Stand up. Act up. Or we will surely lose the future. "What hurts the victim most is not the cruelty of the oppressor, but the silence of the bystander." - Elie Wiesel

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Love this inspired quote. Ellie Wiesel is my hero.

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Was just listening to Bob Marley and Peter Tosh rendition of ‘Get up, Stand up’ .Then read this. Yes. And yes.

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Yvon Chouinard is quoted as saying, “Evil always wins if we do nothing”

I believe what we are witnessing is based in evil.

It’s a powerful, dark entity that fills the depraved, greed filled, soulless and power driven actors. And it has unlimited fuel by the complicit media that refuses to call it out.

The survival of our country is in our hands. We have the power to stop this destruction.

Thank you Steve for once again speaking the truth so eloquently

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I wish I had your ability to express oneself so well. You deliver a prose that hits all the high notes in describing the abhorrent behavior of wannabe dictators and their followers. Their depravity is on display every day.

Once I believed Fascism could not take hold here in American. Now, I am not so sure with the rise of Fox News. These Right-wing propaganda outlets have normalized Fascism. They wrap it up in the American flag to disguise it but it is unmistakably Fascism. I have seen family and friends fall under their spell and it enrages me. I know truth is a powerful weapon in this struggle but it is falling on deaf ears. I fear the rewriting of history is happening at an accelerated pace, too fast to be countered with truth. I hope I am wrong and I pray truth sets us free from the tyranny of Fascism.

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I have been saying for years now that the truth matters, and that there is such a thing as the truth, not spin of alternative facts, and that if you repeat a lie a million times it never becomes the truth, ever. Our entire system of government is based on an understanding of irreducible truth, and our system of laws is constructed with that as a foundation. Our choices couldn’t be more clear, do we want to live in a society that is based on a foundation anchored in the truth, or do we want to follow a serial liar as he destroys the gift we have been given, whose idea of truth is whatever comes to mind that will give him an advantage no matter the consequence’s. Steve is dead on point, Fascism is a seriously looming threat, and it can come from the extreme’s of either the left or right, I never would have thought it could gain as much traction as what we are witnessing, but I was wrong, I look around my neighborhood and don’t see any sign of it which gives me hope, and I live in the Deep South, the seat of the confederacy who’s flag opened this letter. Admittedly I live in an urban area that voted overwhelmingly for Joe Biden but I just spent a week on the FL coast and saw little signs of it either there or in my travels. That is not to say it’s not just below the surface, I have no doubt that it is, but maybe most people don’t want to overtly embrace it, which may be a sign for hope.

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It’s there. The problem is they don’t think it’s fascism, they think they are right to want to control others because they feel threatened by anyone who is different in any way. They have closed their minds to the possibility they might be wrong. Fox,Breitbart, OAN and other outlets have encouraged them to feel threatened.

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My neighborhood, in a red area of SoCal, signals their fascistic and racist tendencies by flying the "support the police" flag - the flag of "the thin blue line". Years ago, a spouse of a policewoman explained to me that they flew that flag in solidarity if somewhere in the US a police man or woman was killed in the line of duty. That was an admirable justification. But we all now know that its meaning has morphed to support of Trump, white racism, and fascism. In my little HOA, there must be at least 20 thin blue line flags flying 24/7. I despair for our country.

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It is cause for concern, I fly the American flag 🇺🇸 24/7, I had it upside down from July 4th until Senator Warnock won the runoff. I fought for the flag and there is no way that the POS who lost to President Biden can hijack why I fly it.

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I agree but it is there in their lack of interest and denials regarding Trump. I think it has already taken hold, like a sickness.

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When lucidity breaks through darkness with the magnetic force that is you, Steve Schmidt, when words and reason are belief in the dignity that we all deserve and live for, hope becomes selective for those who trust and understand that democracy is the sole system of government that guarantees the dignity of man. To defend and protect democracy is the one course of action ahead. This community gathered here is made up of women and men who understand that such is the action we must all take. Vote with the wisdom that there are too many bad candidates running for office in America. Too many. But what sets them apart is that for every Vance there is a Ryan, for every Mastriano there is a Shapiro, for every Abbott there is an O'Rourke. Good candidates are fighting for our dignity, mobilizing voters against all odds like Stacey Abrams. America shines with the talent and determination that can weed out bad candidates, fake candidates, those empty vessels that point towards becoming time bombs if let loose to pursue MAGA delusions that have nothing to do with the greatness of America other than the destruction of its very foundations that, by design and vision, have given its people what no other country has, a Constitutional Republic for a nation of immigrants and committed to the signature of treaties with its Native Americans. It is an affront to our dignity as American citizens that Donald Trump still parades through Washington D.C. as if nothing ever happened, spewing his mockery and name-calling to get the laughs from those who think alike, hate alike, denigrate alike, and taunt the power of the Rule of Law.

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Zampierollo said: "It is an affront to our dignity as American citizens that Donald Trump still parades through Washington D.C. as if nothing ever happened, spewing his mockery and name-calling...." Yes, there is something so WRONG, even horrifying, with the fact that tRump is out doing organized rallies when he has proven to be a threat to our country -everyone watched it with their own eyes -duh!! He needs to be in jail!

tRump IS 'the BIG LIE'!!!

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Yes, I agree with you that he is the Big Lie. I agree with you also that there is something so Wrong. The circumstances that follow his lies are so off, so unacceptable, that his continuing rallies threaten our country, mocking us (who would be behind bars for a 0.000001% or any other nonsensical fraction of what he and his accomplices cheering on have done), mocking the very judicial system in a way that is so insane.

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Please circulate this more broadly. This is one of your best pieces and should be read by everyone.

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I will share with my nephew who is a high school history teacher. I’m sure he would share this with his students.

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Good idea, Ann. It is likely that many high-school students will actually enjoy reading 'The Warning' due to Steven's gutsy and relatable writing style. His writing is the opposite of 'dumbing down' education. As a teacher, I know that many students enjoy and will step up to a challenging read IF they're interested and motivated by it, and the material is made relevant to their own lives. Steve's posts, or excerpts from posts he's written, could be excellent resources for a variety of classes, including history, civics, english language arts (writing, speaking, communications). High-school debate classes or clubs may greatly benefit from Steve's powerful posts. Education matters!!! (Thanks)

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I am sharing Richard Haass' new book with my nurse's 15 year old grandson. Ann, your nephew might like it.

I was shocked that civics isn't required by anyone, let alone everyone. Haass may ne a tough read for him. Any suggestions for an age appropriate civics read? if the schools won't teach our kids, it's up to us.

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I surely do hope your teacher nephew does not live in FL. or TX. Although, he is desperately needed in both states.

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Circulate this particular post any way you can. AGREE, Frank! I feel this would be an excellent article for one of the top news magazines, or newspapers. Some printed hard-copies of this article left in your work place lunch room, local library, neighbors mail box, ETC, even anonymously, could make a difference in saving our democracy. Education matters!!

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Steve, Your voice is unique, at least to me, among political commentators, in that your prose evinces the true emotions of the moment you are delineating. You come across as blunt, knowledgeable, and forthright. I for one appreciate the tenor and tone of your powerful remarks. Thanks for your clear eyed knowledge of history and its importance, still, in our daily lives.

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Thanks for another great article, Steve. I love the historical perspective to bring clarity to our current challenge. In order for the "millions" to conquer over the "thousands", the leaders of the "millions" need to put asided their battles and band together to bring the extremist movement down. FDR and Churchill put their hatred of communism aside and built a winning coalition with Stalin to put down Hitler. Democrats need to understand that the fight is no longer between conservative and progressive causes, but a battle to save our democracy.

The Republicans are using culture wars and left-right debates to fracture this majority coalition. I hope the "millions" are closely watching the 1/6 hearings. The committee itself is setting an example. Adam Schiff and Liz Cheney have put their differences aside to fight for our democracy. I hope the "millions" can follow their lead.

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The beauty of your truth gives me hope BUT Steve if everyone does not vote to keep the house in Democrat majority strength with Pelosi and exact enough Dem’s in Senate to avoid the filibuster

I’m afraid we won’t resolve the terror of

Trump & his pack of thieves & give

Consequences ….unless boundaries

Don’t have consequences they aren’t

Boundaries HAVE been in awe of Liz Cheney’s strength and willingness to

Do what it takes to try to Save Our

Country right now ..she is not thinking of herself But of Our Freedom & Trust

In our Democracy Thriving & surviving the lunacy we are living thru… you’re

Right Steve Adam Schiff & Liz Cheney

Are an example to follow TOGETHER

We Can kick the autocrats to the curb

Better Yet really tough security prison

In Colorado fir life !!!! We must show

Unacceptable behavior is punished! Marsha….Steve thank you❤️

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ON POINT, Marsha! Thank you!

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Thank you! Well stated!

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Wow, I'm speechless, every paragraph is a gut punch of truth, honest savage unadulterated truth, Unfortunately. Thank you for your service, and your superb writing! Amazing to watch such nonsense play out, never thought I'd see the day.

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There are no words, just WOW - any one reading this, please, VOTE, get your friends and family to vote - we must preserve our delicate democracy - we cannot let the naysayers win in November - they say the Democrats will lose the House, this doesn't have to happen - write letters, send texts, call people and get out there and VOTE, VOTE, VOTE - Thanks Steve

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I don’t think the behaviors of the little Eichmanns are thoughtless. The thought behind it is to return this country to idealistic time (I’m not sure if it ever existed) when life was simple and predictable for white middle-class people. It’s a turn to a Utopia for the few and a dystopia for the many. This turn is happening worldwide.


Eichmann believed in racial purity, he abandoned his humanity for an ideology. This too is what the GOP is doing. And worst of all they cloak this MAGA ideology in Christianity. So, it becomes more than an idea; it becomes a fight for the soul, and then everyone forgets what it all means as they fight for their salvation. Ironically, this is the banality of evil.

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This is your most powerful essay yet. Thank you for the wake up call. I am sharing it far and wide. God help us. And may we not be idle bystanders.

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Steve sees this and can articulate and analyze it beautifully, and we subscribers can see this—but why can’t the Trump supporters? They are enticed by his subtext promise of a return to a “Leave it to Beaver” world of comfortable White supremacy and his stoking of fear and distrust of a truly multiracial democracy where White people are not the default upper status group. Some can overtly see and claim this. Many others are closet endorsers who secretly yearn for the Beaver’s return while hoping things do not get too out of hand.

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The ignorant populace is prey for these few thousand GOP evil-doers (calling themselves Christian: absurdity, hypocrisy, exploitative of the masses)

EDUCATION MATTERS! Share this post, help educate the people in this country.

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Brilliantly written, and terrifying. A powerful call to action. Thank you.

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Steve, I’m so grateful to you for your straight out commentary. I hope enough people are listening to make a difference this November.

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Thank you. I look forward to reading THE WARNING and sharing it.

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Thank you for demonstrating, once again, what words can do to bring focus and clarity in the perilous fog we are wading through.

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