Thank you both for keeping us well informed.

In the words of the 3 Wise men, "Crosby, Stills and Nash" Trump is, King Midas with a curse, he is King Midas in reverse. All the gold he touches turns to shit.

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The most revile act of the right wingers now comprises of busing the migrants and dumping them in the blue states. They effectively block all efforts to secure the border but instead facilitate and encourage the inflow of the illegal crossing by giving them free passes and turn them into open catastrophic border events on the election year. It also is from the Kremlin’s play book because Poland and Finland are also putting in barb wires to stop the migrants bused in by Russia to destabilize those countries. The effect of Cursed King Midas the Trump is dark and rotten to the core. Playing with the voters perceptions instead of giving them any real service they intend to win the 2024 in a genuine Putin’s style.

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I really don’t think the electorate understands the clear and present danger Trump poses to our democracy and freedoms. We all take for granted that our democracy will endure and that freedom is a given.

People need to be made aware that Trumps actually means what he is saying. People need to know the consequences of their choices. Electing a mentally ill, low IQ, amoral individual is a danger to all, especially his cult.

We really need a Paul Revere to warn of the danger. This needs to come from Republicans as well as democrats

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Listened to this conversation last night on YouTube. I almost could not sleep after hearing your honest chat with David. Our country and World is surely in a troubling state. We must realize there are no easy, quick answers! None. It is complicated, and patience is needed. We must be clear eyed and realistic. The Trump antics and wild behavior, plus statements, are not adding sensible actions to solving many of the problems he has encouraged. He is pouring fuel on a major brush fire!

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I wish I could be more enthusiastic about discussions parsing DOOM. I'd like to propose a New Year's Revolution. SOLUTIONS! Let's start talking to people who will get badly hurt in a second Trump-go-round and helping them to understand that they are shooting themselves in the foot if they vote for Trump. This means EVERYONE who is not white or is not well-off. Trump is a WHITE SUPREMACIST and will use any source that advances his cause (HIM) which now includes Billionaires who'd like to see these damned taxes gone and want to stop spending money on the poor, the sick, the elderly or children or Vets. They would also like us to shut up about Climate Change, poor air quality, poor water quality, safety in the workplace, equal pay for equal work. They'd like to keep women as chattel, reduce voting rights and eliminate Medicare, Medicade and Social Security. This could all be yours, Regular American Folks. Just vote for Trump if he isn't dead or in jail. On the other hand, if you want all these things to get better instead of worse, it's simple. Vote for Biden. So, we'll use the rest of our energies telling folks what a terrific job Biden has done and will do to look after you and generally improve your lot. Things like Child Tax Credits, support for Union workers, in fact ALL WORKERS, investments in Climate Change to save your lives and create jobs, reduction of Student Debt to unleash the power of young educated people. I could go on. Oh, and by the way, his superb work in trying to keep the Globe in one piece, or is that PEACE! Trump will just tear it all down. Yes, Trump has some kind of Carnival Charm that lures many people to his side but that is just to get your vote and then he is done with you. He has promised to be a Dictator, even crossed his heart if he has one. Believe him. Believe Biden and make the right choice for your own sake. Let's talk it up!

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TFG is a Carnival Barker and he's taking us for one hell of a ride. Dark. We must fight!

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Biden, hmm, yes, he might be too old and, yes, perhaps should have been one term transition candidate, passing POTUS baton early in his term to a vigorous primary process. Americans, we could have chosen “our one” from cadre of qualified next gen Dem stars, but this didn’t happen and, ahem, err, yes, Biden, if he were in a coma, he should get our vote over any fascist R on the other side. They have brought us to the brink of democracy’s cliff; dark waters lapping at Lady Liberty’s shores just over the jagged edge.

BLUENAMI November ‘24. Let’s knock back hard the corrupt moneyed interests, the fascists, the conspiracy theorists, haters, racists, rubes, lemmings, nazis, bigots, fools, nut jobs - all of them.

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Nicole I hope enough people have your energy and focus. Bob

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I always thought of myself as from central Jersey (Martinsville). I'm now from North Jersey. Quite a revelation.

Enjoyed the discussion around the effects of social media. We're going to have to learn to put our phones down and connect in real time. Thanks gentlemen.

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I agree with David's wife re: what reality TV has done to us as a society. I used to say that the only difference between picking up an Enquirer at the checkout stand and People magazine was a glossy 4 color cover, which somehow made all of this nonsense acceptable.

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Really good. Half way through I was thinking I should have done my morning meditation before I listened to this. Then, maybe doing it after is better, to bring calm. Haha

My question. I live in a red state with a Republican Super Majority, Obama won this state. How the hell did that happen? What was done that worked? Just a different time?

We keep saying the Democrats messaging is terrible. Is no one listening? I sometimes think that there is an entitlement thread running through the Democrat leadership that believes they don’t need to fight back. I have read through Jamie Harrisons interactions with people on Social Media and he often comes across as an ass, at least to me he does. What is it Steve? It is a puzzle to me.

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My sneaky thought at that time was the financial crisis of 2008. Mc Cain was definitely and solidly ahead going into their debate. But the debate had an immediate turn and it became more about the sudden financial apocalypse in September of 2008. The entire nation was gripped by this unprecedented collapse of the Wall Street and the Harvard graduate, the super achiever Obama walked out of the debate with all eyes on him to save the country from drowning. And also the debacle happened during the Republican term. That event solidified Obama’s position. I remember very clearly that McCain was leading before that financial crisis. So if and also it looks like we are in a very tough going with Biden trailing in the polls at the moment, stock market and Ukraine war will hang very heavy in next year elections.

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Thank-you! for clear explanations of what we are up against. My own thoughts now are to derive from this what I can do personally to derail the Republican agenda and ensure the preservation of our democracy. Perhaps it will involve things which underlying fear has caused resistance to prior to this. However, preserving democracy for my grandchildren, who are now college and high school students, seems my most important priority at the moment. A beautiful quote from a NYT article, which I found recently is from the book of Isaiah, will be a talisman now. It is, “Have strength and be courageous.” May we all.

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This podcast was great information and validates that there need s to be a standard of calling out Donald Trumps treacherous lies.

I know Joe Biden has a few things to do in the course of his day but I’d like to see consistent push back about Trumps worst lies and threats.

Also other Democrats shouldn’t waste anytime ‘going along to get along ‘ with trumps BS.

The foundation has been laid by the Federalist Society and other White Supremacist, wealthy pushers of authoritarianism . This in order to preserve their wealth and power and remove Democracy . Democracy can be so limiting when you’re looking out for your own interests and power.

This was an excellent conversation and a good assessment of where things are right now. Also a view of where we need to go to counter the current negative impact of these fascist s interests.

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Thank you, you made great points.

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I think this was your best interview! You both were so clear and coherent!

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Steve, your podcast with David Rothkopf was on point! I appreciate the discussion about social media algorithms along with people now having a six second attention span. Well done! Thanks.

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There is an irrefutable argument that the "glass half full" libertarians present when I say Trump could win:

They say there is no way he can win, because America is still the best country on earth and nothing can stop its Goodness from remaining indominable.

I am alwasy impressed with their reasoning, and after they give the actual reasons, I can never remember what they said.

However, I always come away feeling foolish for thinking or saying Trump could win.

Has anyone else heard those people?

The problem is, they do hate Trump like I do, but they are always the rich libertarians, almost Republicans / and they think our poor are genteel poor who are much better off here than they would be anywhere else in the world.

If only they weren't so compassionate to the strange, wacky, fringe people whom they take care of, and are kind to, I could stop listening to them.

I should have said ;"Sir, do you think all the millions of homeless living under bridges and on the subways and streets across this whole nation DESERVE their misery? Is it their own fauklt that they have to beg?"

He would have said "That's life".

I give up.

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You can love America and still say - not only is it not the greatest country in the world, it doesn't even make the short list. No country that shoots more people, especially children than any other, incarcerates more people, sees more Black women die in the Maternity Ward, has such a disgusting wealth disparity, has such corruption in its highest court, started two unnecessary wars killing hundreds of thousands of people and has the likes of DeSantis, Abbott, and that frightful bunch of Rs running the House and a raving criminal lunatic heading their party can be called great. Used to be great. Could be again but not this year. This year it is just about survival. Focus on that.

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I try to not be an unpleasant fellow when talking to Mr. Scmidt. He deserves some kind of polite civility.

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does the video cut off abruptly - somewhat mid sentence for Rothkopf's final point? Is that an editing error or intentional?

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It might just be me. But I notice that kind of glitches are more pronounced with the democracy sites than the anti democracy ones.

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I try to keep my blood pressure in check, so I don't listen to any "anti democracy" podcasts. With that said, some of the podcasts I do listen to have much better production values than others, with natural transitions between commercial spots and the main content. While I hear most of Steve's podcasts/ Youtube commentaries, it's unfortunate that commercials frequently interrupt mid sentence, or even mid word. Arghh! It's really jarring.

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There are certain things we cannot do according to the current version of the U.S. Constitution:

1. We cannot allow a person under the age of 35 to run for president,

2. We cannot allow a person who was born in another country run for president,

3. We cannot allow a person run for vice-president if that person was a citizen of the same state as the nominee for president.

If people are allowed to vote to do any of these things then the Constitution loses its authority and such things can take place thereafter. However, there are ways to change the Constitution but it takes a lot of time plus votes by both houses of the Congress as well as votes by the state legislatures.

If you don’t mind having insurrectionists run for office then you are obliged to work for a change in Section 3 of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.

Once this is achieved then you can very well expect to see more violent clashes at future joint meetings of Congress on January 6 on odd numbered years. Starting in 2028 we might see our commander-in-chief, Donald J. Trump, send military forces to guard the Capitol from the outside and from the inside just to make matters turn out to his satisfaction. Hitler did that on March 23, 1933. The result was the Enabling Act which gave him all the power.

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