Your words, purposeful. Your thoughts, meaningful. I so appreciate it.

As I look out on my backyard in the Mountains of West Virginia, I understand the love for America.

A transplant, born in Maine. The daughter of a Retired Lieutenant Commander in the Navy, and a Physical Education Teacher from Massachusetts , always had the Country at the core of our Hearts.

Respect. Honor. Ethics.

Our Country, sweet land of Liberty.

Most of my Statesmen here are lost. Woven by greed, power and religion gone wrong.

The power of the Kennedy blue, gone to blood red sorrow.

These people are kind. I know them. These people love their Country, I know it. These people love their families and college football games, they do. But they are lost.

America. The screens that we look down to. America, West Virginia, where Fox News plays 24/07.

I am not lost.,We are still here. Waiting. Tired of the Old White Men, seeking nothing but Power.

Sick, psychotic liars.

I see America here. The beauty, the wildlife, the roaring rivers and love of nature.

We need to shut down and return to Peace.

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Jul 22, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

If you get the time, would you please give us your opinion on Jonathan Swan‘s new article for Axios, “A Radical Plan for Trump’s second term“?. Trump’s eventual understanding that his only means to perpetual fascistic rule of our country was by the gutting of the government and replacing it with his ignorant sycophants was and is the most frightening part of this world-shaking atrocity.

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While we're celebrating the idea that American citizenship unites us all, there's a large minority who will burn America and its path-breaking democracy to the ground if they don't get their way. The only unity they will accept is our surrender to their authoritarian rule. And it's no co-incidence the geographic heartland of this traitorous faction is the same place that went to war with the United States to defend slavery and, having lost that bloody war, spent the next 150 years undermining all our legal and political institutions as part of Jim Crow.

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Thank you for that piece. I needed it.

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Many good Americans have been conned by the Trump mob family. It’s unfortunate how gullible so many are, but they’re gonna see the light soon when last night’s hearing sinks in.

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Jul 27, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

You are such a beautiful writer Mr.Schmidt. I miss seeing you on Nicole Wallace show on MSNBC. I would always tune in when you were on. Your insight and perspective on everything always inspired me. My husband has always wanted to go to Alaska, by plane or cruise he would say. After reading this post of yours I will definitely be booking a trip sooner rather than later! Thank you for caring enough about this country and its people to take the time to even write all of this out. The mainstream media needs to hear more from you from time to time. Thank you again for this beautiful piece. I can't afford the $10 monthly membership, but I read all the articles you send and I am in your debt.

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Jul 25, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

You have to listen to Steve Schmidt as well as read his words. What an eloquent and articulate orator, a real pleasure.

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Jul 23, 2022Liked by Steve Schmidt

God Bless our Country our Freedom to VOTE

and our Peaceful Transfer of Power….your

Articles are so thoughtful, inspiring and

I’m grateful I’m a subscriber because you enrich me as a citizen and human being…

My life is blessed that I was born in this magnificent country BUT I welcome all the immigrants who have enriched the tapestry

Of our land and each day I pray for gentle

Respect and harmony …welcoming hearts!

Enjoy each moment of our blessed lives in

Living and Loving in Freedom, Marsha

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Once again I get an opportunity to soak in thoughts and words put to paper that truly fill a void that the day to day creates. Thank you Steve, for all your efforts to inform, analyze, and even entertain. To be able to catch a glimpse of some of your commentary is almost always like a crisp jump start to my synapses that is never unappreciated. While at this time my regrets at not having the means to subscribe as I'd like, are somewhat offset and I still find wonderful solace in the wisdoms I'm able to take in. Thanks again for all you're doing, and know your mission is a worthy purpose.

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It is hard to imagine words better spoken. My God Steve, keep going man. Please keep going.

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After last night.this was needed.what I can't comprehend is why the simple man still has faith in this Charlton.moscow Mitch and the rest is easy.theycwantvto be close to power for power sake.but the average Joe?

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Here here to Morrison’s comment.

ThankYou Steve for providing those words that are a poultice for a wounded sensibility.

I appreciated so much your cogent depiction of the mechanism that’s played a role in leading us to where we are as a nation, and offering a anecdote by reminding us to look up, out, and around to keep our bearing.

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Please run for national office.

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And so am I, grateful to be an American. Oh beautiful, its serene skies, the truth that binds us in a continuation of the most human idea of all, that We The People have been granted the choice, by birth or oath, for Americans to perfect the Union.

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How lucky we are to have this geography to call home and these into-a-fourth-century ideas to perfect.


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I’m reflecting on these words s as I fly from the Litchfield Hills in CT, where residents and farmers collaborate to keep the spaces open and rich with crops. The drumlin hills where Washington hid from the British is also rich with history and now, the spectacular landscape is as healing to the veterans with whom I work as are the horses.

Now, I’m in Kalispell, Montana to add some arrows to my horsemanship skills quiver.

I’m bracing for the redness of this territory and because of this essay, will aim to change the conversation. We are working with one of the finest horsemen I know to connect and collaborate with our big prey animal partners.

I hope I have the courage to change the inevitable conversations about current events. I hope I can suggest that if we are able to put aside our differences to create a trusting relationship between human and horse - predator and prey - perhaps we can shift from grievance to gratitude for the richness that holds us in this extraordinary place called Montana. There is nothing like it in the world.

I hear the deep concern under your sometimes scathing commentary Steve. I love that.

I also recognize that one of my gravest concerns about this nightmarish family that plays on those grievances…is how little they appreciate or respect the land. Instead, they gild it with opulence, waste resources on shoddy construction, take advantage of the workers who contact with them and take the lives of the most magnificent wild creatures who are trying to survive in their own landscapes - for sport.

The brazen destruction of this natural world is to me, one of their most heinous crimes.

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