Donald Trump is unfit and spiralling. That is the story
PLUS: This past week's commentaries
I do not know what will happen in 52 days, but I have faith that the American people will reject a loathsome man leading a worse cause. He is unfit morally, psychologically, and intellectually for any position that requires judgement — let alone the office of president of the United States.
Among the extraordinary aspects of this most rotten epoch in our politics is that it took 3,377 days between Trump’s arrival via escalator and his humiliation for someone smart enough, tough enough, and smooth enough to stand toe-to-toe with Trump, and call him a disgrace to his face. Kamala Harris was no Little Marco, Lyin’ Ted, or any of the other weak men with soft hands, brittle spines and the lack of character to illuminate the truth that Trump isn’t strong, but rather a bully and a fraud.
His astonishing meltdown during a debate watched by almost 70 million people live — and nearly everyone else in some form after the event — was a moment in a long, painful, unraveling that is hidden in plain sight by an American political media that was substantially destroyed by Trump. He revealed that they were mostly a reflection of him — just like so much of his opposition. What it has left behind is a disoriented population that can’t tell what is real and what isn’t, what is a threat and what isn’t, what is deadly and what isn’t. Pretend has been allowed to replace reality in the name of “balance.”
Last year, I wrote an essay about boomers. They are the most powerful weapons that have ever been conceived and built by human beings across all of human history. These ships are SSBNs — ballistic missile submarines — and their highly-trained crew of sailors will launch the weapons without debate, delay or resistance on the orders of the commander in chief. What would follow has been called Armageddon. Perhaps, the world that would exist 20 minutes after the launch can best be appreciated with this observation, “The living would envy the dead.”
Here is something that is important to appreciate about this moment — and all moments of choice — at which the fork in the road looms for a nation at the precipice of catastrophe. This moment is disguised in the siren song of strength, dressed up in the ego of a leader who has mesmerized an audience with grievances transformed into virtues and defeats into victories.
When Adolf Hitler conquered Paris in 1940 he toured the city with one of his favorite architects admiring the architectural magnificence, with plans to transform Berlin into a city that would surpass it in all areas. Four years later, Berlin was rubble, and Hitler was ordering General Dietrich von Choltitz to destroy the world’s most beautiful city. Understanding the decomposition, unraveling and rage required to destroy what was coveted, held and lost is of great importance in this moment because, fundamentally, this is what Trump attempted to do after he lost the 2020 election. He gave the proverbial order to burn Paris, and he sent his arsonists with lit torches to do it.
Hundreds of these people are convicted felons like Trump, but they are sitting in prison while he campaigns and celebrates their crimes. The Trump insurrection was a clownish attempt, though deadly serious and deadly. It was not so different from a putsch in Munich in 1923 that would later be lionized into a heroic attempt to save the nation with annual re-creations and marches in celebration and remembrance of the villains who made way for the men who had not yet set their sights on destroying the world. The Ashli Babbitt of that era was named Horst Wessel. Like Babbitt, he had a song and their cause had a leader.
Nazi ideology was based on the lie of scientific racism, which I have written about extensively because it is the deadliest lie in human history.
I’ve written about it because Tucker Carlson reintroduced the concept to millions of Americans. Now, Uday Trump, aka Mr. Kimberly Guilfoyle, has embraced it fully. Here is the Trump scion, whom Donald worried about bequeathing his name to because “what if he was a loser” said on Thursday in an interview on Real America’s Voice with Charlie Kirk:
You look at Haiti, you look at the demographic makeup, you look at the average I.Q. — if you import the third world into your country, you’re going to become the third world. That’s just basic. It’s not racist. It’s just fact.
All of this is the manifestation of a gathering evil that must be confronted and stopped. Now.
Donald Trump isn’t smart enough, young enough, stable enough, or capable of being president. His ascension to the job once was accidental. This time it will be like lighting an extinction bomb under the foundation of the best idea in history.
Lastly, there is something that must be said about Donald Trump, and I offer the following as an example of precision not hyperbole. Donald Trump is a pig.
While he was talking about whether the vice president was Black or not in the debate, he also said this: “I hear she put out.” Have a listen:
During a seven-day period, Donald Trump desecrated Arlington National Cemetery, Ground Zero, declared Haitians are eating America’s dogs and cats in a terrible racist smear. He also said to the vice president of the United States something that is so asinine, disrespectful, misogynistic, and shameful that one would be confused for thinking the man who said it was an adjudicated rapist, with 34 felony convictions, and a first wife buried on the first hole of his golf club where a Nazi recently dined.
Oh wait, Trump did say it, and incredibly, I haven’t seen anyone who has reported on it.
I guess most of the media missed it. I’m sure most of America’s women heard it though. How could they have not? Surely they are listening to Donald about how much he wants to help them figure out their future, problems, and anything to do with their gynecological health. It will be perfect. Just perfect. I think I heard Donald promise that, and according to Scott Jennings at CNN, you can trust him.
This past week’s commentaries
Looking to get caught up on what you missed in U.S. politics this past week? Here are some of my commentaries:
I heard it and no one has reported on it until now. This should be front and center in every MSM outlet up and until the election. You are exactly right, "He Is A Pig", and like most pigs he should be butchered (figuratively speaking) at the polls on Nov 5th.
Not often at a loss for words as some may have observed, and I rarely type his name. But I'll simply say Fuck Trump. Apologies for any delicate sensibilities that may offend, but I have no other words as it applies to everything about that POS in my opinion.