I heard it and no one has reported on it until now. This should be front and center in every MSM outlet up and until the election. You are exactly right, "He Is A Pig", and like most pigs he should be butchered (figuratively speaking) at the polls on Nov 5th.

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He will be. Butchered that is, on Nov 5, and Boomers (not the kind Steve mentioned) but the living breathing version boomers, who witnessed the Cuban missle crisis, JFK's assassination as well as MLK and RFK, The cold War, Viet Nam, etc..... will play a big part in destroying him at the ballot box. Supplemented by all the minorities he has slighted, women. And young people who are stoked. This boomer cant wait to throw that first left hook then the KO punch. Happy fighting y'all.

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I cannot wait to vote Blue straight through! Destroy Trump at the ballot box is right!

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Oh I hope you are right! Seems like so many people are delusional.

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I agree

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I heard it. He debases this country every day.

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I had not heard this misogynist slander against Harris until Steve Schmidt addressed it today. (Thank you Steve). Trump is a rapist, a groper of women, a sexual predator who went into dressing rooms of young girls during beauty pageants, saying something like "...because I'm a star, I get to do this" = PERVERT. He calls women "nasty"?! The most infuriating part of this is that HE wants to control women's bodies and would sign a national abortion ban.GO HARRIS!!

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I heard it too, and the only place I saw it addressed until now was on Nicolle Wallace's MSNBC show.

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I heard her, too.

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Not often at a loss for words as some may have observed, and I rarely type his name. But I'll simply say Fuck Trump. Apologies for any delicate sensibilities that may offend, but I have no other words as it applies to everything about that POS in my opinion.

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I’m with you too Mike!

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Nicolle Wallace (MSNBC) heard Trump's slang remark tucked into his diatribe on whether Kamala Harris is Black or not, and after playing the whole of Trump's statement on air (9/11/2024), she said, "Stop everything" and, with a gulp, slowly repeated Trump's statement that he "read she's "not Black" and that she "put out, and I'll say that." Then Nicolle commented (to her guest Rev. Al Sharpton), "Donald Trump calling the Vice President of the United States a slut on national television and we just keep rolling, like that was normal? It's hideous. It's odious. In a normal time that should be a disqualifying moment." I, too, thought it was hideous and disqualifying, but I've seen no other coverage of it. Trump's seeming to get away with this insult has infuriated me all week. Such a deliberately foul-mouthed slang remark is so demeaning and so disrespectful to Vice President Harris it took my breath away. It strikes me as far more offensive that his generalized "grab 'em by the pussy" demeaning of women in the Access Hollywood tape that came to light in 2016, and many people thought that would surely be "disqualifying." Steve has called it correctly. Regarding women, Trump is, and always has been, a pig. Thanks, Steve, for being both carefully observant and unflinchingly direct.

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I didn't know that Nicolle had called Trump out with that awful slur. No surprise that she caught it, and called it out.


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The moderators should have demanded that TFG 'clarify' his comment. He should have been disqualified for slandering his opponent in this insidious way in a national debate for POTUS.

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These debates are structured in a way that keeps to a bare minimum (or zero) demands for such clarity. These mods have egos too, and they like to get all their smart questions out in the short amount of time they have.

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Excellent point !

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I missed that despicable insult at the debate and on Nicolle’s show. I agree with the sentiments you express. The news media is derelict in their coverage. As it has been for the last nine years.

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Nicole Wallace reported on that disgusting comment. She's the only one I'm aware of though. I can't wait until this nightmare is over..

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I wasn't aware that Nicolle had called it out. It doesn't surprise me that she did.


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I was struck by that 'put out' comment as well. Wondered if I heard it right. Guess I did.

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I heard it and knew it was fully intentional. Truly, the man is a pig. There’s no more to say.

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I didn't hear it, but it was likely more fuel for Harris to DESTROY Trump in the debate.

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Nicole Wallace reported on the “put out” slur. The only one of MSNBCs talking heads to do so.

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I wasn't aware that Nicolle had reported on Trump's grotesque slur. I'm so happy that she did.


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I think it was Thursday’s show. You should call her!

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I missed that obnoxious comment about VP Harris "putting out." Upon reflection, I thought he was saying she "put out" that she was Black. As ridiculous and racist as that is, it is now clear to me that it was a made-up sexual slur against Kamala Harris. What a vile, disgusting, unscrupolous pig this man is. We all must contribute whatever we can in money and work to put VP Harris into the White House and her opponent behind bars, where he most assuredly belongs.

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I just realized I was being unfair to pigs in referring to Trump as being one.

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Yes, it is an insult to pigs who are dirty, but not evil.

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I heard the words in there, had interpreted it the same way you did, but in reviewing, it's clear what he was saying. I did hear Joy Reid, I believe, say he just called her a slut. Now I see what she meant. Thank you, Steve, for keeping us on our toes. The man is repugnant.

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Glad to hear that both Nicolle Wallace and Joy called him out for his disgusting comment.


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On reading other comments, I stand corrected, it was in fact Nicole Wallace.

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TFG cannot win the honest way. His only tactic: berate his opponent and tell lie after lie.

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Sep 15·edited Sep 15Liked by Steve Schmidt

It is clear that from every measure, the great American free press has promoted this dangerous man to the enormously powerful place. American media has forfeited its place as the preeminent member of the American pantheon of politics in upholding the genuine democratic values. Political talking points and show biz flash in the same gutter where tabloids float. Press freedom now only gives Putin and the likes a free pass to our conscience. Which is why I only start my day with a dose of Steve Schmidt.

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The “free press” stop being a free press in the 1980s. It became people magazine ( sorry to disparage People). News outlets became more about attracting ads and likes than journalism. Even our newspapers have been corrupted. Journalists are more about their personalities than their ability to actual get to the root of stories or inform the country.

All news sources both left and right have been corrupted. Fox was only the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure if we were privy to corporate memos at CNN or MSNBC or OAN and NewsMax, they no longer provide the real news. So people, in search of the truth are left in the dark and fall prey to internet “sources” and “influencers “.

Obviously Trump has always been a troll (Loomer), Musk and so on.

Main stream news on Sunday have stopped presenting serious people to actually inform people. Instead we get more and more unworthy unreliable sources like Lindsey Graham, Stephen Miller, Byron Donalds, … it seems it’s a a news race to the bottom of the toilet.

Honest journalism is dead. The direction is headed for state run propaganda.

If Trump wins this reality will be here by next year. Stop the Steal of real news!

It’s so easy, ask Trump what were the sources of the Haitian story , ask Harris on what basis she changed her mind about fracking. Simple journalism. Just tell the people the news and keep your opinions to yourself. That’s what we, as a people, have to tell the networks, then we won’t have to go to the dark web of the internet to find what we think is truth ( where there is no restraints on disinformation or at least misinformation).

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Thank you May…

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Has the MSM become like the National Enquirer now?! Great post, May -thanks!

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Thank you so much…. Very kind of you

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Between this comment and the ad Trump ran with Harris/Hillary (Truth Social) suggesting Harris gave BJ’s to achieve her positions in office, it tells us all we need to know about Trump and his minions.

What truly disgusts me is how the MSM is falling for the bright, shiny object, and reporting this nonsense about Haitian dog and cat eaters, which has only proven what a circus and “unserious” a media we have.

The MSM has been reporting that the Haitian claims have been disputed, or that there hasn’t been proof that such a thing is happening. Of course there isn’t proof, it’s a LIE!!!!!!

The MSM knows the story is bogus, yet they have now sent news teams to cover a “bogus” event, that is now causing bomb scares and death threats to Haitians and the citizens who live in Springfield.

So ironically, they are now covering the fallout of a bogus event, that they themselves help instigate and promote, and which is now threatening to end in violence and bomb threats against the citizens of Springfield. Outstanding!!!

So think about this! Trump and his vast right-wing conspiracy nut jobs, make a bogus claim, easily disprovable, yet the MSM continues to treat this bogus claim with the same vigor and veneration as Trump’s assassination attempt or a true and relevant story.

That said, the MSM has singlehandedly helped keep Trump’s name in the press (all free media coverage is good media coverage), while simultaneously continuing to promote a claim that could eventually get people killed or hurt. And they are doing this for ratings and money: End of Story!

Furthermore, the MSM has legitimatized institutionalized chaos. They are giving conspiracy theorists and fascists a bully pulpit to disseminate false and misleading information that foments hatred and violence. And by keeping the focus on Trump, and this nonsense, all his lies go unchecked, and unanswered; confusing the voter even more.

What’s worse is how the MSM responds to Trump baseless lies like ABC was in cahoots with Harris. Or how factchecking during a debate makes it a rigged debate. Seriously? Last I checked, ABC is a reputable journalistic organization who is supposed to deliver the news or truth. How can a reputable company allow anyone to knowingly lie to their viewers? Trump wants to make sure that the MSM can’t even fact check so they can spew lies and force the consumer to do their own research. And we all know how that ends.

Bottom line: the MSM has a responsible to offer the truth and correct the record of lies and misinformation being disseminated during a debate or during their broadcasts. Otherwise, we aren’t close to Orwell’s 1984; we’re already the living embodiment.

Just some thoughts…:)

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Superb, Robert! Thank you for expressing it exactly like it is!

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Excellent comments!

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Right On, Robert -Thanks!

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I am so flabbergasted that people, especially women, still support that idiot. they are truly brainwashed. I hope that Kamala is elected, but worry about Trump and his followers reaction.

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Sep 15Liked by Steve Schmidt

Steve, I have said this before, but the goal post keeps moving (ie, you keep setting it higher). This is one of your best pieces! I hope this is shareable, because it needs to be shared widely.

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Sep 15Liked by Steve Schmidt

I just posted his second paragraph on my Facebook feed.

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Yes, Steve brings knowledge, experience, devotion, & creative gifts + sheer Grit. Share it!

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Keep telling the truth!

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You betcha I heard that comment. Don’t ya know she owes her entire career to Willie Brown because she “put out”? There are memes dedicated to that premise that suggest that, and worse. There’s more than one Pig out there. There’s a generation of them in plain sight who are members of a cult.

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I heard it! He is such a wretched pig. Thank you for another great read!

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While we’re on the subject, what has Laura Loomer put out? What has Donald Trump put in?

Sorry to have ruined your breakfast.

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After watching the debate on Tuesday and the way the VP eviscerated Trump, one could think that sanity might prevail. And Steve has said that whoever the campaign is about, loses. But in viewing the importance of Pennsylvania in regards to electoral votes, and the toss up state of affairs in Pa, it’s beyond frightening that this election is as close as it is. I’m having difficulty processing that reality.

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I accept it this way: This phenomenon did happen overnight. It was decades in the making, at least 50 years, and in full action-plan mode for over 30. After Jan 6, like a Cat 10 hurricane eyewall replacement cycle, it is now at its peak power and very, very close to winning the day. It doesn't just go away because a few tiny islands of critical thinking are dropped in the path. They might take just enough teeth out of it for us to survive, but the damage is going to be around for a long, long time.

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