We all must stand behind Biden. He inherited a country in shambles. This 80 year old man used his 50+ years of govt experience to put it back together. Because of his age & experience, he made it look easy. He knows the way the whole thing works & pulled the levers of government deftly to start the repairs. No one else could have done that. Regardless of his age, he is the man for this moment, the man this country needs. Stop saying he’s too old when his opponent is a megalomaniacal sociopath who has plainly stated that his goal is to destroy the nation. Biden has the overwhelming support of Gen Z & the Plurals. Our VP is also supported by the generations that will live on long after I’m gone.

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Right On, Marlene! President Biden is The Master of legislation and diplomacy, domestically and internationally. His experience, wisdom, and grace in the face of extreme challenges has been instrumental in keeping our Democracy intact and will continue to be. Joe Biden is surrounded by a brilliant and dedicated team. If there is to be a reconstruction in leadership, Biden is already working on it. We need to rally behind the genius we now have in office.

Steve Schmidt: Fight MAGA, not President Biden!!

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Well said!

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You are so right on, Marlene. May I post your comment (no name) on my fb page? Gen Z is critical to this whitewater rafting madness we are in the middle of currently (no pun!). OMG. Read Dash Dobrofsky here on substack. He is great!

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Sure! And Dash is great!

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I came to say what Marlene did and she probably did it in less words.

Additionally, entertaining the different candidates for the Republican Party is important to a point. However they have proven not to improve or reverse course in anyway. They are still tied to the cult and to Donald Trump. They are tied and tripping over themselves for approval. You don't govern that way and none seem fit for office. Let them go.

The entire cult of Trump as well as Trump need to be left behind, aggressively. It's the only way I can see it. Otherwise we do this exercise in perpetuity. I say let's take a leaf from Germany's book after WWII. Make hating a bad thing again. Punish the haters by not rewarding them with jobs and power in government for starters.

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Perfectly stated.

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I worry less about Biden's age than a lot of people might. I'm as interested in who a President surrounds himself with to run the country as I am in the person. Biden has done a remarkable job surrounding himself with good and knowledgeable people.

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The Republicans cannot find enough negatives about President Biden to brash him down. Very little is working but they stay at it! His age is fixed so they fall back on that. No one can change that! Trump is no spring chicken but that never comes up with GOP!

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I agree 100%. We need powerful speakers, like Steve Schmidt, to expose exactly what you've said here in your comment. No more bashing President Biden! Thanks.

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I’d like to know more about why section 3 of the 14th amendment is not being enforced against ALL the House & Senate members who supported Trump’s coup d’etat!! If Democrats had enforced it, we wouldn’t be looking down the barrel of a government shutdown and the crazy MAGA republicans wouldn’t be destroying the Constitution. After the Civil War, that section was added to prevent precisely what is happening now. In a way, Democrats are not living up to their oath to support and defend the Constitution since they have not used Trump’s video call for the insurrection and call to storm the Capitol as proof of his sedition.

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Right on Steve. When I was a kid, if I misbehaved in the neighborhood ANY parent/adult was empowered to correct that misbehavior with the full support of my parents. Where are the standards of our community? Jan 6th was an outrage! We need to use the existing rules to clean up our country.

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Same here, Max. You didn’t have to lock your doors or fear for your kids lives when they went to school! We have to start somewhere. Let’s start by enforcing the 14th amendment and watch the MAGA crazies run for cover.

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I know things change. Your statement “if I misbehaved” any parent/adult was empowered to correct that misbehavior...

I was raised in that standard you are speaking of. It was great. More importantly it worked. Today it is called. “It takes a village”. Much truth in this. Thanks Max. 🇺🇸

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Why do they have an ethics committee, when they don't enforce ethics in Congress? The MAGA men and women should have been either corrected, or thrown out of the House and the Senate. If members of Congress don't respect their oath of office, the Constitution, and democracy, then they have no business being in Congress!

We have to keep reminding ourselves that the goal of Trump and the MAGAs, is to totally destroy government as we know it! That includes planning the insurrection, and now the government shut down! We are watching their plan unfold before or eyes!

What both amazes and frightens me, is that they are all getting away with it!

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My biggest complaint is against our AG, Spinless Merrick Garland for not going after Liar Trump, Ted Cruz, Hawley, wacko Jim Jordan, and the rest of the seditionists as soon as he took office. He might be a good judge, but he is a miserable sheriff. My kingdom for Eric Holden!! If it weren’t for the Jan 6 Committee, these traitors would still not be indicted on anything. Hey Joe Biden, “Give us a REAL sheriff!!!”

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In addition, Steve, why hasn’t Justice Clarence Thomas been convinced to resign. In years past this would have been a no brained.

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This is my question as well, said much better than I could, thank you Steve Greer

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Me, too.

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In a more speculative way Steve, I’m wondering what you think the Dems might do to prepare for the “onslaught” of political (and potential militaristic) uprisings WHEN TRUMP LOSES to Biden. Remember, if they win, it was a great election. If they lose, it was RIGGED! What can and should we do preemptively to prepare for this very real possibility?

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As horrible as it may sound I am sure the table-top exercises are already underway working out the scenarios.

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There is so much I am thinking about when it comes to the 2024 election. But when I think about what concerns me most it is this: How are we going to respond (all of us who are against what is happening to our country) when the shit hits the fan? I mean, honestly, we know the violence is coming. I just see no way of our country getting through this without major disruption, upheaval, and violence on the scale that is unlike what we have seen here in modern times.

And so I guess one of the things that I really would like to have a serious conversation about is what is our collective response when this happens? What do we do as individuals, parent, grandparents? How do we talk to our children, how do we have conversations with our friends who still don’t understand what is happening because they live in their own bubbles? I don’t know... I guess I ask these things only because I want to do my part and help as much as possible, but I just don’t know how I, as your average ordinary, every day citizen can truly be effective. I know there will be some that say, “Get involved.” Well, I am involved as much as I can be, but it’s knowing what to do when it happens. This is what keeps me up at night, and I truly would like to be more prepared. I’m not talking about living in a bunker or doing any of that sort of thing, I just mean really being prepared as an ordinary citizen, and what it is that I can do for my country and my children, and our future generations to come.

Worse - if Trump wins. What happens to people like us in an environment like that?

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I am deeply concerned because so many Americans do not understand the gravity of our situation. They won’t understand until they start losing their liberties, and by then it will be too late. When Nixon and Agnew were nominated, I was in Denmark. I got very good questions from a number of Danes. They seemed to know more about our politics than many of my fellow citizens. How many American kids are taught civics? How many really know American history? The GOP has gone fascist and the Democrats still don’t have their act together. Joe Biden is a decent man and is underappreciated and the US media has shown itself incapable of defending our democracy. No Edward R Murrows.

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By the time Hitler came to power it was too late. He suspended the constitution and parliament passed the enablement act. It gave him complete control. The similarities are chilling.

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Without proper education in civics, history and critical thinking skills, we're doomed. Thanks.

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Or Walter Cronkite’s or Huntley & Brinkley...

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Help me understand the inability of the Democratic Party or the Biden administration in articulating all the achievements of this administration. You have Republican congressional representatives gleefully holding shovels at ground breaking ceremonies from funds from the infrastructure bill that 90% voted against. All the innuendo about Biden family corruption, yet no one talks about the $2 billion given to Trump’s son-in law’s investment company by Saudi Arabia. Thanks, Braima Dabo-( a frustrated Independent)

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It’s easy to understand. The media refuses to cover it and if they are forced to, put it in negative tones. Look at Biden standing with the auto workers. It wasn’t covered as a show of strength or solidarity with labor, but as a “risky gambit” that could backfire and they interviewed one woman on the picket line who criticized the presidents. I saw more footage of Trump’s speech during his visit with fake labor. Look at the framing in stories about the looming shutdown. Media blames both sides instead of calling out what is really happening. It’s despairing.

And where is Steve’s take on Biden’s speech yesterday? I was expecting a column devoted to it, but nah.

Stop blaming the Dems for poor messaging. They hold press conferences, the president gives speeches and travels the country, and they use social media effectively. And yet. The media treat every inane pronouncement of the GOP as gospel and then amplify the lies. Seriously, the first guest on MTP was Trump followed by Christie. That’s the reality. We aren’t just fighting the GOP but battling the political media as well.

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Come on, Steve: Let's see a video or an article about Biden's speech yesterday - "The Warning" Biden gave about the threat of an autocratic take-over that our country faces. Isn't this what you've been warning about, as well as the need for Democrats to step up and speak directly about this matter? Thanks!

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I agree with you 100%.

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It's because the Democrats, with a few exceptions, don't talk in a language most Americans understand. They're talking to graduate students at Harvard. Is it that hard to grasp that most Americans read below the 6th grade level? Newsweek and Time write at the 5th grade level. Politicians should aim for 4th grade and lower. Short, easy words. Words that are concrete and one can visualize. Not multisylable abstract words that require background knowledge few folks have. Why hasn't the "Inflation Reduction Act" caught on? Two abstract three syllable words that people don't understand. What about the "Lowering Prices Act"? Then folks will understand and can relate it to their lives. "Build a wall." Big success for GOP with that slogan. Short, sweet, easy to visualize and understand. This isn't rocket science, but the elites running the show in the Democratic Party aren't knowledgable enough about reading or communication. There are exceptions. Eric Swallwell and Tim Ryan talk plain talk.

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Biden isn't bad at plain talk, but he lacks vigor at this point. I still see him as an excellent president and will work hard for his reelection.

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This is the reason that Kamala Harris is not succeeding. She uses vague language or words like inflection point that most people don’t understand. Biden needs a new press secretary immediately. Biden needs a new campaign manager immediately.

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I would even go further- get rid of all the so called “Democratic Strategist “ . I feel like throwing up every time I see or hear that title following a name on TV or radio.

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You are so right about the need for different modes/levels of messaging. The Biden administration had influencers to the white house early on trying to engage more kinds of people. It would be great to get communicators from different generations to speak plainly about the administration's goals. For example, I love the way "Politics Girl" can break a situation down in a quick and humorous video on Twitter.

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Thank you!!!

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President Biden spoke about your friend John McCain yesterday in Arizona. It was a truly wonderful speech about democracy. It should be repeated over and over on all of the media and you should comment on it and bring your own slant to it.

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Well said! Thanks.

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Most, but certainly not all, of your essays contain YOUR reaction to what’s going on during these most dismal, concerning, and very scary times in our country. I contend that our Democracy is “circling the drain”; we’re living through our actual downfall right now. What I would LOVE to hear from you, is to succinctly LIST and accurately describe your suggestions of tangible, practical, and realistic things that we, your devoted readers can be doing as the elections approach. HOW CAN WE BECOME MORE PROACTIVE OURSELVES? I know that many on here have asked this question also; I may have missed your answers. I have mentioned previously in your “comments” that when you have ‘trashed’ the media (for good reason), i.e. Kristen Walker’s botched interview with Trump, I’m quite certain that you, of all people, probably have Kristen’s phone-number. YOU are in a much better position to impart some much needed wisdom and journalistic sense into some of these network reporters via your “backline-phone number connections”. Do you suggest any people that WE could personally contact to convey our grievances, that may actually do some good? Please expound on that too. We already know how to reach our political leaders? MESSAGING seems to be our biggest weakness and downfall; and certainly NOT a forte of the Dems. We must do better in this department. Can you help US along these lines?

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Please keep in mind that Steve's role in 'The Warning' is to warn us of imminent danger, and to educate many of us with his wealth of knowledge in history. Steve works 24/7 on 'The Warning'. Maybe it is up to other people to come up with the solutions to the problems?

Also, Steve's 'Schmidt Storms' are being read by people who get things done. Thanks.

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I understand that Lisa. However, I was responding to Stevens solicitation of “I want to hear from you“. I was suggesting topics per his request. Thank you.

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Yes, I see what you're saying now. Thanks!

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Blind spots. We all have them.

America's blind spot? Not acknowledging our 80 year old President works on our behalf everyday in spite of orchestrated political attacks on him, his wife and his last remaining son.

The President's blind spot is what makes him a remarkable public servant. He could use the power we invested in him to help his son avoid prosecution. Yes, he could place a thumb on the scales of justice. Yet, he places his faith in justice for his son by having his back.

Media's blind spot. Context.

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Beautiful comment and so true! Thanks.

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Point paper time

*clear concise framing of Democracy vs Autocracy. I still do not think those in the back understand what we will lose if MAGA wins

*aligning all the anti-facist fighters Still too much infighting to my liking

* communicating the Biden Admin wins. Ds are awful communicators. Can someone hire a good Comm firm?

*. Can we recover those currently lost to the MAGA cult

* when we make it through the morass determine what will change. We cannot go into our 250th and sweep this under the rug.

Steve a tall order to consider.

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Steve, Thank you for giving your readers a platform. The last 6 1/2 years have been horrible for me. When this person, who I consider really quite evil, was sitting in the White House, each and every day he lied, made rash, unhealthy decisions I felt our country was truly at risk. My friends would reassure me that his day was coming, that he would be impeached. Well, the impeachments happened, but I was slow to learn just how debased and immoral a swarth of the GOP really was, they emboldened him and he sat us on a very dangerous path. It affected my health, especially my emotional health because I was scared of the monster in the White House, I suffered many dark days which often turned to days of depression. I couldn't understand why were no visible safeguards which protected the American people from this dangerous man and who actually removed him from power. Steve, if he is found guilty of 3 out of 4 of these crimes, why can't he be disallowed from entering the race? God forbid, should he win (the thought sends me packing my bags, getting the heck out of Dodge) could he really serve as president while in prison, even a mara-largo prison? trump is a damaged, vengeful individual, we can all imagine the great damage he will do to our country. While I have participated in political local groups, have gone on protest marches, write letters, I still feel powerless. One last comment and question: we've all lived through 6 1/2 years of unbridled hell with this person sucking up the air in the room and in our stratosphere, what is our safety net at this time? Aside of course from Jack Smith, Judge Erogan, Judge Chutkan and Fanni Willis, can we keep him out of the White House? If he is convicted, can he be kept out of the White House?

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Linda, thank you for sharing. This ongoing stress has worn many of us down over the years.

We're not a trauma-informed society, and I feel that many individuals are experiencing various levels of trauma, due to what is an ongoing threat to our safety. We need to take time to get outdoors, do things we enjoy, and take care of ourselves during these tumultuous times.

Best, Lisa

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Thank you Lisa. You described perfectly what I have felt, trauma and stress, although I am unsure it came from too much media coverage. Many of us who live in the Northeast know Donald Trump for who he is: a scam artist, an inveterate, if not pathological liar, and someone who is so patently incapable of being the leader that his MAGA-base people think they identify with him, they don't know that he cares not a whit about anyone other than himself, and for how to monetize any deal he makes, everything works to his own advantage. He has no moral compass, just built up anger and rage of the supposed injustices that have been done to him. He is a danger to our society and our societal norms.

. I do take long walks, do exercise and care for my family and friends. We have the advantage of being on one of the Finger Lakes, so there are so many beautiful places to walk,. But maintaining a status quo in my life has proven difficult, the fear he win this presidency just about paralyzes me with fear. And, as I asked Steve, I would like to know what we can do to prevent this presidency ever happening. I look forward to hearing what he is going to say. Thank you for being so kind.

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Linda, I'm so glad you live in such a beautiful place, get outdoors, and spend time with friends and family. I live in a spectacular place in Montana, have a pet Magpie, tame rabbits, trickster chickadees, a doe and her two fawns in the yard, stunning views...but still I often feel paralyzed by the state of our country! I did lose a lot of family and some friends to MAGA. The loss is tremendous. I'm doing my best to get involved with community, do some arts, etc., basically re-pattern my brain! Being paralyzed by fear is not helping much! Stepping away from 'the news' is helping.

I appreciate sharing with you here. It really helps! Best, Lisa

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Expounding on the theme of the Democratic Party acting too often like the status is quo, what’s up with Schumer? His position as the leader of a Democrat controlled branch of the legislature should be that of Biden’s bullhorn, but he acts timid and tenuous as if he were the minority leader, not wanting to step on toes. Is there more going on behind the scenes? Where is the outrage about the debt ceiling? Why are Menendez and Santos still serving? Loss of freedoms and the Rights’ criminalization of the military and its leaders? Ukraine funding to save American lives? Calling out the hypocrisy that is the MAGA creed? Where is the leadership?

My other “keep me up nights” issue is what happens to the US in the global scheme of things under another Trump administration. Biden rebuilt our image in one year but it’s shaky. If we pull the rug out again ala Trump 1.0 there will be no remaining credibility nor should there be. The next sound we’ll hear will be the crash of world economies and the boom of Putin’s artillery.

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A couple of months ago I noticed a crack, a split on a huge old tree on the river edge. It was splitting. My first thought was this is not good and I wondered how damaged it really was and how long it would take before significant damage would occur, would it fall? I kept an eye on it everyday as I fed all the critters in the mornings. It didn’t take long, maybe a week and then I heard this loud noise and my place shook. I knew what it was and yes it fell. The tree guys told me there was nothing that could have saved the tree, the damage had been festering inside for a long time and once it started splitting it was at the end. I think this is us right now, America. We are the massive old growth tree, cracking, preparing to fall. Unlike the tree, I do believe we can be saved. But how is the question.

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Incredible metaphor, and question, for the current state of our country. Thanks!

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I'm tired of the talk about Biden's age in the face of actual traitors running for office and fomenting violence against elected officials, judges and honest people. And I think the media is complicit.

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As the 2024 presidential election nears, I’ve got two songs, “Happy Days Are Here Again” and “High Hopes” playing on a loop in my brain....or what’s left of my brain after 8 solid years of brain-damaging negative droppings dripping out the mouths of our politicians and mainstream media...

What topic I would like Steve Schmidt to cover over the coming months? Something positive...there’s got to be some sort of guiding light, a rising star in the clear morning sky to focus our minds on...all this negativity is unhealthy and wears down the human spirit....and like a strong drug, it is addicting...people get strung out on negativity...they thrive on nonstop ragging...you can see it reflected in the frowning camel faces and weak, twisted spines, easily snapped like a frog’s leg. Is this the face of America we want to show the world?

Come on people, take a deep breath, lift your spirit and you will help lift our great country out of the Negative Hell it’s in.

I’m not going to beg. Too many have already died.


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Thank you for this...I concur. It's difficult to not feel hopeless with corrupt, menacing politics sometimes. I need to get out of the politics, media, narratives, and my head to find something beautiful and inspiring. Frankly, I love the columns about music and travel combined with history and family. They are a wonderful balance to the political jeopardy ahead. I realize the substack isn't called "The Warning with sprinkles of optimism and creativity" : ), but I still like that part of it.

Robert, your suggestion reminds me of the end of one of the Gostbusters movies when everyone was singing "Your love keeps lifting" and it kills all the evil goop : ). It worked for them!

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