The evolution of news media in the United States since the advent of 24-hour news in the 1970s has had a profound impact on our lives and political perspectives, revealing a clear division among Americans. A striking example of this is the current coverage of the Iowa caucus, a stark departure from how it was reported in the past. In the 1970s, the Iowa caucus merited a modest place on page two of the NY Times, reflecting its limited significance. Iowa, a state with a population of 3.1 million and just over 2 million registered voters, predominantly Christian with 28% being evangelicals, hardly represents a microcosm of the diverse American electorate. The disproportionate attention given to this small state in recent times is questionable. Contrastingly, since 2000, only one candidate, Barack Obama, who won the Iowa caucus, went on to become president, emphasizing the limited predictive value of this event. Despite this, the media amplifies the caucus results as if they signal the end of the presidential election. The recent Iowa caucus, with its 110,000 voters (not even one-hundredth of a tenth of U.S. voters), reflects a minuscule fraction of the electorate. With only 30% of Iowa voters participating, the hype surrounding this event appears disproportionate. Pre-event polls projecting Trump's win at 74% starkly contrasted with the actual outcome of 51%, highlighting the uncertainty and unreliability of such predictions.

The media's fixation on this relatively inconsequential event raises questions about the priorities of news outlets. Instead of providing substantive analysis, the airwaves are saturated with sensational coverage. It would be more valuable for media pundits to focus on examining the unbalanced perspectives within the Republican voter base, shedding light on the intricacies of their political views, rather than inflating the importance of a minor primary. This shift in focus could contribute to a more informed and nuanced public discourse.

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Alas, more informed public discourse from MSM ain't gonna happen...ever. MSM is owned by billionaires whose only concern is profit and protecting their mouth pieces...the GOP. The game is rigged and I, for one, am done with the propaganda machines. Iowa is a red headed step child playing dress up in a stolen princess gown. Only 14% of registered GOP voters showed up and the MSM is banging the drums and dropping the balloons & confetti. Pathetic.

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If anyone was surprised by the results of the Iowa caucus they haven't been paying attention to the past 8 years. Republicans do not want a future, they want to live in the past. Republicans want to live in a world that resembles the TV depiction of 1950's America. Even if time travel were possible at this time, they would not be satisfied. They would still complain and want to live in a time that resembles the 1920s. This is the problem when you blame others for the world we live in without looking at yourself in the mirror to see your part in the making of this society. Republicans should stop blaming others if they are not satisfied with the direction our country is on. They should get off their obstructionist asses and work with democrats to solve problems. This is the way you make a difference by reaching across the aisle and doing what is best for the country not just your political party. Political power is good but only if you can make a positive change that will benefit everyone.

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Don’t kid yourself. Most Republicans have NO CLUE what’s happening in their political sphere.

Spend a day on Tik Tok ... I dare all of you.

It’s a perverted and twisted dimension of world views and especially American politics.

That’s what is happening in the Republican Party. That and a huge amount of monetary transaction to keep the zombie republican circus alive in D.C. while MAGA steal your country right out from underneath all of us.

It’s disturbing as hell and we have no planned defense.

Democrats need to make this a War if they want this country to survive and Social Media needs to be a huge focus of actions

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Well said

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Surprised you see Trump’s victory in Iowa as “huge”.

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I started to watch the news yesterday afternoon and after 30 minutes, turned it off. Personally I thought it was unnecessary to have 24 hour coverage of Iowa.

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Yeah...just more publicity for that smelly fat pig. (Hey James Carvelle says we have to start belittling him.)

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When the choice is the Grand Loser or mini-me loser 'A' or 'B' there isn't really a choice, but the MAGA world wants their guy. Fine - stick with the Grand Loser because that is what is going to happen again in November. And then the bedlam is going to commence - on his way to prison

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Good interview. What I thought was interesting is that Iowa Republican caucus voters voted 50% AGAINST Trump. It was a runaway as predicted.

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Love this headline from Mother Jones:

"Florida Man Facing 91 Criminal Counts Wins Iowa Caucuses"

Now that's the kind of truth in reporting the MSM is lacking.

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If Biden would get up there on the podium and tell ME he intends to EXPAND SCOTUS as part of his second term to prove he is strengthening constitutional goverences ... I certainly would help expand my efforts to reelect him and to see this promise through.

Biden has never broken his promises to the People of America, he has strengthen US in our freedoms and our economic comeback. FACTS DO NOT LIE.

Biden now needs to strengthen the pillars of our constitutional democratic Republic. He has to tell us WHAT THE FINISH JOB LOOKS LIKE in his second term.


That’s How We the People Roll.

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Hey, Steve, together Haley and DeSantis got 49% of the GOP vote in Iowa and Trump got 51%. I don’t see that as a huge win.

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They were each beaten by 30 points. They ran as individuals not together. No offense.

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I agree with the commenters who are questioning the spin on getting 51% when the polls predicted 74, except that I can’t remember when polls have last been accurate. Seems that the polls can’t be trusted at this point yet you are referring to the few swing state polls asking questions of small samples of voters how they might vote tomorrow in an election that is 10 months out as probable/predictive of the outcome in the general.

On a related topic on this thread I think the biggest structural issue that needs addressing in our election system is the electoral college. It’s how minority rule remains far more attainable than should make anyone who pretends to practice representative democracy comfortable.

Question for you Steve: do you read Simon Rosenberg on here? Thoughts on his takes this far - which are based in the turnout results rejecting all the moves towards dictatorship as it relates to controlling women that have arisen post Dobbs? Is he wrong about what that signals? Thanks and thanks for your work. I will remain hopeful that conservatives who like actual attempted democracies will work against allowing the stain to return to the oval!

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Steve: Please share links to what you referenced in your Scripps interview, ie, that MAGA people are routinely appearing on Russian state TV to promote Trump and the MAGA movement. This doesn't surprise me and it doesn't surprise me that NYT and WAPO et al don't seem to be able to find the space to report on this.

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I found this and it is pretty interesting how Tucker Carlson is being used by Russian.

Also. Here https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-66894124

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Iowa is the beginning of the end of democracy unless and until there is a unification of Democratic Party ( both progressives and middle of the party) with the moderate republicans as a voting block. This can’t happen in primaries but in the general election, it is a must.

The message has to be loud and clear and especially repetitious. America has an attention span problem. So the message has to be said over and over again.

There is no time for complacency. The threat is just 10 months from now.

If freedom loses, we will not have it back in our life time. Trump will do whatever it takes to remain in power till he dies.

The populous and cowardly, incompetent and sycophants are nothing more than useful idiots.

Trump is not one of you nor would he fight for you, it is about him. How could he understand your pain at the pump or food prices, he’s never gone to a gas station to fill his car with gasoline or gone into a grocery store to buy food. Show us your grades, stable genius! Put the burden on him to show his words are consistent with his actions. Point out that his repeal and replace Obama care would have been a disaster (ie loss of care for preexisting conditions), what did his pulling out of the Iranian nuclear deal accomplish, or his inability to keep our top secrets secret placing every son and daughter in the military at greater risk as well as making this country vulnerable to foreign threats.

Democrats have boxed themselves in with Biden, “normal “ republicans must come to their rescue.

There is still time to repeal the electoral college, tighten the border and reform the asylum laws, add justices to the Supreme Court, make Puerto Rico and Washington DC states. Get rid of dark money, PACs, lobbyists, and big donors/foreign money, make this truly a republic form of democracy, one person, one vote, majority wins.

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To be sure, Iowa gets outsized attention but that comes with being first. Maybe all 50 states should hold their primaries on the same day. That way would produce the most balanced results.

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Steve, I'm glad to see you're on tv. I feel we need you on MSM. There is only one person who can bring what is needed: Schmidt Storms! Also, I suggest some short videos that are aimed at getting into the social media algorithms. You can take it TO MAGA, their leaders and followers. Thank You!

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Hi Lisa! Agreed! Any exposure to truth is what we are after. Steve needs to get on any MSM possible because they aren’t telling their audiences the core of what’s really going on.

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Right On!!

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Remember 50% of gop voters voted against Trump. Translation if gop is 30% of voters then 15% of all voters may stay home in disgust over the trump candidacy in November

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The Democrats need to focus on democracy and now they really need to push foreign policy/affairs in their messaging. I wouldn’t normally say that category is a campaign winner, but - Did you read/hear what came out of the EU today? They are planning for a future without America if the rapist gets elected. Who can blame them? Let the trumpsters know - game over dipshits. This is not a joke.

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