That is one thing I have greatly hoped for: decency taking precedence again. It is not much to ask for, but it has been a heavy lift trying to bring it back. Amen.

I saw today a summary of a book that J.D. Vance endorsed last year. It is important we keep such views in mind because this is what the fight comes down to. See below, a book he endorses:

In the book, Up from Conservatism, the authors advocate for the repeal of the Civil Rights Act, for politicians to conduct “deep investigations into what the gay lifestyle actually does to people”, that college and childcare be defunded, and that government “promote male-dominated industries” in order to discourage female participation in the workplace.

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As a biomedical scientist for now starting my 45th year, there is magnetic resonance imaging data that the brains of gays and transgender folks in their sexual center of their brains is “wired differently” than heterosexual folks. In other words, these gay and transgender folks feel differently about themselves in a sexual way because the sexual centers of their brains are set up that way. I view it as there are black and white people and all colors in between. God told us to love thy neighbor as we love ourselves! Case closed!

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Yes, I am a healthcare professional who shockingly believes in science, and I have read that there are demonstrable neurological differences. But we know why conservatives insist that sexual orientation is a "choice": because if there are definite structural reasons, that means that gay/transgender people were made that way. They refuse to admit that God would do that. Haha. Major paradigm headache.

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As someone who "came out" in May 1968 and gave some of my time to gay rights in the 1980s, I always laugh out loud when I see the term "gay lifestyle". Jerry Falwell Sr. would remark smacking his lips like a rabid dog, "They can turn it on and off like a switch." Not only was Falwell ignorant of God. He was ignorant, period. Years ago, a straight friend remarked, "The more there are gays, the more women for me!" What threat, exactly, do we actually pose?

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The problem with using any religion's moral standards as the basis for civic law is that we limit freedom when there is no need. The threat that legal gay sex and marriage pose to heterosexuals exists only in the minds of those who have lost common sense to religious exremism and inoctrination.

Any law limits rights. Rights should be limited only to protect the more basic rights of the wider population. Assault rifles should be outlawed because the right to live and be free of injury is more fundamental than the right to own an AK-47. Environmentally protective legislation is necessary to protect the fundamental right to breathe safe air and drink clean water, i.e. to protect our health and lives. A woman has the right to make health decisions without government restrictions; as we have seen, ending access to abortion often threatens the life of a woman; the right to choose interferes with no one els's rights. You aren't free to drive drunk because it poses a threat to the life and well-being of others. And so on.

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Yes, my wife and I often wonder out loud how allowing same-sex marriages detracts from the quality of our marriage. It boggles the mind how supposed religious people are so obsessed with what other people are doing or who has what type of body parts. Like Tim Walz so eloquently says, Mind Your Own Damn Business!

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I apologize for this delayed response! You use the one catch word that drives those who are so anti-homosexual: RELIGION. They really are not "Christian" in the traditionally understood sense. They are zealots who ignore the Teachings, if one indeed believes in following the Teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. Their self-righteous embrace of a myopic belief system does nothing to benefit the common good. and serves to do great harm.

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"Assault rifles should be outlawed because the right to live and be free of injury is more fundamental than the right to own an AK-47." Right On, Anthony!

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The catch-phrase "haters gonna hate" comes to mind. My life mantra has been, "I live and happen to be gay." NOT, "I am gay and therefore I live." Below is a post by Mark Lee Witten. He is spot-on about gay "wiring". I knew somewhere around age 5 that male bodies excited me in ways I did not comprehend. Logically, as I matured those sensations became clear. Frankly, I wish people simply would move on from the topic altogether. For those who run to Scripture, I will put on my theologian cap as an ordained graduate Seminarian and challenge them "until the cows come home." And, for the record, I am uncomfortable with the contemporary pushing of the gay envelope. Over time that can work against the LGBTQ+ community. That acronym alone is an annoyance!

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It should not be a controversial subject. Therefore it should not be a political issue or topic at all. Unfortunately the issue has been created and sustained by forces that have far more in mind than the subjugation of gay people.

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The fact MANY state and local legislatures have introduced "anti-gay" legislation gives naked witness to the level of subjugation of gay people those states seek. We (gays) are not the problem. THEY are the problem.

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Of course, I agree.

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My disdain for and bewilderment at people that think like that only grows as I get older. What a waste of paper to print BS like that. Let's label conservatism as "regressivism", not a real word but more factually accurate. I cannot imagine why anyone female, of color, or any minority indeed would be a conservative when they promote downright oppressive ideals like those.

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"regressivism" is more appropriate than "conservatism". So is "oppressivism".

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I don’t think Barry Goldwater would recognize this so-called conservatism. The old conservatives were more libertarian — live and let live, mind your own business, leave people in peace. Now conservatives only wish to control others, which is the opposite of what it actually means. Oppressivism is a better word for it.

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Oppressivism sounds like an accurate description of MAGA policies. They want us weighted down with fear, hate, and helplessness so the leaders of the movement can gain control over us. As Trump put it, "I alone can fix it." He is the "Cosen One," "Dictator for a day." It is an emotional feeling of being smothered for people who see through them and know their true goals: PROJECT 2025.

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We gotta petition the dictionarys to include these as real words

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Glad you read that so I don’t have to

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Kamala Harris is steel. Behind the smiles there is strength, will and someone who will stand up to the fakers, frauds and abusers of power: Trump, Putin, the Supreme Court, the sham remnants of the Republican party.

At the DNC she defined herself as a leader who will not back down from a fight for what is right and just.

If SCOTUS and the GOP don’t succeed in suppressing the vote, which they will desperately try to do between now and November 5th, she will win.

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Trump keeps saying they have enough votes. WTH? It's like he knows something is coming.

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That's because he and his cronies have been preparing to cheat and not certify the votes that don't go their way. They know they can't win...popular vote tells you that Republicans never win...the electoral college, which should be abandoned, is what has put the last several Republican candidates in office. Thankfully, Mark Elias and many attorneys are preparing to stop those maga plants from succeeding. Then, it's up to Congress to put laws in place to stop this behavior, to abolish the electoral college, and to bring balance back to the Supreme Court.

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Aug 23·edited Aug 23

That's why we need to defeat his sorry sagging a$$ so severely that the maga freaks can't challange Kamala's victory. Vote blue up and down your ballot as if your life depends on it. Because it does...

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Gus' dad for Vice President! ❤️❤️

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Noticed that too.

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“Decency is making a comeback in America.”

Well said, Steve! The entire DNC production from start to finish was a a master class. There was so much energy and joy throughout. Kamala hit a home run out of the park, and one could only walk away believing this election is over, even though we all know we still have work to do.

Trump knows better than most that he is done! His only superpowers are his endless lies and his ability to read the room. The walls are closing in, and it’s only a matter of time before his own party is ready to call Bellevue.

Seriously, the guy was angry texting about why Hunter wasn’t there. Huh???? Then he asked if whether Kamala was talking about him. Trump is completely off his rocker and needs help. I almost feel sorry for the guy: ALMOST, but not really.

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I’m feeling rejuvenated and ready to rumble. Vote Blue and save our republic!…:)

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Beautiful Steve!! I felt so proud of our Party and Country this week. And felt sorry for my Mother who watches way too much Fox News and says all Politicians are pompous asses and they all lie.

I'm so thankful I'm not that cynical. I know there are so many good people in our Government who dedicate their lives to serving this Country!! Kamala Harris and Gus Walz are two of the Best!! DJT is one of the worst. A self-serving POS. But she'll never hear that on Fox. I loved hearing Adam Kinzinger last night too. I hope he gives other Republicans courage to speak out!! What a fabulous week. Great piece this morning too. ❤️🇺🇸💙

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Oops Tim Walz. Lol 😆

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Aug 23Liked by Steve Schmidt

I live right smack dab in the middle of all the places that Tim Walz has lived and worked in. I feel very satisfied that a Nebraska Sandhillbilly is on the ticket.

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I think the nasty comments made by right wing commentators like Ann Coulter about Gus Walz's open, deep, and emotional love for his father will undermine their supposed family values emphasis. It helps expose them as the advocates of primary devotion to a theocratic state designed to take control of children from their parents and vest it in the state. Thus can they raise a generation that will venerate the state and empower those who control the state.

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These people should be living on another planet not this one .

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Agreed Gerry.

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Yes. He melted my heart. I was crying like a baby. What a sweetheart!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Walz's family is in total contrast to TFG's plastic, pretend "American Royal Family"; Gus and family are the real American family -no need for golden toilets for We The People!

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Ann Coulter's potshot remarks, when considering their raucous timbre and snarling,bullish jabbing, are a replication of the sound hookers make fresh in their cells after their arrest.

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She is amazing. I always knew it, but she just kept her head down, her focus controlled and did the work so a lot of people didn't know who she was.

Well, she has it. All of it. Competency, intelligence, brilliance and joy.

She is an Obama-level orator.

We will not go back, we won't back down. We got her back, we got this.

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I so enjoy your columns. They are so on the mark. I watched you on tv and now read you every day. You have a knack for saying it plainly and pointedly, sparing no one or nothing. We need this truth. As a lifelong Democrat I believe that what unites us is so much more than what divides us. It is not about what party you belong to, it’s about the country we long to make the best it can be for everyone. You have always brought this point home. Keep up your incisive columns.

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Thank you, Regina!

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Steve Schmidt has been punching hard at TFG and MAGA, relentlessly, for years! He has made a difference and has helped to preserve our Democracy, our Decency -our Freedom!

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Not going back! The pent up sentiment for the exhausted, silent majority is finally defined in three simple words that will define our next national chapter, because lord knows this one has lasted long enough.

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I am a political independent, but I have voted Democrat all of my life time except once. Having said that, I have learned much from Republicans of the past, especially on national security and I have truly admired John McCain, a war hero who tiny Donald Trump gratuitously smeared and who is not fit to tie John McCain's shoe laces. Having said all of that, I especially admired the Republicans who spoke at the Democratic Convention. They knew that opposing Trump would cost them their careers, but they did for the good of their country. And to bad for the Republican party, because when people like Steve Schmidt left the party they took the best of that party with them.

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Gus stole the show bless his big great heart.

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He sure did!!!!

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I feel we're navigating collective trauma from TFG/MAGA...Gus is helping to HEAL our nation!

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What a great Birthday present this all was this week!! Yesterday I turned 64 and had a fabulous day with my Mom too. We were both feeling good and for once no fighting. Lol Just had good food, fun, shopping and a great day. A great end to a perfect week. Now time to get to work!!! 💙🇺🇸💙

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Happy Birthday, Lisa!! Yes, great birthday present all week! 💙🇺🇸💙

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Thanks GF!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Definitely working and voting for Gus’ Dad’s boss.

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A new day of Joy has awaken us from our shared nightmare. There is a new Prosecutor in Town and she has Donald's mugshot. Be afraid Donald, be afraid. The wheels of Justice are once again rolling. You thought your obstruction and delay tactics were working, They were not. The wheels only paused to gather evidence of your crimes of fraud and insurrection. However the wheels have gained momentum and with justice on our side, we the people reject your division and hate messages. We now have Joyful Warriors and their names are Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. Kamala has always been for the people and we the people are for Kamala. We are not going back. Our future is ahead of us and there is a promise of a brand new day of Joy.

The indictments have been handed down and the world has seen the evidence. You can run for office to try and escape justice but we the people are no suckers and losers, we are many neighborhoods of good hard working people who are tired of your grift and fraudulent election lies. We the people will choose Kamala and reject your hate speech and negativity. You may try and run and hide because of your cowardice but there is no safe haven. Your days are numbered and justice has a new face. It is the face of a black woman of integrity who sees you for what you are. A convicted felon who has previously called for the hanging of 5 young black men. Well Donald, they too want justice for the years they spent wrongfully convicted in prison. You spent your inheritance on ads maligning those young men and when they were exonerated by DNA, you refused to admit you were wrong.

A new day of Joy has awaken us and with clear eyes we the people see our next President. Kamala Harris is for the people and the people are for Kamala Harris. The windmills and solar panels are fueling our resolve to not go back. We are boldly going into the future with true patriotism and love for all in our hearts. There is no room for you . We are all booked up at American's hotel. We are a community of immigrants who all came for a better life. The American dream is real. It is not a nightmare like you project with your hate speech. It is a wonderful land of good God loving people. We the people reject you and your selfish ways. You have overstayed your welcome and the inn has turned out the lights on your kind. Perhaps, there is room at the hotel in Moscow but this hotel is for veterans and their families and those who stand for liberty.

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Well said, Patrick! Maybe there is a hotel in N. Korea for TFG, too.

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Lisa we wish!!

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Kamala's acceptance address is historic. The entire week was energizing and joyful. She has lead what will become clear as a movement beyond the euphoria of the DNC. She has lifted the burden that Trump has visited on our beloved country. There is no doubt that Trump will marshall all of his minions to derail the movement, but will fail as he gets smaller by the day with his vacuous claims. She will have truly the best and brightest constituents and administration and will raise all of our games. What a marvelous time to be alive, and this is from a 77 year old white man who watched the DNC often with tears of joy in his eyes.

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If the campaign can get ahead of the gaslighting about Trump's "best economy in American history" this would be a blowout. Much easier said than done, given the considerable propaganda apparatus employed by the right, and the seduction of simple-minded fear mongering and social media memes.

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What a great 4 days! I sat mesmerized watching all of this play out.

My hope is millions watched last night and it grabbed their hearts.

What is the deal with Axlerod? He is really negative.

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Axelrod is a has been! He just won’t retire!

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OK. I have been surprised my him.

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Axelrod thinks he’s today’s Cassandra. He’s not. He’s just predictable and boring. I no longer pay attention to him

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