Excellent Memorial Day message. Truly inspiring. Although, when you play “Taps” at the end, I just hope it’s not a harbinger of things to come; the death of our republic…:)

I’ll leave you with my favorite war poem:

Invictus by William Ernest Henley, written during the Great War.

Out of the night that covers me,

Black as the pit from pole to pole.

I thank whatever gods may be

For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how straight the gate,

How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

I am the captain of my soul

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I take them at their word. The MAGA are traitors. Stay vigilant.

And God Bless Our Fallen.

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For reasons that escape me, I am unable to “Like” comments here. This one nails it.

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Thank you Steve. As someone who grew up in a Gold Star family, I ask everyone to vote and support those who value democracy. This is the truest way to honor their sacrifice. Unfortunately, the Civil War never ended.

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A truly wonderful essay, bringing together the threads of this day into something comprehensibly solemn but also hopeful. Thank you for the repeat.

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It should never be forgotten, every American must be reminded that Trump, the wannabe dictator who seeks a return to The White House, considers those that we honor and remember today “Suckers & Losers.” I wonder if the NYT, WaPo or any other print or broadcast news outlet will have the temerity to remind the country. I am not holding my breath.

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Thank you so much for this Memorial Day piece. It has given meaning to this day for me. And the tears in my eyes have told me of its import. I have often sung "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" but did not know it was sung in England at Churchill's funeral, nor again there in St. Paul's Cathedral on 9/11. And how good to be reminded, also, of M. L. King's speaking its words to conclude an irreplaceable speech. Your words and videos have brought the day's meaning into my living room. I am grateful.

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My thoughts exactly Ann.

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My grand uncle, Geoffrey Halliday Hewson, died in 1918 near Flanders Field during his first sortie, and is interred with his fellow countrymen in the Marfaux British Cemetery. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/56470545/g-h-hewson They died for King and Country in the war to end all wars.

My father, flat of foot, and very near-sighted, nonetheless lied about his age and joined the US military after the fall of Germany in 1945. Somehow this slight and mild man made it through basic training and was detailed to the Chaplain corps. Japan surrendered a few months later. Although he was accorded all the benefits of being a veteran, he wouldn’t accept them as he had not seen action except for saying prayers with, and for, his fellow servicemen.

I think of these two brave souls on Memorial Day. One made the supreme sacrifice; one lived out his long life praising God as a church organist and choir master.

Steve - thanks for the clip of Churchill’s funeral. It was moving and oh so timely.

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I am so ashamed that as a southern child at sleep-away camp we would always sing Dixie whenever the northern children sang the Battle Hymn of the Republic.

We were so ignorant.

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Unfortunately, Jeanney, indoctrination takes many subliminal forms. Good for you for realizing this. Spread the word.

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Thank you, Steve. It is important that we honor the sacrifice of our fallen. God Bless America!🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Beautiful. I’ve been to Omaha Beach. I was honored to hear Taps played not once but twice at sunset when two flags were lowered at the cemetery. I never don’t cry when I hear it. Stay safe my friends. We will prevail.

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Truly moving, and so important to remember. Thank you.

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I have no words but tears this morning. Between Robert Reich's inspiring post on Patriotism and Steve's beautiful eloquent essay on our Fallen Hero's I can't stop crying. Please just know how much these words and you all mean to me. I will do everything I can to keep fighting for this country we all love so very very much. God Bless you all and may God continue to Bless America. Happy Memorial Day. ❤️🇺🇸💙🙏🏻

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You, too, Lisa and all in here this community. Rest and reflect today. ❤️🇺🇸💙🙏🏻

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“The Battle Hymn of the Republic” was submitted to and immediately published by The Atlantic Magazine in the February, 1862 issue; not an important tidbit but interesting, and speaks to the history of the magazine’s sensibilities.

A very good and sadly needed essay today, Steve. Thank you. These are highly fraught times and our country’s future hangs by a thin thread, as was the case when Howe put pen to paper and wrote that incredible poem. Thanks to her as well.

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A truly exceptional message for America on Memorial Day. Thank you. I just placed my small United States Flag on the front of my house with a black ribbon attached to the flag in memory of the many who have died. My Dad and each of his four brothers volunteered and served across and on the oceans. They survived. I and my wife have been to three American cemeteries in Europe - most recently in Luxembourg where many of those killed at the Battle of the Bulge are buried. When General Patton died he was buried there “to be next to my men.” He had said there would be no greater honor than to be with them in death.

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Thank you, Steve. You have a gift to inspire and humble us and especially to remind us. I particularly appreciated the clip of Churchill’s funeral. I never knew Queen Elizabeth broke two royal precedents to attend. Good for her. Thank you.

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Beautiful, heartfelt essay! Says it all!! Freedom lovers everywhere stay vigilant!! The pestilence is upon us!!!

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