Jul 25·edited Jul 25

Why debate an inveterate liar? Kamala should dismiss him - as you say - for the convicted criminal/rapist he is.

It disgusts me that in my state, Tennessee, we've had Nazis march, and two black men thrown out of the legislature by Republicans voting in lock step. (Justin Pearson and Justin Jones who have both since regained their seats.)

This fascist evil is real and expressing itself ever more brazenly every day.

I knocked on doors last week to get out the vote for the democratic primary for Gloria Johnson for Senate. It's a long shot to beat the horrendous Marsha Blackburn, but I've got to try. I'll knock on doors again this Saturday.

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I’m actually recording a podcast with Gloria today for my “candidate spotlight” feature, so it will be coming out soon!


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As a psychologist I’ve been talking to anyone and everyone I know about the idiocy of debating with a mentally ill person. Trump has a collection of personality disorders - the one at the top of the list being ASPD - Antisocial Personality Disorder and his malignant NPD - Narcissistic Personality Disorder. The Antisocial diagnosis is the one that we witness daily and is very confusing for the general population. But the hallmarks are a distinct lack of humanity, conscience, guilt and remorse. It is insanity to offer a pathological lying, monopolizing, con artist a platform from which to spew utter hate and continue to cast his spell over people who are suffering with their own emotional problems. The shock of listening to the utter volcano of lies and attacks silences most people, our nervous system is just trying to maintain some regulation in the face of this kind of abuse. We should not have to be subjected to it or give it the aura of normal discourse ever again.

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Sarah, sadly that’s what happened at the June 27 debate with President Biden.

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I cannot imagine your frustration as a psychologist to try to get these points across to people. I'm frustrated and I'm no psychologist. I tell people, "look, don't underestimate this disorder Trump has. I'm not trying to get off a zinger by saying he has a personality disorder that greatly compromises his ability to function." Thanks for your efforts.

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I can see no reason whatsoever to debate TFG. Kamala Harris would have to come down to TFG's level of communication to do so. I'm an old farm boy and we have a saying here in flyover country: "Never wrestle a pig - the pig likes it and you will end up covered with pig $hit."

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Thank you, Sarah. As someone who has worked hard to overcome the repercussions of childhood abuse, these last 9 years have been very difficult. We all certainly deserve to be free of trump. Hopefully soon. It is hard to see such a bad man win.

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Sarah, I agree. There is no debating someone who publicly declared that he is “not going to be nice” —-which I’m sure includes having civil discourse aka a debate. Let him shout is garbage at the rally supporters who get off on this kind of banal entertainment.

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A last thought, for now, on this fake "debate". Regardless of Kamala's moral and strength, her ability to deal with and fight against the worst of human detritus, the thought of her in the same room with this human POS makes me nauseous. Donald is a self admitted sexual predator. An assaulter of women. Disrespect for all women drips like slime from his diseased brain. His similarity to Harvey W is striking. No woman should be victimized by having to spend even one minute in his presence.

Would you feel comfortable with your daughter, wife or mother in a room with this sick criminal? In a crowd or alone. He is the height of depravity in our time. The Snake.

This "debate" is a setup. A Trap by the Press, Putin, Murdoch, Musk, Orban and Trump to gang up and CRUSH Kamala. Dems be SMART. A debate will not help Kamala win. Sling your shots from a distance and avoid getting hit. Attack from your ground and win this thing! NO DEBATE! "It's not in my interest." No other reason needed. Tell the MAGA critics and the Press and the pundits to Pound Sand. Just pass.

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Unfortunately, it’s likely that Kamala will and has been advised by political people (as was Joe) regarding the ‘need’ to debate the Orange monster. They have not been factoring in this specific situation with a full blown, enabled sociopath. It’s plainly wrong to make a public spectacle with a pathological liar and steamroller. More than anyone, she’d be likely to get in a few hits but the torrent of pure shit being flung overwhelms all of us. The worst part is that it promotes a forum for Kamala and all of us to be publicly abused by a predator.

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I also believe me is a pathological liar. I think he actually believes some of the lies. Not all but some.

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Yes, he is a pathological liar. It’s a comorbidity of the Antisocial Personality Disorder. Deceit and lies are predictable and inevitable.

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I would love to see you retire Marsha Blackburn.

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Outstanding! Thanks Steve!

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Keep fighting Max! I have given Gloria monies and I live in Arizona!!!

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Jul 25Liked by Steve Schmidt

Thanks Mark for giving to Gloria's campaign! As I'm sure you know she's one of the "Tennessee 3" who demonstrated at the state house against gun violence. Scary times, but fighting anyway!

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We have to fight Max! We have no choice!

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Kamala Harris said, “I am speaking”, to Pence, now she is saying “bring it on” to Trump. Here is her great performance. https://www.youtube.com/live/4E6_5uW19Ww?si=05kw24xHH9eNSLTn

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Stunning speech! Thank you for posting this, May.

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I agree about the debate scenario! She should state that she puts criminals in jail, not talk with them! Last night in Charlotte, Traitor Trump stated that there would be no cows and eventually no people in the USA if Harris was elected! You cannot have a debate with a BATSHIT CRAZY IDIOT!!!

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Understatement of all-time.

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There is a method to his madness. And it keeps working. I guess the way you end it is to invalidate HIM. Once you do that, his screeds become invalid with him. So I think she has it right. Go after his character and his panic and not so much his individual points of attack like low flow toilets or chuck steak shortages.

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I agree with you Steve. Kamala should not agree to a "debate" with Donald. The Press calls these entertainment events "debates" which is a lie. A lazy lie. These events only serve the Press and Donald. Donald lies to show off his power. He spouts a Bad Faith story or a stupid lie and the Press fails to push back. This is his proof of Power. Only powerful people can lie and not be questioned.

A real debate is two reasonable people, talking in GOOD FAITH, about serious issues. In a courteous, mannerly, civilized manner. Dumb Donnie just can't do that. He isn't capable of Good Faith because of his petrified training in BAD FAITH. Kamala speaks Good Faith. So there would be no intersection of ideas. The Dems should JUST SAY NO. It's a waste of everyone's time.

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The Press and Donald have a common interest: Broadcast a high ratings train wreck. That benefits them both. The Good Faith opponent is the guaranteed "victim" and "loser" in this setup. Since the Press has given Donald the power to lie with impunity, a Good Faith opponent can't "win".

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a good faith debater can expose the lies. In real time.

One at a time.

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If they are given the opportunity. Wouldn’t spending all your time fact checking cut into your ability to make your own points? I’m not a debater so I don’t know how much it would hurt.

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Donald will call Kamala a coward for refusing to "debate" him. She should post a 15-20 minute mock debate with the SNL Donald impersonator. He lies and she laughs him down with the truth. A Mock Debate that mocks Donald's obvious lies. This would be entertaining and demonstrate that the "debate" format the Press and Donald want is damaging for Anyone who speaks in GOOD FAITH.

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I still think Kamala should debate Trump, but your idea would work better; I understand the belief she should not debate because the TV debates are not real debates.

Your suggestion could be used not only to expose Trump's mendacity and fascist politics but to mock how the moderators of TV debates have consistently failed to fulfill their obligation to run a fair debate.

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You can't beat Bad Faith with Good Faith. You fight Bad Faith by exposing it for the fraudulent, con tricks, criminal, theiveing, scumbag lies they are. Tell the Truth and reveal the scam. Then you can get your Good Faith message out there.

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Entertainment. Event. Ding, ding, ding. 100% correct.

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Donald is as a master entertainer. He used the Apprentice reality tv show as a vehicle to the presidency. How much difference could we expect in a debate even under the best of circumstances?

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And particularly not on Fox News that is guaranteed to be biased in Trump's favor. Vice President Harris and her team need to keep the heat on Trump until Election Day. Point out his lies. His criminal convictions. His attempts to foment an insurrection. Keep Trump reeling.

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Fox News and Russia Today TV are in lockstep Pro-Autocracy Anti- America propaganda. Watch Russia Today TV (or read the website) then watch Fox News. Hmmm. Same messaging. Donald is the front man for Putin and Orban. And he's not hiding it. The Press ignores it. But its right there in the open every day.

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But I think Kamala would slap his lies down and expose him.

She would get under his skin and he'd lose it.

I don't fear putting Kamala on stage with the criminal and having her show the world what he is- he's a coward.

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Exactly. trump does not debate. He merely spews out his usual lies, hiding behind his Gish Gallop. And when you have no fact checking and no calling out of his incessant falsehoods, as happened at the June debate, all it does is allow him a platform.

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VP Harris doesn’t have time to get off the trail, prep and hold a debate.

There’s nothing to be said and it’s all performative. Don’t dignify that hateful, vile spewing man. We don’t need to see this.

VP Harris has to say it all to the voters and spend these precious days wisely.

Time with Trump - nyet.

Democracy IS beautiful. I love our country and have been so emotional. We gotta do this!

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That's the best point anyone made yet.

Time is short.

Still, I have no doubt Kamala could deconstruct Donald Trump like a lion making a meal out of a hyena.

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She would mop the floor with him, but you are right, she should not give a convicted criminal the time of day.

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Careful. She wins on analysis but not on emotion. He'll just bellow like a 4 yr old until everyone gives up. And since there's only a limited amount of time to try to answer that much bullshit, you lose. If you want her to WIN the debate, you'd have to write in these rules: a) no commercials; b) no time limit. You have to let him burn out and then it's not that hard to beat him. But having worked in company/corporate environments, I learned from experience that it takes 0-5 minutes for someone to create a "point of concern" out of air, and then 10-40 hours to answer that concern. That's what he does.

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The time limits to answer questions make a serious debate impossible but I agree with Mr. Fitzgerald; Kamala would slap the jerk down, make him look the tinhorn bigoted tyrant he is. I fear many would not consider why she wouldn't debate but simply see her as afraid, weak.

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OK fine, then fact checks have to happen in real time by SOMEONE. Let it go 5 hours if they want to keep going. That would be my negotiation point. See, he throws out literally dozens of bullshit yet highly inflammatory and clear statements in a matter of a few seconds, It would literally take 10 minutes to debunk each one, so that's hours for an answer. That's his "superpower." The power of a reptilian sense of aggrieved feelings, and a low-information eletorate. Things like low-flow toilets actually hit home, as a methaphor.

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That is what I would like to see. The rules should be enforced, particularly in regard to keeping his big mouth shut during Kamala's time. The moderators should have an obligation to fact check and point out when a candidate is lying. That ought to slow the phony "populist's" roll.

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Who really benefits from what is accepted as a debate? Mr Trump lies without hesitation, without substance, without a semblance of truth. Steve Schmidt is right, the convicted felon is the only one who can possibly benefit.

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I disagree; I refuse to accept as fact that "the convicted felon is the only one who can possibly benefit."

In fact, I believe Kamala could put Trump in his place, even under the current "rules" of TV debate, watched over by inept mderators. Do not discount her prosecutorial skills and experience.

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Prior to reading this, I thought, like others, that I was anxious to see Kamala demolish him on stage. After all, she is well equipped to do just that. Then, after an awful conversation with a Trump supporter, I think you are right. Trump people are believers of the many or parts of the lies and conspiracy theories that have been floated in the last several years and cannot, for whatever reason, seem to rationalize anything other than Trump's self-victimization and vindication of his own malice. Why give Trump more free air time. The attempted shooting by itself galvanized his supporters and further brought sympathizers to his maleficent cause. Now, Democrats are back in the saddle, so to speak. Lets just keep Kamala focused on her election and selection of VP and winning. Time is already short. Winning will be monumental , should it come to fruition. I, for one, can barely stomach seeing Trump and loathe any unnecessary exposure to his cause. Lets let the Trump legacy be what it is- a bad dream.

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There are a lot of reasons for their hate. Some of this is a failure of the Democtratic Party IMO, both in vision and (mostly) strategy. But we will have time to reflect on that after putting out this fire.

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Very nice. I think Trump will goad the Harris campaign into agreeing to a debate. If they do, they should do it town hall style, so when Trump physically stalks Kamala, she can turn and smack him upside his head. On the good ear side, of course.

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Donald will hire idiots to cheer him on and interfere with the opponent in a debate. He’s ever the showman. He hired actors to rally him on when he descended the golden escalator to announce his run for the presidency.

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The network can control who is in the audience.

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Completely agree that Harris should tell the fascist felon that she will not give him any oxygen in a debate. He will lie and bluster and avoid substantive issues that matter to even the worst of the MAGA mob. She is energizing the youth and showing them that the future can be bright, not filled with animosity and hate that Trump exudes with every one of his vile opportunities. And yes, we must not get giddy but should contribute in any way we can to defeat fascism and the monster that is Trump.

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Pure Powerful Excellence, Steve! Thank You!

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The MAGA Brain Trust is having second thoughts about Vance.

These scarecrows are hysterical about Vance’s past statements and are also finding that he only caters to the Feral Base — and adds nothing beyond that.

He’s a fraud and a weird duck, propped up by a self-hating billionaire.

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A while back, I wrote a book about stopping smoking, which contained a glossary.

One of the glossary entries was: "Carboxymethylcellulose: the 'active ingredient' in cigarette filters. Only filters out about 1% of the harmful stuff in cigarette smoke, but does a bang-up job on that 1%!"

You get the picture: who gives a s*** how effective the filter is on that 1% if it lets 99% of the bad stuff through?!

And so it is with Donald Trump: who cares how rabid his MAGA morons are about their Orange Caesar, if they don't represent anywhere NEAR the number of people necessary for the Trumpster to get elected?

So, can we please keep that in mind every time the craven media shows his rally crowds going absolutely bananas over the guy, thereby hoping we'll extrapolate that out to the whole country and think EVERYBODY's going bananas over the guy?

It's not. And we're not. And not enough of us are to get him elected, especially with Kamala now at the head of the ticket.

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Good essay, Steve. However, I couldn't access the full article on The Atlantic, but its headline was why Biden shouldn't debate TFG. We saw why. Without the benefit of the full article, does the same apply? I mean, I'm mixed on this. On one hand, I understand the outright decision to dismiss him. On the other hand, I want to see her kick his ass verbally to show the stark difference that Biden was unable to do in the June debate.

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It was a political mistake by Biden but lucky for us it served as our ALARM & brought on his resignation. He NEEDED the debate because his campaign was in the doldrums and it was never going to recover and it was his effort to try to do so. Kamala on the other hand is the strong candidate has no reason absolutely at all to debate this clown, another contest between her and Biden.

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Thanks Will. We think similarly, so at that level I agree. But others do or may not. So, with that said, I would suggest a potential counter narrative, and that would be for her to debate for 2 reasons that I can think of (and likely more):

1. To not look afraid of TFG and

2. To undo any possible damage done in the Biden/TFG debate to the party for those somehow still sitting on the fence. TFG came away sounding stronger, even though it was complete rubbish and incoherence, but the bar has always been much lower for him.

Just an opinion, and either way this goes, it will not in any way diminish my support for her, or my respect, admiration, and appreciation for Biden.

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Kamala should debate him only if the parole board allows it.

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“If you want the things you love,

You gotta have a little rain sometime.

So when you hear thunder, don’t run under a tree?

It’ll be Pennie’s from heaven,

for you and me”

…and it’s been stormin’.

Let the sun shine in baby.

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Love that! Kamala is certainly letting The Sun Shine In!

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I don’t think VP Harris needs to worry about a debate. Donald is way too scared to debate her.

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I think you are right and that is another good reason to NOT refuse to debate.

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I think Dems should skip the debates. We have 100 days left until Election Day. Why spend precious time debating a bloviating rapid-fire liar, especially in an uncontrolled pro-maga environment like Fox? Even in the best setup, what difference might we expect in the polls?

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