And ironically, republicans are doing their damnedest to make sure our government and private institutions can’t do anything about it.

Stanford just closed its Stanford Internet Observatory, which published some of the most influential analysis of the spread of false information on social media during elections, has shed most of its staff and may shut down amid political and legal attacks that have cast a pall on efforts to study online misinformation.

Republicans in Congress and the “bought and paid for” inept and partial jurists, are making sure the government can’t communicate with social media companies to warn them of online threats and harassment, as well as foreign entities trying to influence our elections.

Who needs enemies when the true enemy is from within, hoping and praying for any help from foreign countries, to help keep these parasites and corrupt politicians and businessmen in power; ending democracy as we know it.

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“Republicans in Congress and the “bought and paid for” inept and partial jurists, are making sure the government can’t communicate with social media companies to warn them of online threats and harassment, as well as foreign entities trying to influence our elections.”

This must be ignored and a pipeline of communication created to achieve these goals.

In plainer language, Fuck’m!

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On a good note, it appears that the Democratic candidate for the US Senate for Florida is within striking distance of MAGA Skinhead Rick Scott.

Now there’s a man who should be shown the door, if people are wise voters. I looked at his Federal Income Tax Proposal. It was steal from the Working Poor in order to give to the Filthy Rich.

Change the dynamic and you can improve lives.

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Trump, his MAGA minions, and the right-wing media have shown us just how vulnerable and fragile our democracy, and democracies around the world for that matter, really are. I have doubts our own will be able to survive the onslaught of attacks that are coming from outside the country, let alone the constant undermining of it that comes from our own citizens.

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This might be the most important issue of the election, and the fabric of our society. The alarm of misinformation is out, and the sources are showing more clearly. Where can our American citizens go to get the unbiased truth. That source might need to be the American Military (or something even more unbiased than that). We don't need to be fighting Don Quixote's windmills. Foreign misinformers are bad - inside misinformers are much worse. For our security, we need to know what's going on, and the intent of presenters opinions. Our government has the duty to tell us.

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Foreign malign actors and domestic malign actors (a.k.a. captains of industry who now own at least one branch of our government and too many of our politicians) make alarming bedfellows. Foreign fakes may get Tr*mp re-elected. Corporations which are now “people” “speaking” with their billions may do likewise. We hope technology can address the foreign malignancies. The domestic ones won’t be addressed until we examine the fundamental question of whether unfettered capitalism is compatible with democracy.

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Through the lens I see this, removing 1st Amendment protections from “media” outlets that deliberately lie and spread disinformation, particularly from foreign actors to the public, to undermine our election process must be a tool in the tool box. Is chaos this causes not the equivalent of yelling fire in a crowded theater?

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Too bad they didn't discuss the disinformation by Big Pharma regarding the Covid vaccines, which have killed and injured many hundreds of thousands.

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Jun 18·edited Jun 18

A great read going into the summer heat wave and the intense election season. I just stumbled on this free financial news which is great also for a quick glance now and then. https://www.schwab.com/learn/onward

I read the Financial Times but this little segment has great tips on cyber crimes etc as well. Trump media stock DJT is collapsing today. And so is Russian stock market. Keep your fingers crossed and vote like our lives depend on it.

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