Could you support Kinzinger for president? I feel like I could if there was a viable path for him. Maybe Klobuchar or Ryan on the bottom of the ticket. America just needs to survive the next four years.

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I think Kinzinger has already been heard or read in full. I'm not against him- I'm for others to benefit from your platform. I can suggest Tim Snyder, Jeff Sharlet, David Hogg, Ron Brownstein, Wes Moore, Ta Nehisi-Coates... I could go on. How about any of the embattled Secretaries of State whose ability to conduct elections is under enormous pressure?

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Thank you for recording! Looking forward to it

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This is great! Adam is still a registered Republican, and won all of his elections by large majorities. I want to know how and if he’s going to talk to the people of Illinois and larger audiences (like ours) to help defeat Trump. This is where the rubber meets the road, will men and women Republicans that won elections with endorsements from Sarah Palin and Eric Cantor, move non Democrats in 2024? It’s clear Cheney is working the mic 🎤 as much as she can, Thank you Steve! Looking forward to hearing if Adam will get the vote out since he’s no longer in Congress!

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For every article that includes "Jan-6 insurrection" I can safely stop reading having concluded that the writer does not pay attention to the actual definition of words, and is engaged in hyperbolic political propaganda.

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Frank, you hallucinate.

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Ignore Frank. He's nothing but a troll.

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Mary, you write crap.

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Wow. You haven’t been paying attention to court interpretations of the Jan 6 riot and the organized planning and plots to abolish democracy after the Nov 2020 election which led up to that riot.

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You might want to discuss how to fix lies in the media. Here is the science. It is a free link that can be distributed.


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It has been said that we don't live in a "pure" democracy. If we did then the voters could vote for anybody or anything. A few examples of "pure" democracy when voting for president: In the presidential election we would be able to vote for someone who was born in a foreign country, someone who was 21 years of age, someone who refused to take the presidential oath, someone who was an unrepentant insurrectionist, someone who demanded the right to pardon himself for any crimes. Other examples of "pure" democracy when voting for people's rights: The right to vote to suppress freedom of speech, suppress freedom to worship, suppress freedom of peaceful assembly, suppress freedom to be treated as innocent until proven guilty in a court of law with due process.

We have restrictions spelled out in our Constitution (which includes the Bill of Rights) that the public must respect even though they might not want to. You may call this "limited" democracy as opposed to "pure" democracy.

That's what the Colorado case is all about. Inform yourself by studying Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. It's in the Constitution !!

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No, I will not join in with championing or supporting any GOP elected official, and it does not matter how beautifully and constantly they bash Trump.

I fell into the habit of needing Kinzinger to take on Trump. He has become a champion for those who want Trump to be ripped down. He became a hero for the left because it appears that he will lose his next election out of being Primaried, and that is why he is dropping out.. Kinzinger lose his primary because of bashing Trump? Boy, what a hero Kinzinger is...I guess.


Why was Adam Kinzinger ever a Republican at all? That is not a party with empathy for the poor.

If he thinks for himself and ever wanted to be in "empathetic politics", then why was he not a Democrat? If not that, then Green Party member, or a Democratic Socialist? The answer is not a pretty one.

Why does he STILL belong to that discusting GOP party? If he ever had FDR values, yet won't join those parties, and sincerely wants to be a protester against the MAGA heads, then let him start an Independent party. GOP values are the worst.

Democrats are slightly better than the GOP, really- at least slightly. Remember the " Lion of the Senate", Ted Kennedy? RFK? John Lewis? Much better men. And some towering, great women, like Shirley Chisholm, first black woman to run for president? That's dignity and character for you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shirley_Chisholm#:~:text=Chisholm%20became%20the%20first%20African,the%201964%20Republican%20presidential%20nomination).

A GOP is still a GOP. I cannot stand the GOP and never could, not since Lincoln.

Nope, Kinzinger has to leave the GOP and have a genuine change of heart, for his own good.

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Hey Steve,

How about you and Adam listen to this and talk about it on the 18th?


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I shared the comments below with a community member about Keith’s podcast in an earlier post:

I listened to what he had to say. Keith makes many good points.

I don’t take a backseat to anyone in opposing Trump. My position on him is perfectly clear, and I completely agree with Keith on the speculative questions on what Trump would do. In fact, since it’s hypothetical and unknowable, I’ll take it a step further: I don’t think Trump and a great many people around him would hesitate to murder political opponents. When I use the term “little Eichmann” for Stephen Miller, I’m not name calling. I don’t use the term loosely. It’s precise and a description for a set of attributes that was more widely appreciated closer to the tragedies they wrought.

The question of disagreement is around how to finish Trump off. Certainly there are enormous legal issues at hand, and it could be that’s how he goes out. Or, it could be the American people who decide to rid ourselves of him. I worry about 50 years of political consequences that occur because of a legal outcome that breaks faith in the system completely enough that we rid ourselves of Trump in a way that brings us Trumpism.

Donald Trump’s conduct and the cowardice that has enabled it has led the country to an abyss. This issue about what we need to do about it in 2024 is one of the most consequential American decisions ever facing the country.

I’ve reached out to Keith to invite him back on The Warning podcast to discuss this. I hope he accepts.


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Hey Steve,

Doesn't whatever we do to finish him off have to square with The Constitution?

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Thank you. Along those lines, I am concerned that due to the third party dilution of votes there will not be a candidate with a clear majority of electoral votes and the GOP congress will call an emergency session and elect Trump , per the 12th amendment.

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Hey Steve, I hope Keith accepts, however, I still think the topic would be a timely discussion for you and Adam..

Your assessment of the situation facing the country is clear and succinct.. I appreciate where you and Keith are in agreement..However, regarding where you are not, I just can’t seem to wrap my head around ditching the mandate of our Constitution..and the Pandora’s box that it could open..Well let’s face it, would open..This is a topic that must be addressed..

Breaking open the discussion earlier than later seems to me the thing to do..While waiting to hear from Keith, your upcoming talk with Adam Kinzinger looks like a perfect opportunity..


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