I have never understood the Holocaust. I have read, watched, listened and deep inside, never understood. It is not because I am dumb or incapable of learning, it is, I think, that I don’t understand evil. How it captures the human heart and turns them into monsters. I don’t understand how and why DeSantis is getting away with what he is doing. Do we not have laws against his depraved actions? I am grouping this weird Christian thinking within this. It feels to me to be just as evil. This money raised for the “Good Samaritan” that murdered a man, seems like a point of no return. Perhaps, even at my age I am naive. I have traveled a great deal of the world, met and talked with people from around the world, lived next door to immigrants and I just don’t get any of this this.

I know, power, control, money. But my question is what the F is wrong with people?

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What I could not possibly fathom even a few years ago is coming to pass. I can only think that the evil that is rearing its ugly head is inside of more people than I ever imagined.

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Coming to understand that. After my comments, I sat and let my mind explore the history of what I knew to be true, going back as far as I could. It seems good is the minority.

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Or the “good” are being squelched at every turn. That is how it all starts. This has been the plan for at least 40+ years. It all started at the local level, buying & controlling the easiest & cheapest of the elections, school boards, mayors……..

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It’s easy to turn people when you feed them a steady diet of lies and fear, playing on their uncertainties. When you attack your opponent often enough, and it does take time, you dehumanize him. (RW media has been doing this for years right here.) Think about Rwanda--“cockroaches.” Once “those” others are no longer human in your eyes, it is easy to push them to the next steps. There is a wonderful book “Ordinary Men” that explores how “ordinary” Germans were turned. Everyone has the capacity for evil and even to kill. You may not think it about yourself, but we all have a point. Manipulators push people who normally would not to do the unthinkable.

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Yes, I have been thinking about Rwanda a lot lately.

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also check out the monograph "education and elitism in nazi germany" by robert cecil. available on amazon, published in 1971

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Great points. Will get the book

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I have the same reaction to the Holocaust. I have NEVER understood the hatred to Jews. I and so many dear friends throughout my life who are/were Jews and I can’t figure it out. The evil is beyond recognition especially within a large group of people who had no courage among them to say STOP. it’s unbelievable. We should never forget this and for our modern day politicians to ban the education around this horrific event tells me that evil exists among us at the same level. It is frightening.

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Group think, group delusion, moral panic, shared psychology- all powerful deformers of normative values, endorsed and condoned behaviors

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It doesn't take everyone 'turning', either. It only takes a core group in the right place that then make everyone else either afraid of being targeted or convinced that if they 'mind their own business' they will be left alone. The evil is perpetrated on someone else, not them, so why worry? That's what is so frightening. Also you have some who won't believe that anyone they know and associate with could be capable of the most evil acts. 'He's a good father, good provider, he's a good golfer/bowler/whatever so he couldn't possibly be a nazi.' That's how you turn a whole nation. And it doesn't happen overnight. What happened in Germany in the 30s and 40s actually started with a single gunshot in Sarajevo in the 1910s, if not before. While we're on the subject of good reads (albeit a long one) Hannah Arendt's "The Origins of Totalitarianism" has some very insightful observations. Her life story is also instructive.

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I ask myself the same thing. But I think I have an answer. In order to hate on this level you have to be taught this. You have to need to be part of something and accept what you are told, so you are part of something. You have to be just plain ignorant, feel small or weak and in your heart be a bully, a cowardly one.

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That was so well said. Thank you. Know that your not the only one who struggles with this “confusion”, I’ve never been able to “get it” either. Still don’t.

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Ron DeSantis, in his cynical opportunism and weaponization of his and others' vile prejudices and hatreds, embodies what Hannah Arendt called "the Banality of Evil". Too stupid to have an original idea of his own, he feasts on the ignorance of his voters to repeat what my mother, who grew up under Nazi Germany, called "those grotesque lies".

My mom made me watch "Judgement at Nuremberg" at 15 so that I would know the truth - it was my first time seeing that footage from Bergen-Belsen. I ended up as an international lawyer specializing in atrocity crimes, after Srebrenica and Rwanda. Where will Ron DeSantis end up, I wonder? My guess is in disgrace, but not soon enough.

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By showing you the truth of the evil that “good” people can do, your mother gave you the inspiration and purpose to work toward the betterment of the world & humanity.

THIS is why we teach even the darkest parts of history.

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I was thinking of Dr. Arendt all the while I read Steve's article.

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I am a native Floridian and live with DeSantis’s foolishness every day. He and his minions (Republicans Legislators) not only banned books about the Holocaust, but books about the history of most ethnic and racial groups, books that shared stories about the lives of many successful, productive and contributing immigrants who have done and are doing wonderful work in America.

Everyday, he signs a bill to “ban” a new “WOKE” idea that he dreamed up to make life uncomfortable for people, schools and cooperations.

He is turning Florida into his authoritarian state. And, the majority of the people seem to believe he is doing a great job!!

So disgusting!!!!!!

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It is not DeSantis alone. The Legislature and the voters who elected them all are responsible. Yes, I'm not suggesting you or my friends and family who are FL voters. IF tho' others than those voting now don't vote and don't help better run for and attain office, then this continues. Governors do not act alone. Find others who believe as you do and do what you can to turn this around.

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Joan, I totally agree with your point of view.

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I was recently in Paris and visited the memorial for the deported. I had dinner with my husband’s cousin. An 86 year-old who, with his family of 6, hid for 4 years from the Nazis during the occupation of Paris. I learned the names of my children’s great aunts, uncles, and cousins were on the walls of that haunting memorial on the Seine. This history isn’t history. It’s right now. It’s in my home. What my fellow Americans are allowing craven politicians to do to *my* country, to my husband’s country, to my children’s country in the name of power and for the cause of hatred is a heartbreak I cannot describe and a betrayal I will never forgive.

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Powerful words, both, written and quoted. Words that have been called hyperbole by both the conductors orchestrating the chaos unfolding around us everyday and by their faithful followers. They are our neighbors, our coworkers, and for many even family members. They are human beings unbridled from shame or fear of reprisal as they are emboldened by the power thirsty minority that work the bellows of the furnace with which they aim to burn our constitution, our democracy, and ultimately the agency of those they label the “other”. Never Forget, and never ever think it can’t happen here, when “they”’ come for you, which they will, it won’t be some obscure “they” it will be your neighbors. Godspeed America.

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Nazi's are still with us after all these years. This group in the photo must like their uniforms, carry handmade shilds but apparently no weapons. The main ingredient for me though is their face masks. Only cowards wear masks. What are they afraid of? Oh, being identified as a Nazi.

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And I, in DC, was unaware they were here. I'd not have counter-demonstrated - they don't deserve that attention. I do fear them. This Summer on the 60th anniversary of The March on Washington, there will be a large demonstration and re-enactment of some of what occurred then. I went to the Mall for the 50th anniversary with what seemed to be millions of people over a number of days. I won't go this time because I fear the hate directed to those who ban books, overrun the US Capitol, and elect those who ban books.

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Florida is banning Holocaust books because................... Floridians aren't ignorant enough yet?

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DeSantis thinks children should be protected from books about real events but not from high powered combat weapons. God help us.

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The scariest part--it’s spreading. GOP is targeting universities over DEI in a number of states and it is growing. This is the top of the food chain in the states; watch out for the “concerned mothers” groups at the local level--with Michael Flynn’s imprimatur--protesting books and demanding school boards remove/censor books and teachers and that communities censor libraries. It’s a pincer move. We all must get involved and fight back.

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I'm a Biden voter and I support the purging of DEI ideology from university administrations, particularly in hiring and promotion decisions.

In practice, diversity means a diversity of racial and ethnic identity groups and no diversity whatsoever in political outlook. Equity means attributing any differences in outcome between whites and racial or ethnic minorities to racism and implementing corrective measures that leave the validity minorities' achievements open to question. Inclusion means excluding anyone who might subject an audience to ideas with which they might disagree.

If I were, say, an archaeologist, I would not want my academic career to depend on proving to a panel of progressive ideologues that I have been, am now and will continue to be active in implementing a set values and beliefs that have all the hallmarks of a secular religion.

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My late mother, a Nazi refugee, would have wept when she read about this. Fascism 101. Here we go..............

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I wept when I read this. We need leaders & defenders of democracy & legacy of American goodness to fight back against these shameful, cynical, divisive, brute-force tactics with equal determination and fervor. We cannot acquiesce to the extreme & nihilistic minority.

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...as do I weep even tho' I am uncertain as is my family who died in the Holocaust. I grew up with Survivors as neighbors. And even if I hadn't, I read and I know. And I fear this onslaught.

May your mother's memory and that of millions of those who died during and since be for blessings.

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Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. Those who purposefully neglect to teach history, in this case the Holocaust, are planning to reenact it. How could a country (yes, and recognizing Germany as we know it did not come into existence until the mid-19th C with Bismark) that produce profound thinkers, theologians, scientists, musicians also create the Holocaust? Underlying cultural norms that allowed Jews to be persecuted. The difference under Nazi Germany was the breadth, and systematically efficient persecution process. Remember, it was the final, not the first, solution.

I strongly believe this systematic removal of history, literature, science (think of the FL Surgeon General falsifying COVID data), is DeSantis and his crowd following the well-worn NAZI path. The question is, who will stop them. My other question is, who is funding the DeSantis NAZI crowd? This doesn't come without some fiscal cost. What in the world is the 6th NYC borough (as in Miami) doing about this? They're not taking action?

We have the chance now. Do not do what the German's thought and it will all go away. Without direct action on our part, it could become the blueprint for a US-version of NAZI Germany.

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@Liz - what roll then can parents and other family and neighbors play in educating all the students in the US who are not being given school- or library-access to learning? What concerted effort can we make to do so? I buy books (many from https://www.syracuseculturalworkers.com/ ) as gifts for newborns and for different occasions. I find books from other sources too to give to children and young people to ensure that should they not be exposed they may be. There can be a national effort, can't there?

@Steve, what can we do?

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US Holocaust Museum in DC has a full slate of teaching materials. I might suggest starting there.


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Yes, and it's the distribution of the materials to those who now won't learn or who may never have.

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Thank you Steve for another well written succinct essay. It gives me no pleasure to read your words this morning, but the message is clear, the red lights flashing, the sirens and horns blowing. As such, I have shared today's essay and said, 'if you read one thing today make it this.' I may not always agree with you, but I'll never visit you wielding a baseball bat. Your love of country is obvious and unquestioned. I wish you long life to continue the struggle.

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Hide those faces, boys and girls(well mostly boys!). March in step. I recently read someone calling MAGA members uneducated. If one believes that they are missing the other hidden faces-the very educated, wealthy supporters who are behind this movement.

Over the years I have questioned how anyone whose ancestors suffered could choose to ignore that and turn an evil, hateful eye towards another group. I say this as an Irish American Catholic who has learned the history of my ancestors in this country. What goes around, comes around. And maybe sooner than you think. Do people think someone else will save them?

I will copy and cherish these words by Elie Wiesel.

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Thx Steve. Send this to DeSantis. Can he read? He should read this. Someone should read it to him.

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I fear he would beam with pride- he has no conscience & is devoid of a soul. He will use any means necessary- however immoral or unlawful- to slake his thirst for power.

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He’s a power-hungry narcissist. A fame whore. Hitler is the epitome of fame - is there anyone living who doesn’t know his name?

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Antisemitism now in Florida. Anti-everything is the game plan, with tRump II, and it’s the new maga norm.

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So powerful, Steve.

I never met my maternal grandfather, a womanizing, but nevertheless brilliant rogue of a man who was a reporter. editor and publisher of a small New Hampshire newspaper. He ended up going over to Europe as a war correspondent, stringer for the larger New England newspapers. My mother told me that he was at one of the camps. I don’t know which one, shortly after liberation. All I know is that he told her vivid details of what he saw. He was a tough cookie, but it changed him forever. Just hearing the descriptions changed my mother forever.

My mother, who died young, warned me all my life about intolerance, antisemitism, racism and religious intolerance. These were not “performative” liberal positions; they were the core of who she was. She said, “they will say that it can’t happen here, but it can you can and that’s why you must always stand up against bigotry of any kind.” Quite a cheery message from your mom growing up, though overall I had an incredibly rich & happy, 1970s middle class suburban childhood.

By the late 80s, my mom had died, & I was just starting my career in LA. I remember driving on the 101 and hearing Rush Limbaugh on the radio for the first time. Some colleagues had been talking about him and saying “he’s such an asshole but he’s really funny and outrageous.” I guess my mothers’ lessons about intolerance had sunk in, because as I heard his rhetoric, I thought of the words “it can’t happen here”. He may have been talking about ugly Feminazis, or mocking urban black diction, or talking about Democrats being Commies - didn’t matter. It was his tone - filled with arrogance & superiority, but most of all, utter contempt. He was toying with dehumanization, but with a wink. This wasn’t just outrageous stand-up comedy; it was well-disguised hate. I felt the dread in my gut when I saw him being normalized, as just “the conservative point of view.” The conservatives I knew growing up didn’t talk like this.

Fast forward to 2016; Trump takes this to a whole new level. He’s not just using the “wink wink, you know how we really feel about those people.“ dog whistle tone that Rush Limbaugh popularized. He’s normalized the concept that the very existence of entire groups of people is unacceptable.

Ron DeSantis is using Florida to see how far he can take this and nurturing the kind of amnesia that prevents us from reacting if/when atrocities start to happen. How can the remaining greatest generation and silent generation seniors in Florida not see what’s happening? How did selfishness, ignorance & fear of “other” allow them to forget what millions died for? Is their resentment of liberals so powerful that they will literally normalize genocide (as in Ukraine)? Are so many Floridians and Republicans DeSantis donors & fans blind to the only place this kind of denial can possibly lead?

Or are they simply at the point where they already don’t care?

We must all raise this red flag of awareness to a mass media level.

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This is for me, the most impactful offering to come from The Warning..In this moment in our country, state after state are passing laws to silence the voice of the vote, the Fascist DeSantis and his minions turning Florida into 1938 Germany, with other states following the lead..Mass shootings happening practically daily..Christian Nationalists calling the shots in the House of Representatives..

There came a point where Lincoln knew that the efforts deploying reason and civility were no longer going to work..He took the necessary action to protect the Republic..We are being systematically attacked from within..When will the necessary actions be taken to crush this shit?

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