If their only argument is the US supporting Israel during this war, then Trump’s Muslim ban needs to be highlighted. Put out tik tok videos and commercials of what the airports looked like when Dems were protesting the ban. Many of them may not have been paying attention when that was happening. We need to remember that was already 7 years ago. Many of these college students were in middle school at the time. Maybe not even paying attention to social issues.

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This comment is only tangential to Gen Z, but is heavy on my mind. Spectator To Ukraine, Gaza and Wars Selected Verse

2 March 2024


I have not written essays recently because I have been busy completing my book: War Sketches from the Mekong; Reflections of a Soldier. My writing there is complete, but I have other pieces that remain outstanding before I can publish on Amazon. I will let you know when that is accomplished

Ukraine is now in great peril due almost solely to the pro-Russian MAGA element of our House of Representatives. Speaker Johnson, himself is a MAGA and has declined to permit a vote in the House. Meanwhile, Russia has patched up its military and is receiving aid from Iran, North Korea and China to flesh out its arsenal. I regard this situation as treasonous because it puts all of Europe as well as NATO at risk and encourages Russia to continue its rape of Ukraine while threatening our United States. Recall, if you will, that after 9/11, it was NATO that came to our aid and invested forces and other support to fight the lawless aggression by radical extremists in and near Afghanistan. Myopic and rabidly partisan Republicans are in the thrall of Defendant Trump and his MAGA minions. Ukraine is now admitting to losses exceeding 30,000 killed as well as continued civilian casualties and severe destruction of its homeland. It appears that Trump is still taking orders from the same Putin (without the Ras-) who helped candidate Trump with a widespread disinformation campaign in the 2016 presidential election.

Defendant Trump himself has been aided by the Supreme Court that only money can buy. The extracurricular exploits of Thomas, Alito and Chief Justice Roberts himself are now legend for soiling the excremental robes of the Supremes while upholding the arrogance of immunity from investigation or charges for their self-rewarding and spouse rewarding activities. All this is a grave disappointment and has led to foot dragging, then ass dragging in facing the real and present danger of a man who openly defied the law and the lawful succession of a president of the United States. American citizens may never see justice for the most serious of crime of insurrection because “justices” are willfully denying prompt justice for America while openly supporting the defendant and Ginni Thomas who was plainly recorded on 6 January eagerly supporting Trump at his speech to “fight like hell.” Many people defending the Capitol were severely injured, and some died from the trauma.

And if that is not enough to turn your stomach, then we witnessed the October attack on Israel and even American visitors by Hamas. The attack was senselessly brutal and bloody while Israel’s vaunted defense was caught by surprise and not to be seen during the assault from Hamas. Further, Israel, led by wannabe dictator Benjamin Netanyahu then sought revenge by destroying Gaza and all those in or near it whether innocent Gazans, International aid workers or neutrals trying to feed starving Palestinians. Now, we are watching two peoples engaging in mutual annihilation where Israel has the temporary upper hand due to American assistance, particularly munition grants. In these few months, the IDF and Netanyahu have killed over 30, 000 civilians, mainly women and children, while claiming no intention to do so. The numbers belie the claim, and a surgical strike now has a new meaning of destroying the few hospitals of over 3 million Gazans. Supporting Israel in this attempted genocide will have long lasting effects for all participants including our United States. How long can a surviving innocent child remain open minded when he or she has witnessed catastrophic death and destruction, and will not future generations intensify their mutual hatred and avowed retaliation? We are seeing the abject loss of faith in humanity and the immense metastatic cancer of future conflicts. Because of the enormity of the injustices, Iran and her underlings are eagerly spreading that cancer in the Middle East, and we may not evade the terror ourselves. Extremists have struck before and are now more likely and feeling justified to do so.

Yes, vote for Biden because he is not an insurrectionist, but tell him and all reasonable representatives that annihilation is wrong and cannot be supported. Food and controlling the indecent urges of Netanyahu will be far more effective than aggravating the whole of the region. It is not democratic to support dictators whether Russian, Israeli or Palestinian. Voice your love for democracy. Vote for democracy. You cannot be silent.

George N. Giacoppe


2 March 2024

Save the Children, Please

Damn the torpedoes and open your heart

Wars do damage to kids

So, each of us must do a part

To stop the reckless skids

Or history will all go downhill

Pain and suffering are no way to learn

And kids have a future to fill

Build our castles but never burn

For the kid that you save may find a way

To make the future more than today

G. Giacoppe 2024

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I have hope our Congress will pass some kind of aid for Ukraine and Gaza. I am praying for a peace deal too. It is a such a horrible situation and Bibi definitely needs to go. It is unfathomable to me that 1/3 of our country thinks Putin is acceptable anywhere anytime. I'll never understand in a million years.

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Thank you for being a voice for children. Children have no voice and no choice. Help children.

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A very meaningful conversation that needs to be repeated often.

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Thank you for speaking with Brian. I personally do not have contact with young people and so I am intentionally seeking out avenues to hear their views. I appreciate what Brian is doing as it is very important in this divisive political climate.

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What a fabulous conversation Steve and Brian!! Really made my day and I am definitely going to check out Oath. I agreed with everything he had to say. Especially the part of us needing Democracy reform. But we have to win the Election first. I am much encouraged by his commitment to Gen Z and his Organization. Was nice hearing about your daughter too Steve. I know you're a proud Papa!! Thanks again for a great show!! Have a great rest of the weekend!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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The other thing that really reasonated with me was his comment about what he considered our greatest threat: Apathy. I wholeheartedly agree. That's why we all must work as hard as we can to spread the message far and wide that this is truly an exisistential threat this year like Steve said.

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You are correct, but it goes much further. As fragile as they are, children are our future and as you know from teaching, you really do not know a subject until you teach it successfully. Only then do you learn what your students friends and family understand. We must teach them successfully to creatively avoid war. In Vietnam, the Viet Minh helped us to retrieve our soldiers and pilots captured by Japan, yet we sided with France when WW II was over and we rebuffed the Viet Minh to support France that then lost to the Viet Minh. We could have supported democracy instead of colonialism. When I served in Vietnam from 1967-68, we were still protecting the Michelin plantations. I feel certain that we could have helped the Viet Minh and they would have stayed with us instead of Russia and China. Children were my personal focus in Vietnam. They seemed frightened, bewildered and yet curious. They will learn if we teach them. Please read my book when it is published. I include 30 true stories and the very first is a dramatic and painful tragedy due to not knowing the Viet Cong nor the culture. George Giacoppe (Keep teaching. We help children by teaching them well).

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Steve, let the person talk!

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I think this is the first time in about 30 years that young people are paying attention to politics and understanding the need to get involved. It gives me great hope. I love how he built the site so users can get information on what’s important to them. I’m so glad that you had this interview. We need to hear more from younger people. They are the future.

Steve, please let your interviewees talk more and don’t interrupt them.

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Someone needs to grab their attention. Back when I was their age we had John F. Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Bull Conner for counterpoint.

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