I believe the Gaza situation has affected Biden's support more than anyone realizes.

Bibi has betrayed Biden, and Biden needs to face him down--and very publicly.

We need to know Biden is strong enough to take on a monster like Bibi.

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Too often Joe the Nice Guy doesnt..and he comes across as weak by Americans and particularly MAGA.

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Bibi is on Trump’s side and would love to see him win. Wonder if Biden realizes that?

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I am sure he noticed when serving as President Obama’s Vice President, that Bibi dissed the president when he came to address the Republicans in the Congress. Trust me, Biden is no fan of this man and vice versa. Bibi is a criminal, who is avoiding prosecution by staying in office. Biden is caught between a rock and a hard place here.

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Everyday I am besieged by unwanted bulletins I file under "made bitch". Mostly it's about Jennifer Lopez making Ben Affect her bitch, and Bibi making Biden his bitch.

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Defeating REPUBLICANS matters more than anything else.

I’m not wasting another minute despising trump. He can’t help the fact he’s been a practicing malignant narcissist his entire pathetic life. It’s the Republicans with absolutely no sense of shame or irony that have truly earned our disdain. Here they are demanding the Ten Commandments be posted in all public classrooms in Louisiana while nominating and worshipping a sick man who openly and repeatedly violates all ten. Trump is no longer the problem…it’s his Republican minions including the criminal, duplicitous “justices” on the no longer supreme court.

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Republicans? I wish they were republicans, the ones my father & grandfather supported so many decades ago. No these sycophant fools riding the orangutang’s tail are MAGA and calling them Republicans accords them legitimacy. The Republican Party is dead (as you recall an “autopsy” was conducted back in 2012). I realize that using the term Republican is an act of muscle memory and technically they haven’t officially changed the name. But if the orange revolution succeeds the Republican Party will be placed in the dead political party file along with the Whigs.

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To me the Lincoln Project ads look great and just need to be repeated over and over again.

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I haven’t seen or heard any of them. I get emails asking to rate how the Lincoln Project is doing. I don’t have any idea. Maybe they don’t run in Wisconsin. 🤷

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Check them out on You Tube

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Steve needs to break the “ no new friends” rule and join the Biden campaign.. We can start a go fund me to compensate him if they refuse

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Either that or we need to start a letter writing campaign to the White House right now and include this link so they will hire him or at least listen to his Warnings!!! This is INSANE. Can't believe this is happening. We are all out here working our butt's off fighting to save our Democracy and they're in there hiding in the Bunker. I mean WTF?!! 💔🇺🇸💙

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Can you give us information on how to send a letter?

Thanks Lisa!

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And Click on Contact us Jill.

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Thank you!!

My guess is that some undergraduate summer intern is manning the influx of letters. But nevertheless, we can and must try.

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Yes I called and sent a letter both. The lines were super busy. I told them I'd been a Politcal Activist for 25 years and that Biden was losing the Information wars etc.

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Thank you. I'm on it, Lisa!

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That’s not the campaign contact.

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Direct calls followed up by a flood of Steve's link

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Good idea!! I'll call too. I just sent a letter with the Link.

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Is it just me or does anyone else see the utter absurdity of the future of our country, under dire threat from a fascist and his followers, hangs on the outcome of a 90 minute “debate?” It’s not that I think it’s untrue and I agree the stakes couldn’t be higher, but woe to the USA in this ridiculous predicament.

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Tom: I noticed that you put quotation marks around the word "debate." I agree with your questioning if this event is really going to be a debate. I think it will be an "apples and oranges" event as there will be two different levels. One level is "policy" where reason is applied to solve our country's problems. The other level is "emotional" where vitriolic speech is employed to denigrate the other person. People should read about the Lincoln/Douglas debates to see what a good debate can be.

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What you refer to is the mass conditioning of Americans regarding each and every happening being reduced to a win or lose competition. TV realtime contests fed to us are numerous, wherein a single winner must prevail, including last-man standing scenarios and, with red meat metaphors to enrich the script, sharks are often mentioned. It follows, or perhaps promulgates, the feral aspects of what capitalism has evolved into. Everything now in Washington is bunker mentality, thinking of ways to deliver the single winning punch.

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Hi, Steve: You have never said why you have not enlisted to help in the Joe BIden campaign. May I ask why? Your talents and capabilities are sorely needed, and if this coming election will be the most important election of all, why are you sitting on the sidelines? Respectfully, Sam Teller

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I don't think he can just "enlist" himself. It's hard to make an argument to those determined not to listen. My observation of this administration all along has been that it's stacked with a bunch of conventional political operatives who've been with Biden for years and create a comfortable atmosphere around him. In a cutthroat political environment, which the clearly still don't understand, this is a deadly attitude. Lincoln understood the critical need for a team of rivals to produce the strongest ideas. Instead, one might almost call the description of this administration as Trumpian, only without the bite. It's a sign of self-centered weakness, disregarding the risk to the country.

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Well.color me naieve Nance....I assumed the Biden team was accepting constructive criticism from 'winners' and the Lincoln Project as their ads were the most devestating in the '20 election. But it looks worse than I thought ....HRC team never took constructive advice either. Bill BEGGED the team to go to Wisc, Michigan, and Ohio & their response was...'Naah...we got this'

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There is a wealth of experienced talent among the Never -Trumpers that could be tapped into to help manage messaging. That this administration has failed to take advantage is telling. Steve, for example, is beating the drum every day, bless his heart. It is campaign malpractice that there has been no outreach. Putting ego before the good of the country, even with such disastrous consequences at hand is shameful.

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I wouldnt say he is exactly sitting on the sidelines.. he’s doing his best to incite the rest of us to do something..no way he can hire himself into the biden group

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Why does the Lincoln Project have to do the DNC’s job? The DNC has its head up its ass again for another election cycle. 2016 Hillary was the most qualified of the candidates but her personality made her unelectable. She lost to a buffoon. In 2020, the candidate would have been a polarizing and unelectable Bernie Sanders. At the last minute, a reluctant Biden stepped in and saved us all from Trump. But is was a very close election.

They had to know that Biden would not be a strong candidate going into this election. Yes he is an incumbent. But he is old and the DNC has by their sheer inability to message, allowed that to be the campaign narrative, without even trying hard to change it. They could have chose a younger more vibrant centrist candidate in 2021 and highlighted them for 3 years. Had they done so, in my opinion, would be at least 10 points ahead of Trump in the polls.

Instead, they were lazy despite the high stakes involved in this election. The DNC is going to be a complicit element in the end of our democracy . They don’t even have a plan B.

We can say the media is a factor as well but the DNC and the democrats have failed to this point to fight the Trump tide of lies, disinformation, and just plain nonsense.

After this election, if Trump wins, there won’t be a DNC. They will scratch their heads and say “what happened?” Morons at the top.

The people like the Lincoln Project have to come to the rescue again for the inept democrats.

Why aren’t Raskin Porter AOC Bernie Schumer and Jeffries on every program making the case for Biden? Right now all we hear from is MTG, Ted Cruz, Cotton, Lindsey Graham , Don Jr day after day.

Meanwhile the DNC has a ton of money that they use for lame ads that a high school campaigner would use. Fight fire with fire or get out of the kitchen.

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100% spot on. I gag every time I send Biden and other Democrats my dollars……but I damn well do it.

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Thank you. It’s like being in a life boat and no rescue ship in sight.

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We need some good news; here it is. Take heart defenders of American democracy:

Mediaite reports:

"A new Fox News poll shows President Joe Biden leading former President Donald Trump 50% to 48%, nationally. The survey is Biden’s best showing in a Fox News poll in the campaign.

The poll of registered voters was conducted from June 14 to June 17. In asking respondents to list issues that are “extremely” important to them, the survey found that the “future of democracy” tops the charts, with 68% of voters identifying it as such."

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More good news; the switch over from Trump to Biden was far more significant among independent, swing voters, than among other more committed voters. "The decisive shift towards Biden came from independents, who in May favored Trump by two points but now prefer Biden by nine." For the full article, go to: https://www.salon.com/2024/06/20/biden-takes-lead-over-in-fox-news-poll-for-the-first-time-since-october-2023/

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Independent voters will hopefully save the day for us all.

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Don't forget the women!!!

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If anyone steps up and saves this country it will be American women. They are the real force to be reckoned with this election cycle and the Republicans don't even know it.

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We're sure as hell are trying our best Michael!!! Between my lack of sleep, my low bank account, high blood pressure, credit cards and not giving a damn what my GOP family and friends think anymore I'm doing everything I possibly can. I know many others are as well.


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You Rock, Lisa! 💙🇺🇸💙

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Right On, Michael. Women UNITE! 💙🇺🇸💙

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I am a combat veteran and find that veterans and people who have veteran family and friends are more attuned to understanding the complexities of todays political environment. I urge my family and friends to support groups VoteVETS, American Legion, VFW. you do not have to be a veteran to support the the veterans And the Constitution, which is the heart of our Democracy. I interface daily with my non-military family and friends along with my veteran friends and family. 99% respond positvely. It is a useless waste of time to talk to a MAGA supporter as they are VERY Corrupt in Mind AND Spirit.

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As my late dad used to say,” You’re hammering on cold iron” whey trying to change a MAGA mind!

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“The president is being swift-boated, as we speak. Each public appearance is a new generation point for a 130-foot wave of lies, images and smears that will come crashing down without any response except for complaints about fairness. There is no plan and no offense visible. The ads are flat, and the race is increasingly about the president’s age and feebleness.”

This is why Biden should have stepped down. It’s not about being a “great” or even a “good” president. It’s about being able to counter the misinformation and lies, with humor, vigor, and charisma; quickly and effectively.

Biden is old and feeble, and resembles none of those qualities. He can hold his own in an interview, when he’s not being distracted, but his cognitive skills have slowed, and he’s not quick witted and confident. Qualities much needed in an election riddled with alternative facts and lies.

In the immortal words of Yogi Berra; “it’s déjà vu, all over again” (2016 elections).

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I refuse to give up Robert Jaffee. We're stuck with what we've got. He's nothing like Trump and we have to make the best of it. I'm writing my Letter to the White House right now!!! 💙🇺🇸💙

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I agree, it’s just that we shouldn’t be in a situation where the only viable candidate is essentially tied with a fascist, authoritarian kleptocrat, to begin with.

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I realize that but what good does that do now? I don't mean to be harsh but we can fix things after we win. You're exactly right though. We shouldn't be here in the first place. Too many people were asleep at the wheel. Including me. However now is the time for people to stop asking why and start asking How can I help make it better?!!

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That’s not the question being posed here. The question is whether the Biden campaign itself, can get out of its own way?. They’re about the snatch defeat, from the jaws of victory.

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I just sent a letter to the White House asking them to hire Steve Schmidt and explained why they need him. I hope others will follow my example.

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The White House is NOT the campaign. Worthless effort. Go to the campaign

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Yes Robert...its beyond my comprehension too that the Democrats can not even convince the electorate that a fascist is bad...one who has ALREADY exhibited his incompetence and divisiveness.

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If we want to defeat Trump, we need to stop whining and accept the fact that Biden is the Democratic nominee. A second Biden term would not end the America we know. A second Trump term would do just that and replace it with a racist and bigoted oligarchy presided over by an onerous narcissistic liar.

During the debate next week, I hope Biden manages to bring up Trump's suggestion that income taxes be replaced with tariffs on foreign goods. As always, Trump is either lying or outrageously ignorant when he says that tariffs on Chinese goods have taken $billions from China. American importers either suffer profit loss or, more often, pass the tax on to consumers, resulting in inflation. Increased costs for the imported goods so many businesses rely on would result in a shrinking economy and high unemployment. We would have to endure the terrible economy labeled stagflation, high unemployment and soaring inflation. But of course Trump and his super wealthy friends love the idea, because it is a regressive tax, more burdensome to the lower and middle classes than to the upper. In the long run, however, even they would suffer as retaliatory tariffs strangled the international economy.

He must also hammer away at Trump for bragging about appointments to SCOTUS that have resulted in bans on a woman's right to choose in many states and the threat "his court" poses to everything from contraception to IVF.

I confess, I would have preferred a younger more enthusiastic and progressive nominee or even a centrist Democrat like John Testor or Sherrod Brown. I wish Biden had stepped down or that the party had encouraged challenges and debates that could have resulted in a different nominee.

BUT, Biden has been effective and believes in respecting our norms and Constitution, as Lindsey Graham noted in the past, he is one of the nicest people he has never know. So, in spite of any pie-in-the-sky wishes, and considering his opponent, I support Joe Biden witn no reservations

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"Loyal aids can exile dissenters"; "fear of being disloyal"; "cohesive, but insular"--these are alarming signs that Biden and his aides have a closed (incestuous?) circle, not unlike his opponent actually, that bars crucial information and ideas. There's a circling of the wagons, and yes, a fatal arrogance that I notice has been observed with impatience and almost, horror, by those of us who care desperately that America continues as a democracy. Feels like the old Greek hubris followed by nemesis.

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On Target 🎯 comment. Insiders are already pessimistic and fearful. We are in desperate trouble.

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Steve, you must have missed the Fox News poll.

Wolfson is a fossil who wants to debate policy.

The winning formula is '"abortion banning Donald Trump, and "convicted felon"

Donald Trump.

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This election should be a no brainer. But it is not. Which points to a dumbing down of society.

As I like to say here in North Carolina — any state that elects a man Lieutenant Governor who has referred to women as “skanks” is beyond help.

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Without proper education in history, civics and critical thinking skills, we're doomed. (I know I keep writing this over and over again...)

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I also write a lot about the situation in North Carolina. I think we need to keep repeating these issues.

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I'm glad you keep informing and reminding about NC. Keep hammering!

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If defeating Trump, Trumpism and Republicans is all that matters (and I absolutely agree) then let’s just stop with the hand-wringing and go get to work. Honestly, grass roots work matters just as much as what the Biden campaign is doing. There are a number of great groups that really get it about how vital this is. Their volunteers are working hard on a daily basis to register voters, reach voters with postcards, letters, phone calls and canvassing. They know the messages that resonate. They know which voters and potential voters to target in the battleground states for their contacts. Voter turnout is everything and hearing directly from a fellow voter or neighbor means a great deal. If everyone who cares just starts to do the work with these groups, we will defeat Trumpism and also get the House out of the hands of the crazies via the November election. The Union https://jointheunion.us/ is all-volunteer conservatives, independents and progressives who have put aside all their political differences to work together on one issue in this election: pro-democracy. A number of other groups (Activate America, Vote Forward, Field Team 6, Rust Belt Rising, Indivisible, Markers for Democracy to name a few) all have smart pro-democracy efforts we voters can get involved in. Go Team! We can win in November, but we have to do the work.

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Thank you!!!!

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I donate to several of those places btw!!!

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