I spent a good chunk of the last three days watching the Ken Burns documentary on the US and the Holocaust. In the end, it discusses the line of White Supremacy that runs through our history. They never have taken over the country, but the line never has been put out. It took nine years for the country to believe what was happening in Germany, and even then there was no appetite in the public to accept Jewish refugees. As awful as Trump is, MAGA is just a reflection on past sins that have not been atoned for. It is up to the rest of us to keep them out of power until that happens.

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Was going to make this comment. Thank you for beating me to it. The Ken Burns documentary is extremely well-timed and well done.

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This is a great essay is it a repeat??? I am more concerned when people say the Dems are going to lose the House - we cannot be so negative, we have to fight to keep the house and make progress in the Senate - it will take more than votes, initially. We have to think we CAN keep the House with a better majority - we have to fight the MAGA crowd but also on down ballot contests - Secys of State is crucial, Governors are crucial - Please people get out there volunteer, register those who aren't - we have to win in November - WE HAVE TO

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A brilliant piece. Like Less, we are looking into the eyes of an evil mastermind who would stop at nothing to remain in power. The longer he remains free, the more dangerous he will become. We must not be concerned about what might happen if he is indicted or imprisoned. We must worry more about what will happen if he is not.

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I agree. The longer he remains free the more dangerous he becomes. He must face the consequences of his lawlessness and seditious conspiracy.

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You are so right, "We must not be concerned about what might happen if he is indicted or imprisoned. We must worry more about what will happen if he is not."

Whatever may come if he's indicted, we can not know. Even if it's violence, hopefully it be short-lived and our democracy - while broken - may start to heal the wounds. If he is NOT, then sadly the stage will surely be set for a very, very bleak future for generations to come. Our children, and grand children will reap what a power-hungry, minority ruling class sows and dictates. Having spent 70 glorious years in America makes me weep at that very thought. And the really sad part is; millions of our fellow citizens, family members, and even friends will be waving their theocratic flag of victory in having played their part in over-throwing our democracy. United we stand. Divided we fall.

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Thank you, Steve. Here’s my question for now or September 29, how do we deal with gerrymandering. If voters choose their reps, instead of reps choosing their voters, we might return to substantive conversations and elections that are about something other than tribalism. That may be moot if MAGA retains power for any amount of time.

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My reflection today is the same as when this essay appeared originally. I will add that each and every one of us is endowed by our given talents. It is incumbent upon us to use our talents wisely. The demarcation of the democratic ideal of Justice For All was never more evident than in this our time. Why? Because all that came before us, as Steve Schmidt instructs us daily, informs us by now how the pursuit of human dignity is REVEALED. IT IS EVIDENT. The most striking parable for this American citizen now writing that I draw from a book written for children, Golding's "Lord of the Flies," is the brutal attack and killing by a radical group of children of a Mother Sow as she is nursing her contented piglets. How a paradisaical moment is savagely terminated. And the wisdom that follows reaches one of the young characters who is able to understand it, but is also brutally killed by the irrational before he can speak up. Speak up. If that is what you only do, as I do, hope that our words reach one person in power at a time. For the future generations that our young ones now will embark, choose democracy. The alternative, like the climax of a story for children, is self-destruction. Vote wisely. And we are not alone. The Rule of Law and its dictamina have these days revealed that no one is above the law.

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Thank you, N. Zampierollo, for referencing the LORD OF THE FLIES novel today, as it is highly relevant to our urgent times. I'm following with a bit more info about that novel for those who may be interested. This novel is an excellent educational resource. As far as I know, William Golding ((English 1911-1993) wrote 'Lord of the Flies', because of WWII (and probably WWI, too). Since he was a part of WWII, the violence and terror in the war gave him a huge influence about human life. Note: Scholastic Books recommended reading age: Grades:9-12; Genre:Classics, Realistic Fiction

A Quote from Lord of the Flies: “Within the diamond haze of the beach something dark was fumbling along. Ralph saw it first, and watched until the intentness of his gaze drew all eyes that way. Then the creature stepped from mirage onto clear sand, and they saw that the darkness was not all shadow but mostly clothing. The creature was a party of boys.”

William Golding quotes: "I am by nature an optimist and by intellectual conviction a pessimist."

"How can you expect to be rescued if you don’t put first things first and act proper?"

"A crowd of grade-three thinkers, all shouting the same thing, all warming their hands at the fire of their own prejudices, will not thank you for pointing out the contradictions in their beliefs. Man is a gregarious animal, and enjoys agreement as cows will graze all the same way on the side of a hill." (I personally would insert 'ignorant' before 'gregarious animal' in the third quote.)

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Subscribed because of this excellent essay. Thank you. All hands on deck time.

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This morning I read a long article about the Statesman Academy and Christian Nationalist. After reading, in my head I said, I don’t know what to say anymore. Feeling the same as I read this, Steve. How many ways can one say this is not normal, danger ahead, stop them? My fear, is the apathy of Americans towards voting. Saw numbers this week that of registered voters in Indiana, 1M did not vote in the last election. How do you change that? What do you say?

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Hi Susan and thanks for you comment. I am also at a loss for words and would like to ask Steve how to respond. What do I say to people who tell me “Stop the worrying about it, and volunteering and just go life a happy life.” Or “It’s best to be politically neutral.”

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Me too, Lynn. Steve, can you do a special edition for us?

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I’m interested in our chances of keeping the house. I’ve heard from some that it’s a done deal we will lose it. Your post seems to be leaning in that direction. But I think that’s incompatible for our democracy and wonder if we have a realistic chance to retain. If not, haven’t we already in effect lost our democracy?

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Let’s consider the $234,000,000 fraud, on the pandemic food for children program , currently unmasked and hopefully prosecuted to a satisfactory end. I am not sure what a satisfactory end will look like when you consider the good intentions of the program and the deplorable “citizens” who debased it so they could buy cool stuff. The Hungry kids be damned. Also let’s think about the lawsuit brought yesterday by the NY AG against the trump organization, trump and three of his children. Just the tip of the decay within America.

We have been provided so many specific examples of deplorable actions that are deemed witch hunts and have a willing audience who believe the “witch hunt” claim vs the facts.

Our survival does indeed rest on the shoulders and the backs of American voters who still believe in our institutions, facts and the American Democratic dream.

So we must vote, get involved in helping citizens vote which will be a challenge of dealing with road blocks being put in the road to voting by a party and people who no longer believe in our American dream.

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Excellent as always Sreve.. Voting is a citizen Duty.

Can Eng Ger 70-80%

Scotland 83%. The best peacefull protest is to Vote. A Category 5 Vote in Nov.

#TurnoutIsTheWayOut. Give Potus a Unified Congress for TWO YEARS.

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Give POTUS a Unified Congress for two years. Yes.

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I will be repeating your hashtag. Thank you.

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Steve and Ken Burns and Hannah Arendt are unrelenting in this dinner table conversation. No, it is not OK to dismiss surrender to evil intent as a foible. The founders addressed this by not allowing intent into the conversation. There are laws, obey the laws and the system will work. Disobey the laws and the system will exact a measure of cost from you. AG Garland understands his role quite well. Pass the pecan butter spread, please.

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I have been struggling with the issues of reconciliation.

I can see the rapid decline and black hole forming from the remaining GOP. As black holes are know to do, the can suffocate all light. I believe the American Experiment is strong enough to survive the black hole- but just barely.

How do we reconcile with those preferring the black hole?

How did Less, as described here, finally reconcile with his home nation? What is our role in reconciliation?

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Incredible essay Steve! You really have me thinking! I appreciate you sounding the alarm every day to keep your readers from falling into despair and/or complacency. I look forward to reading your Substack every morning.

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It’s that we these readers appear to be informed voters, passionate for democracy and justice, against hate. Why are others not? Why is voter turnout abysmal?

Steve - do you know the demographics of subscribers? Tho I want to believe we all are what I’ve said, I’m sure some are anti-democracy as we believe it, here to “keep an eye on you.” How do we bring others along? Why is white nationalism so appealing to so many? <— rhetorical given this essay

Why? How? When? I’m tired of despair of the damage to so many and fearing greater.

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Your best piece ever. (For me, exhaustion + extreme anxiety)

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Extreme exhaustion indeed. Have not stopped doing this for years. Have not had a vacation in years. I keep on doing it because it is the best medicine to fight anxiety. And anxiety must never give way to fear. For the kids. For the future.

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To Lisa. William Golding's book is magnificent. His characters are universal. His world is a creation for our younger generations but, given the universality of what he speaks of, it also holds an adult's attention. He is a master storyteller. It is a great book to read with youngsters. It is for teenagers, yes, but I insist it is intended to be read by adults. The plot is an anxious one and very revelatory. You live along the travails of the boys, so varied in ages, you watch them and want to reach out to them, so young yet with skills learned to survive such fate. They know how to do so in an isolated island during WWII, where beyond this controlled environment there is a war raging on among adults. But the author early on has set the tone for what will ensue. It is the evolving story that grips you. I wrote earlier which was my most moving encounter in the book. Read the book. The ending will leave you breathless.

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Oh, yes, this is a riveting and deeply felt book for adults, too, with many valuable insights into history, and our urgent current times, too! Glad you pointed that out!

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Excellent piece Steve. It should be run as an Op-Ed in every syndicated paper in the country.

Anyone wanting another ice water bath about the political meteor about to strike us should watch Todd Zwillich’s “Breaking the vote”. We have troubles ahead.

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