The excitement is palpable. We are emerging from our funks with energy, optimism and clarity. The money spigots have been reopened and are flowing to support a brilliant and successful campaign. Thanks, Steve for helping us adjust to this new light.

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LOVE this ----- "I guess that's what a black job is ---- President of the United States."

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We tried it once, and Obama was incredible. Let’s show the world we can do it again and shatter all expectations.

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Nice job Steve please keep it coming…I look forward to your discussion on the VP choice and of course all the joy that Kamala will bring to the DNC!

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I am so proud that the first woman President is going to be a woman like KAMALA!! Beautiful!

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Norma Desmond...I'm dying here 🤣🤣🤣🤣

And what a nice change in the air! I'm enjoying Trump unravel over being called weird! It's delightful.

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I used to have some respect for Tom Cotton and Chris Sununu. In my working days, I worked for several Republican politicians in New Jersey, so I see no need to demonize what used to be honest people with policy differences. There was always common ground to solve problems most of the time. Sadly, both of these men descended into Hell, also known as MAGA. Redemption is not possible for either of these men.

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Senator Cotton was actually stupid enough to say Trump was joking when he told people if they vote for him they will not have to vote again.


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To think Arkansas voters unseated the centrist Democrat US Senator Mark Pryor for Tom Cotton tells you all you need to know about that state.

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A fading Trump is a dangerous Trump. He fears being considered "Yesterday's News". He has to know if he loses, even Judge Cannon won't be save him. On a sidenote, I suspect that if Trump loses, Chief Justice Roberts will see the handwriting on the wall and do what he so far has resisted: make sure that the SCOTUS must follow the same ethics rules that every other Federal Judge must follow. Roberts isn't stupid: her knows that if he doesn't, President Harris most assuredly will; possibly even go farther than President Biden has suggested.

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Roberts has sold his soul and gone over to the dark side. He won't be coming back. Trump, the malicious and evil clown, is presiding over a dark comedy. Only Roberts in the Supreme Court borders on tragedy. Either story would make a gripping series and I suspect that both are in the works.

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Ist- Frank Lee...where to start. Who are these never Trumpers who are suddenly planning to vote for Trump. Can you name even one? 2nd- "dingbat"? How rich, from a guy..unless you are an AI troll..who supports a candidate who has the IQ of a head of lettuce. That said, the Dems should remember what got them back in this. Keep KH out there, every day, but first and foremost make sure to constantly remind voters of the pathetic monster lurking on the other/GOP side. Pedal to the medal. 24/7. Trump must be defeated.

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I also have wondered if he is an AI troll. It is possible. If so, he is an AI of remarkably low intelligence.

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We keep feeding him. And we don't do it right. Try this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPwnf42Umng

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Jeremy Sherman is excellent and wickedly clever in his diagnosis of and prescriptions for dealing with MAGA cult trolls/bots.

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Recently Trump proved his political genius. He said the VP selection is unimportant and people don't pay attention to it. I don't blame him after choosing "Weirdbilly" Vance as his runnung mate.This jerk just chose the most inexperienced, loud-mouth ass, in our nation's history. A man who would become president if these two buffoons were elected and Buffoon #1 had to leave office for some reason or died during his tenure; he is 78 and appears to be in terrible health.

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So…my obligation to continue to admonish those among you who are permitting your skis to get way out front of you shows no sign of abating.

A bare knuckle boxing match is a truly ugly thing to witness. And that is precisely what is taking place. Make no mistake about this.

No quarter will be given by a malignant, depraved, ugly, and evil scumbag who knows this is literally victory or death.

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What is so exciting about VP Harris for POTUS is that the young people are also getting excited! Not since Obama was a candidate for POTUS, were the youth this excited about participating-and I say "YES!"

We have a candidate that meets the needs of voters, Kamala is a modern woman; a wife, in a mixed marriage, and step-mom, with a career; she is an African-American, and an Asian; she younger than most candidates we have had, she is from the West Coast, she is smart, she is personable-love the laugh-she is a person who shows her emotions! Kamala relates to the "melting pot" of America, because she IS a "melting pot", all by herself!

I think that America has been blessed with VP Harris, as our POTUS candidate; and Trump can't figure her out-how great is that!

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Liked for many reasons. The term "creature cantina" to describe the Republican VP pool is a good one. :-)

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Yes, there's nothing like a good 'Schmidt Storm' to clear the air! Taken 'em down Steve!

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I hope to God this evolves exactly as you foretell. 💙💙💙

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A faith group in North Carolina has decided to come out against MAGA Weirdo Mark Robinson. They are saying he is “misusing Jesus.”

I’m glad this happened, but I will also say that this is ridiculously long over due.

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Good News! Encouraging!

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I'd like to find some way to float an idea. It's in the category of not proving our ideas to be good but exposing how dangerous Trump is. How about if people also took a stab at what's going on in his brain -- not to hurl criticism at him, but to expose him. Like this:

Could this be his lizard brain speaking?

"The big box that I’m in is to win. That’s really all I see. Everything that comes up goes on the gameboard of how I come out on top. It’s just the way I am.

"You know about telling a big enough lie? That sounds so tame. I don’t evaluate based on lies and truth. It’s not my objective. And I do see how well it works to have the lies get bigger and bigger.

"My objective is to win. I’m off the charts in that regard. I don’t even really know what love is. But to be honest, it doesn’t matter to me. It would get in my way. And I see the principles of fairness, but they create pawns for me, little people in my game, to be swatted away. And I can’t get too stirred up by those apocalyptic things, since they don’t figure to kick in while I’m still here.

"I want whatever I want when I want it. Even that isn’t the biggest truth. Winning is even bigger. What is that about me? It just is. Like I have skin. I didn’t like growing up, and the winning thing just kicked in. It wasn’t even life or death. It just was.

"I’ve gotten so good it. It gets easier and easier, where I’m kind of riffing in it now. I’m saying weird things that I’m letting myself do stream of consciousness, or some stream of something, and I stay excited seeing the fuss I stir up in the newspapers, on TV, the funny skits and parodies, I am omnipresent. Oh god, it is so sweet.

"You know, you only live once, and to just keep slobbering along as a winner suits me fine."

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His ear did quickly grow back…

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I agree, Steve - Kamala gives us all hope! But we can’t be complacent, we need to educate swing state and Independent voters to vote Democratic.

Focus for Democracy has cost-effective, time-tested programs to generate Democratic votes in swing states. Only $300 spent on outreach gets a Democratic vote, in contrast with other options that cost thousands just to get 1 vote. They actually have research to back this up. Focus for Democracy has decades of experience crafting effective campaign messages. Sign up for their next Zoom - https://bit.ly/F4D7Aug - it's Wed. Aug 7 at 5pm PDT/8pm EDT. They do a zoom every 2 weeks; they explain how they test and refine messages that generate more Democratic votes, particularly in battleground states. And they track the results. They need donations. But those who can't donate, you can forward Focus4Democracy's info to everyone you know. https://www.focus4democracy.org

Right now is a critical time in the campaigns.

Downballot races matter too. State Congress, governors, and judges are sometimes elected. States are particularly important in protecting abortion rights and voter rights if Trump is re-elected. Visit app.oath.vote - they identify the most crucial races where your donations can make a difference. We can only vote where we live, but we can donate money nationwide - and we can also email our friends around the country.

Who will join me in taking action?

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