I managed to watch this, Steve, even forcing myself look at Kristi Noem, who makes me physically ill.

MAGA might win in North Carolina, which is pretty damn sad. I see the Trump & Vance yard signs, which outnumber the Harris & Walz signs. I see women in pink shirts that say Women For Mark Robinson.

Personally, I think it is larger than a cult and points to a societal sickness.

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Tomorrow will be interesting John. To see how many people vote in NC the first day. Keep your head up, I know people voting for Harris, They dont have a sign up. I still have my dream of NC going blue this time.

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The cult factor combined with the power of social-media algorithms could doom us.

I'm posting a link to the 2.5 min trailer for the Netflix documentary 'The Social Dilemma':https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaaC57tcci0

Quotes from experts who designed these algorithms: "Lies travel 6 times as fast as the truth."; "This is check-mate for humanity." Thank you for listening to and for sharing this link :-)

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It is truly dangerous that people do not understand that algorithms decide what you see., hence what you come to believe and who you interact with online. And even more dangerous that a lot of people do know, but don't care . . . because they are already in the cult. I will watch the full documentary. Probably should be mandatory viewing.

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If Michele Morrow gets her way in North Carolina, the teaching of science in public schools will be in grave danger. This is another sociopath who has risen close to the top in this state and is only one election away from destroying public schools.

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I found 'The Social Dilemma' documentary to be shocking. Mandatory? Some day!

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Update. First three days of voting in NC have set records each day. Over double (roughly) for the first day compared to 2020 first day. When I voted yesterday, the judge said it had been very busy all day for the first three days.! Yeaaaaa. I think it may be a good sign.

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I also like to think this is a good sign. If people want normalcy, sanity, and decency again, there is only one path.

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The Plan: get Trump elected, using 25 Amendment Vance declares Trump incompetent due to dementia, Vance becomes president and Theil and Musk and the Billionaires get their moneys worth. They just have to keep Trump intact until voting day.

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Two puppets. The first one gets elected and the second one takes over. Vance can be defined as:

The Manchurian candidate is a person, especially a politician, being used as a puppet by an enemy power.

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Exactly. It just makes sense.

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I think you're right about this being the republican plan.

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The cult factor combined with the power of social-media algorithms could doom us.

I'm posting a link to the 2.5 min trailer for the Netflix documentary 'The Social Dilemma':https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaaC57tcci0

Quotes from experts who designed these algorithms: "Lies travel 6 times as fast as the truth."; "This is check-mate for humanity." Thank you for listening to and for sharing this link :-)

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The part where the truth is republicants plan to lose with tRomp the get jdVance would choose #25 to bump tRomp then rearrange the ticket wouldn’t be that fantastical but I see it as another unworkable theoretical conspiracy.

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I meant win with tRomp.

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Pure Powerful Excellence, Steve! This is one of your best videos ever. Thank you.

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Cult, movement, whatever. Call it what you want. The problem is that those 80 million dupes are about to plunge our country..and the world..into darkness. KH and her top surrogates must spend the next 19 days screaming from every rooftop about the insanity that has taken over the Trump campaign. The losin' it old guy image of Dancin' Don and the madness of him raving about using the military to go after "the enemy within"...those types things must be on the minds of voters as we head into November.

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The American Dupes scare me. There are far too many of them.

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Outstanding rant, Steve. My advice is to stay in this lane, rather than backseat driving the Harris campaign. I have to believe they are watching these performances and incorporating them into the playbook. Yesterday, with Charlamagne tha God she was admitting that Trump was a fascist. It will be interesting to see how far she presses the issue with Bret Baier. She’s probably wary of getting into deplorables-speak.

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Clearly and persuasively explained, Steve. I hope that families of Trump victims can start to understand and deprogram them.

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The North’s victory in the Civil War may well have been pyrrhic, since America appears to be a Confederacy of Dunces.

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It’s the job of the media to alert citizens of this danger. Instead all they do is water it down.

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This election, in a nutshell, is an apocalyptic contestation between empathic patriotism and shared psychotic malignant narcissism, civilization and Jonestown writ large. Tough choice?

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A question for Steve. I was just reading an article about MAGA doing something called “flooding the polls.” Apparently, in an effort to influence the election, polls are not getting accurate results due to this “flooding.” The way the article read, Harris may actually lead in all the swing states, if not for this flooding of false responses to polls.

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Vance said Chump did not lose in 2020. I hope enough Americans wake up to the clear fact that the Nazi’s are knocking on our door.

I am very much down on the Electoral College. Instituted because of slavery, it could enslave us. Karma.

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Media ain’t gonna do shit, Steve.

When news became entertainment, the soul of journalism withered away. This is not denigrate those hard workers who are actually doing real journalism, but when everything is a $, or a click, or a like, or a view, a lot of truth goes by the wayside.

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The difference between Trump and the other dictators, in my opinion, are three fold…

1) they had an overall philosophy/vision for their empire.

2) they were not as dumb as a rock

3) they weren’t easy influenced by flattery

But they all had in common…. They bit off more than you could chew

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But can you really refer to Trump supporters as a “cult“ when they are almost 50% of our population?

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Yes, MAGA is a mass-cult movement. Millions of people are extremely brainwashed. I was raised in an extremist cult (ages 3 to 13). It is exactly the same insanity with MAGA :-(

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What if the Trump Campaign for President is all a big fraud project for money? Sure looks like it. Donnie is only playing a candidate for office. It's all an act. He's not a wise political leader with good ideas and policies for America. Donnie just says crazy shit and millions of fools send him money. The Press goes along with the scam, knowing the truth. Donnie is hoping no one finds out.

Here's a red flag for his fraud/scam/grift/con game:


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