Milley needs to hit the talk show circuit non-stop until the election. Kelly and Mattis should join him. I had hoped that McChrystal's public statement would shake something loose, but time is running out. These generals have a misguided sense of loyalty to military convention at the expense of the country, which reflects twisted priorities.

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They ALL need to do a 25 day media blitz. We need to see all of the military officers, the people who worked in the Trump Administration, the same Republicans who’ve had the courage to sound the alarm (Liz and Cassidy seem to be the only two we see regularly - brave women. Where are the men??)

Democrats need to get these people in the news shows, talk shows, tv ads, rallies, everyplace.

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Sarah Matthews and Olivia Troye did an event with Liz Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson endorsing Kamala the other day.

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I saw that, powerful! Cassidy is from Pennington, NJ where I now live. The spirit of 1776 lives here. 💕🇺🇸💙

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Even though I disagree with her conservatism, I admire her courage and love of country to speak out against trump. We know she must be receiving threats. Look at the staffer at Arlington National Cemetery who refused to press charges for fear of MAGA reprisals

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Agree where are these guys? I hope if things go bad they will have a plan to save us

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Amen to you both.

Amazing the women in Trump administration speak out and these guys are pussies or hold a distorted loyalty.

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I wonder who will take me with a 35k fixed income and 40k in investments?

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Good point. They're supposed to be apolitical, so let them just repeat Trump's words and repeat what he asked them to do. Talk about what happens when the president, as Commander in Chief, gives an order. Talk about consequences.

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My favorite General is Mark Milley! You could see how much he hated Trump in the pictures taken.

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Is this a bot? What do numbers after a name signify?

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There is a seed in their hearts that yearns for military order and they are tricked into believing democrats aren’t capable of self restraint. And there is enough fringe behavior to stoke those fires. So dangerous—

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John F. Kennedy: "For courage, not complacency, is our need today, leadership, not salesmanship. And the only valid test of leadership is the ability to lead and lead vigorously." Vote: Harris/Waltz!

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Right on Sister!!! 💙🇺🇸💙

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We are on the cusp of a new age.

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Right On, Nancy! 💙🇺🇸💙

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If we can just chase the “vermin” out of DC!😂

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Love it! 😂

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Is anyone extremely concerned that pathologically lying, oily orange sociopath, Trumpler wants the Federal Reserve, among other precious apolitical institutions of government, reporting to the executive branch!?!?!?

Talk about inflection point; this will tank our economy — and the global economy.

YTF aren’t rich, self-concerned A-holes who are blindly supporting this epic dope raging with concern?

This must be shouted from the mountaintop for the next 25 days!

Trumpler 2.0 will not be kept in check like 1.0 by the normies (until the end when the sore loser lost 2020 election).

Trumpler’s extremists anti-government goons are licking their chops and crowing their vision for utter destruction of American democracy and our constitutional infrastructure. All based on lies!!! Listen - they’re making themselves very clear.

Anyone have money in the market?? The banks? This asshole will cause a lapse in global economic stability like nothing we can imagine.

Jerome Powell and the Fed barely held on during Trumpler 1.0. They’ll be gone on “day one.” Let us not kid ourselves.

Kamala & Co. must shout it out loud to all the people every day until election. We must educate “low information public” how well American justice, defense, treasury, HHS, education, FEMA and other strongholds of our free republic have endured and protected all of us. In spite of their grievances and the hate stirred up by the most vile, insane, incompetent, lying, Hitler-esque leader the world has seen since 1944.

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He wants access so he can steal steal steal… VOTE BLUE!

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It's pretty clear that Kamala & Co., including all her best surrogates like Obama, have decided that they will only criticize Trump for his past bad acts and failures as president, focused in particular on J6, and for his evident lack of character and profound unfitness for office. All of that is consistent with her "we need to turn the page" and "we're not going back" messaging. But "we're not going back" is too subtle -- too benign -- because Trump is also devoid of empathy and profoundly malevolent. What he wants to do -- what he is regularly telling the world he intends to do -- is bring a fascist vision drawn from a horrid WWII history into new, full blossom in the United States. It would be great if the low propensity voters and disgruntled Black and Latino males who gripe that no one will ever do enough for them would realize that the choice in this election is so much more consequential than whether proposed new programs might benefit them. It would be lovely if the self-serving holdouts could be moved to shun Trump by Obama's "who does that" messaging about Trump's lies, but they haven't been moved and probably won't be. The message about the Trump fascist world that awaits us all may be the only thing that will cause anyone thinking about voting for Trump, for any self-serving reason, to realize what's actually at stake. In reality, Harris is focused on reminding people how bad Trump was, in terms of character and bad acts -- she's not trying to scare ambivalent voters into waking up to what Milley has said and others know to be true. She doesn't want to be the anti-fascism messenger. She will stay in the arena of trying to convince self-absorbed low information voters that they need to rise to the occasion and get off the couch for the good of the nation because Trump has shown himself to be unfit -- not because he is a "fascist through and through" and profoundly dangerous. If the candidate who is positioned as the alternative to Trump can't or won't campaign on a message that educates voters to how very much worse a future Trump will be than his willingness to attempt the J6 coup demonstrated, then others need to step up, in whatever way they can, with a harsher, detailed message about the fascist future Trump is promising.

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We should all be forced to study deeply the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler (K through 12) for the overlay to current times is stunning. Collectively we would better and earlier discern the devil and his sycophants manipulating us with their propaganda, lies, division, hate. Hmm, and why do certain states want to stop teaching history..?

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Have you noticed (I sure have) that the campaign AND the talking heads on tv have really backed off on talking about the horrors of Project 2025?? WTH 🤦‍♀️ That was what really got people’s attention.

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You absolutely nailed it! Excellent job. Sadly, will not be read by enough people.

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Susannah, I write to express my deepest thanks for providing the messaging that will form the core of my next letter to the Harris-Walz campaign. I hope others will join me in doing all we can to help ensure your words reach a broader audience.

As an aside, I have observed that attention to the substance of Project 2025 seems disturbingly diminished.

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Omg!! I just wrote that before I saw your comment. The ONE thing that really got people’s attention & now it seems they’ve practically stopped mentioning it!! Big mistake IMO

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P. J., Thanks for writing. Your comment has convinced me to include a word about Project 2025 in the letter to the campaign I plan to draft Sunday evening.

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I agree with Mark. You nailed it.👏

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Susannah, Kamala and Tim and all of us need to get the message out exactly how dangerous Trump is. And I thank Mark Milley, a truly courageous man, and the Republican women Steve mentioned who are standing up and informing us. The Sunday talk shows need to have these people on them. And thank you Steve as always.

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It is time to channel our Inner Lincoln to save the country.

Near the end of the Civil War, General Grant informed President Lincoln of the following: General Sheridan said he thinks Lee will surrender if the thing is pressed.

Lincoln replied: Let the thing be pressed.

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Love you President Barack Obama !!!!

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Are the people committed to vote for Trump unaware of who he is? How is it possible that they have not noticed his dangerous lies, racism, love of dictators, his desire to join them? his sexual assaults from the Hollywood tapes to E. Jean Carroll, his scams from Trump University to $60 bibles made in China that ordinarily sell for under $5, his violent tendencies from encouraging police to be rough on suspects to telling the "Proud Boys" to "stand back and stand by" to instigating the 1/6 insurrection, his flagrant disregard for others and lack of common sense from Covid will disappear in two three weeks to have we considered injecting disinfectant to dropping nuclear bombs into hurricanes to our successful defense of airports during the Revolutionary War?

I agree with what so many others have said. People like Milley, David Jolly, Rick Wilson, Liz and Dick Cheney, and our own Steve Schmidt need to ask the Democratic campaign to buy them one hour on prime time television so that each could give a short statement about Trump's total unfitness for the presidency or any other public office.

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Most of his supporters know exactly who he is. There are totally on board & agree with all the vile things he says & does. They love him & are as much the enemy as him. I refuse to give them a pass after 10 years.

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I'd also add that they don't believe his hatred and rhetoric applies to them, just the "other". Oh, but for their willful ignorance.

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Two people in my circle of acquaintances only watch Fox News. When I told them what Trump said, they did not believe me. I have given up on them.

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Maybe the Democratic campaign could buy time on Fox "News" to convey the messages about who Trump really is and how most Americans would suffer a far worse life under a Maga dictator like Trump or Vance.

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I hope you are wrong because if you are right, we are fucked. I do believe a crazy but small % of the population loves everything about him, but I hope and trust that as Linda Heath points out, that most are woefully un-, mis-, and disinformed by propaganda outlets pretending to be "news."

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We have been hoping for this for way too long…..time is running out & they continue to worship him, some in absolute defiance. I hope a lot of them will develop a conscience between now & Nov 5., but the jury is truly out. This election should NOT be as close as it is.

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All very true. But to deveiop a conscience they need to learn the deeply evil nature and plans of the man they worship.

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The people who will vote for this psychopath are themselves the victims of their own delusions and ignorance. The problem is that they are in their millions.

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It wouldn’t matter if there was no electoral college. tRump would never get a majority of votes cast.

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I think to Separate Church and State.

Hold to account

That's a start.

A Democracy if we can keep it!

We must not be Ruled!

Unite to beat back the lies..

We are flooded with misinformation by the minute.

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If the campaign sets up a fund for that express purpose, I will immediately donate $150.00.

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It's a really good idea.

I'm not sure where all the money is being spent, but I fear it is not spent to reach the audience that matters.

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General Milley and other military leaders need to tell Trump, who now demands military vehicles to ride in and air cover to protect him when out and about, that if he seriously wants effective personal security, he should take a triple dose of ‘shut-the-fuck-up’ and call them in the morning.

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He wants those things so that he can look like Kim Jung Un.


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When I heard the speech from Detroit I thought he was totally insane. Aldo he bad mouthed Detroit in Detroit not great strategy but

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Denigrating audiences to their faces is standardly part of the fascist leader’s mind-fucking MO of debasing and emasculating even his own supporters in order to reinforce their impotent, abject acquiescence and preempt any possibility of independent thought, skepticism and eventual mutiny.

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Yes, it is. Ruth Ben-Ghiat says that all the time when she’s a guest on msnbc. Also the telling of preposterous lies is the standard MO

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Why in the world would any organization with Economic in their name want that ignorant loser speaking to them? He doesn't know the first thing about economics, he has a lousy business track record, he doesn't know how tariffs work. What in the living hell possessed these folks to invite him, and are they then surprised at his nonsensical word salad? Dissing their own city?

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Other economic clubs in the US invited him- the NYC economic club where he said that Harris turned black. I don’t understand why anyone would invite him to speak. He is mentally melting down and makes no sense- 8 circles?

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I’m going to correct you just a tiny bit. He was speaking to the NABJ when he said that about Kamala suddenly turned Black.

When he was at the NYC Economic Club he spewed out that nonsense answer when an extremely intelligent, highly accomplished woman asked him for what he would specifically do to make child care more affordable. Remember “child care is child care, you’ve got to have it”

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Trump and his sycophants are driving people to insanity to support him! Space lasers? Government weather control? Refusal to accept aid? Attack FEMA workers? Death threats to weather reporters? It is they that are planting the seeds of the ridiculous! This is Goebbels on steroids! Lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie,......... coming from multiple lying sources......... so the faithful duped say and do in their blindness..........I believe, I believe, I believe, ........... over the cliff of absolute garbage...............and not once stopping to ask? Wait a minute? What? Why would anybody try to fill me with this absolute BULLSHIT!!!!

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I have been in a state of stress for just too long. I’ve decided to take a fatalist approach: What happens happens. The majority will have spoken. If Trump wins, it is then my choice to decide if I want to remain an American.

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I choose America!!

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What is Trump talking about? Circles? How can the public not see this disorientation and decline? How can this race possibly be close? It makes no sense, nor does he. Please spare us another four years of this , bad as it is and worse as it will be!!

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I want to know too.

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I sort of know what he was trying to get at; during covid when Biden would have an outdoor rally, they would draw circles 6-8 ft apart where people from the same household could stand/sit to participate.

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This Republican focus group leader, and Never Trumper, hears encouraging words from the Republicans she’s talking to. And she foresees a Harris victory. Can Trump Voters Still Change Their Minds?https://www.newyorker.com/podcast/the-new-yorker-radio-hour/can-trump-voters-still-change-their-minds

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Enthusiasm wins the day, pure and simple.

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Obama, welcome to the fight but too little, too late. The media seems to be indifferent to the warnings about the coming “storm “.

Why isn’t Millie Mattis Kelly Bolton and the guy from Econ ( can remember his name but apply labeled Trump a “ moron “ not on the Sunday shows or nightly CNN enhancing our the fight to preserve our freedoms from Trump and his manipulators?

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Bolton, Pence, the Bushes and every other Republican who knows the danger that Trump poses, but refuses to vote for Kamala because they’re too “proud” to vote for a Democrat are complicit and will be responsible for another Trump presidency. I have no respect for them at all!

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Where have these so- called leaders of the Democratic Party been?? Absolute dereliction of duty.

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Yes, the DNC does not appear to want to “fight fire with fire “ and attack the MAGA bs for what it is. Obama gave a great speech in Detroit. The Republican Party has resorted to elevating a convicted felon rapist grifter draft dodging nepo-baby to a position of power. They refused to call him out on his lies, his illegal behavior. This guy is the entitled rich kid asshat we all hated in school. They shoulder all of the blame for the crisis at hand. I will not shade the DNC. The RNC has made it their responsibility to do something about Trump and Project 2025. Thank goodness for patriots like Steve, George Conway, Rick Wilson. They have the most to lose out of all of us. They have really gone out on a limb for us.

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Don’t forget Liz Chaney and Adam Kinszinger.

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The democrats have people who speak well in the confines of the congressional floor but too cowardly to go out and say the same things to the public. A shout down to the cowards Raskins, Mowskowitz, Porter, Whitehouse…where is Hakeem Jeffries and chuckles Schumer? If Mayor Pete can get time on Fox and other right wing sites so can these so called democrats.

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