Apathy, indifference and greed have always been the hallmarks of chaos and destruction. Musk is no different than Ford, The Koch’s, IBM and other corporations and billionaires who chose fascism over democracy and hatred of a people to justify his own insecurities. Should we be shocked? His family made its fortune mining in South Africa during Apartheid, which speaks volumes.

And while we see an exponential rise in anti-semitism, it’s nothing new. It’s always been here, just swept under the rug.

Trump’s greatest attribute was his ability to release the Kranken, I mean the manacles. Now we have the newly unfettered white nationalists and religious wing-nuts emboldened to speak, and act on their hatred, in the name of religious freedoms.

It’s time to wake up America! As long as we reward hatred, it will continue to metastasize and spread its ugly wings. Boycott X and Tesla. Time to send a message!

Vote blue. We may have some anarchists and bigots in the party, but at least they aren’t the entire party and especially the politicians; just a fringe hard-left handful.

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I deactivated my ‘X’ account today. I will no longer be padding the coffers of these bigots and fascists (official in 30 days) when my account goes dead — forever.

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Why is any one with a brain and a soul still on X-twitter?

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And this: "By the way, will anyone on CNBC ask anyone on the X, Space X and/or Tesla boards to make a comment about any of this? If not, why not?"

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Well said...:)

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Strong and correct. Thank you.

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Steve, thank you. I remember my trip to Dachau. The night before a German friend advised against going. He said it would ruin my day. I remember well, riding on the train and the closer we came to Dachau, the quieter it became. I remember the quiet, as if nothing , not even the birds wanted to interrupt this space. When I think of my time at Dachau, I always think of being told that the visit would ruin my day. I thought it was odd to say then and still do today. Maybe it was due to a language translation, maybe I have taken it wrong. But, it did ruin my day and I have always been grateful for that ruined day.

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I'm also grateful to have visited Dachau; it was one of the most somber days of my life.

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You have described my visit to Dachau in 1985. I went alone. It was one of the most profound experiences of my life. I remember it with crystal clarity even after so very many years.

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I do also., Sky.

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Thank you for speaking out. The voice of sanity is being drowned out every day. Lies travel so much faster than truth and is absorbed so easily. The celebration of Elon Musk is a symptom of the sickness plaguing society today. We measure people based on appearance, notoriety, and wealth. Competence empathy and civility in our public figures and politicians are simply mocked. Our education system has failed. Parents have failed to educate their kids. Has no one learned their history lessons, civics, or the golden rules?

Why hasn’t Mr Bible (Mike Johnson)spoken out? Why has no republican spoken out against Trump’s Hitler imitation speech?

The muteness of “ the good people” is deafening.

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Elon Musk is an international apartheid tRump with higher intelligence but a different color over the spectrum. Greasy. Several of the other comments are, imo, of value.

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Steve, on this morning, the eve of Thanksgiving week - and an opportunity to express gratitude, I must begin by thanking you for posting the 21 minute speech by Ellie Wiesel on Indifference. Your introductory remarks and this speech awaken Americans to the fact that silence and indifference are killers of democracy. Keep your pen active, shouting this from the rooftop and I promise to do the same. I am a follower and subscriber.

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I took students to Auschwitz and Birkenau in February, an apt time, for there were freezing snow flurries. Additionally, I showed each of my senior seminars “Nacht und Nebel.” High schools should be teaching the Holocaust and the rise of authoritarianism in Europe. Hired by a private, independent school to build English and history curricula, I built a curriculum that started in middle school with Elie Wiesel’s “Night”. To teach the history -- as with all honest history -- is to shout “Never Again” through future generations.

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Thank you for doing what you’re doing. It’s so very important.


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Hatred toward the "other" has been with us as a nation since our inception. Is it really any wonder that it's manifestation has exploded ? Since the traitorous, treason rich, bully became resident in the WH hate's acceleration took the quantum leap blessed by the false - profit. From the escalator ride down from his tower his plan was to Make America Hate Again. Mission accomplished...plus a bonus...he created a new party and movement...the HateTriot Party will be unleashing HateTriotism across America and the world should he manipulate our timid Judiciary into his 2nd term. The Warning indeed... Shields up high ...this year will be wilder than any we've ever experienced in the land of the free...in the home of the brave.

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HateTriot party ~ perfect

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Elon Musk and his companies have been given large sums of monies to develop their technology by the US government. The American people should have some recourse to hold him accountable. Elon Musk hasn't done the amount of damage as Donald Trump because Trump deals in volume. However, he also has an affinity for supposed strong men like Putin and Xi and has refused to help Ukraine keep their country safe with use of his satellite link technology. We as a country have to live up to our shared values and not let rich, powerful extremist dictate our governmental policies. I do not use the X platform or Facebook because they have become a source of disinformation and hate. These platforms should be used to unite families and friends not divide them.

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Well said Patrick I also have stopped using social media for the same reasons. I feel it is a destructive tool in our time for the rapid spread of mis and disinformation. Now the young people get their “history, cultural and current events” information in lightening speed from that venue. Is there any way to control it? I don’t see one :(

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Diane, is this media that we're using right now (called The Warning) part of what you call "social media?"

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Hi Gary ~ just my opinion, but I find The Warning and a few other Substack commentary focused and factual, unlike other social media such as Facebook, Tik Toc, what used to be Twitter and Instagram. The Substack essays like Steve’s, Joyce Vance, Heather Cox Richardson, Steady, the Bulwark to name a few accompany their commentary with news references from mainstream professional videos, articles and newspapers. Good question

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Thanks for your response Diane. I have never used Twitter, Instagram or TicToc but I have used YouTube. (I'm 81.) I've had great pleasure from YouTube in the areas of political opinion, science, and culture. Got good info too. But I have seen a lot of comments putting down YouTube which I frankly don't understand. I suppose there must be some god-awful stuff on it also.

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Thank you for this eye-opening article, Steve. My knowledge of Musk's antisemitism was limited.

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That was a powerful piece Steve, I have never had a twitter account, would never buy a tesla, ever, and see no reason to go to mars again ever, but Ellie Wiesel’s speech spoke volumes, I knew what his last word was going to be before he spoke it, because I heard him clearly. Thank you for including it today, I had never seen it before. The entire nation should listen to it, for it speaks to today with a very clear voice that we all need to hear. I have never been to the camps, but I have a very good friend who worked on “Schindler’s List” and knew many others that did as well, they all spoke about how moved they were to witness those places of horror. “Never Again” needs to be on the lips of all who consider themselves human, there can be no other response to a resurrected tragedy. I get it that it’s popping up all over the planet like seeds out of the ground, but like weeds in your flower garden, to let them grow will diminish the flowers 💐 you will get in the future, so too antisemitism will diminish all of our lives, it needs to be stopped. 🙏

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Keep speaking out. We all must, everywhere

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Wow, thanks, Steve, for such a searing and well written article. My only wish is that it would published to much wider audience to help people understand the seriousness of the situation.

More hate and violence never solves any problem, but only perpetuates itself. It is true that man seems to still believe that they can "win" a war, but seldom does that "peace" remain long term. It lasts only until new issues flare up, because it wasn't really "peace", but just a temporary cessation of fighting.

In my 79 years of living I have finally learned that to solve this, and most all of our problems, we need to look within ourselves to determine what we are doing and thinking that continues to keep the world in war, hatred and violence mindset. We need to examine how our thoughts or hatreds of the other continue to contribute to this problem. It's not a comfortable thing to do, and we have a

tendency to blame anyone but ourselves for what we see as the wrongs of the world. But often what's reflected back to is just what we are thinking and feeling. It's our reality, not the reality.

But I believe peace can only come to the world as we find it within ourselves, and come to a peaceful place of acceptance and tolerance for both ourselves, and for others. It's a life journey, but a worthy goal. And it is probably one of the only things we CAN do to help bring about change in the world.

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Thank you, Steve. Very rarely do I read something that makes me cry, but this brought tears to my eyes.

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A stunning piece of writing today Steve, hitting me over and over with lines throughout. I had to put the phone down and hold my head, take it in, hold it in. Reads like a powerful poem. I’m awed and moved and stunned.

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We have to stop giving so much publicity and notoriety to ignorance and shower it on those that do positive acts

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Every time I mention to friends what a total douche Musk is, I always get, "He's a brilliant man, a genius!" Yeah, Tesla cars, Space X, whatever. But he's a total ass. I would never buy a Tesla and as for Space X, BFD. This guy is so full of himself. Just go onto X, or whatever he calls it. It has become more of a cesspool than it ever was. Just this morning, it's all about "the footage" Maga Mike released, how it "proves" Jan. 6 was a false flag operation. I'm amazed at how many truly stupid people there are out there. I guess that's what people in '30s Germany were experiencing-following a very sick cult of personality.

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What a great piece of writing Steve. The best I have ever read on the evils of antisemitism, and the greatness of Eli Wiesel.

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