Steve, you seriously need to be running his campaign. I am not kidding.

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Agree 100% with you Steve.

"The election must be about Trump.

Mark my words: whomever the election is about is the person who is going to lose.

Let me say it again. The election must be about Trump — again.

Give ‘em hell, Joe."

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Jim Clyburn isn't wrong unfortunately. I say this as someone who lives in a predominantly Black county who has worked the polls abd canvassed for Democratic candidates from Baltimore to the Shenandoah Valley. It is very worrisome, but I hope every time a so-called conservative court puts the lives of women at the bottom of the trash heap, folks will be energized to turn out for Biden on that basis alone, even if his message hasn't gotten through.

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Perhaps every campaign speech President Biden gives should begin with: “What has Trump promised that will make your everyday life better? Does his anger lower your monthly rent? Does his hatred decrease your taxes? Does his retribution reduce your grocery bill? Trump for Trump.

Biden for Americans!”

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Wow! I think that's great! I love those lines!

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Indecisiveness is the devil’s breakfast. Let’s finish the job.

The moment requires a fighting president who can tell the truth on MAGA and make it feel like hell.

We ARE IN HELL because of MAGA.

No one knows a party’s strategy better than Biden. Let him be Biden.

For our nations sake let Biden be the lamp at your feet.

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The Flaming Hot Cheeto - aka fat man wobbling - is always spouting off on his love for strong men. Well - Joe + Team need to take it straight at the wanna be dictator and evolve the campaign into how Joe has been the strong man.. In having to fix all of the crap that trump and the GOP in past administrations created and their inability to govern for the people versus pandering to the 1% with tax cuts that shifts the burden onto the rest of the populous. And if standing up for women's rights and health care isn't being strong, on top of saving the economy and record low unemployment, then tell me what is.

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"There can be no wasted days where Trump is not confronted, pilloried, mocked, humiliated, antagonized, provoked and put off balance." Amen to that. And it would be simple to do because Trump produces filth every day. Simply cite the filth, then calmly state the contrasting American value. The mockery will be low key but obvious. Where's the fight in the Biden campaign?

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We must rally on this: "Give ‘em hell, Joe." We need to all get on board. Thank you, Steve!

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“Ronald Reagan was the last president of the United States to use the presidential rail car in 1984 when he won 49 states in the Electoral College. When his chief strategist was asked how the president liked campaigning by rail his response was that “the president loved it.”

Personally, I think it’s best to leave the train retired. Although, if Trump wins, I could definitely see him roll out the train to channel his inner Kim Jong Un. At least, he’ll have plenty of stories to share with his soul mate.

That said, I agree 100%. Biden needs to step up his game and be emancipated from his advisors. They can’t protect him from the debates and he needs to go on offense.

Biden has the world’s largest bully pulpit, yet refuses to use it. Like Obama before him, he can’t effectively get out his message in laymen’s terms.

Obama was passionate about civil rights issues, and it was authentic, whenever he came to the podium and discussed race and unity. When it came to touting his economic message, he fell flat. In his second campaign, he relied heavily on Clinton to make his case for the economy and the ACA.

Biden needs to find his passion. He relates as regular Joe. He needs to own that message, and create a story behind all the ills that every regular Joe faces every day. From the price of eggs to crumbling infrastructure. He needs to own the message and take it nationwide.

It’s time to stop allowing Trump to own the 24’hour news cycle, and for Biden to break out of his cocoon.

Just some thoughts...:)

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The train! OMG the train. It is itself a glorious behemoth. Do I remember the splendor of our President rounding the railroad bend to bring messages of hope to those who awaited him. This would be a magnificent campaign strategy and present a much needed image of a vital, caring leader! To this day it is still a wonder to me as I wait and then see this impressive vehicle that will whisk so many of us to ventures unknown to most of us. Sound corny? It is just the antidote to the cruel, self centered, opposition!

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We have only one choice ahead: Democracy or an Authoritarian State.


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Get on the train Joe! Shouldn t be too hard to arrange! Do SOMETHING shake things up! Get your message out!!!

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I'm "on board" with the train campaign! Are all lower 48 states too ambitious? Bring it!

BTW, Trump will lying be in my town on January 13th. Atlantic, IA. He has anxious fans waiting for a booster shot of hate for our existing experiment in self-governance.

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Absolutely right on, Steve. Please try to sign up as one of Joe Biden's campaign managers. A whistlestop campaign in the manner of Harry Truman is a brilliant idea! It will bring Biden's accomplishments to the countryside.

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Absolutely great idea! Such a tour would connect historic success with NOW!

Are they listening???

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When I think about England standing alone against Hitler in WW2, I remember the courage of that old man, Churchill, saluting the young RAF pilots leaving an airfield in England on their way to bomb Germany and destroy Hitler. Every time I cry. Like now. This is our moment of courage, friends. I stand with those flyboys of yesteryear. I proudly salute Biden. Give ‘Em Hell, Joe…

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