Steve, I agree that a healthy debate is necessary for a robust democracy to flourish. But this isn’t it. I listened to Phillip’s speech and interview and nothing speaks to me of him being charismatic or even up to the challenge or task of running this country on day one.

You are now representing a guy who’s been in Congress less than two terms. His experience is mostly running a family business, not a multi-national corporation, so we don’t really know his business acumen (you can’t fire family).

Furthermore, we are currently facing international issues and war with Ukraine and Israel; threatening to bring a host of nefarious players into this conflict, and you expect Phillips to be the savor? He has no foreign relations experience. He’s not a veteran, so what experience will he have on day one to handle these complex and constantly evolving challenges we face in the Middle East, Asia and Northern Africa? He doesn’t!

Additionally, it’s almost too late in the game to switch candidates. He would have been welcomed six months ago; not now, when the party needs to coalesce behind Biden to stop fascism in its tracks. The stakes are too high for a Hail Mary pass and hand the ball to the fourth string quarterback to save the day.

He’ll just reinforce many of the problems republicans place blame against Biden for; mostly unfairly; but enough to muddy the waters with independents and make our mission even more difficult to overcome.

And what possible good can come of this? He’s running because poll numbers are bad? Since when are polls even close to being correct in the age of Trump?

I don’t see much of an upside with this campaign, and if saving democracy is the goal, you’d be failing miserably with this candidate, whom no one has even heard of, and isn’t exactly an inspirational figure in American politics.

Please elaborate and tell us why you think this guy can win? And if it’s because he’s not Trump or Biden, then I don’t think you haven’t been paying attention throughout this campaign season.

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023

Thank you. You have expressed all my fears about this guy's inexperience and the timing of him stepping into the ring. Yes, Joe is old. Yes, Joe stutters. Yes, Joe says the wrong thing at times. But Joe has the experience—years of it—that is needed to deal with all the issues our country is faced with at this time. This guy does not.

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Not one of Biden's contenders is as smart as he is. What does Old have to do with it.....

Not acknowledged is Biden's ability to use his Brain, a significance in terms of the Logic he applies to thought. There is no one who can surpass this.

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Lemme guess, lemme guess. Steve will say Mr No Experience will surround himself w a good team. We already have that, with an experienced proven leader - Next.

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Bravo! We’ll said! An insight I gained while reading your comment is “could this be about Steve’s ego?”

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Sorry, last sentence was redundant. Should read,

“then I think you haven’t been paying attention throughout this campaign season.”

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You should be able to edit your comments by choosing the option in the ellipsis to the right at the end of your post. I have corrected many of mine.

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I can’t, I have an IPhone and it doesn’t have the edit option.

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My understanding is that with the platform change, the edit function only is available on a computer. Not available on my Android tablet (old) or phone (new).

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I absolutely agree with everything you articulated. Yes, Biden is old physically, but there is no one more experienced in politics. He's been in the trenches and knows how to negotiate in good faith with like-minded politicians. He has the support of very experienced professionals who are guiding him and advising him, especially in foreign policy matters which is critical in today's world. Look at all he has accomplished in less than four years for the American people. I'm with Biden all the way.

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Agreed, I wasn’t articulating anything different...:)

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Agreed. So disappointed in his post. Playing divide and conquer with the Democratic Party has one result only and that is the election of tRump in 2024. A nightmare that I hope never to see.

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Steve has been pushing that everyone must get behind Biden because of our democracy. And he was right about that. I think the only thing that has change is he's now being paid at least 6 figures to back this guy. It's the reason Steve and all his peers helped get us in this mess to start with. Follow the money.

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He got rid of mine twice!

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Watch the Bulwark today. Says everything you need to know about how bad this decision really is ...

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He deleted my post that you replied to today, Oct 30th in less than 2 hours. How pathetic.

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I just do not understand why you would not use your considerable talents to persuade doubters to vote for Joe Biden.

He has done an outstanding job. You could help. That would strengthen democracy.

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Heather Cox Richardson's letter today about Biden is really amazing. Why people don't see his amazing feats is beyond me (even though she addresses that, too).

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This is the question on the majority of dems in this country. Why isn't more being done. Thanks goodness for people like Heather. The silence is a huge concern.

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My thoughts exactly. Her letter yesterday should be read by everyone!

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Heather Cox Richardson, Oct 28: "...Washington Post noted that the U.S. economy “looks remarkably good.” A recent stunning jobs report, showing that the economy continues to add jobs at record rates—more than 13.9 million since President Joe Biden took office—along with yesterday’s stunning report that U.S. economic growth grew at an annual pace of 4.9% in the third quarter of this year, puts the U.S. economy at the forefront of most of the world. And inflation is back in the range that the Federal Reserve prefers—it’s at 2.4%, close to the Fed’s target of 2%.." People need to know what Biden has accomplished. Come on, Schmidt!

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Lisa Kudos to your comment

However did you pick up the fandom comment Steve made?

Wonder what he meant and was it kind considerate and respectful??? :( Marsha

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True. But polls say Americans think the economy is doing poorly. That can be written off as delusional. But possibly, just quite possibly, they are responding to indicators other than those favored by economists.

Perhaps, it would be surprising if it were otherwise, they’re reporting their own experience of the economy. As Phillips says, they’re “lining paycheck to paycheck.” As a matter of fact, the impacts of neoliberalism, the trashing of the post-depression social compact by free marketeers, in which Bill Clinton and the Democrats had a hand, has not been corrected.

Granted President Biden’s ability to do so are hampered by Republicans and deficit-obsessed Democrats, but it is an issue. Perhaps the most important issue. The failure to do so is one of the major sources of working class support for Trump. I don’t hear Biden campaigning on it.

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Oct 30, 2023·edited Oct 31, 2023

"But polls say Americans think the economy is doing poorly. That can be written off as delusional. But possibly, just quite possibly, they are responding to indicators other than those favored by economists." I don't think it's delusional. I think it's about absorbing the perpetual propaganda vomited into the mainstream by Radical Republicans, the Chaos Cult, Putin and Company, and a significant number of others. Repeat, repeat, repeat to a receptive audience. Devil's due: The above have mastered the art of misinforming and making that stick.

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I’m inclined more to credit it as based on their personal experience. I don’t discount Republican knee-jerk negativism. Actual personal experience probably enhances its bite.

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There is always money behind these campaigns. I know the candidate is wealthy but he must have other backers. I wonder who they are besides Harlan Crow .

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I would have liked this as satire but for the fact that it is well liked as mythology.

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You are working for a man who took money from Harlan Crowe. There is no gray area.

Mr Schmidt, you haven’t internalized a single thing.

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Yep-explain THAT away!

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I will.

This is guilt by association. There is no question that Crow has been involved in corrupt acts. In the case of Congressman Phillips, he received a donation from Harlan Crow in the amount of $2,800 in 2019 — years before the connection to Clarence Thomas was revealed, which happened this year.

Personally, I’ve been smeared in the exact same way — on the basis of a random event that occurred and then only AFTER the fact, new information is revealed.


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So four years ago makes it ok? Not to me. Harlan Crow was the same person 4 years ago that he is now. It speaks to character, Steve. As does this whole sorry mess! We are not going to agree on this. From where I sit, it seems that you can compartmentalize what you see as “saving democracy “ from what many of us see as an act of betrayal. I could go on, but I don’t see the point in doing so, sadly.

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Laura you said eloquently what needed to be expressed thanks

Gratefully, Marsha

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Act of betrayal. That's perfect. And exactly how I feel.

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I agree totally! It feels like betrayal. I still can’t believe Steve would this.

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Your experience should extend to reading donor lists. Funding = red flags

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I'm voting for Biden, even though this man says he is the best bet to pass the torch to. He's an unknown.

He has to work in Congress a bit longer. To know his history, he has to have a history in politics, longer than 2 terms. Unless Biden chooses to pass the torch to him, I'm sticking with JOE BIDEN.

Steve, OH hell no! 😳

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Thanks for clearing that up.

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deletedOct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023
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Bravo. Hammer? Meet nail

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does Harlan give such amounts to most the Republicans ..I’d think so. Crooked is pretty much Given in these positions of wealth. To be the Devils Advocate here what’s the Dem standing on that, who’s our millionaire/billionaire or high donors..they do it? We see ‘ I take no donations from a PAC, right.

Definitive statement? By how many?

I may have missed something but Steve said to me..everyone gets a chance and his column would not be a format to support Mr MN campaign. Sounded like a statement of unbiased to me. MHO.

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Could you please provide a link to the story about Harlyn Crowe's two point five billion being given to promote the Citizens United case? I wasn't aware of that connection. i'm truly curious. thank you.

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deletedOct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023
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That's what I have read, and why I wanted more information if you'd managed to find some.

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BRAVA ..Martha Hoag ty ..Marsha

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Dear Steve

I have been reading your blog for a while now. Not just because you agree with me on trump – there are plenty of ex – republicans, who do as well – but you often write with clarity, albeit a bit verbose at times, and insight into the dangers a trump presidency was and more importantly, will be.

But now you turn your talents -the same talent you used to choose Sarah Palin I would like to remind everyone, to a Biden challenger.

While I do not think Biden should be anointed, I do think he has done an extraordinary job in navigating these perilous and quite frankly near insane times.

You have pointed out many times that our very democracy is threatened from what has evolved from the trumpist GOP. The fact that the recent election of Mike Johnson, an ideoligcal extremist, who hones closer to an Ayatollah than to an American member of Congress and makes Palin seem like a moderate, won by UNANMOIUS Republican approval – proves without any doubt that EVERY member of Congress is MAGA. There are no longer moderates.

In this political environment, you choose to siphon votes from Biden.

I know little of Dean Philips at this moment, He may very well have the ability to be an excellent president, but at this very moment of time, when many people and millennials especially, are wondering if they should support Biden because of the recent conflict with Hamas, Israel and perhaps soon the entire world – you choose to offer them an opportunity to vote against trump or some other trumpist and thus split the Democrats vote.

You have said it yourself many times – there are no longer a republican party of John McCain, your hero. Their votes during two impeachments prove it. They want power above all is. This is who you will be helping.

I do not know the sort of campaign you will guide Mr Philips to, but it does seem likely you will be attacking Biden in order to bolster Mr. Philips.

I ask you to think carefully of your approach and to recall your oft admitted regret for Sarah Palin.

The democracy as you have said so eloquently many times – is at stake!

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Sonny, Steve....In my transition days, displeasured by my former party alliance with the GOP, pre Bushes, I typically voted write in for a candidate that I held in high regard, my “principled” vote. I thought it my duty to use my tiny voice as a “vote for democracy”; I no longer see “principled” as a meaningful choice

Today, our Republic is challenged by Billionaire Interests, dark money, and Citizen’s United style Supreme Court fascism. The rules HAVE CHANGED

I now vote exclusively to defeat Trumpish MAGA

In 2016, Joe Biden was the right candidate, not Clinton. Trump’s rise from Gadfly to President Elect shocked even him. The result has been terrifying

Joe Biden proved, narrowly, that Trump can be Defeated; narrowly. Biden has proven his mettle and guides us honorably

Introducing ANY alternative that siphons votes away from Biden is in essence a path for fascism to cement itself forever here. Now is not the time in history to stand for “principle”. Now is the time to coalesce around the depth of experience and honor Joe Biden brings at this juncture. “Principle” can wait until after Trump and his confederates are put behind bars

Steve, in your considerations, please discuss how an unknown can defeat the propaganda of Team Trump. In so doing you may find some reasons to reconsider your position from a pragmatic perspective

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Excellent point re how precious every vote is.

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Could not have said this better!...did not know of STeve's support for Palin in the past.

I am very surprised at this actually..Did not expect someone whose writing, words, speech, concentrates on the Threat to our country, can suddenly swing to dividing it in this way. We all must gather our thoughts & logic in concentration towards our Democracy, and not scatter ourselves to uncertainty with another possible ego maniac. THIS IS A CHANCE THAT WE CANNOT AFFORD AT THIS TIME IN OUR HISTORY!

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This is so true and I knew it from the get go. He will be showing he is a better candidate at Biden’s expense. So far all he has to offer is: people will vote for me because I’m not old. “but it does seem likely you will be attacking Biden in order to bolster Mr. Philips.” What really does Steve now have to say to us? I have lost my respect for him. Every vote Steve takes away from Biden (via Mr. Johnson) now becomes a vote for Trump. It is a betrayal of the deepest kind.

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I have just cancelled my paid subscription. I will renew when you strongly renounce Philips and get 101% behind Biden which is where every intelligent, decent, democracy-supportive American needs to be. So long....

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Me, too!

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Same. Supporting a primary challenger in this race endangers the democracy I thought Steve so strongly supported. Guess noteriety and large fees were more important. Too bad. Subscription canceled.

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Me too

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I cancelled too & unfollowed on X (Twitter). Phillips is a DINO.

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Canceled. Is this the way you deal with disagreement? A huge part of our problem. Like Phillips says, cooperation instead of antagonism.

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Cancelled as well to divert funds to folks that have the moral compass that we need now.

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I’m keeping my subscription so I can continue to post objection. Freedom of Speech is not free

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Excellent thinking, Dave!!

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I can’t find you, but I cancelled hoping that I would avoid any other ‘Mary’ comments too!!

Ffs 🤦🏼‍♀️

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I feel that yesterday’s blog showed an attempt to have it both ways. You wholeheartedly supported Dean Phillip’s candidacy and the same time said that when President Biden wins the nomination you will work to get him reelected. I have to ask when was the last time a member of the President’s own party challenged him for the nomination?

I read the Congressman’s legislative record and it’s impressive. His personal background is interesting, including being the step grandson of Dear Abbey. In 2028 I would seriously consider supporting his candidacy. I would also right now support his run for Senate.

I believe this is the wrong time to switch horses mid stream. The President has unquestionably earned the right to finish the job. Instead of causing the President to expend energy, time and MONEY to fend off a challenge is ill advised. Respectfully, your considerable experience should be put to giving the President a Congress that will be more effective in enacting his agenda.

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 29, 2023

Steve, you've already "used your platform" to promote the congressman's candidacy. A number of your readers and supporters have already remarked, and I could not agree more, that your considerable experience and talent for political campaigning (we'll forget about the Howard Schulz debacle for the moment) should be used to bolster Joe Biden, not advocate for a total unknown whose run will only serve to divide the Democratic Party and ensure a Trump victory. It is a time for Democrats, and all those who wish to preserve democracy, to UNITE around Biden, not fracture an already anxious party. I know you think you are giving the Democrats a choice; in reality you are throwing the GOP a lifeline and serving to torpedo Biden's chance to secure a second term. To say that many of us are disappointed in your decision is an understatement. I would love to be all wrong about my view of this move, Steve, but I fear that I, and many others here, will tragically prove to be right.

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As you have been saying over and over again Steve, democracy is on the line. Why on earth you would promote anybody to challenge Biden at this stage of the game is beyond my ability to understand. You are a major league political operative. You know how these hopeless challenges to incumbency only weaken the incumbent. In a race where just a few votes lost by Biden on the margins will be enough to flip the election to Trump....I don’t understand how you can do this. I am profoundly disappointed.

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Absolutely. As a major political operative, eloquent writer & speaker, Steve, why would you not put those talents to work to educate more people about Joe Biden’s experience, successes, and stellar foreign policy performance in a world on fire?

What is lacking is a properly functioning media, who refuse to report the truth to the American people. You could get booked on any number of shows to carry the message of “The Warning” to help Biden defeat the fascists. I thought that was the point, Steve.

Disappointment doesn’t begin to describe my feelings. This feels like helping some backbench congressman run against FDR as the Nazis plowed across Europe. Why would you do this when your country needs you?

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Gut response: this Ted Lasso-esque unknown is NOT aisle crosser by carriage, by ideology, by comportment, but, if anything, will be running on issues that even many moderate Republicans are conditioned to resist.

Too little, too late, too substanceless, armed with pockets of rhetorical chocolates.

His candidacy could very well be out Sword of Damocles.

Rather, we need to coalesce, cultivate our ferocity and gather under ONE TENT if we can hope to be offered a future to mold ar the wheel of democracy.

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"Rhetorical chocolates." I wish I'd written that.

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All this is understood. And we will all be under that tent. Denying new comers will not expand our country or our world. This is step one. If his energy and words and those of others support him as a human being, and the upside is real- at the very least, he will spark hope.

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Mr Blackwell,

I, as well, love being inspired and crave change in politics. Sadly, history has shown that this option has never been successful and also results in loss for the incumbent. That is a poorly calculated risk and equals an orange dictator.

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Certainly not opposed to anyone who can inspire and electrify, and deliver on that promise.....we need a unifier, almost a magician at this juncture....just not sure he is that person

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Steve’s words. Wrong megaphone.

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I believe in choice, too. I choose to cancel my paid subscription. Thanks for the life lessons.

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Well said Connie. That was my choice too!!

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Thanks for pledging to keep "Dean" out of your valuable daily letters and analysis.

I'll keep reading.

I respectfully still think you are on the wrong path. Your choice, your path.

My path is to support democrats down the line, including the current Democrat doing hard work in the Oval Office.

Again, thank you for your voice for this experiment in self-governance!

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Yes Bigjim, and when supporting those down-the-line democrats, please make sure they are really democrats. Am I overly paranoid of the Right’s dirty tricks?

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When referring to the Democratic Party you should capitalize “Democratic”. When you refer to people who are members of the Democratic Party you should call them Democrats. When you refer to people who believe in democracy you don’t capitalize “democrat”.

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Interesting. Thank you, Dana.

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Joe Biden is one of our most under-appreciated Presidents. He doesn’t get the credit he deserves and our media needs to shoulder a great deal of blame. The biggest shame, however, is how little many Americans actually know about their country and how their grievances run their lives.

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Steve, I hope you will look deeper into who is supporting Phillips and their motivation. The wealthy would be happy to have Phillips make President Biden look bad before the election, so that the Republican ultimately wins. I've trusted you up until now...but now I'm not so sure!

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Yep- this guy has been “packaged” alright! Holy crap! Is he real? One part Bernie, one part Kennedy, two parts Wall Street, etc. A new shiny object spun by the masters of deception!

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Succinct summary! All the right words, but what are the right actions that demonstrate his true beliefs?

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Yes, agree, Patt!

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Honestly. What are you doing? So all this is just a grift, correct?

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You were "Warned", Virginia, we were all "Warned".

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Yes, "Warned" LOL!!

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Whoopie! Another wealthy privileged WHITE MALE TYCOON lining up for the prize. Let's suppose a few others choose to run on the Democratic ticket and we have lots of choice in August to pick one candidate who will have 2 1/2 months to convince a divided Democratic electorate to vote for (probably) another wealthy, privileged WHITE MALE TYCOON. That Biden Harris get dumped alienates minorities and women (the majority of US citizens).

Wonder how many would just say why bother and stay home. I sustain a bit of optimism thanks to Michael Moore who has said "There are more of us than there are of them." but given the possibility of such chaos, media bias, polls (paid for by whom?), and

influence of billionaires even Michael's optimism is likely to get lost. He did predict that there would be no red wave and he was right.

I was not originally a Biden fan but I am much impressed by what he has accomplished. Rallying around success in this frightening world would give some sense of peace to many of us. I listened to Mr. Phillips and he didn't say anything President Biden and many others have said

before. As a matter of fact in his announcement when he included himself in "We the exhausted majority", he lost me right there. Poor exhausted millionaire! It is my dream that we see a Democratic Party united behind a winning president who has earned it.

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Oct 28, 2023·edited Oct 28, 2023

Maybe being a former Republican strategist has confused Steve? Ugh, another rich white guy! Geez.

Biden deserves to finish the job. His experience and knowledge of the world and the world’s leaders in 2024 matters more than a newcomer that I’ve never heard of. Biden understands the fight for the soul of America and how much democracy is threatened. He has accomplished historic legislation and I’m fully supporting the President in 2024. Steve should rethink his stance and help Biden secure this next term.

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Great comment 👍👍

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Great comment, Marie!

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Obviously it’s your choice who you work for, but I’m very disillusioned and, as ridiculous as it sounds, I feel personally let down. It should be all hands on deck for Biden this election if democracy is really on the ballot. And right now the only choice has to be Biden.

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