This makes me sad and angry. We are a stupid people right now.

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Unfortunately, I am subjected to this stupidity every day here in North Carolina. We have here a man nominated to run for Governor, and is our current Lieutenant Governor, who is a Holocaust Denier and Purveyor of Hatred. And a rabid supporter of Donald Trump.

Stupidity knows no bounds when considering this obscenity.

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There is no comfort to offer. My hope is you and others will campaign like never before for a better election outcome.

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I have read some of the statements he has made and find it shocking.

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Yes. And this man was actually elected Lieutenant Governor in 2020, beating a decent humane person by several hundred thousand votes. This, more than anything these days, has me depressed about the people I call my neighbors.

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My state is all red, Indiana. I do live in an area that is blue, which helps. I retired 3 years ago so I do have day- to- day shelter from the MAGA thinking. It is not in my face so much. But, one only has to read and listen to know the destruction.

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Is it possible that it’s more about voting down ballot than voting for his values or policies?

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It was definitely not down ballot voting here. His values and beliefs resonate with a sufficient number of voters here, which gave him the election by a wide margin. It was not a close election.

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So scary and sad.

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Ignorance can be corrected but stupidity is forever.

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WE outside the State of NC hear you! Know that we are listening!

Sad state of affairs when a “party” cannot see thru this darkness. And, see what the danger is all around them! Instead voters are walking toward it?

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I hear you loud and clear. The other thing it makes me feel is impotent. Why the hell is that?

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Most of us probably do

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I feel not unlike Miniver Cheevy

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Apr 1
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Yes, and add to that 'alternative facts' propaganda amplified by social media algorithms. Without critical thinking skills and with addiction to technologies, we're in huge trouble.

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Definitely Lisa. When they removed Civics and Government classes from Schools, that was the beginning of the end as well. But it ain't over yet as they say around here. We've only just begun to fight. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Right On, Lisa! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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❤️😘 Right back at you Sister!! 💙🇺🇸💙

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Think about the right and education

In 70s did away with free state colleges and universities under the guise of budget. Reality more blacks and browns getting educated so best to stop it with fees, and it kept the poor whites poor and ignorant.

School vouchers method to destroy public education everywhere. The vouchers are used to fund segregated private schools as well as religious ie christian nationalism agendas

Home education, a farce, to keep kids from interacting with kids different from them, color, race, religion and learning anything accurate about government or democracy.

So there you go; each year we dumb down the electorate, especially in gop controlled red states, builds their base by building upon racism, anti science, anti intellectualism, anti immigration and anti gay sentiment!

Perfect foundation to build a theocracy or dictatorship. SUCKS

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You are right. It just seems to have exploded now.

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So I have been thinking since I wrote this morning. Maybe the Heritage Foundation, etc are just the modern day Klan. More money, technology. One of the big supporters of the Klan was the churches, religion. And here we are again. Just a thought

Lisa, I am in Fort Wayne.

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Apr 1Edited

Koch Bros are big financial backers of the Heritage Foundation. Take note-who is funding Project 2025? Bingo!

Koch Bros are heirs of the John Birch Society! Grandfather was founder!

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You're not very away Susan!! That's wild. I'm in Anderson. Just down the road from the old head of the KKK. Elwood, Indiana. Ugh.

I agree with you on the Heritage Foundation too.

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Hey, I grew up in Middletown. Not proud of that. Anyway, Anderson was our getaway city when in High School. Most of the parents of the kids I grew up with worked at Delco Remy, back in the day.

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Wow. My Grandmother lived in Middletown and I spent many summers on her farm growing up.

Delco Remy and Guide Lamp were the places to work for families back then. Anderson had 3 High schools and for the most part leaned heavily Democrat even with the heavy Church of God influence. Now with the loss of the industries it's completely flipped. Especially since Trump came along. 🙄

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Next time I head to Bloomington to see my brother, will contact you and we can meet up. Looking towards the end of April.

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That'd be great Susan!! I'll look forward to it. ❤️🥰

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Apr 1
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Last year a book came out, “Fever in the Heartland”. It is about the explosive growth of the Klan in Indiana and Midwest, but the base was Indiana, where I live. It seems to be making the rounds again. At one point, Indiana had the highest Klan membership in the US. I write this because it helped me understand that the MAGA belief system has always been festering underneath the surface. Why Trump? I think because he is the vehicle this time. May have been someone else, but for now it is Trump. It needs to be destroyed. But as I type that, I am not sure it can, completely.

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I'm with you Susan. I'm from Indiana too. My city used to thrive in the 70's and 80's. Until General Motors shipped all the Union jobs to Mexico. Now we are a shell except for a Casino and 2 Hospitals to keep us going. We are about 40 miles north of Indy so that helps a bit. Trump preyed on all that anger and grievance. As well as it being the Bible Belt. That explains a big part of his appeal.

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Does Trump have appeal? Personally, Trump is merely handy and available. Poor people think that Trump is what “rich people” act like! Furthermore, these supporters are so desperate that they want to cling to Trump! Make themselves a part of him!

Trump is a carnival barker! His supporters love carnivals, corn dogs, and rallies! Trump cannot comprehend any presidential duties or responsibilities-and neither can his supporters! All are lost causes? NO goals or real accomplishments!

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The threat of extremism and loss of freedom in the US is embodied in the Republican Party. And it didn’t start with Trump. It started with Goldwater and was implemented by Reagan, who took advice from people like Lewis Powell. Republicans also embraced the religious right and their political activism. The result? The dismantling of liberal democracy and freedom on the alter of greed and selfishness dressed up as God fearing “real Americans”.

When will this fever dream end?

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Apr 1
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Dana, you are absolutely correct because without critical thinking skills with an emphasis on the teaching of history and the humanities, people will continue to buy into the snake oil being fed to them.

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I’m in Ohio and the Republican supermajority in the state legislature is intent on destroying our higher education system. They just installed a Trump loyalist as president of my local university in an opaque process that was opposed by both students and faculty. It scares me to death.

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Right On! If people cannot discern truth from fact or analyze information, they are ripe for exploitation by those who want control over them. Education is core.

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I meant: discern truth from lies

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Apr 1
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Also, pay the teachers more and make K-12 a career where you are paid for the amount of education and experience you have. That will ensure capable people will become teachers.

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Yes, I sure know from personal experience in public school systems (Montana), that education must be a much higher priority in this country, including teachers' pay. We must fund quality education!.

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I want freedom for the world and here in America especially, because I am an American. I am proud of what we can be , here and to the rest of the world. There is little I can do, but I am determined to do whatever I can to help the fight for freedom and democracy. In a few minutes, I am attending a class for training as an election judge. They are in short supply these days.

I urge everyone to do what they can to help this cause. Freedom is too valuable to let it slip away.

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Way to go, Celeste, in your training to be an election Judge. You're an inspiration to me.

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Thank you, Lisa.

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Apr 2
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Dana, what a truly amazing mother you've had! She should be an inspiration to all.

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Thank you Celeste. All hands on deck.

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I think most Americans would see Piotr in the same light as this piece. But I cannot help but think the toxic and traitorous element in this country — as exemplified by admirers here of Putin — are doing all they can to bring darkness to Ukraine and the rest of Europe.

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Apr 1
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I think there is a great deal of generational influence, Dana.

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That is for sure Dana!! If only we could!!

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We are so lucky that you are in Warsaw right now reporting thing like this story about Piotr. Very inspiring!! Brings tears to my eyes. This right here: "He doesn’t understand why Americans don’t understand that the world needs them, not because of our weapons, but because of the success of an idea. Freedom. It has lit the world." Thank you again and again.

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My friend is a reliable Democratic voter. We regularly share our passion for hiking, bicycling, kayaking, cross country skiing, travel. and she loves to talk about her new recipe discoveries, books and art. Politics? I might as well start a conversation about the latest utility bill or trigonometry. The subject of politics is toxic.

My point? Seemingly, most of our fellow citizens here in the good ol' USA feel the same way and not all of them are reliable Democrats like my friend. They only hear the "buzz" and a bunch of noise. Right now, the noise coming from right-wing liars is much louder, and the mainstream media plays this cacophony as normal both-sides rabble-rousing, which is the most frustrating part of our current condition.

Will the country come to its collective senses in the fall and wake up to the looming dangers? That's what worries me the most.

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Thank you, Steve. I am glad this wonderful story of courage and righteousness under oppression is published today.

Stop whatever you’re doing now and read Robert Reich’s article “Trump’s Five-Step Fascist Plan”. Trump’s plan to turn us into from liberty into this kind of oppression.

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Robert Reich’s Substack is one of the BEST around. Calm and steady man! Check it out and subscribe. I look forward to reading!

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I am SO grateful to be an American. And I feel lucky too.

I've been telling some of my MAGA friends, "if Trump wins the election, don't be surprised when he turns on you." But it appears none of them has read a history book.

I sure hope we show in November that we are worthy of our inheritance.

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So many decent people have succumbed to the lies eschewed by the new Republican Party, with its Maga roots, Trump, Heritage Foundation, the coercive marketing of the church- of all things. So many people are sitting in a pot of boiling water like frogs. The Russian propaganda machine aided by our willing stupidity has widely corrupted our masses. Your story is a perfect example of the madness that is out there and coming. History is repeating itself.

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Until one loses one's freedom, one cannot comprehend the magnitude of the loss.

More voices like Piotr Klueev are needed to sing the cause of freedom.

If I had a song

I'd sing it in the morning

I'd sing it in the evening

All over this land

I'd sing out danger

I'd sing out a warning

I'd sing out love between my brothers and my sisters

All over this land . Peter, Paul & Mary

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Steve, hi. Praying that we get by this November and dodge a bullet by re-electing Pres. Biden and sending a wave of American patriots to the Congress. If we do succeed and I think we will, we can’t rest on our laurels. Because there’s another Trump out there somewhere plotting a fascist take-over. We need a bi-partisan commission made up of Patriots from all walks of life to explore what we need to do to strengthen American Democracy so that we can keep our Republic for future generations. After we defeat Trump we can’t go back to business as usual.

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I hope you're right, Tom.


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Simply jarring. Yet I need to take in this story as it is our story. I heart all the comments...and continue to embrace Piotr's telling thru Steve.

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So encouraging to hear of the 'aware and completely dedicated hearts' and sacrifices of the young people in this world toward truth, honor and justice. In my small opinion, it will be these young ones along with the woman of this country, of all colors and creeds that will make the difference where this nation heads next. And it will be done with their wherewithal of character and their votes come November. With the events of the last few years I would think that there is, and hopefully to come a big surge for women in voting registrations. Oh how this country needs the pure feminine energy to come forth and show her maternal healing powers manifest. And you wonderful, smart young folks, listen to your Mom's please; go register to vote and then apply it.

Steve, my question to you is, what can I/we do to 'simply' encourage these "Americans" toward continued Freedom in a non confrontative way? Again kind sir, so grateful for your dedicated heart toward this country and its good people. Dig in and keep it coming please....

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> "....at Karma. No one has the luxury of being ignorant around what is happening in the world."

Ah, but so many wallow in the luxury of ignorance here in the U.S. The worst thing is, many are of the willful variety.

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So many Americans can't understand or relate to people who have made such a sacrifice.

Thank you for sharing Piotr's story. We all have to stay in the light and truth...it will make a difference!

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Project 2025’s contents, even if the unjust, immoral ideas are thrown out (which they should not be) is about the harm to businesses by rounding up immigrants and wreaking havoc for us all. The MAGA/Trump Party no longer resembles the pro-business one. I’d rather they become aware of the danger to human beings and democracy. If not, grab ‘em by their businesses to preserve something.

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