May 17Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve, you have done so much good since then. Most of us, if we are honest have much to be embarrassed about in our pasts, especially in our younger years. I am impressed with you today, and look forward to your daily essays. Thank you for everything you are doing now.

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May 18Liked by Steve Schmidt

I’ll second that

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I third that!

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Thank you.

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This evening, I watched NBC's evening news w/Lester Holt. As best as I can remember, here's the order of the first 4 stories:

1. Sean Diddy Combs - domestic violence

2. Bad/dangerous weather

3. Bratty, arrogant #1 champion golfer arrested this morning for refusing to follow a cop's instruction to stop driving.

4. Alito (minimal w/out context or urgency)

So, apparently, Diddy & the golfer are more important than Alito/SCOTUS.

As usual, the MSM is failing to meet the moment.

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I saw that broadcast too, and was amazed at how the Alito story was hardly mentioned

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And no one discussed the actual implications! Or the urgency! Based on NBC's coverage, viewers who know little to nothing about SCOTUS are unlikely to understand why Alito's actions/statements matter or become curious enough to learn more. The same can probably be said of viewers who are, in fact, somewhat more knowledgeable. I can imagine a whole lot of "So what? What's the big deal?"

Hey. Wait a second ... Did the broadcast include anything about the guy who hit Nancy Pelosi's husband being sentenced to 30 years in prison? I don't remember.

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I don’t recall whether he had that story either

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WCS - True but your order is incomplete. #1 PDiddy #2 Advert #3 Weather #4 AD #5 Scottie #6 Ad #7 AD Adcetera Adcetera Adcetera.. The real story is that his wife couldn't get the halyard through the grommets of the Confederate Flag so she had a 2nd choice

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Alito and Thomas are simply judicial muggers. They hid in the shadow of the conservative minority in the Supreme Court for a decade. After Trump sealed the end of judicial impartiality, Thomas and Alito came up behind lady justice, removed her blindfold and stabbed her in the back. They are no longer in the shadows nor bound by ethics, facts, morality or danger of losing their job. They are now leaders of the lynch mob giving the appearance of judicial cover for an authoritarian regime. Now they are the mentors for Barret Kavanaugh and Gorsuch. Roberts is now nothing more than a hall monitor now.

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I’ve wondered why George W Bush hasn’t spoken out about Trump maga extremism.

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My question as well.

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I too wonder what GW Bush thinks. I won’t be holding my breath though waiting to hear.

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He didn't vote for TFG either time, but we don't know who he voted for.

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Too busy clearing bush and painting.

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May 17Liked by Steve Schmidt

I'm sorry, Steve. It's difficult when we are disappointed by people we believe in. The bright side is...It's these types of situations in which we come to realize we are the better persons. 🙏

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May 18·edited May 18Liked by Steve Schmidt

Alito and Trump are two peas in a pod: narcissists whose grievance politics drives them. We know Trump never had a moral compass or adult level of maturity; if Alito ever did, it's gone now. I used to be a federal investigator doing background checks for positions requiring security clearances; being completely apolitical in the course of our job, in the course of every contact with the public, was an absolute must. We took our oaths seriously, as well as our responsibility, even at a much lower level, to be the face of public service and engender confidence.

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Narcissism and a sense of grievance.

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I'm gravely concerned by Judge Alito's clear record of support for vast presidential authority unchecked by the other two branches of government.

In decision after decision on the bench he has excused abusive actions by the authorities that intrude on the personal privacy and freedoms of average Americans. And in his writings and speeches he has supported a level of overreaching presidential power that, frankly, most Americans find disturbing and even frightening.😱

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The Jersey Guys Samuel Alito and Robert Menendez both used the same defense this week: my wife did it.

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May 18Liked by Steve Schmidt

I just shared this with my son with three words: "Wow! Double wow!

Bravo, Steve for taking the time to say this thing that needed to be said, and for saying it so well!!!!

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May 17·edited May 18

I guarantee (based on nothing more than raw intuition) that Samuel and his wife and Clarence and his wife get together at each other's houses and share sherry (or whatever that foursome loves to do together) and laugh about the control they wield over more than 300,000,000 people. That must bring a high more potent than hashish! 🤣

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May 18Liked by Steve Schmidt

I cannot express how much the experience and wisdom of Steve Schmidt speaks to my heart. Please forward to everyone you know, regardless of whether they want to be enlightened or not. We are ALL capable of change especially when the reality of the situation is seen and heard so clearly.

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Why aren’t we expanding the court.

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Seriously tempting, but afraid it's not the answer. Next R president would reverse or expand further and the cycle would never stop. Obviously it's political now, but expanding it would remove any doubt about it being forever politicized. Term limits would be better IMO.

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May 18Liked by Steve Schmidt

I appreciate the apology and honest regrets expressed here. I do not agree with everything you say or believe, but I see real integrity in you. It takes courage to admit mistakes and consider what went wrong and why.

Too often when asking more conservative friends what they think of the latest outrage from Trumper supporters they shrug their shoulders, putting on a face of studied apathy, or try to outright deny the report is even true--or I offer evidence it is undeniably true, they posit antifa initiated the conflict (they made him do it!). This last tactic is exactly what Alito did. Above all, if allowed and not confronted, they prefer to remain silently supportive, gently clicking their tongues at the anger expressed by non-Republicans (honey, you are so hysterical! All politicians do this!).

I wonder, did Alito blame it on his wife because family members of Justices are allowed to have their own political opinions? Squirrelly little fellow, if so.

I also especially appreciate your acknowledgement of the stunning arrogance that led to Alito's behavior. This is what I find most worrisome of all among the most privileged, most highly educated people who support Trump. They seem to think they are a form of aristocrat, specially endowed to lead America. There is nothing more un-American than that. I prefer Public Servants who have some measure of humility.

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Thank you.


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Thank you Steve for expressing what so many of us are feeling. Our disgust but also our distress that there is nothing we can do to remove Samuel Alito, who has revealed himself as an Insurrectionist sympathizer from the Supreme Court.

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WAY TO HIT HARD, STEVE! I hope the Alitos see this video and that it goes viral. One of your best!

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