In Trump v. United States, SCOTUS made it clear that we are not free in America. If one man is above the law we live in a tyrannical state in which we can not enjoy any of our natural rights because we live in a state of perpetual insecurity.

Before this decision Trump made his intentions clear; he said he would be dictator for only a day. A dictator for a day installs throughout his administration only those slavishly loyal to him and thus becomes a de facto dictator for life. Trump has accomplished this with his SCOTUS appointees allied with previous Republican appointees Thomas, Alito, and Roberts.

If he is elected and populates the DOJ with men like Eastman, Clark, and Giuliani the televised military tribunals he called for to try critics like Cheney, Kinzinger, Biden et al, will become a reality and none of us will be safe.

No longer will our government "promote the general welfare." It will exist to aid, enrich, and comfort those least in need and scorn and blame our problems on the most vulnerable among us, those long victims of persecution, immigrants, non-"Christians," and those whose immorality exists only in the minds of religious extremists.

People like Mike Flynn will determine our foreign and defense policies and we will ally with Putin and other dictators and spurn our traditional democratic allies.

I'll be 80 soon, yet my heart is breaking for the country my grandparents came to in search of the American Dream, a dream in grave danger.

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They made him into a total tyrant.

That is TOTALLY unconstitutional.

They are ruling like they have no public accountability.


The just gave the President through an official act the power to arrest them. IF they fiddle in our election, he must arrest them.

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Joe Biden, his Re-Election Campaign and the Democratic Party, have the power, and the "goods" on Donald. Plenty of evidence to shut down Donald's candidacy. The question is, will they do it? Will Joe take the “bold and unhesitating action” (as the Supreme Court opinion describes a President needs to do his job) to save the Union? The President and the DNC are acting like weak little pussies. The Press has bought Donald's con game. They won't save the Country. Will Joe and his team do what it takes? They are burning daylight.

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Steve, is Mike Donilon playing the “rope a dope” strategy? Dangerous. And unnecessary. The Dems have to get on offense and destroy Donald’s illegitimate candidacy. Destroy the RNC and pound on the 147 Objectors. Now. Turn the national consensus and attract millions in donations. Crush it!

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No. The Supreme Court said that, but it doesn’t make it true. We have a fight on our hands, but if we take up the challenge, the Robert’s Court will stand with the Taney Court (Dred Scott decision) as blights on the character of these United States.

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I should have said the SCOTUS decision creating a presidency above the law has put our freedom in the hands of the person elected president. Whether you favor that or not, and I don't, that is the current reality.

One of the most urgent reasons for voting blue is to put SCOTUS nominees in the hands of a president and senators who believe in our Constitution and traditional values, including freedom.

Trump vs. United States must be reversed even if it means creating a SCOTUS with 13 justices; it makes sense, one for each federal judicial district.

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For each of these 6 justices who refuses to resign immediately, Biden should appoint a new justice to a new seat.

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I don’t disagree with what you said originally, as much as I’m trying to psych myself up for what could be a long fight to reclaim the country I grew up in. The one where no one was above the law, workers could form unions, poor people had rights, and government fought against monopolies. It was never perfect, but over time people worked through government to make it better. If Trump wins, the fight will be that much tougher, but fight we must.

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Anthony my heart aches too

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This is so grimm I think my head is going to explode! Yet we must keep our whits intact to fight against this obomination!

" Where two or more are gathered in my name, there I shall be also"

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Thank you for this fine letter and especially for the poignant first paragraph. The images of our parents and grandparents nervously, sadly, preparing to leave their homelands for an uncertain future is reflected in our upbringing. In my case, it was the Irish songs, beloved by my father's parents, that my Dad always played on our record player; my English mother's yearning for her homeland, reflected in the keepsakes that decorated our house; and I was present for my Vietnamese wife's last day with her family (21 Apr 75), an event that haunts me to this day. All four of these immigrants became proud Americans. May it ever be so and may we all strive to make an America in which all of us can take even more pride.

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We moved to Washington DC 15 years ago. Since then, visitors from our former homes across the country have visited, and we take them on the M&M tour — Monuments and Museums. We never tire of seeing and reading the inscriptions, which span our history. I’ve often thought that every Congressperson, Senator, Cabinet member, White House staff, and especially the President should visit these at least once every couple of years. My guess is some have never visited. Celebrating July 4; committing to making sure we keep our republic.

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Take the inside staircase down from the top of the Washington monument and you'll see amazing inscriptions in the stones from donors from the various states.

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As a VIETNAM Veteran I understand we need to Support the Three legs to protect Democracy, Voters, DOJ, DOD. Support VoteVETS, Subscribe to Meidas Touch, the largest independent news site In the World. They are seasoned, intelligent team of prosecutors who tell the truth so you can be an Informed voter. Support your local free press and Stars and Stripes. I and my 600+ veteran brothers and sisters' support VFW, American Legion, DAV. For GOD and Country VOTE!

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I love America.

I despise the regressive tyrannical acts committed by the majority of our Supreme Court justices.

I will celebrate today anyway, and I will remember the courageous people who sacrificed to make the idea of our country a reality.

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The supreme court is no longer legitimate.

They are no longer constitutional.

We MUST expand the courts or we don't exist as a republic anymore.

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A republic, if you can keep it, as Benjamin Franklin said. I worry, I really do. I'm about to head home after a month in Europe, and believe me, people here are terrified of TFG.

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I am sorry ..Half of our country (that I hate ) doesn't JUST have a difference of opinion.

I used to vote Republican In some races . I am a Center Dem. with a peppering of conservatism .

I do not recognize what is going on with the "other half" ...

Here is where I see the country going . Wanna know the truth .

Trump will win / or he will be installed by SCOTUS ..under some whack a doo ruling.

Project 2025 Crafted by that Weasel Kevin Roberts the PHD - looking for a Bloodless revolution.

(if the Dems will let it) . Project 2025 will be implemented quickly/ ruthlessly ..and heads will spin.

but not only Dem heads ..oh NO...no no no ...Maga Republican heads will be spinning too - and not in a good way. Because they will be affected as well.

then and only THEN will republicans MAGGOTS TOO ..and Dems ..will Unite against Trump.

watch.. America ..should not have to go through this ..but we will .

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Magdalena, I write because despots bank on the rest of us submitting to the hatred and division and fear they stoke and feast on. My personal views aside, if it ends up that Joe Biden is the nominee out of the Democratic Convention, then everyone who cares about our democracy will have to do everything they can to help Biden defeat Trump. Later today, I will walk with our Democratic Town Committee in our July 4th parade holding a placard that reads, “Vote like your rights depend on it—- ‘cause they do!”

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We better win the House and Senate - our only hope possibly. If the MAGAts break it, and then are sorry, can most of us fix it? Chisel Trump's face off of Mt. Rushmore? Project2025 needs to be up front as the leader of this anti- democracy movement so everyone can see who is corrupting our Constitution.

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Gordon, Because my comment was a reply to Magdalena, it was expressly focused. Of course, I agree we need to focus on winning races up and down the ballot. As for Project 2025, I look to the press to provide readily accessible versions around which everyday people can wrap their minds.

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4

Here is the real Biden we should have seen at the debate per ProPublica, https://youtu.be/oZFeBHWtgzs?si=nBrSis05SxnriBfZ Then they messed up real bad. And here is how Ukraine is fighting for its independence, Sean Penn’s full length movie about them is on YouTube. Their success and failure will be ours this November. https://youtu.be/GK5DS43jKhw?si=zRCm_wuNWHLwRlln

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Barbara, Even if Biden wins we may very well have to act against Trump's promised bloodbath.

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Gary, I agree, but I’m confident, whatever transpires, that we’ll get through it as long as we legitimately retained power.

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We cannot submit! We still have the right to vote...and all we need to do is push the rest aside and vote the party fighting for our lives...Joe Biden | Kamala Harris is doing that. PMA is of the utmost importance...supporting past success is better than the unknown...so Biden may have to take a nap now and then...but he is there to keep the most dangerous alternative out of the Whitehouse! He did it before when the odds were against him! It is truly up to us...and it wouldn't hurt if Steve Schmidt joined the fight instead of sitting on the sidelines...especially since he was talking about Immigrants coming to America and all being us...Trump calls them out as poisoning our blood with venom...let's run...run...run...to the polls...Steve...you as well!

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I'm furious with that Congressman from Maine who said Trump would be fine.


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Who was that, do you remember? Surely not Angus King....

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People like Kevin Roberts cloak themselves in a self-righteous shield of supposedly infallible religious and ideological doctrine. It is difficult not to hate them because they are the American version of Hitler's philosophers, notably Alfred Rosenberg, whose defense of Nazi dogma was presented with religious fervor to the German public as undeniably true and consistent with the laws of nature. Such extreme views are amendable to using violence to gain control over government and the lives of citizens:

The New York Times reports: (7/4)

"The president of the Heritage Foundation (Kevin Roberts), a right-wing think tank that has developed a prominent series of policy plans to overhaul the federal government under a Republican president, said on Tuesday that the country was “in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”

In other words, either we acquiesce quietly to their agenda and allow them to force us to live according to their "values and morality" or they will force it on us.

How very Christ-like of them.

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None of us understand them.

They're crazy. Totally murderously crazy.

I don't know what happened to them.

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38% of American voters do not want democracy. They have control over majority of the electoral college delegates and the Senate. This is the root of the problem: the dislike of democracy and pursuit of tyranny and the mangled representation (including gerrymandering) that denies pluralism

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We have people at the helm of federal agencies, (ie: CIA, FBI) responsible career minded who are watching. They surly will not let this happen. They must capture the monster among us and stop the insanity.

We the people are the government. Stand-up

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Magdalena I was fool enough to believe that conservatism was all highly motivated till 2015, and mostly voted that way. We cannot turn to hatred or we are no better than MAGA and Kevin Roberts. You're correct that the evil is coming and will keep coming. But the warning is for those still foolish enough to believe they are safe. They may still wake up and join us in voting for democracy, I pray they do. That may be our only visible hope.

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Happy Birthday, yes!!! The ideals around freedom are not free!!! They require constant nurturing!! VOTE!!!🇺🇸

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Nine-tenths of wisdom is being wise in time.

— Theodore Roosevelt

(Happy 4th).

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Well stated! Thank you Steve. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY TO ALL!

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Happy 4th of July Steve .

May we have Many more.

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Good morning, Steve...Yes...thank you for the reminder ...I don't want to go through all of that again and certainly do not want to leave it all in chaos to those being born into the world not realizing that their lives might never get to enjoy the freedoms others fought for in vain that you speak about. It's not the hate I have for the other fifty percent but loss of respect for so many who know better because if they don't then they are evil...and you know that! I hope you can get it in your soul to come out for Biden | Harris or whomever takes over if it comes to that...as Adam Kinsinger said...you can argue over policies but not morality...he saw the big picture and had the guts to let the world know he is bigger than the party he no longer recognizes. Watching and writing from a distance does not bring the results needed to beat Trump...while we are still able to vote you can be a great part if you can join the Democrats ...at this point the most viable is the Biden | Harris getting us to the finish line. The only real gaslighting is coming from the Maga Trump Party DBA The Republicans as they keep promoting their dangerous agenda lead by their cult leader and convicted felon...Donald J Trump! Thank you...Linda

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Thanks, Steve. As always, you put things in their historical perspective. Today I'll be thinking about Tom Paine and his pamphlet "The Crisis".("Sunshine Patriots")

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Well said…:)

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Jul 5Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thank you. I needed that. America the beautiful, a land of promise. May we not squander the founders’ genius.

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Oh how sweet and beautiful your words. Words i ve heard for 75 years of my life. Let s see what s being written next year on Independence Day.

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