Mace maintains a double standard regarding her political endorsements. She wants to be a representative of the victims of rape, but endorses someone who has been indicted and found guilty of that crime! She fits the MAGA mold 100%‼️

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And then defames E Jean Carrol 🤦‍♀️

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Nancy Mace, like Lindsey Graham, are simply media whores. They have nothing relevant to say. They need attention like a whiney child. Rewarding them with attention only reinforces the negative behavior and makes us all dumber listening to them.

The media has to be more discriminating as to who to interview. Stop enabling these hollow, desperate people.

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And that goes for Kari Lake as well.

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I deplore politicians like Mace however I disagree that giving her attention plays into her hands. Shine the light on this person so we can all see her shallowness and dishonesty. I predict she will self-destruct.

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Steve asks, how can it be that the person ABC picked to be questioned by “the smartest person” at the network is Nancy Mace? Unfortunately it comes as no surprise that Mace was chosen though, and it reflects the dumbing down of the news and current events programming on all networks. This is where we are. It would be nice to see more intelligent journalists asking important questions like Stephanopolis did here. Everyday people who support Trump must be asked how they reconcile their support of him with their stated values and the ideals of American democracy.

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They didn't choose Nancy Mace to dumb it down. They chose her to make money. Plain and simple. And I don't know how to stop this pure profit motive, other than wise legislation. And the last chance for wise legislation along these lines was maybe the mid-1980s. And everyday people (i.e., previously "normal") who support Trump reconcile their values (i.e. avoid cognitive dissonance) by taking on his. This is consistent with historical movements of this kind. It just has to be beaten, not convinced, at least not yet.

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So your response to Steve’s question is that Mace made ABC money?

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Yes. Thoughtul debate is nuanced and hurts people's brains, and they don't like it. Nancy Mace is ice cream with sprinkles. Something to love or hate. This attracts viewers, which helps ratings, which sell advertising. Money.

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Ok sure, but your description sounds like dumbing down to me…

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OK let me put it this way. Chuck Schumer talks dumb on these shows too but he's also boring. Boring doesn't make money.

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Sort of like covering TFG's rallies wall-to-wall on every single network in 2015-16 because it was good for ratings, right?

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“Mace’s lack of self-awareness borders on the clinical as she demands entitlements, and proves belligerence is not wisdom and obstinacy is not courage.”

Steve, as usual, you are being too kind! She doesn’t lack self-awareness because she knows exactly what she’s doing.

Mace is a shameless, opportunistic caricature of the entire evolution of the new GQP. She’s truly representative of the entire Confederacy of Dunces, and no better than the entire South Carolina delegation of nitwits, half-wits and the witless; devoid of original thought or backbone.

She says George was trying was trying to shame her for having the audacity to ask the question, yet she’s incredibly ignorant of the fact that by supporting Trump, and stating he wasn’t convicted in a criminal court, that she’s essentially calling E. Jean Carroll is a liar.

This is the very characteristic of a MAGA-MOM; raised in a religious institution and brainwashed to believe in the patriarchy. Rape isn’t rape, and any women hit or raped by a man, had it coming.

Mace isn’t just shameless, she’s shameful!…:)

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Mr. Jaffee, correct on every count!

Steve is just warming up, he's about to spit Fire and Brimstone! ;)

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I no long call it the GOP.

Its now the WOP.. “whacked out party..wigged out, weirded out, pick your poison

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Agreed, that’s why I put GQP, The Grand Qanon Party….:)

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Yes, but. She has now been exposed on a widely-watched news show and her ignominious behavior revealed to a bigger audience.

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Exposure is a great thing. Maybe it’ll break through to many who are straddling the political fence!

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Implying some level of intelligence to interpret as you indicate might be giving many too much credit. Our society is replete with examples of "there is no such thing as bad publicity". Sadly, for many viewers, their take-way will be, "Poor Nancy was raped at 16" and "she put George in his place and stood up to someone trying to bully and shame her. Good for her! God bless her and TFG!" It is truly FUBAR.

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Steve, you are 1000% correct. Frankly, all this discourse around rape is just weird. Katie Britt, the so-called Christian mom, gives a long, quasi-porno description of a rape on national TV, for her kids and the entire world to see and hear. Then we have this Mace thing. I can just imagine the fat old white men with their closets full of metal penis extenders slathering over every detail. Every time I think they can't get worse, they get worse.

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This is the Congresswoman who told her staff that she wanted to be booked on TV 10 times a week. She couldn't care about her actual job.

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She’s the latest example why you never reward blind ambition.

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Just like the other Republicans that direct and appear on their own podcast conducting the most ridiculous interviews of whatever Maggats they can drag in off the street or the capital buildig.

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For once since I've been reading your column I can honestly disagree with you and feel I am absolutely correct. Nancy Mace is no Nora Desmond. I have seen Sunset Boulevard many times and each time I see it the acting is artful and moving. Gloria Swanson brings to life a character who once held the celluloid world in the palm of her hand. She was so admired that her long time director and past husband still wants to be part of her world as a butler and chauffeur. On the other hand, you have Nancy Mace, most likely one of the 3 blind maces of fairy tale legend. She is so full of nuclear waste that she produces shit faster than her body can rid itself of it. The shit has backed up so far that it has invaded her brain cavity and taken over all signs of intelligence. It is medically known as the MTG effect. It is a serious condition for non serious people. The cure if detected early is a difficult one. If left untreated it is highly contagious, especially in Red States. I recommend staying as far away from people who have the MTG affliction. They may seem harmless from afar but in reality are a danger to themselves, others and democracy. Please check with doctor if you think you may have contracted MTG. There is hope if diagnosed early enough but without treatment of heavy doses of truth during the early stages of the disease it becomes fatal, not fatal for the patient but for democracy.

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Symptoms of MTG also include spewing, spouting and spitting mace.

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LMAO, you are correct with you list of symptoms of MTG, they are numerous, too numerous to count. However, the absurdity of the symptoms is the how absurdity takes over all faction of brain function.

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Brilliant analysis, Patrick!

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Mace is yet one more example, among many, of the quality of candidates today who run for office in this country and get elected. Clearly she’s not fit to serve, not because of her rape experience (which she’s weaponizing here), but because of her deficient critical thinking, world view, demeanor, and view of public service (leader centric, not servant leader focused). It’s all about her. As unfit as she is for public service, what about the political system that more and more is electing people like Mace? What about the voters who supported her? What’s this say about them? Clearly we have some fundamental flaws in our political system that need to be addressed. Americans need to learn to choose better. We need to come to some type of national consensus as to constitutes an exemplary Congressman or Congresswoman and how do we attract and encourage the best and brightest of us to run for public office (instead of those like the Mace)? We need, imo, to work together to foster a positive civic dialogue on this important question.


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I'm not sure there is any hope for the current crop of people, mostly Republican, who occupy the seats of power. What we can do now is work our butts off to elect them out of office and elect serious people who realize that it is a privilege to occupy a seat in our nation's capital. For the long term we need to stop the takeover and decimation of our public school system and among other things require classes in civics and how government is intended to work.

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Agree! Short term we need to work hard to stem the looming darkness and threat to democracy of Trump and his MAGAism. Long term regarding our youth, I’m also wanting to pursue improving our processes so that our best and brightest “bubble up” to serve in elected office for the right reasons. Another concern about people like Mace and others like her in public office is the example they set for our children. It’s a poor one, a horrible example actually. As I often say, we can do much better.

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We need more dialogue around how children are being affected by MAGA insanity. Thanks.

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You are absolutely correct! For every job in the world, candidates must have experience, some semblance of intelligence, character , honesty and integrity, but somehow those running for public office, especially our Congressmen and women are exempt through a political system that has become corrupted and allows it. Why is that? They represent us, for crying out loud! When are Americans going to wake up and demand that the people we choose for public office meet some basic standards of qualifications for the job. It is embarrassing! How do we even begin to address this issue?

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In my opinion, it starts with civic education, something that is sorely lacking and deficient in the U.S today (and has been since the early 1950s). Democratic norms and values have to be learned, so they must be taught. Many of those running today for office often don’t even know what democratic norms and values are, much less believe in them or exhibit them in their behavior. Consequently, they’re easy prey for other political philosophies, especially populist authoritarianism manifested as fascism, but disguised as conservatism. As a retired city manager, I started seeing this anti-democratic MAGAism ideology creep into city council and school board elections. These young adults were candidates for public office, yet had virtually no commitment to or knowledge of how to practice democracy. They had not been effectively taught democratic norms and values or appreciated why democracy, while not perfect, is still the best governance system for us humans to flourish in. We must fix our civic education system for our democracy to survive, imo.

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Mace conducted herself in a way that was so obnoxious and repetitive, that I am surprised the interview, which was circular and went nowhere, was aborted. She and Stefanik are competing for most obsequious and trump boot licking women in the GOP. She came off very badly and disgraced herself as a power hungry, principal-devoid politician. She actually admitted that she turned MAGA to satisfy her voters. Talk about lowering yourself to the bottom rung of our electorate, eh Nancy?

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I'm envisioning her statement just before this interview: "Katie Britt, hold my beer."

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Deep inside of her she must be so broken, so miserable and terribly afraid.

That being said, the media must stop giving a platform to these elected officials. There are far more important and interesting issues/people that should be interviewed and heard from.

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I just had a similar conversation on FB with some friends. Yes, somewhere at the core of Nancy Mace is the "godhead", Buddha, her luminescent divinity. I made that case for Clearance Thomas when I said to a former colleague: "Imagine the knot of confusion and pain that must be sitting in him." Unfortunately we have to deal with the countless layers of twisted obscurations that compose what we see as Nancy Mace, not her divinity buried somewhere in there under a mistaken sense of herself.

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"Clearance" Thomas...love it!

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"Over and over again, she tried to bully Stephanopoulos by weaponizing her victimization, and wielding it as a shield to defend a convicted rapist." This interview felt very personal to me, given the sexual violations I have been through in my own life. Nancy Mace fails to speak out for those who've been violated and for those who will be violated -yes, young girls, as she was. Rather, she gaslights the interviewer, shames HIM, plays the 'victim', defames E.Jean Carol (says she was sexually assaulted, not raped...?!) and endorses a rapist, who 'grabs em by the p*ssy', endorses an insurrectionist. This is what abusers do! MACE IS AN ABUSER of every person watching her idiocy. Not only is she failing to protect women from sexual assault, she is endangering them. Enraging.

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That interview was painful to watch. I have compassion for anyone who is violated, but Mace is an embarrassment, as are so many other Republican cultists.

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So in Mace's distorted logic a rape accusation and conviction in a civil trial doesn't really count. I guess in her world men are now free to rape away all they want and if the woman complains he just says, "Sue me" and if he can afford the settlement he walks away clean as a whistle. Makes no sense to me, but then I'm not a MAGA.

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Even before she became noticeably erratic and downright strange, I always found her off putting. When she was first elected, I tried to keep an open mind and thought perhaps she might be one of the brighter bulbs in the party. But I did not find her to be intelligent.

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This is more important as a commentary on the MSM than as a commentary on Nancy Mace. Is it any surprise that Americans don’t understand how close we are to losing our democracy, the danger of Republican ties to Russia or the danger Orban represents? Why is the MSM wasting time with Nancy Mace ? No Edward R Murrows here. Is it greed?

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Agree, Carol. The owners of MSM care only for profits, and just like Orange Jesus, not a shit about the country. They believe that OJ will protect their vast fortunes-tax free-and couldn't care less who wins in Nov (they prefer OJ over Biden, obviously.

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