We’ll never be able to reach the MAGA supporters at this point. From what I saw of them here in North Carolina — wearing shirts that say they love Mark Robinson — I don’t think any words we could say would help.
The ones on the fence, who I find strange anyway, are still reachable. They may be the salvation.
We’ll never be able to reach the MAGA supporters at this point. From what I saw of them here in North Carolina — wearing shirts that say they love Mark Robinson — I don’t think any words we could say would help.
The ones on the fence, who I find strange anyway, are still reachable. They may be the salvation.
We’ll never be able to reach the MAGA supporters at this point. From what I saw of them here in North Carolina — wearing shirts that say they love Mark Robinson — I don’t think any words we could say would help.
The ones on the fence, who I find strange anyway, are still reachable. They may be the salvation.