On the world’s stage, America is a young country but being elderly and much younger than the USA I have some insight into aging. The idea of freedom or death seems positively geriatric to me when looking at where America is today. We now worry more about give me your vote. Much earlier days hundreds of thousands fought and gave their lives to save America and end slavery. Last night, jumping up and down with apparent unbridled enthusiasm was Tim Scott, a very Black Senator from the very Deep South, endorsing a White Supremicist for president. Is this a little like the heart failing, or the legs or the lungs? His Candidate, not only a confirmed racist, who thinks Tim’s kin came from shithole countries, but he is also decorated like a Christmas Tree with indictments and charges and lawsuits and fines, most of which actually glow in the dark. He is rotten down to his last cell. How far is this from Patrick Henry? The difference this dilemma has from aging is that it can be reversed. There is much that can be improved about America but not in a Trump era. That would just slam the door with further decay the only outcome. It doesn’t have to be freedom or death. You don’t YET have to take up arms. You can save your country by paying attention and doing the right thing in the voter’s booth and stop this headlong plunge into darkness. Give me Liberty, please.

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That was quite a performance. I wondered about the heft of the plain envelope that would be handed to Tim Scott as he left the stage. I wondered if there was lightning in the area.

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Beautiful, to find one perfect illustration from such recent hours to so clearly show how far we have fallen.

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Thank you, Jill

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Beautifully said.

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“Whatever may have been said that day in Richmond, “Give me liberty or give me death” sounded perfect for that time and all time. Most Americans imagine that is their position on the matter, but perhaps that might be another myth. How could it not be? What people who love liberty could possibly turn power over to a man like Trump voluntarily?”

“Give me liberty or give me death?” Unfortunately, some people’s idea of liberty is to force their own version of it on everyone else. Today, we hear evangelicals tell us that the LGBTQ community and gay marriage is an affront to their way of life.

If you were alive during the Civil Rights movement, then you know the counter-movement evolved because Civil Rights were an affront to the status quo, and certain groups of people’s way of life.

Case in point: Phyllis Schlafly was the darling of the conservative movement against feminism, abortion and gay rights in the 1970’s. She used to debate with feminist icon, Gloria Steinem, claiming that women in the work force were an affront to her, and the tens of millions homemaker’s way of life; claiming homemakers would be frowned upon and lose their high esteemed place in society.

This is the 70’s replaying in real-time. Every time we take one step forward, a counter movement evolves to destroy any progress and take us two steps back (revoking part of the Civil Rights Bill and gerrymandering come to mind).

It started with Nixon’s Southern strategy. It gained momentum with Reagan and eventually W. Bush; legitimizing the religious fanatics who control most of the Republican Party. And it finally metastasized into the malignant tumor we now call Trump and Soeaker of the House, Mike Johnson, and his FreeDum caucus.

Bottom line: history repeats itself; just in different forms...:)

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In that line of thought here it is said that the republicans in the congress have been trying very hard to oppose Ukraine funding by hiding behind the false premise that they are fighting for the border security instead. https://youtu.be/UBPLwgAqF50?si=8KhjDdVZGro4Gsdh

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So well said.

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Your column made a huge impression on me. It seems that for at least one party democracy no longer means anything. I have found it hard to believe, but it seems to be true. How can this be? What has happened that so many people have forgotten what makes this country great? The opposition, cries “ freedom” without understanding what it really means. And they may shortly lose their freedom. Will they even acknowledge it if it happens? Will they realize it? If it does happen, I hope they will regret it and realize what they have done wrong. I am sure our founders are turning in their graves. Has power become so important that they forget our heritage.. The cause of our greatness? I hope the good people of this country can rise up and remind those who have forgotten the real value of what we have had and still have. FDR said we have nothing to fear, but fear itself. But I fear now. I hope people will regain their consciousness and fight hard to maintain what we have always treasured. Our country has been partially, turned over to cowards and fools. We must regain and show our strength now more than ever. I wish for the best.

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We need to turbo charge the study of history, civics and critical thinking. There is currently a pandemic of ignorance.

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Re "There is currently a pandemic of ignorance." We need to measure and expose the views of the people in Trump's base. There is a dichotomy here: On the one hand there are people in this group who are ignorant of facts but still support the Constitution. But – on the other hand – there are people who want to have a strong man (dictator) rule over us who is prepared to ignore the Constitution and rule without a time limit. Some in this 2nd group are in religious cults who are eager to worship Trump as if he were God himself or another son of God. We should encourage journalists to interview members of Trump's base and measure the fraction that are in this 2nd group. If it turns out to be a significant fraction then we're all better off at election time when some voters will at least be wise enough not to choose to vote for Trump.

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Let's share info and conversation. "I read an interesting post today on Substack...".

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The Warning indeed. Let us not forget Oct. 26th 2021 at the TPUSA rally when that idiot asked: "When do we get to use the guns?" Trump and his minions have announced they are coming for us. We have been warned.

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"The battle, Sir, is not to the strong alone, it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave". "Gentlemen may cry Peace , Peace but there is no peace. The war is actually begun". Extrapolating these two lines from this excellent post by Steve I think captures exactly the current reality Americans face, must face. We did not declare this war, MAGA Trump did, but our innocence does not allow us to look away; we must face reality that the war has begun, and we must fight. We must fight.

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For too long we, in America have lived sheltered lives. We have an ocean on our eastern flank and our western flank that have insulated us from foreign invasion. But with all great empires the downfall has been from an internal erosion. The erosions come from the loss of civility, moral standards, a lack of ethics and complacency. It’s that sense that freedom and liberty are a given and will always be here no matter how we abuse it.

This election is strictly a fight for democracy and a republic form of government or dictatorship with an oligarchy. We have now opened Pandora’s box. The evil in a lot of people is being exposed. People we thought had a soul have been corrupted or shown to be moral cowards. We have now come to see the 7 deadly sins come to our doorstep ready to kick in our door. It will bring about a world that we have never seen or tasted.

This is simply a fight between good and evil. Our very way of living is on the line and we must do all we can to fight this tide of hate, selfishness, and cruelty.

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I am a Vietnam veteran and interface everyday with my veteran brothers and sisters on facebook and in person at get togethers i.e., Applebees give 30% meal discount to veterans on Mondays.. VOTE for democracy!

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First, thank you for your service. As a veteran, can you possibly explain to me how my own brother, also a Veteran (Desert Storm era), is a fire-breathing Trump supporter? How can people who have served side-by-side defending the same country and principles, be so woefully divergent on the subject of the biggest threat to our country in decades? I am numb trying to make sense of it.

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I belong to & support 4 veteran groups, we have 400+ members and found that the DOD has removed 96% of active MAGA traitors. This is good news, but the lies and corrupt actions of some news outlets have caused good people to question the truth from getting through. It will take him trusting you for him to accept the truth. Also, I am a member and support the democratic senator conference in Novi, Michigan. Good luck in your endeavers to share the trutth.

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The words and actions of our founding fathers and mothers always inspire me.

Thanks Steve.

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As a 9-year-old visiting DC with my grandparents, I visited the place where that speech was made and also saw a film dramatization of it. I recall even as a young kid being impressed by that speech, even if I didn't quite get what it all meant. Maybe the actor portraying Henry was compelling! One day, I will get back there and visit that site once again.

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Bravo Steve!

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I have faith in the American people and I believe when it comes time to pull the lever in November, the people will choose Biden over Trump. Yes, we are a divided nation because of politics but character still matters and democracy still matters. We cannot become apathetic and come to believe our vote does not count. If that happens then Trump will win. However, if we hold principal above demagoguery people will see the choice is clear and vote Blue. Stand strong, stay focused and unite the people in the center and get out the vote. If that happens then Trump does not stand a chance.

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Brilliant! Thank you, thank you, thank you. From one American woman who ….. long passed the point of hoping for, and, in fact, praying for a return to compassion, sanity, mercy, forgiveness and a trajectory of a progressively more enlightened civilization ….. is ready to shout from any rooftop, Give me anyone but Trump, or give me death!

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Interesting how the word SLAVERY is used in this context. Submission to the KING or be a slave to the powerful. Yet the fact that slavery was not abolished in their time to all citizens is proof of politics gets in the way of truths. Are we really ready to accept Donald and start over? Or give me the liberty that we all deserve. The Republicans want to destroy our liberties and freedoms, so Let’s fight for our democracy and not let the next president become the new King/Supreme Dictator!

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Assigning the terms “Patriot” or “Patriotism” to someone like Donald Trump smacks of the shear lack of knowledge of history, of Patrick Henry, of John Adams, of George Washington, sadly of them and all the rest. That short coming, which we may agree is one by choice, doesn’t stand blissfully ignorant, nor harmless, it makes way for an alternative choice which way too many of our fellow travelers have taken.

America has been duped, by a misbegotten, shallow, self centered, lying, villain. With a pulpit Patrick Henry would have never imagined, the TV. The said liar, with the famous words “you’re fired” leaped into the living-rooms of millions, who wanted to believe that “business is done that way”- began to put the erroneous behavior in its twisted definition of “leadership”, and has morphed before our terrorized eyes into a movement both out of control, and darker than that interloping TV Show could ever have believed it could summon.

I am so grateful to you Steve, and those who read and share your real patriotism. Not one of “glamour” and lies, and being “rich” and being under the thumb of the tyranny of a demented socio-path, but one of real liberty, real justice, and real freedom for all.

I pray for our delivery from this madness.

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Thanks for this, Marc.

I'm old enough to remember Cronkite's nightly sign-off:

"And that's the way it is." We believed him; he was an 'anchor' of truth for decades.

From that to 'YOU'RE FIRED!', a mere 23 years.

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What we accept as myth is often a simple self serving lie fed to us the masses by those who, like Elon Musk, rule with the brute force of money. His automobiles are not designed to sell to the masses anymore than those in "our" elected Congress represent "us".

I'd like to think money on the left is actually different than that on the right, but reality smothers that thought before I get out of bed. This year will be a rough ride for democracy which I can only trust will survive as there are too many among us who are disaffected by the extension of liberty and justice to all people, not just white men.

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