.
If I were a parent of a college age kid today, I would tell them to go to trade school to be an electrician or something really useful that we need if there is a future, who will always earn a good living and be employed...especially when Russia and China try to destroy our electric grids or something evil like that. We don't need more ivy school lawyers and business school grads with fancy diplomas.
I think the story is he paid someone to take his tests. Did you ever watch “The Sopranos”.? When Christopher Moltinsanti (obviously Italian) pays someone to take his real estate test and when they call out his name an Asian guy answers “here”. ? I always think of that with Mango Mussolini. Fred bought his diploma like he bought his army deferral with his fake bone spurs. The article in Salon from 2019 that I referred to to showed the “stable genius” certainly didn’t graduate at the top of his class. What a detestable creature. A fucking coward. I woke up today and he was still breathing. What a disappointment.
You got it. "Drunk with power" as my late father used to say. Went from being a hillbilly couch fucker to the 2nd most powerful (elected) position on the planet. May Trump, Musk, Vance, Thiel and the rest of those Nazis end up the same way as their idol Adolph. In a bunker cowering from fear drinking cyanide laced kool-aid. Or even better..another Nuremberg Trial starring the The Hague...prosecuted by JACK SMITH!
Lamentably, law schools -- of any putative caliber -- do not make a course in moral philosophy, or even legal ethics, mandatory for graduation. But, in any case, instruction in moral character must occur long before that formal educational stage.
Yes., you’re correct Ken. This stems from childhood. We’re not born with good character, we’re taught it. Even though there are truly bad seeds just born that way, this is from parenting. Elon and the Tangerine Tyrant are just 2 examples of morally bereft , evil people from abusive parenting. Sad. And if they get rich and powerful enough they take it out on the rest of us and make us pay for the bullying and abuse they suffered.
Precisely, Robin. As forensic and social psychiatrist and violence expert Dr. Bandy X. Lee, along with her eminent psychiatric colleagues at the World Mental Health Coalition, has underscored for years, Trump obviously suffered from alienation of affection/attention at a very early age, creating the precondition, twinned with the deleterious influence of a evil, powerful and rapacious father, for the other-directed abuse at the heart of his increasingly malignant narcissistic psychopathy on steroids. Musk, Vance and the whole cretinous MAGA cabal doubtless have similar childhood skeletons.
Ken, I wish I had 1/4 of your eloquence, vocabulary and intellect. Trump's father was so awful But how he demeaned Mary's father who didn't want to go in the family business and became an airline pilot. What "normal" family wouldn't be proud to have an accomplished pilot in the family? There is generational trauma in the Trump family. Even his own sister couldn't stand him. Don Jr and Eric who especially hated him for how he treated them and what he did to their mother with his affairs and then the divorce, but are still looking for Daddy's approval and love and 💰. Ivanka was Daddy's girl bordering on such inappropriateness it was cringe. Won't even mention the other two. Elon also had one of the worst and most depraved father's that he hated, but he has Mommy issues too. I hate to say it about these tech guys like Musk, Thiel, Bezos, Zuck and their ilk Elon hasn't done one thing for my world. He needs to go. I would rather use 2 tin cups with a string than ever use Starlink. He'd be better off going to Sedona, Arizona where they trained astronauts with his ketamine for a month and get Mars out of his system and use that money here, but ALL of them were anti-social nerds. This is "Revenge of the Nerds" on deadly steroids.And if Elon and that Demon Seed kid he wears like a prop around his neck are anything like his other 11? But the racism and lack of empathy, the cruelty and lust for power and control. I definitely think these tech bros believe they are a master race.They would like to rid the world of the old, feeble, sick, mentally or physically disabled, poor and anyone whose color or religion offends them. They all feel invincible with their money and power...and bunkers and compounds and private islands. They believe they are the ones who will cheat death and live forever and wait it out till the rest of the riff raff (us) are gone and they can live in their billionaire Utopia. Even I just made myself sick. 😱
With respect: the kid is 5 years old. The Mom is in a huge custody battle with Musk. She does not want the kids in print media and especially televised. Elon is doing it to taunt her as well; to defy her. He’s got 12+ kids that we know of. The Mom of the kid he calls “X” is fighting a billionaire. She’s not an American citizen. He’s doing it to the kid. I hate him as much as everyone else does. But the barely 5-y/o boy has no say in this whatsoever.
Steve, I owe you an apology; I was critical of one of your newsletters a few weeks back, because of a lack of leadership for which you are not responsible.
Your newsletter is important; today, more than ever. It puts into perspective, the norms and institutions in place, to keep democracy flourishing; as well as sacrifices the people of our nation have made before us, and continue to make today. All the reasons we fight for democracy, and our way of life.
Now we are at a crossroads, we are watching a fast-moving train wreck in real-time, as our country commits suicide; with at least 77 million cheerleading it’s destruction, and another 75 million, who decided their apathy towards our political system, wasn’t worth their time to vote.
This administration is desecrating the memory of all those who stood before us, fighting tyranny. Yet, in an instant, our memories and understanding of our past are disintegrating before our eyes.
And now we’re either helpless or powerless to stop it, other than constantly contacting our members of Congress to wake up from their perennial stupor, to do anything, before it’s too late.
Bottom line: we need leadership and new ideas to combat this malignant fascism that poisoning our children and infecting our democracy; and fast! Just some thoughts!
This morning I read what a person wrote articulating that it was time for new ideas, yes, but uncomfortable ideas, a way forward that has not been done before, not what is normally done. I believe this to be true. My frustration with Dem leadership in Congress and out of Congress is that they are still behaving and speaking in a manner that is no longer relevant. But they are comfortable with it. The continuance of business as usual actions and speak make them enablers. I would guess many of us have had to take uncomfortable actions at points in our lives. It can be difficult, but was necessary.
Robert, we are living in a time that is so frustrating. While we understand that we the people are important, but success comes with strong leadership. Sometimes that frustration can boil over.
At the right fork in the road, we take to the streets. It is what we Americans always do. We will assemble. We will fight all night.
Today there are protests all across the United States. I am headed out in about an hour for the anti TrumpMusk demonstration in my city. My hope is that today sets off a wave of protests, maybe even some strikes, against this abomination called Trumpism.
It was a really great turnout. Lots of like-minded people making new connections. There was a lot of honking from passing cars and even some from big trucks!
And will there be that other war, that we have forestalled for 80 years? If so, how might it end? With 20 broken men in a dock, on trial for crimes against humanity? Those crimes are now being plotted, some behind the scenes, some in plain sight.
These are the words that W. H. Auden wrote in 1939, on the eve of WWII. They are part of his stunning elegy to fellow poet William Butler Yates:
"In the nightmare of the dark
All the dogs of Europe bark.
And the living nations wait,
Each sequestered in its hate."
The dogs of Europe are barking. There is darkness abroad. Heartbreaking.
I didn't see your post-- so nice to meet another Auden fan!
He certainly was prescient-- this from a decade earlier 1929, when he went to Berlin and felt the rising of a political tension that had not yet come to England:
I hope they set their Ship of Fools on fire instead,and sink it to the bottom of the deepest of the deepest part of the ocean.And take every last one of them with it,never to be seen,heard of,or found,ever again.
I'm not being facetious or flippant, but I never thought it was possible for me to have such hatred that I check the headlines first thing every morning for news of obits, ketamine OD's, karma buses and planes.doing their thing...but that is what they have reduced me to. And I'm not sorry.
I feel that meself.Even despise isn't a strong enough word.And I think things I normally wouldn't be inclined to,but these are a totally different bunch of idiots.What I think(and hope!)these yutzes have coming for them is beyond the pale.
//"Let us pray that they do not light the world on fire."\\
I have come to fear that is precisely what Trump and his cabal of marauding destroyers want. Trump might well see himself as the chosen author of the great and final conflagration. Vance's hubris can be measured in equal parts against his stupidity. That degree from Yale does not give him a free pass to assert his malignant postures before the world. His remarks were a slap in the face to his audience and to the world. He still is a g--damned hillbilly. He causes me to feel shame and embarrassment as an American.
In my spare time that's not taken up by doom scrolling and reading and commenting on all the substacks I follow, I like to look at the Wikipedia lists of Yale and Harvard law school alumni to remind me of the breathtaking amounts of good and evil they have turned out. For every Neal Katyal and Robert Reich, and Sonia Sotomayer, we have Josh Hawley, Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Vivek Ramaswamey, JD and Usha Vance, etc. Very depressing.
I voted for Bill Clinton twice and Hillary once in Presidential elections. However, I think Bill got too damn chummy with Wall Street, and the big "Hollywood donors" and forgot the working man. Hillary turned lots of moderate folks off with some of her sarcastic comments in speeches to big donors that, if she could have had a "do over" would be phrased different. Having said that, I think she would have been one damn good President but it was not to be. Couple that with allowing the far left too much influence and the party looks out of touch with many Americans today. We are paying the price.
I can’t help noting that according to Hakeem Jeffries, we are powerless to do more than stand by and watch. If you can’t stand the heat, Hakeem, get out of the kitchen.
"In fact, Trump, Musk, Vance and their team of imbeciles have made clear that they intend to overthrow what has succeeded and raise up what had been defeated."
I'm interested in your take on the techno fascists philosopher of dictatorship Curtis Yarvin.
In World War II the US government, and the hearts of the majority of the American people, joined Europe as the Allies. We fought against "The Axis of Evil", Germany, Italy and Japan.
Today the leaders of the US government, Elon Musk, Donald Trump and JD Vance, with backing of a few power hungry tech billionaires, are trying to commit the US government to join Russia to form a new Axis of Evil against the European Allies. However, 70% of the adults in America did not vote for Trump. The hearts of Americans are still on the side of the Europeans and against Putin.
Elon said, "The majority voted for this." Which was a weak, con lie he hoped the Press would not challenge him on. 30% did vote for Trump. 30% is far from a majority. Trump is, in reality, a Loser.
The American Oligarchs will try to tighten their grip of control by suppressing the 70% into thinking we are the losers. (Google search Curtis Yarvin, Marc Andreesen, Peter Thiel, Dark Enlightenment and their Butterfly Revolution.)
Trump and Elon castrated the formerly Free Press. Next they will cancel the FCC licenses of all radio and TV stations who refuse to spread their control propaganda. PBS. NPR. Independent radio and TV stations. They will shut down all opponents in all media, like The Warning. The AI robots will comb social media, Youtube, Substack and eventually private emails for opposing views. The Iron Heel.
The 70% true majority can still win. But first they must be aware of what's coming.
What Vance did in Europe was tell the Europeans that the U.S. was no longer going to guarantee their security. For all intents and purposes, we are out of NATO. The effect will be a positive one for DOGE and MAGA, since America will save money on defense and the ignorant, Trump supporting MAGA horde will take pleasure in America's abandonment of our allies. Their lack of understanding re why American isolation is such a terrible, irresponsible, and dangerous policy is shocking. At the present, Russia has a popgun army and can be easily managed by NATO. (Similar to Germany in 1936.) If the US removes itself and it's overwhelmingly strong military and economic forces from the equation, the resulting vacuum is likely to create a situation that will lead to opportunistic governments testing the will of their foes and pushing the envelope in ways that lead to much death and destruction. Trumps inability to see that truth is astounding and horrifying. Good luck, America.
Thank you again, Steve, for the history that you bring forth in such a compelling way. I had dinner last night with a wise friend, now 85 years old. I asked if he was surprised by our current state of affairs. He said no, and that it was mainly due to his vast study of history throughout the ages, where this scenario has played out again and again. He did, however, remark that he was surprised at how fast it is moving, and that he never ever thought it would occur during his lifetime.
Mitch McConnell as well as Merrick Garland. I’m not sure what he is other than a coward. This could have been avoided so let them suffer. I hope their great grandchildren get polio and they have no one to care for them when they are dying and all on their way to hell.
Very well said Steve and thanks for always telling it like it is without fear or favor. How very true but very frightening. What we’re witnessing today is Trump’s and Musk’s attempt to “make history repeat itself”. Vance’s embrace of the Nazi leaning AFD party after visiting the sacred grounds of Dacha is a clear indication of where Trump and Musk want to lead our country. Back to the hateful and fearful times of days past during Hitler’s Nazi Reign of Terror.
Well said, Steve. But more than that, he is the modern rebirth of Nazism, and, clearly, he is a Nazi, through and through. The Nazi salute says it all.
Please remember the NAZI Muskrat gave the NAZI salute twice just so anyone thought the first salute was NOT what we thought it was!!!
And beat his chest so hard you can hear him grunt before he lifted his arm. Twice. And then gave a Thank You" speech like he was the one that won the election...which he did. Buying it for himself for $288 million in all of his James-Bond-villain glory. The danger to us is incalculable. For people who tried to normalize this and call it a "Roman" salute which I never heard before in 68 years or that he was just over excited, please.. And his fake trip to Auschwitz like Vance's fake to Dachau as he left the sign of the cross hiding behind his cloak of religion like the other hypocrites. Sickening. I could vomit.
Not according to Scott Jennings. JFC, CNN. You're paying him for that shit?
It is amazing to me how a graduate of an elite law school like Vance can be such a liar and a fool. Wonderful piece of history, Steve.
What is terribly disturbing is what these elite law schools like Yale and Harvard have turned out. JD Vance being just one horrific example. Look at those that are in our gov't and SCOTUS.
and Trump went to the Wharton School of Business at the University of Pennsylvania, a very prestigious school. I live in Philadelphia, and you NEVER hear Penn advertising that fact.
I knew a Wharton professor, who said Trump was an unimpressive student.
I believe it. Still unimpressive.
Elaine, I'm not going to link to it, but just Google what I wrote below which is the headline to an article from "Salon" in 2019.
Former admissions official describes how Donald Trump got into Wharton: "It was not very difficult".
Just read it. No big surprise. The guy was born on third base and acts like he got where he got on his own. Just another con by a complete fraud.
If I were a parent of a college age kid today, I would tell them to go to trade school to be an electrician or something really useful that we need if there is a future, who will always earn a good living and be employed...especially when Russia and China try to destroy our electric grids or something evil like that. We don't need more ivy school lawyers and business school grads with fancy diplomas.
I read in the NYT this morning that the IRS is preparing to give a team member of DOGE access to sensitive taxpayer data.
What the fuck is happening and why is nobody stopping this??!!!
Completely agree.
Good call Robin, 3 of my brothers are electricians and 3 are carpenters. Both trades that are much needed and always will be
💯 Thank them for me🙏
He went to the Wharton School. But did he really graduate?
I think the story is he paid someone to take his tests. Did you ever watch “The Sopranos”.? When Christopher Moltinsanti (obviously Italian) pays someone to take his real estate test and when they call out his name an Asian guy answers “here”. ? I always think of that with Mango Mussolini. Fred bought his diploma like he bought his army deferral with his fake bone spurs. The article in Salon from 2019 that I referred to to showed the “stable genius” certainly didn’t graduate at the top of his class. What a detestable creature. A fucking coward. I woke up today and he was still breathing. What a disappointment.
Good question. Has anyone seen his diploma?
The Ivy League doesn’t discern when it comes to an applicant’s character…obviously…tragically.
You got it. "Drunk with power" as my late father used to say. Went from being a hillbilly couch fucker to the 2nd most powerful (elected) position on the planet. May Trump, Musk, Vance, Thiel and the rest of those Nazis end up the same way as their idol Adolph. In a bunker cowering from fear drinking cyanide laced kool-aid. Or even better..another Nuremberg Trial starring the The Hague...prosecuted by JACK SMITH!
Lamentably, law schools -- of any putative caliber -- do not make a course in moral philosophy, or even legal ethics, mandatory for graduation. But, in any case, instruction in moral character must occur long before that formal educational stage.
Yes., you’re correct Ken. This stems from childhood. We’re not born with good character, we’re taught it. Even though there are truly bad seeds just born that way, this is from parenting. Elon and the Tangerine Tyrant are just 2 examples of morally bereft , evil people from abusive parenting. Sad. And if they get rich and powerful enough they take it out on the rest of us and make us pay for the bullying and abuse they suffered.
Precisely, Robin. As forensic and social psychiatrist and violence expert Dr. Bandy X. Lee, along with her eminent psychiatric colleagues at the World Mental Health Coalition, has underscored for years, Trump obviously suffered from alienation of affection/attention at a very early age, creating the precondition, twinned with the deleterious influence of a evil, powerful and rapacious father, for the other-directed abuse at the heart of his increasingly malignant narcissistic psychopathy on steroids. Musk, Vance and the whole cretinous MAGA cabal doubtless have similar childhood skeletons.
Ken, I wish I had 1/4 of your eloquence, vocabulary and intellect. Trump's father was so awful But how he demeaned Mary's father who didn't want to go in the family business and became an airline pilot. What "normal" family wouldn't be proud to have an accomplished pilot in the family? There is generational trauma in the Trump family. Even his own sister couldn't stand him. Don Jr and Eric who especially hated him for how he treated them and what he did to their mother with his affairs and then the divorce, but are still looking for Daddy's approval and love and 💰. Ivanka was Daddy's girl bordering on such inappropriateness it was cringe. Won't even mention the other two. Elon also had one of the worst and most depraved father's that he hated, but he has Mommy issues too. I hate to say it about these tech guys like Musk, Thiel, Bezos, Zuck and their ilk Elon hasn't done one thing for my world. He needs to go. I would rather use 2 tin cups with a string than ever use Starlink. He'd be better off going to Sedona, Arizona where they trained astronauts with his ketamine for a month and get Mars out of his system and use that money here, but ALL of them were anti-social nerds. This is "Revenge of the Nerds" on deadly steroids.And if Elon and that Demon Seed kid he wears like a prop around his neck are anything like his other 11? But the racism and lack of empathy, the cruelty and lust for power and control. I definitely think these tech bros believe they are a master race.They would like to rid the world of the old, feeble, sick, mentally or physically disabled, poor and anyone whose color or religion offends them. They all feel invincible with their money and power...and bunkers and compounds and private islands. They believe they are the ones who will cheat death and live forever and wait it out till the rest of the riff raff (us) are gone and they can live in their billionaire Utopia. Even I just made myself sick. 😱
With respect: the kid is 5 years old. The Mom is in a huge custody battle with Musk. She does not want the kids in print media and especially televised. Elon is doing it to taunt her as well; to defy her. He’s got 12+ kids that we know of. The Mom of the kid he calls “X” is fighting a billionaire. She’s not an American citizen. He’s doing it to the kid. I hate him as much as everyone else does. But the barely 5-y/o boy has no say in this whatsoever.
Steve, I owe you an apology; I was critical of one of your newsletters a few weeks back, because of a lack of leadership for which you are not responsible.
Your newsletter is important; today, more than ever. It puts into perspective, the norms and institutions in place, to keep democracy flourishing; as well as sacrifices the people of our nation have made before us, and continue to make today. All the reasons we fight for democracy, and our way of life.
Now we are at a crossroads, we are watching a fast-moving train wreck in real-time, as our country commits suicide; with at least 77 million cheerleading it’s destruction, and another 75 million, who decided their apathy towards our political system, wasn’t worth their time to vote.
This administration is desecrating the memory of all those who stood before us, fighting tyranny. Yet, in an instant, our memories and understanding of our past are disintegrating before our eyes.
And now we’re either helpless or powerless to stop it, other than constantly contacting our members of Congress to wake up from their perennial stupor, to do anything, before it’s too late.
Bottom line: we need leadership and new ideas to combat this malignant fascism that poisoning our children and infecting our democracy; and fast! Just some thoughts!
This morning I read what a person wrote articulating that it was time for new ideas, yes, but uncomfortable ideas, a way forward that has not been done before, not what is normally done. I believe this to be true. My frustration with Dem leadership in Congress and out of Congress is that they are still behaving and speaking in a manner that is no longer relevant. But they are comfortable with it. The continuance of business as usual actions and speak make them enablers. I would guess many of us have had to take uncomfortable actions at points in our lives. It can be difficult, but was necessary.
Robert, we are living in a time that is so frustrating. While we understand that we the people are important, but success comes with strong leadership. Sometimes that frustration can boil over.
Keep well.
Agreed, that said, my anger and frustration is growing. It’s hard to stay calm or positive…:)
At the right fork in the road, we take to the streets. It is what we Americans always do. We will assemble. We will fight all night.
Today there are protests all across the United States. I am headed out in about an hour for the anti TrumpMusk demonstration in my city. My hope is that today sets off a wave of protests, maybe even some strikes, against this abomination called Trumpism.
I'll be going to one in a couple of hours. I hope we have a huge turnout!
It was a really great turnout. Lots of like-minded people making new connections. There was a lot of honking from passing cars and even some from big trucks!
I wish you success and safety. You are the vanguard of our movement. You did not stay silent!
And will there be that other war, that we have forestalled for 80 years? If so, how might it end? With 20 broken men in a dock, on trial for crimes against humanity? Those crimes are now being plotted, some behind the scenes, some in plain sight.
These are the words that W. H. Auden wrote in 1939, on the eve of WWII. They are part of his stunning elegy to fellow poet William Butler Yates:
"In the nightmare of the dark
All the dogs of Europe bark.
And the living nations wait,
Each sequestered in its hate."
The dogs of Europe are barking. There is darkness abroad. Heartbreaking.
Auden was prescient. Earlier today, I posted here excerpts of his poem, September 1, 1930.
Accurate scholarship can
Unearth the whole offence
From Luther until now
That has driven a culture mad,
Find what occurred at Linz,
What huge imago made
A psychopathic god:
I and the public know
What all schoolchildren learn,
Those to whom evil is done
Do evil in return.
I didn't see your post-- so nice to meet another Auden fan!
He certainly was prescient-- this from a decade earlier 1929, when he went to Berlin and felt the rising of a political tension that had not yet come to England:
It is time for the destruction of error.
The chairs are being brought in from the garden,
The summer talk stopped on that savage coast
Before the storms, after the guests and birds:
In sanatoriums they laugh less and less,
Less certain of cure; and the loud madman
Sinks now into a more terrible calm.
Hi Jill…I feel the same, great to meet an Auden fan. Politics needs poetry, especially now.
True. I wonder what our concessions/punishment will be after the USA loses WWIII.
I hope they set their Ship of Fools on fire instead,and sink it to the bottom of the deepest of the deepest part of the ocean.And take every last one of them with it,never to be seen,heard of,or found,ever again.
Just,BE GONE!!
I'm not being facetious or flippant, but I never thought it was possible for me to have such hatred that I check the headlines first thing every morning for news of obits, ketamine OD's, karma buses and planes.doing their thing...but that is what they have reduced me to. And I'm not sorry.
I feel that meself.Even despise isn't a strong enough word.And I think things I normally wouldn't be inclined to,but these are a totally different bunch of idiots.What I think(and hope!)these yutzes have coming for them is beyond the pale.
And yeah,I ain't sorry either.
When the thought police take over I'm a goner, but until then, I'm glad I'm not alone.🙏 Thanks Melissa.
//"Let us pray that they do not light the world on fire."\\
I have come to fear that is precisely what Trump and his cabal of marauding destroyers want. Trump might well see himself as the chosen author of the great and final conflagration. Vance's hubris can be measured in equal parts against his stupidity. That degree from Yale does not give him a free pass to assert his malignant postures before the world. His remarks were a slap in the face to his audience and to the world. He still is a g--damned hillbilly. He causes me to feel shame and embarrassment as an American.
I have so much enmity for Yale Law for not only Vontz but also Rhodes, that violent shitbag.
Stewart Rhodes? A real piece of work. How sad the dregs of society have become so mainstream.
The Clinton's are also Yalies , which may not change your views....
In my spare time that's not taken up by doom scrolling and reading and commenting on all the substacks I follow, I like to look at the Wikipedia lists of Yale and Harvard law school alumni to remind me of the breathtaking amounts of good and evil they have turned out. For every Neal Katyal and Robert Reich, and Sonia Sotomayer, we have Josh Hawley, Alito, Thomas, Kavanaugh, Vivek Ramaswamey, JD and Usha Vance, etc. Very depressing.
I voted for Bill Clinton twice and Hillary once in Presidential elections. However, I think Bill got too damn chummy with Wall Street, and the big "Hollywood donors" and forgot the working man. Hillary turned lots of moderate folks off with some of her sarcastic comments in speeches to big donors that, if she could have had a "do over" would be phrased different. Having said that, I think she would have been one damn good President but it was not to be. Couple that with allowing the far left too much influence and the party looks out of touch with many Americans today. We are paying the price.
Lot of DUI admits to top law schools. Hillbilly is a most obvious one.
I think you meant DEI? That goes to Clarence Thomas who will tell you himself how bitter he is about that.
For DUI admits? That honor would probably go to GI-Joe Pete Hegseth who went to Princeton and studied politics. 🍸🍸🍸🍸🍸
I can’t help noting that according to Hakeem Jeffries, we are powerless to do more than stand by and watch. If you can’t stand the heat, Hakeem, get out of the kitchen.
Jeffries and Schumer...the Worst! They have to go. They are both Neville Chamberlain appeasing Hitler.
And people wonder why Democrats are failures? Schumer the Gas Bag and Jeffries the Silver Tongue. They are not leaders. They are political parasites.
I love Hakeem Jeffries, but I have to agree with you. We need leaders with fire in the belly.
We can no longer play 'tea and crumpets' with those Republicans and others who would passively destroy our Republic.
"In fact, Trump, Musk, Vance and their team of imbeciles have made clear that they intend to overthrow what has succeeded and raise up what had been defeated."
I'm interested in your take on the techno fascists philosopher of dictatorship Curtis Yarvin.
He is the philosopher behind this whole thing, the Rasputin if you will. And terrifying.
AMEN. J.D. Vance is a fool on a boat load of fools. Like the Titanic they sail fool-heartedly; believing they are —UNSINKABLE???
Unfortunately we're on the Titanic with them and not enough lifeboats😥
Thanks Steve!
In World War II the US government, and the hearts of the majority of the American people, joined Europe as the Allies. We fought against "The Axis of Evil", Germany, Italy and Japan.
Today the leaders of the US government, Elon Musk, Donald Trump and JD Vance, with backing of a few power hungry tech billionaires, are trying to commit the US government to join Russia to form a new Axis of Evil against the European Allies. However, 70% of the adults in America did not vote for Trump. The hearts of Americans are still on the side of the Europeans and against Putin.
Elon said, "The majority voted for this." Which was a weak, con lie he hoped the Press would not challenge him on. 30% did vote for Trump. 30% is far from a majority. Trump is, in reality, a Loser.
The American Oligarchs will try to tighten their grip of control by suppressing the 70% into thinking we are the losers. (Google search Curtis Yarvin, Marc Andreesen, Peter Thiel, Dark Enlightenment and their Butterfly Revolution.)
Trump and Elon castrated the formerly Free Press. Next they will cancel the FCC licenses of all radio and TV stations who refuse to spread their control propaganda. PBS. NPR. Independent radio and TV stations. They will shut down all opponents in all media, like The Warning. The AI robots will comb social media, Youtube, Substack and eventually private emails for opposing views. The Iron Heel.
The 70% true majority can still win. But first they must be aware of what's coming.
What Vance did in Europe was tell the Europeans that the U.S. was no longer going to guarantee their security. For all intents and purposes, we are out of NATO. The effect will be a positive one for DOGE and MAGA, since America will save money on defense and the ignorant, Trump supporting MAGA horde will take pleasure in America's abandonment of our allies. Their lack of understanding re why American isolation is such a terrible, irresponsible, and dangerous policy is shocking. At the present, Russia has a popgun army and can be easily managed by NATO. (Similar to Germany in 1936.) If the US removes itself and it's overwhelmingly strong military and economic forces from the equation, the resulting vacuum is likely to create a situation that will lead to opportunistic governments testing the will of their foes and pushing the envelope in ways that lead to much death and destruction. Trumps inability to see that truth is astounding and horrifying. Good luck, America.
You are one of the most powerful voices I follow on substack. I am terrified, but I am grateful for you.
Thank you again, Steve, for the history that you bring forth in such a compelling way. I had dinner last night with a wise friend, now 85 years old. I asked if he was surprised by our current state of affairs. He said no, and that it was mainly due to his vast study of history throughout the ages, where this scenario has played out again and again. He did, however, remark that he was surprised at how fast it is moving, and that he never ever thought it would occur during his lifetime.
People are basically stupid… their own worst enemies. So sad .
We all know this is the Republicans fault.
Mitch McConnell as well as Merrick Garland. I’m not sure what he is other than a coward. This could have been avoided so let them suffer. I hope their great grandchildren get polio and they have no one to care for them when they are dying and all on their way to hell.
A little harsh. Why wish harm on the faults of their ancestors?
Very well said Steve and thanks for always telling it like it is without fear or favor. How very true but very frightening. What we’re witnessing today is Trump’s and Musk’s attempt to “make history repeat itself”. Vance’s embrace of the Nazi leaning AFD party after visiting the sacred grounds of Dacha is a clear indication of where Trump and Musk want to lead our country. Back to the hateful and fearful times of days past during Hitler’s Nazi Reign of Terror.
Yes and with all our forces we must fight!!!