I have a suggestion that I think is a good one. Of course it’s mine, so there is a bit of subjectivity there. Here’s the deal. Every morning when I turn on the NBC News, there is a Donald Trump commercial. It’s probably only about 30 seconds long, and it features a narrator telling us how wonderful Trump is and how much he is doing for the country. Very brief, very succinct, but the message is clear. Why can’t the Democrats do this? Why can’t they have brief, succinct commercials on every morning TV broadcast in the country? Surely they have enough resources for that.
I thought the Democrat presence at Trump speech the other night was embarrassing. Pink outfits and signs? Really. They couldn’t do any better than that? The Democrats need to hire a top notch public relations firm to help them create a message that people will pay attention to.
I agree, I haven’t seen any evidence of a priority placed on innovation to develop new approaches. I just keep getting messages asking me for money. I am done with that!
The ACLU has a commercial that I often see on MSNBC. It's quite good. Is this commercial also shown on the other television networks? Maybe "commercial" is the wrong word. How about "advertisement?
Canada is NOT being taken over at all by drug cartels. We have negligible drugs crossing south into the US.
What Trump is trying to do here is CRUSH THE CANADIAN ECONOMY by implementing
huge tariffs on us. He thinks by driving Canada to economic despair he will weaken us to the point of surrendering a rich country. He wants Canada's abundant water, lumber, minerals, and access to the Arctic (which is why he keeps haranguing Greenland as well) where he can set up Russian access to trade routes and drill baby drill.
Trump and Co are completely directed by Putin, including the courts, congress, state
governments, and most all US media.
Trump stated that his main goal is to be richer than the richest man in the world.
And that man isn't his deranged buddy Elon Musk.
It's Putin.
And to Trump and Co. this is just one big financial game while he sells out democracy, sells out everyone who ever voted for him, and destroys everything the United States has ever stood for.
Here is what we should be watching. The insane tariffs are going to crash the economy. The president will use the crisis to enact martial law and let the oligarchs like Elon to buy up (seize) more capital. Krystal ball and Kyle Kulinsky lay it out very well. The economic fallout will be devastating. And by the way, is there no one in government that will oppose this economic terrorism?
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long.
Mike, Trump actually pulled back again from Canadian and Mexican tariffs BECAUSE he saw the market started to tank yesterday. He is such a moron!! What both Musk and Frump don't appreciate, surprisingly since they are both billionaires, is that American culture (the people) and economy are very complex entities that you don't fuck with.
Very wise, accurate, and eloquent words spoken by the French Senator. But this is America and through our democratic process we elected someone who wants to take over our friend to the north, amongst many other stupidities. At the rate we are going, we’ll eventually see President J.D. Vance and Vice President Lauren Boebert. And we’ll deserve them both.
Join Indivisible - https://indivisible.org/ - It’s run by former congressional staffers who know how things work in Washington. These folks have an amazing level of determination, practical knowledge, and hope. Those demonstrations against Musk & Trump around the country have been organized by dozens of local Indivisible chapters. They do a Zoom every Thursday that lays out action steps. Their next focus is to identify vulnerable GOP Senators – the traitors who confirmed every dangerous cabinet head – who are coming up for re-election soon…and make sure they are voted out of office.
Speak out against the GOP’s latest attempt at voter suppression. Tell your Representatives and Senators to stop the ironically-named ”SAVE” act. Up to 34% of voting-age women don't have documents proving citizenship with their current legal name because when they married, they likely took their husband’s surname. This could disenfranchise millions of eligible voters. And that’s the whole point. HR 22 would need to be passed by both the House and Senate.
Also tell your Congress people to not give Trump one inch – on anything. (Even some Democratic Senators have, shockingly, voted to confirm dangerous Cabinet heads.)
If you’re shy about calling Congress, join Adam Kinziger’s “Country First” zooms. Hundreds of people call their congresspeople at the same time – they suggest scripts and coach you through it. Sign up at https://www.country1st.com/
Support Judge Susan Crawford in her bid for the Wisconsin Supreme court. Go to CrawfordForWI.com to learn about why this race is so important. (That Elon Musk has donated tons of money to her GOP opponent tells you something…..) Jen Rubin at The Contrarian explains - https://substack.com/home/post/p-158477872
And please support Democracy Forward – https://democracyforward.org/ These tireless lawyers are suing the Trump Administration every day. They have some impressive wins under their belt, but unfortunately there are many more battles to fight. 5,600 civil servants just got their jobs back, due to Democracy Forward’s lawsuit!
Please copy & paste this comment of your’s to other comment sections of these newsletters that you read, & post to other SM sites you use, like FB, IG, Threads & BlueSky
I’m adding my plea & a video that’s calling for a massive protest. Please share it everywhere.
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long
I watched this, this morning. I was so impressed. I don’t understand the Democrats. Each day I am saying Why? or FFS in my head. Waiting for a clear leader to rise up, but I am beginning to think there is no one.
Here’s a potential leader, along with Sen Chris Murphy.
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long
Merci beaucoup Senator! En Anglais…….we call this “ Tough love “. Somebody had to say it. It would have been better if it came for our Congress but……..a truth is a truth no matter where it is spoken or what language it is spoken in.
Much like when your good friend is drinking too much, lost their job, their spouse left them and they are broke. Someone has to tell them….” You need help “ It shows you care about them deeply and are worried about their well being.
The Dems need to grow a pair. What do they have to lose? They are already at the nadir of their political power. They can only go upwards from here.
For the record, if people don’t know about the “ Battle of the Capes “ Or the “ Battle of the Chesapeke “ take a moment and read up. This was a battle that no Americans fought in or even witnessed. The French had blockaded the British Navy from a rescue mission of Cornwallis. If the British had broken through the outcome of the American Revolution would have been MUCH different. Vive La France! Toujours amis toujours!
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long.
Mike M below is right. Trump's goal is to crash the economy, remove social safety nets for people, to impose martial law, suspend elections.
Aside from his malicious actions domestically, why on earth should Ukraine ever consider talking with Trump about any deal for their minerals after he withheld military aid and intelligence support? He is mad with power and surrounded by sycophants, as are all dictators.
There is a fraud on the American people being played. Distracting us with hundreds of line item veto “ex post facto” savings, all of which are illegal. We can push back. Me must muster. I call for Musk’s certifying DOGE’s cost and pricing data. That must be required. I call for Musk’s testimony under oath before Congress. I call for him to divulge the truth of what he found. Spare me the BS braggadocio crap. I don’t buy crap when we are talking about a $4.5 trillion tax cut. I say Musk’s ploy is all a fraud founded on a bag of smoke and mirrors and a “bury you in paper” con job. Let us see it. Empty the DOGE bag.
Don't know how you continue to do it, Steve?! But I like it, and so do a Lot of Americans. Thank You, from the bottom of my heart. Blessings to you and to All your readers, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍🇺🇸💙
Steve has mentioned Sen Chris Murphy’s name in his videos at least 2-3 as someone who is actually doing something, speaking with passion & fighting back.
Sen Murphy has started writing here on Substack fyi, go find him & subscribe.
Recommend his his newsletter every time you comment on Steve’s Substack & others too. Thank you
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long.
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long.
Phyentinol come more from China through China. With that said the Opioid Crisis was brought to us by the Pharmaceutical Insustry not the Cartels. I remember seeing injured friends given Oxi for minor injuries from woe and the Comp Doctor kept them on it until they could no longer work and had to go thru addiction therapy more or less ending their Comp claim. I watched good decent people destroyed by this crisis. And the ones responsible have not paid a price nor will they ever but in order to clean it all up we need to remember where this all started.
I have a suggestion that I think is a good one. Of course it’s mine, so there is a bit of subjectivity there. Here’s the deal. Every morning when I turn on the NBC News, there is a Donald Trump commercial. It’s probably only about 30 seconds long, and it features a narrator telling us how wonderful Trump is and how much he is doing for the country. Very brief, very succinct, but the message is clear. Why can’t the Democrats do this? Why can’t they have brief, succinct commercials on every morning TV broadcast in the country? Surely they have enough resources for that.
I thought the Democrat presence at Trump speech the other night was embarrassing. Pink outfits and signs? Really. They couldn’t do any better than that? The Democrats need to hire a top notch public relations firm to help them create a message that people will pay attention to.
I can tell you that I am one angry Democrat!
There was a Democratic National Party years ago. Today there is fund raising organization with no other purpose. They have a message machine but do not return calls. I tried but gave up. https://hotbuttons.substack.com/p/i-will-call-the-dnc-today?r=3m1bs
I agree, I haven’t seen any evidence of a priority placed on innovation to develop new approaches. I just keep getting messages asking me for money. I am done with that!
The ACLU has a commercial that I often see on MSNBC. It's quite good. Is this commercial also shown on the other television networks? Maybe "commercial" is the wrong word. How about "advertisement?
I am an AMERICAN living in Canada.
Canada is NOT being taken over at all by drug cartels. We have negligible drugs crossing south into the US.
What Trump is trying to do here is CRUSH THE CANADIAN ECONOMY by implementing
huge tariffs on us. He thinks by driving Canada to economic despair he will weaken us to the point of surrendering a rich country. He wants Canada's abundant water, lumber, minerals, and access to the Arctic (which is why he keeps haranguing Greenland as well) where he can set up Russian access to trade routes and drill baby drill.
Trump and Co are completely directed by Putin, including the courts, congress, state
governments, and most all US media.
Trump stated that his main goal is to be richer than the richest man in the world.
And that man isn't his deranged buddy Elon Musk.
It's Putin.
And to Trump and Co. this is just one big financial game while he sells out democracy, sells out everyone who ever voted for him, and destroys everything the United States has ever stood for.
We know there are no mexican! Cartels in canada, its insane, we know
You are exactly cirrect Ann, thank you.
Here is what we should be watching. The insane tariffs are going to crash the economy. The president will use the crisis to enact martial law and let the oligarchs like Elon to buy up (seize) more capital. Krystal ball and Kyle Kulinsky lay it out very well. The economic fallout will be devastating. And by the way, is there no one in government that will oppose this economic terrorism?
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long.
Mike, Trump actually pulled back again from Canadian and Mexican tariffs BECAUSE he saw the market started to tank yesterday. He is such a moron!! What both Musk and Frump don't appreciate, surprisingly since they are both billionaires, is that American culture (the people) and economy are very complex entities that you don't fuck with.
Very wise, accurate, and eloquent words spoken by the French Senator. But this is America and through our democratic process we elected someone who wants to take over our friend to the north, amongst many other stupidities. At the rate we are going, we’ll eventually see President J.D. Vance and Vice President Lauren Boebert. And we’ll deserve them both.
What we can do now:
Join Indivisible - https://indivisible.org/ - It’s run by former congressional staffers who know how things work in Washington. These folks have an amazing level of determination, practical knowledge, and hope. Those demonstrations against Musk & Trump around the country have been organized by dozens of local Indivisible chapters. They do a Zoom every Thursday that lays out action steps. Their next focus is to identify vulnerable GOP Senators – the traitors who confirmed every dangerous cabinet head – who are coming up for re-election soon…and make sure they are voted out of office.
Speak out against the GOP’s latest attempt at voter suppression. Tell your Representatives and Senators to stop the ironically-named ”SAVE” act. Up to 34% of voting-age women don't have documents proving citizenship with their current legal name because when they married, they likely took their husband’s surname. This could disenfranchise millions of eligible voters. And that’s the whole point. HR 22 would need to be passed by both the House and Senate.
Also tell your Congress people to not give Trump one inch – on anything. (Even some Democratic Senators have, shockingly, voted to confirm dangerous Cabinet heads.)
If you’re shy about calling Congress, join Adam Kinziger’s “Country First” zooms. Hundreds of people call their congresspeople at the same time – they suggest scripts and coach you through it. Sign up at https://www.country1st.com/
Support Judge Susan Crawford in her bid for the Wisconsin Supreme court. Go to CrawfordForWI.com to learn about why this race is so important. (That Elon Musk has donated tons of money to her GOP opponent tells you something…..) Jen Rubin at The Contrarian explains - https://substack.com/home/post/p-158477872
And please support Democracy Forward – https://democracyforward.org/ These tireless lawyers are suing the Trump Administration every day. They have some impressive wins under their belt, but unfortunately there are many more battles to fight. 5,600 civil servants just got their jobs back, due to Democracy Forward’s lawsuit!
Friends, pls. re-stack this!
Great info !! Thank you!
Please copy & paste this comment of your’s to other comment sections of these newsletters that you read, & post to other SM sites you use, like FB, IG, Threads & BlueSky
I’m adding my plea & a video that’s calling for a massive protest. Please share it everywhere.
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long
I watched this, this morning. I was so impressed. I don’t understand the Democrats. Each day I am saying Why? or FFS in my head. Waiting for a clear leader to rise up, but I am beginning to think there is no one.
Here’s a potential leader, along with Sen Chris Murphy.
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long
Merci beaucoup Senator! En Anglais…….we call this “ Tough love “. Somebody had to say it. It would have been better if it came for our Congress but……..a truth is a truth no matter where it is spoken or what language it is spoken in.
Much like when your good friend is drinking too much, lost their job, their spouse left them and they are broke. Someone has to tell them….” You need help “ It shows you care about them deeply and are worried about their well being.
The Dems need to grow a pair. What do they have to lose? They are already at the nadir of their political power. They can only go upwards from here.
For the record, if people don’t know about the “ Battle of the Capes “ Or the “ Battle of the Chesapeke “ take a moment and read up. This was a battle that no Americans fought in or even witnessed. The French had blockaded the British Navy from a rescue mission of Cornwallis. If the British had broken through the outcome of the American Revolution would have been MUCH different. Vive La France! Toujours amis toujours!
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long.
Thank you for the history lesson.
Mike M below is right. Trump's goal is to crash the economy, remove social safety nets for people, to impose martial law, suspend elections.
Aside from his malicious actions domestically, why on earth should Ukraine ever consider talking with Trump about any deal for their minerals after he withheld military aid and intelligence support? He is mad with power and surrounded by sycophants, as are all dictators.
There is a fraud on the American people being played. Distracting us with hundreds of line item veto “ex post facto” savings, all of which are illegal. We can push back. Me must muster. I call for Musk’s certifying DOGE’s cost and pricing data. That must be required. I call for Musk’s testimony under oath before Congress. I call for him to divulge the truth of what he found. Spare me the BS braggadocio crap. I don’t buy crap when we are talking about a $4.5 trillion tax cut. I say Musk’s ploy is all a fraud founded on a bag of smoke and mirrors and a “bury you in paper” con job. Let us see it. Empty the DOGE bag.
Don't know how you continue to do it, Steve?! But I like it, and so do a Lot of Americans. Thank You, from the bottom of my heart. Blessings to you and to All your readers, and will reStack ASAP 🙏💯👍🇺🇸💙
Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) is one who is speaking up--a lot. See what he said today, for example:
Steve, I propose you write something on Chris Murphy. Draw attention to him.
Steve has mentioned Sen Chris Murphy’s name in his videos at least 2-3 as someone who is actually doing something, speaking with passion & fighting back.
Sen Murphy has started writing here on Substack fyi, go find him & subscribe.
Recommend his his newsletter every time you comment on Steve’s Substack & others too. Thank you
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long.
There is a huge protest being planned for Washington DC for the weekend of Mar 14-15-16, the 17 too if u can stay.
It’s especially asking for Veterans & to wear your uniforms; also any fired govt employees like the firefighters, park rangers, all of them. Everyone is invited. The Sons of Liberty are involved in this too. Help share this video & the message to every sm platform you use. We NEED massive numbers to show up, like the million man march. This vid explains it & is just 12 min long.
Don't speak or understand French, so his is useless to me.
Susan, you can put on close caption (cc) on the video, and it will come up in English.
Phyentinol come more from China through China. With that said the Opioid Crisis was brought to us by the Pharmaceutical Insustry not the Cartels. I remember seeing injured friends given Oxi for minor injuries from woe and the Comp Doctor kept them on it until they could no longer work and had to go thru addiction therapy more or less ending their Comp claim. I watched good decent people destroyed by this crisis. And the ones responsible have not paid a price nor will they ever but in order to clean it all up we need to remember where this all started.