I wonder why the 'media' hasn't fully covered, or 'uncovered', the glitch in the felon's brain when he went 'Mitch' McConnell in Montana? He just stood there, unresponsive for at least a minute. Why is this not the NYT's headline? Finally, how is that the felon was allowed to vote in Florida today? Shouldn't he be arrested like the African Americans Ron D. had arrested a few years ago? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Wonderful picks of your dog and daughter or step daughter Steve. Congrats, it looks like an amazing and fun time.

That said, what I find more than ironic is how the media was all over Biden’s cognitive decline, yet Trump doesn’t even seem to know who he’s running against; and all we hear are crickets. Coincidence????

That said, I must admit I’m having an incredible schadenfreude moment watching Trump completely self-immolate, and his campaign staff play the “blame” game, while their careers Caren into the abyss.

Even better is how all of Trump’s sycophants in Congress, and lap dogs (I mean you Lindsey), are having a Deja Vu moment, watching Trump and the new and improved GQP, snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Only in Trump’s America!

Furthermore, I must admit at this stage in the game: an assassination attempt on the anointed one’s life, a GQP convention that looked more like The Jerry Springer Show on crack, and the overall morbid horror by the rest of us having watching our fortunes slowly fade into oblivion this election cycle, I couldn’t be happier.

I’m not one for petty revenge or vindictiveness, but I must admit, Trump and his cabal of worthless human turd bowls, deserve everything they get, and more; more or less…:)

Additionally, now is not a time to be complacent, we still have work to do. Perhaps you can provide us with your thoughts about making sure we win all the necessary swing states to prevail this November?

Let’s close the deal now!…:)

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Aug 14Liked by Steve Schmidt

I love these kinds of newsletters Steve. Went to Mackinac Island about a year ago for the first time and share your sentiments precisely. Wonderful place. Delightful photos...thanks.

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Yes, Chump is in my state today. Probably with his sidekick Mark Robinson.

Perhaps they can tell the Kool-Aid addled about Robinson’s belief that we were a better country when women did not have the right to vote.

Perhaps the rest of the state, the sane ones, can toss this duo to the curb on Garbage Collection Day. That day is November 5th.

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Yep. Robinson is with him in Asheville. Two repugnant men in that liberal city. It must be rural folks if anyone attended. Dont forget, we need Mo Green and not that lunatic homeschooler, repulsive woman for Dept of Education. My dream, we go blue this time. Fingers crossed. Howdy fellow NCer.

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Howdy. Michele Morrow is positively vile. Between her and Robinson, we scraped the barrel’s bottom, which is standing room only in the world of MAGA. Hopefully neither go any further.

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We got Robinson , the black man who says - yes in deed he wants to go back to the time where women couldn’t vote !

We got Royce white another black man who says ; today women have just become too mouthy !

Two black men - who know the fight it took for them to gain the right to vote - and who’s people today ( black men and women ) still get turned away at the polls - or whose voter registration get thrown out and shit canned !

Theres something wrong with the brain

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Aug 14Liked by Steve Schmidt

Sweet pictures!

And, “President Norma Desmond.”Love it.

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I hate to spoil everyone's fun, but Trump and his decline....I feel exactly like that worthless cow did during the pandemic and people were dying by a thousand everyday....I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU Donald the Rapist. You are a loser and I just do not care about your decline only that I hope justice is served with you in prison until you rot. Look at the state of our country and how you have spread hate among us and division. Rot.

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Welcome back to Michigan, Steve! Mackinaw Island is a favorite spot for us Michiganders. I haven’t been in a few years, but may go in the fall. Looking forward to watching and listening to the attached video today. Looks like spectacular weather for you this week (At least for today!). Enjoy your time in the island.

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Oooh I love it!! Another great #SchmidtStorm Steve!! Thanks for the positivity today of the downfall of Trump and MAGA. Going to send this to my last remaining Trump-voting friend. It just might help.

The pictures are gorgeous too. Hope you're having a wonderful time!! I'm so fired up for the Convention next week!! Even my Mom is excited and she is a Republican. It's like you said. 10 years of chaos is ENOUGH. Ready for normalcy again. So ready.

Have a great, safe trip!! ❤️🇺🇸💙

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A picture is worth a thousand words. The photo of your little girl and Mabel running joyfully through the grass towards the ocean speaks volumes about what our country is all about! There is hope, joy, freedom, family and love in that image which is in 100% contrast to the photos of Trump, Musk, Graham, MTG, and others who not only have no positive visions for our country, rather they want to destroy it. Your ability to show 'contrast' is powerful, as you did with the photo of the U.S. Olympic team a couple of weeks ago. This election is about 'restoring goodness', hope, integrity and love.

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If you love this island, you must check out Beaver Island in the middle of Lake Michigan! I studied Ecology at the Central Michigan University biological station back in college. There’s a few restaurants and cool bars to explore. The town of St. James is where the ferry lands if you come by water from Charlevoix. But there’s a small unmanned airport for those who want to fly their own plane or take the commercial puddle jumper from the mainland. Lots of cool biology to discover.

But, I will warn you, no one comes to

That island without the town being aware of your presence. It’s quite funny.

Also, Beaver Island was the only Kingdom in the US after the Mormon’s ran off the Irish to claim the island for their own. The Irish did return to destroy that “kingdom”. 🥴

Any who, just check it out online.

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The polling shows that KH is heading in the right direction but Trump always seems to outperform the polls. Kamala needs to keep the pedal to the medal and campaign as if she is still behind.

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The women voters need to show in November that Robinson’s belief that "we were a better country when women did not have the right to vote" will prove true when Kamala wins the election.

Go ahead you stupid Republicans and ignore us, but it would be wise if you didn't, because in the United States the male to female ratio is about even, but the population trends show that there are more females than males. The U.S. male to female ratio is 97 males for every 100 females. Women outnumber men in all but ten states. Keeping in mind that there are also many Dem. men who support a woman's right to make her own health care decisions. We out number these MAGOTS!

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Donald said that he will move to Venezuela if he loses the election during his interview with Musk. I am ready to step up and pay for his one way ticket. Please Donald go, bring your family and perhaps convince the Republican party to go with you. You can create your own Jamestown. Call it Donaldville and I will chip in for the coolaid too. To quote a once great actor turned Republican, make my day.

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Perhaps you might like the movie Somewhere In Time starring Christopher Reeves filmed on location at the Grand Hotel.

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I love Mackinac Island, I grew up in Michigan.

It’s great that people are feeling so hopeful about Kamala, but we cannot be complacent. There’s still a substantial chance Trump could win. We won’t change Trump supporters, but we can try to convince anyone “on the fence” to vote Democratic. 40 million REGISTERED DEMOCRATS did not bother to vote in 2016, which is why Trump won. So we must contact people we know in swing states who are undecided, Democrats who often don’t bother to vote, or Independents. (I know people in the Mid-west (Covid deniers, SMH) who want to vote for RFK Jr. - I’m going to politely explain that could send their swing state to Trump.)

Also, if Trump does win, we’ll lose the Senate. (As the White House goes, so goes the Senate.) So it’s important to elect more Democrats to the House – the House is a protective firewall. OATH does a great job of identifying races where donations will be most effective. And if you donate thru Oath, they protect your privacy - you won’t be bombarded by subsequent messages from candidates you’ve donated to. https://app.oath.vote?ref=ZEI3HZQZ&p=f4d-house - Oath is a wonderful site, they let you specify issues near and dear to your heart – stopping Trump, abortion access, LGBTQ rights, and so on – and they show you which candidates would benefit most from your donations. They only recommend promising, yet under-funded candidates. Meaning, those who’ve already raised plenty of money won’t really benefit from your donation. This is a much more effective way to donate.

Please forward to your friends!

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My family spent every August at our cabin vacationing in the Upper Peninsula on the shore of Lake Michigan. We drove from Indianapolis and always stopped at Mackinac to stay at the Grand. As the years went by we always photographed the children playing on the beach in somewhat the same poses. Now, I am 80 years old but I have the photos framed and hanging where I see them frequently.

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