I painfully agree. Trump's coup has succeeded, just as the Confederacy significantly won the Civil War. Yes, slavery ended. But the epidemic of lynching, KKK, Jim Crow, poll taxes, racist "leaders," et al followed. I'd only add that I think we may attribute too much to the front stage evil clown and his Republican maggots and not enough to the right wing "think tanks" who have been drawing up the menu for democracy's dissolution for years. (Beyond 2025)

"Deregulation" on steroids, capturing or blowing up IGs, the DOJ, FDIC, Medicare/Soc Soc, Environmental protection, FEMA, HHS, WHO, Paris Accords, Immigrant rights, Congress itself etc.; controlling many courts including SCOTUS, may be the real killer--without a name or face, it is a systematic dismantling of the nation we knew, or thought we knew.

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Pleasure to watch this while awaiting my next flight. Steve, I’d love to shake your hand and thank you personally for all you do. Sending virtual hugs of support.

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Yes Democracy has failed in America. This hard truth is a heartbreaking realty.

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The failure is obvious.Trump fired 17 inspectors general in various government agencies. Their job is to oversee operations to be certain they are efficient and effective and to remove corrupt and incompetent employees and managers of these agencies. There is a law that requires a president provide Congress with detailed explanations as to why an inspector general will be fired. Trump did not do that because he wanted the agencies hobbled.

Senator Lindsey Graham acknowledged that the firings violated statutes but said, "Just tell them you need to follow the law next time."

Next time, Senator (with sarcasm) Graham?

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Better send out the names of the 4 Dems who voted to confirm the dog murderer. WTAF. They want an autocratic govt?

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Here is the link to every US RepublicanSenator. The fastest way to stop the carnage of what Trump is doing ,is to get this information/link to as many people as possible to call and to email each Republican Senator to appeal to their sense of Justice and Democracy and to stop Trump and the carnage that he is causing our country. They need to think about their children and grandchildren and their place in history.

Are they going to be part of the dictatorship take over of our country or are they going to stand up to Trump or stand up for all Americans?

We cannot wait ,we cannot sit back and not do anything and just let this happen.

We have to do as much as we can now in the beginning and try to do something to stop the horrendous nominations that Trump is trying to push through.

This message is going to be posted on many Substack forums abs other platforms as well .

Please copy ,cut and paste this and send to as many people, colleagues, family friends as possible and ask them to do the same .

Encourage them to pass on the information to 5 of their friends, etc…to start calling and leaving messages to save our democracy and not be part of destroying it.

This information can grow exponentially with everybody who sees the information and wants to do something . They pass it on to 5 or 10 more people and ask them to do the same.

We need millions of messages hitting Republican senators websites and calling and messaging them as well .

Again ,we have to do something now we can not sit back.

This is something we need do before all the horrendous nominations for cabinet position positions are filled with MAGA leaning ,Rubber Stamp , Trump sycophants.

If we can get 10 Republicans to start thinking about protecting Americans and democracy ,none of Trump‘s horrendous nominations will get through and they can thwart a lot of his decisions moving forward .

If not now, when ?

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Yes. We're too easily distracted. Too selfish. Too afraid to step up and face reality.

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Americans have been repeatedly traumatized since 9/11 and they are victimized by a media conglomerate that ridicules intelligence and women.

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I find it hard to excuse that. The whole WWII generation was traumatized with no known treatments and they defended democracy. Decidedly brainwashing works. It's more than than trauma.

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That generation was experienced in handling the effects of war. American children born in the 60’s and 70’s were full of hope and aspirations for the future. They are the same narcissistic professionals sleep walking into a dystopian world. They were not prepared for what’s happened.

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Agree. I've been a trauma psychologist since the 1970s--over fifty years. I don't think trauma has anything substantive to do with it. It is about the systematic dismantling of democratic institutions and "guardrails," as commented upon elsewhere in the thread. (Most of my work has been with genocide survivors. They are neither numb nor passive while they witness the failing of American democracy.)

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Anyone who has experienced abuse recognizes what’s happening. So many are silenced believing they will be spared without giving a thought to their grandchildren or society as a whole.

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Agree. But, of course, they won't be spared either. We all breathe the same air, depend on the same laws, hope for the same justice, and the same mercy. Privileged or not, lucky or not, none of us (even those in the crime family) are immune. We don't need to be "altruistic" to resist. We only need to be not-suicidal.

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As one of that generation, I find that true, yet hard to excuse. Especially remembering my contact with those with PTSD from WWII. I can't tolerate throwing away their sacrifice.

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Also that generation wasn't prepared either. They didn't all make the right choice but the majority did. It's our turn to step up. We're the adults now.

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Check out the comedian Ari Shaffir who has a 103 year old grandfather who is a survivor of Bergen Belsem. On Netflix

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Any particular set? I don't have NetFlix but see him on YouTube.

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It was an appearance in DC on a fake green stage.

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Also that generation knows it is all manufactured bullshit. It doesn’t have to be this way.

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Hence their shutting down and looking away.

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Hence us losing our democracy bit by bit. It's said people end up with the government they deserve.

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Well done debate. I would add that while the seeds for a failing democracy were planted at the country's inception, Congress and the states have failed for over 50 years to implement amendments to perfect the Constitution by making it more democratic. And now, we have a failed democracy. No surprise--just a damned shame for civilization.

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Thank you for posting this. Great job Steve

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I and our true Intelligent, Democratic community Steve Schmidt, National Democratic Caucuses, Global Professional news sources like, Meidas Touch that are not controlled by wealthy billionaires and others like minded entities are questioning why we are the only Democratic Nation that has an Electoral college that was put in place to politically save the slave owners. Why are there so many Apathetic Americans who do not participate in our free and fair elections to serve their needs and not the Autocrats and Oligarchs? I like Australia's format of Voing. Everyone is automatically Registered when reaching 18 years old and if you do not register and vote, you can be fined. It is a sign of a failed democracy when 1% of the population has Taken Control of the Truth and dominates the lies with vast sums of money, much of it dark and hidden. We really need to Expose all the Lies, Deceit and Corruption of every political party, Republicans, Democrats and Independents and expose Which party is the Most at Fault at hiding their Corruption on All levels. Every action is important if we want to save Democracy.

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Democracy is clearly on the road of failure and we are at the precipice of its destruction. I do believe that the current inhabitants of the white house are feckless bootlickers, imbeciles and failed human beings who are destined to self-implode. I hope to be around to this turn around.

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No doubt, as of today, Sunday, January 26th, just 6 days after Donald Trump won the Presidency, the country is exhibiting a 'democracy-death-rattle'. Loved ones have been called to say their last goodbyes. As is often the case, when the end comes, we find ourselves unprepared. Sadly, we are at the point where we no longer have days, only hours before our democracy will be covered with the sheath of death. With the confirmation of Pete Hegseth on Friday, January 24, 2025, by any measure, the most unqualified candidate for Secretary of State to ever have been nominated, let alone confirmed, we notably passed over the border into authoritarism. We did so with the nearly full acquiesce of the GOP. They, by which I mean the Republican Party and he, by which I mean Trump, are one. As the saying goes, "he is they and they are he." There is zero daylight between the two. Perhaps they have slightly different motivations, but the outcome is the same: complete and utter destruction of the United States of America as a democracy. Their goal is for the country to be run by white evangelical Christian nationalists, basically the christian version of the Taliban. Rather than using sharia law, we'll be ruled by the teachings of Christ Church, the 'once controversial' Idaho-based Christian Nationalist church wishing to turn America into a theocracy. Their wish is the Republicans command. There will be no convincing of any Republican to save the country from this fate. NONE. For they lack the most basic of ethics, morals, empathy and compassion. In fact their absence is rewarded. They are America's dark side. Often I awake feeling as if I am pages deep into a Stephen King novel where the characters portraying republicans, though resembling the human form, are really the most evil demons come up from the darkest recesses of America's sewers. It is my honest and most humble opinion there will be no convincing any of them to "save the country" from authoritarianism or white christian nationalism or a combination of the two. NONE. They are, after all, America's dark side. And for today at least, they are winning.

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How ironic that the humility shown by the great George Wasgington at the start of our great "experiment" is now a MAGA punchline, scoffed at by the seditious imbecile Trump and his toadie henchmen. The road back will be long and treacherous, and Dems and anti-MAGA resistance groups must find a way to work together, but for the good of our country and the world we must put MAGA where it belongs...in the dustbin of history.

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Absolutely. And failing harder with each passing day. To the horror of any thinking citizen and the entire world. In 6 days, this idiot has caused hideous damage to the US and sent it swirling to the bottom.

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Thank You Steve ..You did an incredible job. Yes sadly our democracy is failing. I doubt that I will be able to make my case but I'll try .. You say Joe contributed to our failing democracy by pardoning his son. Hunter a crack addict and illegal gun possession got off when any African American would go to jail for the same crimes. I agree that is true. I think that just about every crack addict needs treatment not jail. I find it hard to equate disgusting Trumps actions 1/6 with Joes all to human behavior of pardoning his son. Where I think Joe and Jill did contribute to our failing democracy is not stepping aside and giving the younger generation a chance .. I can't look at either one of them.. My wrath is saved for McConnell if anyone should take some of the blame it's him okay.. He started breaking down our democracy before he let Trump off the hook. He is despicable. Keeping Garland off the bench and then pushing Barrett through in 46 days .. Shame on him and shame on the whole Republican Party. If anyones to balme for our failing democracy it's your former party .. However I do love you ..

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We have been a democracy with men in charge and that's not equality. Women have to speak up and lead.

The loss of Roe was one of the biggest warnings.

We can't have 'majority men' charting the course.

McConnell, Schumer, all the presidents, Leonard Leo, Murdoch and now Zuckerberg, musk, Bezos.

That's not a full democracy.

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You speak well and truthfully and better than any of us. You need to serve your country best as a national leader and politician. Please run for office, even if only for a few years serve our nation.

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No, it's a stumbling democracy. Compared to Joe McCarthy's reign of terror

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