Steve…we’ve been flying the Ukrainian flag since the war began, as well as having a sign in our front yard proclaiming WE SUPPORT UKRAINE! My husband and I both wear shirts that say “Fight Like a Ukrainian”! Yesterday we donated to https://u24.gov.ua/armored-ambulances?utm_source=digest&utm_medium=eng&utm_campaign=medevacs and will donate every month. Today I wrote an email of apology and support to President Zelensky via the Ukrainian Embassy in Washington, D.C. via the email address listed for the embassy. What happened on Friday in OUR Oval Office was pure thuggery and I have no doubt that that ambush was pre-planned. President Zelensky has thank the American People repeatedly who are the ones providing the arms, not trump and certainly not vance, who has expressed his opposition to aiding Ukraine since he ran for the Senate. I will do anything and all I can do to support this heroic nation…and I will NOT live in a country aligned with Putin! Any suggestions of what more we can do…thank you!

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Steve and Christie - I have the Ukrainian flag on my front door, and I'm giving as much as I can to the official Ukrainian fundraising platform https://u24.gov.ua/ to help Zelensky and Ukrainians keep fighting for freedom, democracy and conscience against a brutal oppressor and occupier. Am I talking about Trump? Or Putin? Or both?

Powerful list of resistance activities for your son (and all Americans of conscience and Constitutional mettle) and I'm immensely proud of your son, an intelligent, aware, conscience-driven young man. I hope there are hundreds of thousands of high schoolers like him, girls and boys, who will become the Civil Rights marchers and activists of our time. Where are the college age women and men? Where are the campus demonstrations? Where are the Ukrainian students? Where are the Arab American students? Get into John Lewis's good trouble.

Meet this moment with the measures and mettle of Henry David Thoreau, and the spirit and sacrifice of the later U.S. abolitionist movement.

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Agree! We need students and college students to take part. This is how we did it when I was in high school and college (Cambodia, VN War, Kent State, MLK assassination).

A couple weeks ago I was in another city’s downtown square and all traffic was halted for a few minutes. I realized it was letting hundreds of middle and high school students march with Palestinian flags. Cars honking, cops protecting. It was a beautiful sight. And I just cried, we have come to this … but bless them! I’m so proud of your son Steve. Thank you for sharing this fabulous idea!

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Thank you and family anyone connected! Let’s make 2025 the most horrible year in trump’s miserable life!

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Donated! Thank you all!

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Thank you!

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Christie thank you for your compassion and activism. Thanks for sharing the link and sharing what you’ve been doing. I agree about not wanting to live in a country that could support Putin! I have never been so ashamed to be an American. I have an old blue umbrella cover and an old yellow umbrella cover, I just dug them out of my shed and put them up on my fence. It’s ugly but it’s my statement lol! My family was from Ukraine. I stand with Ukraine. Thanks everyone!

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THANK YOU!! Yesterday I when I went to the market there were Girl Scouts selling cookies, and even though we’ve already purchased a lot from our granddaughters, having been a Scout and a leader for our daughter’s troop, I stopped to buy cookies…the mom of one of the girls had an accent and asked her where she was from, her answer was Ukraine. I hugged her, told her that we supported her country and she told me how devastated she felt on Friday after the thugs ambushed Zelensky. I assured her that most Americans support Ukraine! THANK YOU FOR SHOWING YOUR SUPPORT…it means so much to the Ukrainians living in this country!! SLAVA UKRAINI!

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WOW!! thank you for sharing this. I generally ignore the Scouts, I don't eat cookies lol, but now you make me want to engage. Our younger generations are inheriting this mess and we need to listen to them, and instruct in compassion.

I was at a lunch yesterday with my fellow volunteers, we lead Buddhist services inside prison. The 13 year old daughter of the hostess just had a school trip to Europe. Among other things, they visited Buchenwald. She is Jewish.

This is meaningful.

And thank you again for the donation link; done and done.

Be well everyone, and Slava Ukrain!

(btw my Ukrainian (americanized at ellis island) last name means pursing the wind over fields of grain. I have always loved it)

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My exact feelings Christie!! I have donated for armored ambulances as of this morning & for the field emergency kits via White Stork. I admit I hadn’t thought of an email to Zelenskyy & the Ukrainian people through their embassy, but will do so now. I definitely want to express my apologies to him & his people.

Thank you

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So inspiring and true. A MAGA (lifelong friend whose friendship is now nearly extinct) didn't like my post of the Vance protest in VT, saying it's wrong to do that while he's on vacation and when he's with his family.

Awww. So sad - And Yikes! Now he's against the First amendment as long as it happens to effect his revered and "holy" ones, like JD?

I let him have it.

This is exactly what we need, Steve. This is not just another Sunday in America! The revolution supporting our Constitution and our rights won because soldiers fought, soldiers came home, and soldiers died all for this very freedom is now! May all Republicans, like Marco, finally find the spines they misplaced in the backs of their closets and redeem themselves. Let's let all independents and democrats lead the way!

Thank you!

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Aww..... he's on vacation...... and where are the USAID recipients right now? Oh, yeah, some are starving, some are dying, many already died, etc -- HARDLY on vacation (in a 4-star hotel no less). And what about the families of all the federal employees so quickly terminated without a care??? Highly doubtful on vacation... some are stranded far from home. I could go on for an hour. Geez. (So sorry the vance's have been "inconvenienced" or "embarrassed" because daddy - and others he hangs with - is a wretched, ladder-climbing-at-all-costs, HARDLY "Christian", sociopath .................... NOT.)

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Exactly! My friend followed up with me saying he was worried about the children not being able to enjoy their vacation and it wasn't fair.

I added that I support all children, including those starving due the food not shipped from USAID, the children of Ukraine stolen from their parents and brought into Russia never to be reunited, the ones that died in the Ukranian bombings, the ones that will die here in the US due to lack of healthcare through not having Medicaid, etc., etc. I also added that JDs privileged children will likely get through their ski vacation just fine although I grieve for all children, including JDs children, for the country they no longer are allowed to have because of tRump and JDs destruction. I suddenly had NO response whatsoever. Amazing! It's comforting to know you and I have like minds! 👍

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"I let him have it."

We need to let them ALL have it.

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poor misunderstood man, on vacation with his family, who is directly threatening the lives of millions. Someone pass me a hankie….

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I’ve had someone unfriend me just yesterday. She was pleading with her Facebook friends to listen to Musk on Joe Rogan’s podcast, and didn’t it make sense what he was saying about all the waste they were finding. I replied, “He is LYING about what they are finding.” That truth is all it took for her to unfriend me.

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When you look at all of the MAGA partisans like Vance and Rubio, they learned from Mitch McConnell: power over honor, party over country.

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You are right about Democrats needing loud outspoken leadership and unity! We need a charismatic spokesperson who can speak for all of the resistance and have a national platform to organize and lead us now - before Trump shuts down the protests.

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Karen, My Rep Melanie Stansbury has been one among several who have been speaking out loudly. Sen Chris Murphy has been great, check out his IG messages.

He now is writing here on Substack, I found him on Saturday, go follow him. He’s being a real leader.

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"It is appropriate that he was driven from the mountains of the state that gave the young nation Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys. Vermont is a state known for justice and freedom."

I'm proud to be a Vermonter today. I'm also proud of a young ski n' snow reporter named Lucy Welch for these eloquent words:


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GREAT JOB, LUCY!!!!!!!!! So well put. And all those signs = EXCELLENT... and the "Welcome" lady near the airport = John Lewis would be proud!! LOVE VERMONTERS!!!!!

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Slava Ukraini🇺🇦💙💛❤️🇨🇦

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We the People of The United States of America will honor our veterans and all of those who have sacrificed so much, including the ultimate sacrifice of giving their lives for ALL OF US, our freedoms, our laws, and our constitution. The price of freedom is ours to bear, and we are proudly Americans. Traitors beware; the time has come for your inevitable demise.

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After the last 48hrs and what this administration has done to our country no one can tell me this idiot should not be removed from office.


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Great post, Steve! Extremely useful. You must be proud of your son for his asking what he can do; really good ideas for him as well!

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Amen ! Amen ! Amen! Thank you Steve!

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All Democrats in the Senate and House should boycott Traitor Trump’s State of the Union address!

Show the world our disdain for and disgust with liar, fraud, con, grifter, sex abuser, scumbag, convicted felon, racist, fascist, Hitler-lover, Putin’s puppet, America’s Disgrace Trump!

Contact your elected representatives and demand that they do NOT attend!

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I will, today!! Sen Chris Murphy has come out on national tv & declared that he will not attend to listen to a pack of lies.

He’s on Substack as of this Saturday, go read his first newsletter & support him.

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Steve, well done. That said, I think you give too much credit to Vance. Forget Goring, Vance, to me, is more a composite of Reinhard Heydrich, and Albert Speer. Goring may be an evil bastard and another malignant sociopath, who craved power and fame, but he was a legitimate German War hero; Vance, not so much, although he did play one on TV (marine press Corp/non combat).

Either way, we all know how this ends. Let’s just say, Vance won’t need a new pair of sunglasses, because the world isn’t getting any brighter for him, or the MAGAverse!…:)

That said, let’s just hope the Europeans can unite. Although, having Hungary in both NATO and the EU is concerning. I’m hearing that both Italy and Spain are wavering in the face of adversity. Let’s hope these leaders come to their senses, because Hungary is a big part of the coup. And hero’s like Zelenskyy need all the help they can get, and it was never coming from Washington! IMHO!

It’s time to play Martina’s McBride’s “Independence Day” blaring from the speakers!

And I know it’s about a woman gaining her freedom from an abusive relationship. That said, when you think about it, isn’t it essentially what we’re all trying to do; one way or another…:)

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Right On, Robert! "Independence Day" blaring from the speakers can be a powerful unifying song!🥊❤️🥊 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IQmFVslbRw4

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Thank you Lisa, excellent video…:)

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The analogy is actually quite fitting, trump & vance are behaving just like an abusive spouse. They are isolating America from friends & allies like an abuser does. They beat up on Zelenskyy, gaslighted him, & then blamed him for their attack; exactly like an abuser says “Look what YOU made me do. If you would just do as I told you, I wouldn’t have had to hit you. YOU made me do it, you provoked me.”

Doesn’t that sound like every abusive parent or spouse you’ve ever witnessed or been the victim of?? I think it’s perfect. 👌

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Yes, I totally agree! They truly are "abusers" in every way! Perfect song, yes!

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Puta. The perfect descriptor for little marco. Thanks for that, Steve.

Also , thank you for the picture from Rockville , that's my hometown.

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Maybe doge's 'big balls' could spare one for marco, who, IF he had even on ounce of courage, could simply resign. Wouldn't even have to provide a reason if too chicken. Would still be a patriot (but in lower case letters only). (Might even inspire others to do the same.)

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This is one of your best columns yet. And you've had a lot of good ones.

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I agree….i like it because it is truthful but offers a path forward. We need to know the situation isn’t hopeless. We need to believe that somehow we can end the chaos.

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Thank you again Steve for your words of conviction and anger of this regime of Trump/Vance. And little Marco. What a pitiful little fool. Lindsay today remarked that he was proud of President Trump for showing strength. I wanted to throw something at the TV. What rotten debased man he has become. I'm going to find a Ukraine flag and sticker to put on my car with my already American flag sticker that says "Pro-America" Anti-Trump".

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