Oct 17·edited Oct 17

Kamala wiped the Botox right off of Baier's fraudulent face.

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Harris took him to the woodshed!

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Folks…..No joke…..I mean it…..listen up. She’s the real deal……and that’s no Malarkey!

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Harris does not need 6 inch 'my pillow' shoulder pads like TFG wears (1 min video): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4OqlIWCqSSY

The bottom line: Prosecutor Harris IS "Tough". Trump and cohorts are fake, weak, and pathetic.

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yep! I have said it all along....Dump wears shoulder pads. they are so obvious like his fake spray-on "tan", uh orange.

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Best mic drop yet. I believe Kamala's got this. She's gotta hammer him every day up to November 5th. She handed Baier his ass. Who's up next?

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First, thank you for playing the Reagan speech on the Warning yesterday. I cannot imagine anyone not being moved by it. At the same time, this is the same man whose policies did not match his rhetoric. But that’s a policy discussion…quite different than the actions of DJT.

Today’s podcast speaks to Bret’s so called interview of Harris. At first I was concerned at his purposeful interruptions of her. Then she got her chutzpah going and made mincemeat out of him. Any moderate women who didn’t know her, had to be impressed. Not sure she’ll get many to change their votes, but you can envision her as president in any context..whether it be comforter in chief or with the world’s dictators. She will not be easily manipulated…

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This is what I LOVE about her. Yes, she seemed a bit shaken in certain moments with him, just like when she initially squared off with Trump at the debate.

But then something clicks and takes over, and DAMN. She suddenly starts wielding words like an assassin with a scalpel. And there it is... COURAGE. It's not that she's fearless. Like so many of us, she feels fear, but like so few, SHE GOES IN ANYWAY. She faces the fear, and it disappears.

Baier. Yeah, okay. Buh-BYE.

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COURAGE! Right On!

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Repeat and Repeat again- from now until ll/5.

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Oct 17·edited Oct 17

Or, we might say that Kamala slapped Baier so hard that the Botox-suppressed wrinkles instantly reappeared.

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I was hoping that Kamala would include herself, as I do, among the “”79%” who Baier assured us feel “America is headed in the wrong direction”. After all, nearly half of us seem prepared to re-elect a blithering fascist idiot to the presidency, our corrupt Supreme Court stands salivating to assist them, billionaires domestic and foreign are bankrolling the destruction of democracy, and the Fourth Estate is largely treating it all as business as usual. Kamala had other fish to fry, but that statistic isn’t the result of Biden-Harris incompetence, nor is it anything like devoid of genuine patriots.

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Hopefully, she will have a Democratic Senate and House and put some laws into place to reduce the chance our government will continue on it's corrupt path. All the way to the top (incl S.C.) this place needs disinfecting!

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Why doesn't George W. Bush step forward and warn the American people about Trump, similar to Dick Cheney's comments that "there has never been an individual who is a greater threat to our Republic than Donald Trump..."?

I actually thought GWB would comment following Trump's comments excoriarting his political opponents, calling them "scum" and "the enemy from within...".

Incredibly disappointed in the man.

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Maybe it is just as well he says nothing. The Bush Family gave us Clarence Thomas, John Roberts, and Samuel Alito.

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…because GW obviously has boarded the Trump Train. In his own words “You’re either with us, or against us”.

And there you have it.

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A very excellent article .. and thank you Kamala for your awesome display of strength and conviction! You rock!

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Great, true, adrenaline ad by Kimmel. Whew!

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LOVED the Kimmel clip...Meryl F*****g Streep!

That show helps me endure the absurdity of MAGA, FOX and this political environment.

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She's the BEST! I love the way she didn't let him intimidate or dominate her!! She is SO PRESIDENTIAL. She is what this country needs. Can't wait for inauguration day!

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Steve, I got to give you much credit for this masterpiece today. You nailed it.

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Definition of a Brett Baier:

A synthetic material made from polymers that can be molded into shape while soft and then set into an elastic or rigid form.

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