“If liberals insist that only fascists will enforce borders, then voters will hire fascists to do the job liberals refuse to do.”--David Frum

I’m sorry, exactly which liberals believe in an open border policy? This is nonsense, perpetrated by the right-wing whack jobs that also believe there’s a “War on Christmas” and Jesus was white!

When Trump was president, there was a bi-partisan immigration bill bill passed by Congress and waiting for Trump’s signature, before Trump’s favorite fascist demon, Stephen Miller, put a Breitbart article in front of him, stating that immigrants are responsible for 90% of all murders, drugs and rapes in this country. So the diaper Don of the Mango mafia nixed the bill.

The bill had $30 billion for the wall, thousands of new CBP agents, upgraded equipment at border checkpoints, and an upgraded immigration process. All liberals asked for was that all Dreamers be granted a path for citizenship.

Bottom line: republicans continue to use immigration as red meat to the base, yet do little to control the flow of undocumented immigrants into the country or try to solve the issue. In fact, they are a hindrance to immigration reform and the reason it can’t be solved.

It’s the same nonsensical argument that republicans are better on crime and the economy, when all evidence points to the contrary. What democrats need are better marketing consultants and advertising firms, because they suck at messaging!

Just some thoughts!...:)

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How do we get the Democrats to understand how bad they are at messaging!!

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I know this sounds arrogant, but I know exactly what to do and how but there are so many layers of access and egos that I could never get in place to do it, even though I have been in that business for 63 years. First you have to harness a cadre of passionate, influential people who care about maintaining democracy and know that the only path is through Biden. This group. entertainment celebrities, sports celebrities and other exalted well-known people would be designated to carry the message to groups in which they have earned respect and influence, 6 talking to Blacks, 6 to Hispanics, 6 to Youth, 6 to Women, 6 to LBTGQ, 6 to Seniors. Aim those people, all volunteers, to the segment suited to each to carry a message tailored to the interest of their target audience touting the success of Biden, the promises of Biden, Democrats) and the threat of Trump, all in their terms. Then have Biden mime the FDR Fireside Chats in a 2023 version, 30 second messages to target audiences each with one point only. ie Why is reducing/removing student debt so important? or Why must we guarantee women's rights over their own bodies? Biden messages have no speechwriters, no telepromptrs, off the cuff from the heart - authentic. I could get six of those in one morning if handlers would back off and let the man be the man with his superb mind and 50 years of experience. He is an expert so treat him as one. The other element is the kind of thing the Lincoln Project and others are doing. Make clear the nature of the Trump threat. He is actually helping you with his bombast. Hammer home the ways in which Republicans block progress, put people at risk, build the wealth inequity in the country, encourage gun ownership, steal women's rights, threaten Obamacare and Social Security and on and on including their total inability to govern as reflected in the do-nothing, shattered House of Representatives. Extend this attack to the Republican State legislatures where efforts are made to suppress votes, cheat women etc. Each day that goes by without a coordinated, aggressive and operating communications strategy is one day closer to DOOM. Trump doesn't have to win anything to win, he needs to make sure that Biden does not reach 270, thanks to the spoilers lining up to bring America down. Then it goes to the House where Trump has the win. Beware complacency. Scare the poop out of everybody if you have to. Pull away some of the media's fascination with the car wreck Trump and his cohort have become. Fight for it. Scream! Time is running out.

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Bob, your approach is excellent -the best I've heard yet. Let's do this!

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Hey, DNC, hire this guy!

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Agree, especially with mimicking the FDR fireside chats. One would think this would be so simple to figure out. I keep yelling, to myself, about getting Biden on Prime Time. Not arrogant, Bob. I believe we could get a group together, from The Warning and come up with a messaging plan. Steve could look over our work, but I believe we could do a good job.

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It occurred to me reading this that we already have those talks. Listen to Marianne Williamson. I'm not even urging electing her -- just listening to her. When people say things like "make clear" seems pie in the sky. It's not so much about getting clarity as getting listeners. Best way to do that is to address income inequality -- have-nots vote for Trump.

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Donald Trump has zero interest in have-nots. They are about as annoying as chewing gum on his shoe. They are wasted space, ignorant, useless and the only guy that cares a damn about them is Biden. Yes, it’s simple. We have to live with some degree of stupidity but good communications can be effective. You can trigger a response with the right words and images. Trump knows how to rile these people but not how to help them. Biden is about helping them - a great beginning, a communications opportunity.

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"....a communications opportunity." I really like your spin on this!

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Most of us realise it, and have for years, but none of our brilliant minded Dems know how to fix it. Or have ever known. I consider myself a prime example of non-knowingness. I’m a lifelong liberal Democrat from a lives-long Democratic family. I also follow politics closely.

So why didn’t I know how much Biden and the Dems in Congress have done for the country since 2021? Because it’s not talked about. Instead, Dems like me are getting pitch after e-mail pitch from candidates literally begging for small amounts of money for their campaigns. And, IF YOU DONATE, particularly through ActBlue, you’re subjected to more and more daily emails, begging, begging, BEGGING for money.

The result is that I, and others like me, don’t give money, because the cost of involvement is too damn high. Candidate A might be a great candidate but I’m not going to give $5 to find out, when I will be inundated with...more begging.

Stop the begging emails with “spurious” giving deadlines. I know candidates must be financed, but this is a particularly tacky way to do it.

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If you truly followed politics closely you would know what the Dems and this admin are doing. We have a media that refuses to actually cover what is happening because they are so fixated on the horse race and Biden’s age and turning everything good to crap. How many times were good job reports twisted into “but recession!” The NYT pitchbot is so successful because it captures the absurdity of that once great paper’s pathetic political coverage. It’s HRC’s emails all over again.

Why are you so angry that candidates are asking for money? Dems get pilloried if they take money from deep pocket donors--most who give to the GOP anyway (see Haley, Nikki) because they are greedy and don’t want to pay a dime in taxes. Elections are expensive. Ads cost a lot of money as do the mailers I bet you just throw away.

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We need to have strict campaign finance laws. Citizens United has led to the wholesale corruption of our politics.

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MAP, I totally agree with your post, with a couple of corrections. Your point about having a media that fails to cover the real issues is true, but that media is what keeps the casual citizen somewhat attuned to what’s happening both in government and in politics. If they’re not writing about it, it’s not covered. I go down a few layers and read and participate in Raw Story and Political Wire, among others.

Biden’s accomplishments are covered often as a counter point to the age and energy level issues. They should be covered as their own. But, as you point out, the media wants a horse race.

As for raising money, I know the candidates have to do it. I’m just objecting to the way it’s being done these days. I have given for years through ActBlue and have considered them a reputable organization and a good conduit to Democratic candidates. These emails - and I’m sure you’ve received them - begin with touting the many problems the campaign faces, then gives a deadline to donate (seemingly the quarterly federal accounting periods). Not much is written about the issues or what will be done with your donations. Your donation only guarantees you further pitches.

I really wish I could come up with answers…

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Why not research and decide which candidates you'd like to support, then unsubscribe to all the others? I've found that, though it can take a while, candidates are good about removing the name of someone those who ask. It unclutters things at little bit.

And if we want Democrats in office we need to support them. Small donors are an important part of a candidates base, and how else can they be reached but through online solicitation?

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Margowendorf, that’s basically what I do, do.

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Gammyjill I am in 💯 % agreement with you. I won’t even answer poll questions that come to text or email because they inevitably lead to the donation drill. Even though I donate what I can there is no place to say “hey I would love to take your poll but have already donated to my limit”. Another reason why polls may not be accurate.

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Maybe that’s a better question for Steve, I’m a finance guy...:)

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Because of the type of work I did, happily retired now, had to spend a great deal of time on messaging and change management. It is amazing to me that the communications team, who would be far more experienced than me, miss the basics. Just amazing.

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Agreed. I think part is the dynamics of the media. Actual journalists treat each side legitimately and basically legitimize Trump’s behavior as normal. While they still criticize democrats (which they should), they don’t criticize Trump in the same way for fear of losing access. Trump has a plethora of right-wing media he can turn to. Where do democrats go?

That said, the right-wing ecosystem also coordinates with Trump’s team on talking points and agenda issues, as well as carrying water for the guy. It’s a complete cluster-f.....:)

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The journalists acting very brave always asking impossibly one sided questions against the good guys are too afraid to challenge the real wacky fascists.

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Very true

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If there was an easy fix to immigration, it would have been implemented years ago. Countless minds, much greater minds than my own or those in the heads of my fascist neighbors, cannot solve this problem effectively.

It is a lie that those "liberals" are responsible for, or love, open borders, or that we are waiting for fascists to do something. We want righteous immigration. Fair immigration.

What we value is diversity, and the history that brought, by far, the vast majority of our ancestors to this country. As a result, we recognize we are only here because they were allowed to emigrate.

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Thing is, how would the general public know this? People are busy, working, running kids around, living. So far nothing has or is breaking through this living to let them know.

Over Thanksgiving, I had a brief conversation with my sister-in-law. She was talking about some issues, in Indiana being the Democrats fault. I calmly explained that our Legislature was a super majority of Republicans, that our Governor is a Republican all the way down to our Reps in Congress. My question to her, based on the super majority was how would the Democrats be responsible. She got quiet and we moved on.

She simply did not know.

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It was very interesting for me to observe during the conversation. I saw it in her eyes the moment something clicked. 1. She is not really paying attention, being told by others as you pointed out. 2. She had not been using any critical thinking skills to think through these issues. Happy to report no anger erupted.

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Hi Susan, basically you asked your sister "....based on the super majority... how would the Democrats be responsible?" Asking a question like you did here is hugely important to help people start thinking for themselves!

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deletedNov 29, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023
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Nov 28, 2023·edited Nov 28, 2023

Repugnicans have brilliantly played the MSM for decades, peddling fear and hatred via an ethics-free, profit-driven corporate structure that places shareholder return uber alles, to effectively distract from their core avarice and incompetence. Democrats, and democrats, would do well to take note and adjust accordingly. The entertainment industry is brimming with potential PR help here; see Taylor Swift.

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I’ll never forget the sick feeling and shock I had waking up the morning after the 2016 election to find out he had won. And now the thought of that happening again, knowing what we know now and what we’ve all been through since then, is terrifying and unacceptable.

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I viewed a video the other day, part of a Trump speech and thought again, how the hell did this guy ever get elected. Then read about Musk being in Israel and spent the next few minutes thinking WTF. It is all mind boggling.

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Eric B. Dezenhall, the fire extinguisher for corporate elites here gave his pretty cogent analysis. Sure it is not 100% but something meaningful. https://youtu.be/F69EoY8Wk5w?si=jVmoJ0y0XG7NzCcb

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There are decent people like Mr. Schmidt, but not enough. Our country is so uneducated that there is a foolish right and an evil far right. The fear of socialism is our downfall, right through the uneducated, , and what is called "the left" and up to the alt-right Koch Brothers.. Antyhing starting with "Socia.." and already Americans's eyes glaze over with distrust. The old McCarthyism never died and is still rampant here. I have certainty of few things but that I am certain of. I wish everyone would read "Democracy in Chains" by MacLean.

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deletedNov 28, 2023·edited Nov 29, 2023
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JWO, I appreciate your sending us all that quote.

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Trump just needs to shut the hell up. HE needs to quit threatening anyone + everyone just because he is finally being held to account for his actions. He needs to accept the fact that he is a lying criminal and that the law is coming for him and he is going to prison. The entire government needs to treat him the same as any other indicted criminal - quit it with the kid gloves treatment. He a lying piece of shit and should be put in one of those green dog poop bags - a really big one - and throw in the trash, hopefully to never be seen or smelt every again

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I have to believe that a majority of Americans will not hand the country over to a narcissist, sociopath, authoritarian. But I could be wrong.

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they did it once...

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Declaring one's own righteousness , as I do, and as we all do, means nothing. Loving animals, the birds, the creaures, and fighting for their happiness is the best thing anyone can do. I never did it very much--not nearly enough. But I loved those who did, and I die a little each night from wishing I had been able, heart strong, to fight for the rights of animals like those grand, noble people did whom I knew well and loved..

The human race is finished, because we never loved animals enough.

From our tiny regard for creatures, came the ovens of Treblinka.

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I’m keeping my eyes on and closely watching Judge Luttig’s strategy to keep this traitor off the ballot. He stated he is willing to present Colorado’s eventual appeal when it lands at the foot of the Supreme Court. Of course, they are a crap shot as well..... but it is something.

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This securing the border argument really vexes me. Not sure what side Steve is promoting but Republicans think that building a "big, beautiful wall", (this is my impression of their solution) is going to be the solution to protecting our borders, then this is just another big lie. I mean, there is ample evidence of the expensive folly already being breached or washed away etc. Dems are notoriously awful about not promoting their own solutions which to me seem more technological in nature, drones, etc. and reforming the administrative process. For example, our Agricultural producers need a consistent, knowledgeable workforce that 20 years ago wasn't a problem finding but is now with all the xenophobia going around. My Mom is in an assisted living facility and they are so woefully understaffed and can't find good help that I always say that letting some of these immigrants in to work in jobs Americans seemingly don't want to do is a good idea. Admittedly, very complex issue and don't know all the nuances but am interested in hearing Steve's solution to it other than just quoting David Frum.

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Oh Steve. The world is fucked.

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Steve, I’ve approved of nearly everything you have posted. Love your work, your delivery and your outlook.

However I heard your rant against Elon Musk and was taken aback. I do follow his philosophy and appearances from time to time. It seemed to me that your take on him was not just excessive but malevolent. It might behoove you to interview him in person to determine whether you really still believe he is antisemitic as you claim he is.

Just a thought, Steve. I do think you might be wrong about him. Linda

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Whether Musk is anti-Semitic is irreverent; he enables white supremacists, neo-Nazi’s and fascists on his website X; which is worse than being anti-Semitic.

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I will check this out… thank you for heads up. So far his refusal to censor opinion does not mean that he agrees. He is adamantly freedom of speech and opinion as well as anti interference the expression of perceived insult. Whatever the offense, I care to know. I’ve never heard a religious or antisemnitic smear from him. Again Neo Nazi? Fascist? White Supremicist? Don’t think so… will look…

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Agreed, he doesn’t say it out loud, but he does “like” white supremacist comments and shares them. That was the point.

You’re correct, he hasn’t utter the words but he’s been an enabler.

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The power Musk holds is extremely toxic when he gives thumb up to the theory of white genocide the right wing ideology energizing nazis.

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I didn’t know where to make this comment so I’m making it here. I listen to Pod Save America on the regular and today they had an interview with Dean Phillips. Steve, I have to say that I liked what Dean has to say on the pod. And he didn’t cut off Favreau and Lovett like he cut off Kaitlyn Collins. I would like to hear more from Dean about how he plans to handle the smears and the hits and the attacks from Donald Trump that he will inevitably receive. Can you address this with him on your YouTube Warning channel? I would also like to hear him address how he could break through a constipated, hateful, and deadlocked Congress to pass the legislation he embraces. I liked what he had to say about the status of his campaign next summer and to vow that if the data supports Biden over Phillips, he will drop out and go ten toes down for Biden. This was a much more thoughtful and less combative Dean Phillips on PSA than on CNN with Collins.

How will he encounter the attacks and demonization that are coming his way?

I want Democrats to win. If Dean Phillips can stuff a win in the bag, I’m all over it. But he has a lot to address at this point.

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Declaring one's own righteousness , as I do, and as we all do, means nothing. Loving animals, the birds, the creaures, and fighting for their happiness is the best thing anyone can do. I never did it very much--not nearly enough. But I loved those who did, and I die a little each night from wishing I had been able, heart strong, to fight for the rights of animals like those grand, noble people did whom I knew well and loved..

The human race is finished, because we never loved animals enough.

From our tiny regard for creatures, came the ovens of Treblinka.

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I got this flash of an idea about solving the unsolvable border situation, where the way humans are treated is inhumane. Why don't we build housing in border towns so human beings aren't dehumanized while attempting to get into the country?

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There was a seqment on Deadline Whitehouse recently where the panel was debating the level of Trump's authoritarian ambitions. It was said probably not like Xi's China or Putin's Russia, but more like Turkey's Erdogan. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? If the Trumplican ball ever gets rolling, look the F out!

In light of so much evidence, the underestimations of what might lie ahead are staggering. Just do the math. This is eleven months from the 2024 election. You ain't seen or heard nuthin' yet!

Trump is desperate. Cornered. What is to come in the following days--before the election--will be worse than what most people imagine. And if Trump is elected, MUCH worse still.

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