“Democracy doesn’t die in darkness. It chokes on apathy. It sputters to an end, decayed, broken and corrupted. It ends when it produces an economic system in which, according to the Federal Reserve, 60 percent of the population lives paycheck to paycheck, and 40 percent doesn’t have $400 cash available.”---Steve Schmidt

I couldn’t agree more. I wrote about this quote yesterday, but it’s worth repeating.

“The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush. It will be a slow extinction from apathy, indifference, and undernourishment.”--Robert M Hutchins

Yesterday, I received a call from the Democratic Senatorial Committee asking for a donation. I told them as long as Menendez was still in the senate they could expect nothing. I’ve been an avid supporter of democrats for at least two decades; since the Bush v Gore Supreme Court fiasco, but I won’t support another crooked politician like Trump, regardless of party.

Ironically, The woman on the other end said, “Im not alone, they have been hearing the same thing from many of their top supporters.”

A few hours later, half the senate democrats said Menendez must go. Perhaps, they all finally got the memo. We won’t tolerate anymore corruption and refuse to support the senate, while republicans can claim another whataboutism moment....:)

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I’ve been a Democrat longer (If Nixon didn’t turn your stomach, perhaps Reagan induced nausea in you too - when it wasn’t outrage) and have despised corruption in both parties on an equal opportunity basis.

Menendez has to go. Now.

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I agree, but when Reagan first ran, I was too young to vote. I voted Modale in 84’. I’ve voted democrat since coming of age except once; for Bush Sr. That said, I wholeheartedly agree. I’m an equal opportunity hater when it comes to corruption.

Schumer better come to his senses, because he’s way behind the voter, and many members of his party.

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Robert thank you for reminding me that today I need to write my California senators to demand they rid the Senate of Menendez. Some of the Senators are up for reelection.

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Dare I say “Dereliction of duties”, in reference to Schumer? What exactly do Donald Trumps cult followers think about HIM? They think a public servant. No really.

Maybe Schumer’s proximity to corruption has jaded him to the point of blindness. His counterpart across the aisle stole a Supreme Court Seat. Nobody jumped up and down and said NO, you can’t do that. At least Schumer didn’t.

Schumer’s politeness- “look-the-other-way-ism”, “wait and see” attitude could sink our ship.

Democracy does not just die from those seeking to dismantle it. It dies because the hands that hold it do not clinch it with all their might. They don’t fight for it. They are busy being polite.

Not believing the level of the would be thieves evilness and intention.

No matter which side of the aisle, corruption is one of the thieves of democracy.

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Way too true.

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Oh, to be sure, it is LONG past time for him to go. He's utterly useless.

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Loud and clear, Steve. Unfortunately I had an extreme reaction to the new Covid vaccine so I spent the weekend doing very little but read and think, when I was not sleeping. At one point I realized that I was saying to myself, I will leave the country. It was a shocking thought, but something I thought I should take a hard look at. The next morning I still thought about it. Maybe it was feeling bad, maybe it was because I was grumpy from not feeling well. But there it was. Leaving the country if Trump would be reelected.

I also came to realize, as you stated this morning, it is up to the American people as to what happens next. Will we agree to destroy everything or stand firm voting to save the country. I so much want to believe that we will stand firm, but I am just not sure right now.

Robert, good for you on withholding donations. I will do the same.

Lastly, I burst out laughing when I read what Pence said. What a loser.

Thanks Steve/

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Belize?! I haven't listened to the video yet, today. Sometimes I just scroll comments looking for my friends here. I hope you feel better soon, Susan. You will :-) Best, Lisa

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Belize sounds good. I am better. Was not a good weekend. My arm is still sore after getting the shot on Friday. All weird.

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Yes, weird times. I hope you feel much better soon. Belize is still my 'go to' :-)

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You just wrote Susan what I intended to, only it read better than I’d thunk it.

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If we don't hold ourselves to account, we have no legitimacy to hold others to account. Honor matters in this world, even though we are surrounded by those without it. Menendez is a crook.

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Sep 27, 2023·edited Sep 27, 2023

How do I feel? I am livid that a criminal enterprise of elected terrorists are dismantling my/our way of life.

I/we are assaulted daily by thugs with a platform who believe their freedom exists to curb mine.

Let's remove data points from the Census enabling think tanks and Pacs to target and manipulate districts and voters with surgical precision

Let's accept we no longer have two parties. Voters exist along the spectrum of purple.

Let's question the integrity of the politician who changes their party affiliation and ideology AFTER they've been elected.

Let's end tax free status for churches and religious entities along with the tax exempt status for political organizations, societies, private schools, sport teams, etc.

Let's have infrastructure week for the IRS, Immigration, Labor, Education, Environment, et. al.

Let's solve problems.

Let's stop expecting different from those who've shown us who they are... over and over and over again.

It's time for Americans to let go of who we were. If America is to have a future, let's be honest about who we are.

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I am SO with you on ending the tax free status for churches and religious entities!!!!

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Roseanne Everson WOW

I’m in CO caring for my best friend

With 4th stage metastatic breast cancer that has spread widely within her bones and now liver and meds not working new oriticals willl come next couple of weeks and now her 16yr old dog is dying of cancer…i Believe tax exempt status

Has been totally abused and the government should eliminate every

Item you said in your comments


Full Stop ✅ tough visit tough work

Grateful for loving support Marsha

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There might be an ounce of support for Menendez if he wasn’t so smug and arrogant.

We can not wait for the MSM because the people we need defend democracy against won’t believe it. Trump has taken care of that.

Pence did one thing right, at the right moment for sure, but that is it. For 8 years he was trump’s sycophant vice president.

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Not to mention his 2001 "smoking doesn't kill" puff piece.

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I didn’t see that! Must look it up. Thx

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Sep 28, 2023Liked by Steve Schmidt

Okay now! I just watched Steve’s interview on the Yahoo! News Honestly, there were some moments where it was hard not to laugh. Despite this being such a tragic moment for us all.

To watch Steve continue to redirect to what the real issues is it hand ( Like when she asks “How would you advise Republicans?” Steve says “I’d tell them to drop out of the race”. Profoundly brilliant! I wish I could’ve seen her face. You see? The media is not expecting that because they expect everyone to continue to play the media game as though this is politics as usual. Anyway, this is exactly what needs to continue to happen, and if I was famous like Steve and I had the platform he does, I would be doing the exact same thing. I wish more of us could be doing this and pitching in. I left at least six messages for my senators in California and also Schumer. The only one I’ve heard back from is Alex Padilla, but he did not address my my question as to why he hasn’t called for Menendez’s resignation.

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The Democrats have to toughen up because the Republicans are such a bunch of disgusting assholes. Wouldn’t it be delightful if the Democrats could just be who we are….decent, caring, smart ,fair…and that we didn’t have to work so hard to win elections because the Republicans are so awful!

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There is an interesting issue that has gone on in Canada this week. Following Zelensky’s visit to our House of Commons to address its members last Friday, it was revealed that Anthony Rota, the Speaker of the House had invited a a former member of a SS Nazi unit in WWII to attend Zelensky’s address to Parliament, and publically calling him a hero. When it came to light, members of Parliament, including those from the ruling Liberal Party demanded that he resign his position, which he refused to do. The effrontery was not only offensive to Zelensky, but to Canada’s Allies. After meeting with party leaders yesterday he rendered his resignation. This was an egregious faux pas on his part, it had nothing to do with an exchange of money for any kind of quid pro quo. It seems it was a lapse in judgment, but it has left a significant stain on Canada’s relations especially with European governments. At least he has resigned the Speakership, although not his seat as the representative for Northern Ontario riding. I have but i have a few words words for Senator Menendez - RESIGN, you’re an embarrassment not only to your party, but to Congress.

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Carole Ann,

I did a podcast recording with former Canadian cabinet minister James Moore on Monday, and we talked about this terrible incident. Stay tuned for the full conversation with him within the next few days.


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Thank you for the heads up, Steve. Trying to stay abreast of political issues for 2 different countries can sometimes be daunting. In my case, I also have to be up to date with what’s going on in France as 2 of my grandkids live there. Sometimes, I may miss some of your podcasts.

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As a Democrat and an American, I am completely disgusted that Menendez has not yet resigned. I have written to Schumer and called his office, and I will continue to do so until he steps up and lets Menendez know he must resign. Enough already! It’s past time! Let him defend himself as a private citizen, not as a member of Congress.

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You don’t even need the fire. The smoke can kill you. Menendez does not seem to be able to keep his hands out of other people’s pockets, especially when they agree. The picture of gold bricks and jackets stuffed with cash is like a cartoon but not funny, not to mention the darling Mercedes convertible looking embarrassed in the driveway. And a half million bucks right there for “emergencies”. “I can explain”, he intones from his position inside the cookie jar. Innocent till common sense tells you he should be ridden out of Congress on a rail, as they used to say. It looks like a B-movie but is an insult to the country and his colleagues. Throw him OUT!

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Hi Lisa

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- Steve is 100% correct in saying "we're on the edge of an abyss".

- Proof: 1. We have the most corrupt Congress's ever. 2. The most corrupt Supreme Courts ever. 3. Perhaps the strongest fascist/nihilist movements afoot in the USA ever.

- It really is "go time" now. We're either going to keep this experiment in democracy going (that's been going for about 250 years) or not. It's up to us. The GOP won't help us at all. Maybe the Democratic party will help a little (I keep hoping); but, it really is up to us at the end of the day. I still think and hope we'll do the right thing!

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Amazing how many weak men have run, and continue to run our government!

Pence; the smiling puppet of Trump. Can you imagine him as POTUS! We would be overrun by Russia and China before he even finished the Oath of Office!

Schumer; what a weak leader! Nothing else needs to be said!

McConnell; his silence, while watching what was happening to his party, shows how weak he is!

All the members of Congress who in public worship Trump, and then, behind closed doors, make fun of Trump, and/or wish that he will go away!

Oh, and don't forget the weakest of the weak; Ted Cruz, who blamed his daughters for leaving his state of Texas, when Texas needed him to act as a Senator! I cannot understand why Texans keep voting for him!

Give me strong women: Pelosi, Liz Cheney, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Cassidy Hutchinson, any day!

(Yes, MTG and Boebert, are women, but I am not talking of the extreme right, they are all crazy!)

I am talking about the women who respect our Constitution, our democracy, and our Rights as American citizens!

Elect women, who believe as we do, when you are able! They will not be silent! They will be strong, they will fight for you! They will get the job of passing bills done! They will work for you!

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Right On! Thanks.

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Im not sure why some Dems are not kicking Menendez out? There is a Dem Gov that can put an assign a Dem person in his place. It’s really kinda simple!

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Those of us who read The Warning pretty much agree with what you are saying. You need a wider audience, Steve. You need your voice to reach those who would never read these posts. (or never read at all)

And that includes the politicians asking for money, yet doing nothing to earn it.

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Never read at all and cannot think rationally.

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Steve I thank you immensely for your excellent appearance on Yahoo News. The way you spread the word, in your blunt style, on what is really happening to the U.S, is desperately needed. I know you were on Joyce Reid's show but I just hope you are invited to as many TV shows as you can handle. NO ONE ELSE is as thorough and truthful as you are regarding the dire situation we are facing.

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